Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

He then went home to his mansion to have Kobe Beef and Maine Lobster and washed it down with expensive French Champagne before dessert. I wonder if internally he laments what he did to get this far. I support my own over this loon.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July

He is a piece of shit. He has made millions from this country. If he doesn’t like it he can leave. No one will miss him. Maybe he can tryout for the World Football League. I know the Canadian Football League didn’t want him. He is a whiny bitch.

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I think you cant read the very post you just replied to. Something is very wrong with your reading comprehension.

Simple question. NOt really even touching on anything important to you. THey are white. TEll me what you think of them.

You aren't afraid of offending your stupid white lib allies are you? NOt the oh so tough black guy, you. lol!!!
We need to clarify just what in the fuck youre babbling about. Who is this "they" you are talking about?

Stop your cowardly dodging and answer the fucking question tough guy.

So, what do you think about those stupid white liberals, who claimed that Kaepernick's kneeling was not about disrespecting this great nation, and it's great people?
Sorry hillbilly. If you want an answer to a question your silly ass will answer my question clarifying just what the fuck you are talking about.

Stupid white liberals defended the racist asshole Kaepernick, insisting that his actions were not anti-Americanism.

Now he has clarified how he feels about America, and it is just like I said it was.

So, what do you think about those stupid white liberals who saw Kaerpernick expressing his contempt for America, and yet insisted that was not the case?
Bullshit. The narrative was that he was anti-military. Youre so fucked up in the head you cant even get your lies straight. :laugh:

this is exactly why I insist you spell out what you are asking. You are nothing but a liar.
Simple question. NOt really even touching on anything important to you. THey are white. TEll me what you think of them.

You aren't afraid of offending your stupid white lib allies are you? NOt the oh so tough black guy, you. lol!!!
We need to clarify just what in the fuck youre babbling about. Who is this "they" you are talking about?

Stop your cowardly dodging and answer the fucking question tough guy.

So, what do you think about those stupid white liberals, who claimed that Kaepernick's kneeling was not about disrespecting this great nation, and it's great people?
Sorry hillbilly. If you want an answer to a question your silly ass will answer my question clarifying just what the fuck you are talking about.

Stupid white liberals defended the racist asshole Kaepernick, insisting that his actions were not anti-Americanism.

Now he has clarified how he feels about America, and it is just like I said it was.

So, what do you think about those stupid white liberals who saw Kaerpernick expressing his contempt for America, and yet insisted that was not the case?
Bullshit. The narrative was that he was anti-military. Youre so fucked up in the head you cant even get your lies straight. :laugh:

this is exactly why I insist you spell out what you are asking. You are nothing but a liar.

Yes. I addressed that already.

Your cowardice knows no bounds.
We need to clarify just what in the fuck youre babbling about. Who is this "they" you are talking about?

Stop your cowardly dodging and answer the fucking question tough guy.

So, what do you think about those stupid white liberals, who claimed that Kaepernick's kneeling was not about disrespecting this great nation, and it's great people?
Sorry hillbilly. If you want an answer to a question your silly ass will answer my question clarifying just what the fuck you are talking about.

Stupid white liberals defended the racist asshole Kaepernick, insisting that his actions were not anti-Americanism.

Now he has clarified how he feels about America, and it is just like I said it was.

So, what do you think about those stupid white liberals who saw Kaerpernick expressing his contempt for America, and yet insisted that was not the case?
Bullshit. The narrative was that he was anti-military. Youre so fucked up in the head you cant even get your lies straight. :laugh:

this is exactly why I insist you spell out what you are asking. You are nothing but a liar.

Yes. I addressed that already.

Your cowardice knows no bounds.
You addressed what? That you were a liar? I didnt see you address that. He was accused of being anti military you dumb fuck. Thats different from being anti american.

Don't speak for my military family: A veteran’s wife on Colin Kaepernick and the Nike boycott

"As a veteran's wife, it’s galling to me that taking a knee continues to be miscast as "protesting the anthem" or "disrespecting the military" when Kaepernick and the other athletes who have followed suit have been clear that they are protesting the brutalization of Black Americans."
Hey anyone else remember how all the liberals were insisting that the kneeling done by Kaepernick and his buddies were about racism or cops or some such shit, and not aimed at America?

Have any of those liberals apologized yet?
Apologized for what? Racism and America are intertwined forever. What was said is that its not aimed at the military but you retards cant seem to remember what you read.

That was said. I agreed and pointed out that the Flag is a symbol of America as a whole.

Stupid white liberals said that he was not disrespecting the symbol of America nor America.

Well, he is has clarified his position, and I was right and the stupid white liberals were wrong.

They own US an apology for their insults and lies from that time period.
No dummy. Its not a symbol of america as a whole. Its a symbol of white power. If it was a symbol of america as a whole then everyone would be included. as it was. Blacks were enslaved, NA's were being robbed, and women couldnt vote. Whats even more revealing is that illiterate whites like you were not even included.

So, you agreed with those stupid white liberals?

And yet, here we see that Colin indeed, does hate America, just like you do.

So, why the double speak? Why are you afraid to be open in your hate?

Are you afraid of losing your stupid white liberal allies?

Are you afraid that telling the truth might get the rest of White America to wake up to the danger represented by your vile racist lefties (lumping you and your stupid white allies together there)?

Or are you afraid of losing more mainstream black people, who are not consumed by racism and hate like you are?
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Apologized for what? Racism and America are intertwined forever. What was said is that its not aimed at the military but you retards cant seem to remember what you read.

That was said. I agreed and pointed out that the Flag is a symbol of America as a whole.

Stupid white liberals said that he was not disrespecting the symbol of America nor America.

Well, he is has clarified his position, and I was right and the stupid white liberals were wrong.

They own US an apology for their insults and lies from that time period.
No dummy. Its not a symbol of america as a whole. Its a symbol of white power. If it was a symbol of america as a whole then everyone would be included. as it was. Blacks were enslaved, NA's were being robbed, and women couldnt vote. Whats even more revealing is that illiterate whites like you were not even included.

So, you agreed with those stupid white liberals?

And yet, here we see that Colin indeed, does hate America, just like you do.

So, why the double speak? Why are you afraid to be open in your hate?

Are you afraid of losing your stupid white liberal allies?

Are you afraid that telling the truth might get the rest of White America to wake up to the danger represented by your vile racist lefties (lumping you and your stupid white allies together there)?

Or are you afraid of losing more mainstream black people, who are not consumed by racism and hate like you are?
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Youre a recessive monkey that smells like a wet dog. None of you losers have anything I need to observe. Thats like saying I can learn something from the local monkey insane asylum.
That was said. I agreed and pointed out that the Flag is a symbol of America as a whole.

Stupid white liberals said that he was not disrespecting the symbol of America nor America.

Well, he is has clarified his position, and I was right and the stupid white liberals were wrong.

They own US an apology for their insults and lies from that time period.
No dummy. Its not a symbol of america as a whole. Its a symbol of white power. If it was a symbol of america as a whole then everyone would be included. as it was. Blacks were enslaved, NA's were being robbed, and women couldnt vote. Whats even more revealing is that illiterate whites like you were not even included.

So, you agreed with those stupid white liberals?

And yet, here we see that Colin indeed, does hate America, just like you do.

So, why the double speak? Why are you afraid to be open in your hate?

Are you afraid of losing your stupid white liberal allies?

Are you afraid that telling the truth might get the rest of White America to wake up to the danger represented by your vile racist lefties (lumping you and your stupid white allies together there)?

Or are you afraid of losing more mainstream black people, who are not consumed by racism and hate like you are?
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Youre a recessive monkey that smells like a wet dog. None of you losers have anything I need to observe. Thats like saying I can learn something from the local monkey insane asylum.

What's laughable about Kaepernick pulling that Frederick Douglas quote is that it totally disregards Douglas's optimism that the country was changing. I believe if Frederick Douglas could have seen a United States that had a black President...and black athletes making hundreds of millions of dollars...he would have given young Kaepernick a smack in the head and told him to stop whining about how "oppressed" he was!
That was said. I agreed and pointed out that the Flag is a symbol of America as a whole.

Stupid white liberals said that he was not disrespecting the symbol of America nor America.

Well, he is has clarified his position, and I was right and the stupid white liberals were wrong.

They own US an apology for their insults and lies from that time period.
No dummy. Its not a symbol of america as a whole. Its a symbol of white power. If it was a symbol of america as a whole then everyone would be included. as it was. Blacks were enslaved, NA's were being robbed, and women couldnt vote. Whats even more revealing is that illiterate whites like you were not even included.

So, you agreed with those stupid white liberals?

And yet, here we see that Colin indeed, does hate America, just like you do.

So, why the double speak? Why are you afraid to be open in your hate?

Are you afraid of losing your stupid white liberal allies?

Are you afraid that telling the truth might get the rest of White America to wake up to the danger represented by your vile racist lefties (lumping you and your stupid white allies together there)?

Or are you afraid of losing more mainstream black people, who are not consumed by racism and hate like you are?
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Youre a recessive monkey that smells like a wet dog. None of you losers have anything I need to observe. Thats like saying I can learn something from the local monkey insane asylum.

I find you amusing, Milkweed. You always do the same come here...flame a bunch of people until you get a rise out of them and then piss and moan about how bad they are. What is it that you get out of doing that? Do you think you've ever changed a single mind about anything?
No dummy. Its not a symbol of america as a whole. Its a symbol of white power. If it was a symbol of america as a whole then everyone would be included. as it was. Blacks were enslaved, NA's were being robbed, and women couldnt vote. Whats even more revealing is that illiterate whites like you were not even included.

So, you agreed with those stupid white liberals?

And yet, here we see that Colin indeed, does hate America, just like you do.

So, why the double speak? Why are you afraid to be open in your hate?

Are you afraid of losing your stupid white liberal allies?

Are you afraid that telling the truth might get the rest of White America to wake up to the danger represented by your vile racist lefties (lumping you and your stupid white allies together there)?

Or are you afraid of losing more mainstream black people, who are not consumed by racism and hate like you are?
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Youre a recessive monkey that smells like a wet dog. None of you losers have anything I need to observe. Thats like saying I can learn something from the local monkey insane asylum.

What's laughable about Kaepernick pulling that Frederick Douglas quote is that it totally disregards Douglas's optimism that the country was changing. I believe if Frederick Douglas could have seen a United States that had a black President...and black athletes making hundreds of millions of dollars...he would have given young Kaepernick a smack in the head and told him to stop whining about how "oppressed" he was!
This quote from Malcolm comes to mind when you say that. It goes something like this...

You cant stick a 9 inch knife in the back of a man, pull it out 3 inches and call it progress.
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US
"Whites" didn't do that. A FEW whites did. VERY few, and only in small localized areas of the South. And some of the slaveowners were black, as were the people in Africa who sold them into slavery.

And it was whites who freed them. You're welcome. :biggrin:
So, you agreed with those stupid white liberals?

And yet, here we see that Colin indeed, does hate America, just like you do.

So, why the double speak? Why are you afraid to be open in your hate?

Are you afraid of losing your stupid white liberal allies?

Are you afraid that telling the truth might get the rest of White America to wake up to the danger represented by your vile racist lefties (lumping you and your stupid white allies together there)?

Or are you afraid of losing more mainstream black people, who are not consumed by racism and hate like you are?
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Youre a recessive monkey that smells like a wet dog. None of you losers have anything I need to observe. Thats like saying I can learn something from the local monkey insane asylum.

What's laughable about Kaepernick pulling that Frederick Douglas quote is that it totally disregards Douglas's optimism that the country was changing. I believe if Frederick Douglas could have seen a United States that had a black President...and black athletes making hundreds of millions of dollars...he would have given young Kaepernick a smack in the head and told him to stop whining about how "oppressed" he was!
This quote from Malcolm comes to mind when you say that. It goes something like this...

You cant stick a 9 inch knife in the back of a man, pull it out 3 inches and call it progress.
Boy, for a superior race you sure are dependent on the "cave dwellers"
Who told you I do double speak? You dont define what I believe in and then ask me questions about it. You ask what I believe in then you form your opinions after that. Youre a silly white boy. You dont have permission or intellect to do what you are trying to do. :laugh:
You are an angry, fatherless 15 year old black kid whose been fed enough bullshit to get you killed. You have a chance to observe here people who have made something of their lives which might save your life.
Youre a recessive monkey that smells like a wet dog. None of you losers have anything I need to observe. Thats like saying I can learn something from the local monkey insane asylum.

What's laughable about Kaepernick pulling that Frederick Douglas quote is that it totally disregards Douglas's optimism that the country was changing. I believe if Frederick Douglas could have seen a United States that had a black President...and black athletes making hundreds of millions of dollars...he would have given young Kaepernick a smack in the head and told him to stop whining about how "oppressed" he was!
This quote from Malcolm comes to mind when you say that. It goes something like this...

You cant stick a 9 inch knife in the back of a man, pull it out 3 inches and call it progress.
Boy, for a superior race you sure are dependent on the "cave dwellers"
Who told you I am dependent on cave dwellers or anyone else for that manner? If whites died out right this moment life would go on.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

So is Germany an "evil" country because of what the Nazis did 60 plus years ago? Is Japan an "evil" country because of what they did during WWII? Is Russia "evil" because of what Stalin did? Colin obviously isn't much of a student of history...he sees things through a prism of racism that won't allow him at admit that the United States has made rather incredible progress on race relations over the past one hundred years. Is there still racism in existence? Well obviously there is! Mankind is tribal. They've always looked on those who appear to be different from them with suspicion. We've had a black President of the United States! Elected twice by large margins! How is that even remotely possible if Americans are really the racist monsters that Colin Kaepernick believes they are? It's a stupid premise.

Because of slavery, the radicals are going to say everything about the country is monstrous. They will not acknowledge any positive aspect of our country. That is pretty messed up. Those hippie colleges did a number on him in basketweaving class.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
You dumbfuck. None of those people were alive when Douglass made his quote. Even if they were, its still not as fucked up as what whites did to Blacks here in the US

So is Germany an "evil" country because of what the Nazis did 60 plus years ago? Is Japan an "evil" country because of what they did during WWII? Is Russia "evil" because of what Stalin did? Colin obviously isn't much of a student of history...he sees things through a prism of racism that won't allow him at admit that the United States has made rather incredible progress on race relations over the past one hundred years. Is there still racism in existence? Well obviously there is! Mankind is tribal. They've always looked on those who appear to be different from them with suspicion. We've had a black President of the United States! Elected twice by large margins! How is that even remotely possible if Americans are really the racist monsters that Colin Kaepernick believes they are? It's a stupid premise.

Because of slavery, the radicals are going to say everything about the country is monstrous. They will not acknowledge any positive aspect of our country. That is pretty messed up. Those hippie colleges did a number on him in basketweaving class.
The conversation is not to talk about the things that are going right. Its about correcting the wrong. You remind of an idiot that would let his house burn down while admiring the view from the living room.

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