Colorado Public School Children Forced To Bow To Islam

No, they are not, but the time will come when Steve will be forced to bow to his Negro overlords.
You already have on your knees, Steve.

Come on, fess up. You love to play around with the other guys in your uniforms, Nazi caps, and jack boots. Do you wear anything else?
You already have on your knees, Steve.

Come on, fess up. You love to play around with the other guys in your uniforms, Nazi caps, and jack boots. Do you wear anything else?

Hey Fakey-Jake....tell everybody how you were "one of my instructors" at Nha Trang when you were never in the RVN and certainly not 5th SFG.....I enjoy this story....:laugh:
Post where I said that, bull. :lol: I have broken your back several times on this. Others have said you were not LURP, that you weren't in Nam at all. You knew nothing about the training I posted for you. Because you weren't there?

:lol: These wannabees are silly, as much as fifty years later.
Tom, you are a feral hater.

You are as deadly stupid as some of the terrorists.
"PC" ant-rhetoric is what it is and what you do.

The KKK said the same thing sixty years ago: "man, they are being PC, let's kill em."
it said they are in a World Religion Class and are going on a field trip to 3 different places of worship and must conform to the dress codes .......ITS A FUCKING FIELD TRIP in a WORLD RELIGION CLASS.....

What he said.
Next they will be visiting hemp farms and taught how to Bogart a bong in stylish fashion.

Typical teabagger statement. Ignorant, and no relation to reality, but it makes them feel less insignificant..
So what? For my high school World Cultures/Religion class we visited a Cathedral, a Mosque, a Hindu Temple, and a Synagogue. Each field trip required a parent's signature to attend. Much ado about nothing.

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