Come On Biden, Let’s Do More

First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

you do realize the president can't do anything until the house and senate lets him right??? so go to McConnell with your gripe he's the one who's stopping it ...
Your link:

"If the Soviet Union could deploy thousands of advisers to North Vietnam in the middle of the Vietnam War without triggering a nuclear conflict, the U.S. can deploy advisers to western Ukraine, or at least to Poland, to train Ukrainian soldiers."

Vietnams was thousands of miles from the US and USSR.
A more apt analogy was the Cuban Missile Crisis which nearly resulted in a nuclear exchange between rival superpowers.

The current conflict in Ukraine is due to the US sponsoring a coup in 2014 that drove a duly elected ( and totally corrupt) president from office and replaced him with a succession of western puppets whose only concern was fighting Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood.

The US should do less of regime change in Russia and rebuild the American homeland.
U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday ordered nearly 3,000 extra troops to Poland and Romania, as Washington moves to reassure jittery NATO allies. The Pentagon said that around 1,700 service members, mainly from the 82nd Airborne Division, would deploy from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to Poland. do you ever read ... what the hell do you think they are there for ... just another pretty face??? are you, republicans, this stupid ... do you honestly think the president is going to say, hey Russia, we're sending troops over to train the Ukrainian on how to use their stuff ...really ???? are you guys this stupid ???? wake the F-up...
The Pentagon said that around 1,700 service members, mainly from the 82nd Airborne Division, would deploy from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to Poland. do you ever read ... what the hell do you think they are there for ... just another pretty face??? are you, republicans, this stupid ... do you honestly think the presiden
How many civilians has the 82nd Airborne Division maimed, murdered, or displaced on the opposite side of the planet since 1945?

How many schools and hospitals has it blown up?

If you want to talk about stupid(not to mention ignorant/arrogant) you should read up on how Western states and institutions like the IMF and CIA have been instigating violence in Ukraine since 1949. If you think the 82nd Airborne is among the "good guys", you are hopelessly brainwashed.
First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

today June 16 Biden has authorized another billion dollars for Ukraine he has to get it approved in the senate yet ...we all know how that goes ....republicans say filibuster and the Russians take more territory ... you can bad mouth Obama all you want ... that's fine, but know this the Republicans filibustered every attempt Obama tried ...if you can't get the authorization nothing happens and the republicans are great in making nothing happen ...
First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

The 60s called and they want their Domino Effect back.

First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

Yet not a word about the US attacking nations on the other side of the globe and imposing imperialism.

First Chechnya, then Georgia, then Syria, then Crimea and the Donbas, and now all of Ukraine. This will not stop unless Putin is defeated. The Baltics and Poland are next. That will pull us into a shooting war, and the costs will be much higher.

Obama made a terrible mistake by drawing a red line in Syria then doing nothing when they went right over it. We see Putin for what he is - an anti-Western chauvinistic revanchist who revels in a discredited 19th century ideology of imperial “greatness” regardless of what the conquered people think.

Now is the time to be strong, not timid. Send the Ukrainians all the weapons they need. The Russian armed forces will collapse. The Russians have the weapons but not the people. Ukraine has all the people but not the weapons. Give them what they need.

Just prep for the Ezekiel 38-39 war.
Relax, Biden is God's Punishment for America's wickedness.
America, especially The Left deserve what they got coming.
if youre expecting biden to be a strong man youre going to be disappointed,,

On the battlefield with Russia, Afghanistan’s loss is Ukraine’s gain​

The U.S. is transferring a fleet of Mi-17 helicopters, originally purchased for Afghanistan’s deposed government, to Ukraine​

Image without a caption

By John Hudson
April 20, 2022 at 8:23 p.m. EDT

Mi-17 helicopters operated by the Afghan military take off in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan, in 2013. After the Taliban’s takeover of the country, the United States is giving the aircraft to Ukraine. (U.S. Army/U.S. Department of Defense)

When the United States wanted to purchase a fleet of helicopters for the Afghan government in the early 2010s, it chose the Mi-17 sold by a Russian state-owned arms exporter.
The decision infuriated U.S. lawmakers who felt the Pentagon should choose an American manufacturer. But the Defense Department stayed the course, saying the Russian helicopters were relatively inexpensive, functioned well in Afghanistan’s desert expanses and high altitudes, and Afghan pilots knew how to fly them.
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A decade later, neither Congress nor the Kremlin could have anticipated that those helicopters would be used against Russian forces by way of arms transfers engineered by the United States in response to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

The Mi-17s’ unusual journey went unmentioned in the announcement last week by President Biden touting his approval of an $800 million security package dramatically expanding the scope of military aid Washington is supplying to Kyiv.

These new capabilities include artillery systems, artillery rounds and armored personnel carriers,” said Biden. “I have also approved the transfer of additional helicopters.”
Those 11 helicopters are headed to Ukraine at a crucial time for its outgunned and outmanned military, as Russia intensifies its attacks on the country’s east and south. The Mi-17s are personnel transports that can be armed with cannons and rockets, allowing them to perform an attack role and provide close air support. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky personally appealed to Biden for the helicopters last week during a phone call that resulted in the last-minute addition of the aircraft to the latest security package, said people familiar with the decision who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the arms transfers.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky personally appealed to Biden for the helicopters last week during a phone call that resulted in the last-minute addition of the aircraft to the latest security package, said people familiar with the decision who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the arms transfers.
Once Biden agreed to transfer the helicopters to Ukraine, the next challenge was getting them there.
Conveniently, five Mi-17s already were in Ukraine for maintenance when Russia’s offensive began — not an uncommon occurrence given Ukraine’s expertise in Soviet-designed military equipment. Those helicopters, deemed “excess defense articles” under the Arms Export Control Act, officially have been handed over to Ukraine, said a defense official.

The other 11 Mi-17s are in storage at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base outside of Tucson. The Pentagon could send them to Ukraine as early as this weekend, the defense official said, cautioning that “a lot of factors,” including the weather, would determine the precise date.
The flood of weapons into Ukraine has infuriated Moscow, which has warned the United States to stop arming Ukraine or face “unpredictable consequences.”
Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Wednesday that the Pentagon’s helicopter transfers should serve as a warning to Ukraine of how Washington treats its security partners.
“The Pentagon is now sending helicopters to Ukraine, helicopters it had previously ordered for the army of Afghanistan — a country that the Americans finally dumped,” Maria Zakharova said. “Will Ukraine repeat the fate of Afghanistan? The helicopters did. American politicians are true to their words in this respect. The art of betraying their closest allies is in their political blood.”

Ukrainian officials, however, have expressed gratitude for Washington’s security assistance, while continuing to appeal for more sophisticated weaponry.
“President Biden has demonstrated true leadership in helping [provide] assistance to Ukraine, in mobilizing [the] international community to support Ukraine,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in recent days.
The irony of using Russian military equipment against Moscow’s forces in Ukraine is not lost on military experts, some of whom suggested the Mi-17s were likely to be used to greater effect there than in Afghanistan.
“For once, we’re handing over assets to a government and military that’s capable of using them,” said Jason Dempsey, a former Army officer who helped train Afghan forces.

Military personnel in Ukraine, a former Soviet state, have more experience using Russian helicopters than U.S. Chinooks or Black Hawks, said Dempsey.
That comfort with Russian-made equipment has resulted in other European countries agreeing to provide key Soviet-era weapons that can be easily used by Ukrainians in battle. Slovakia, for instance, has agreed to send its Russian-made S-300 antiaircraft missile defense system after Washington offered to replace it with a substitute battery of more-advanced Patriot missiles. The governments of Poland and the Czech Republic have provided Russian-made T-72 tanks to Ukraine as well.
The Russians have so flooded the world with cheap yet reliable weapons that they have effectively armed both sides in the war,” said Jeremy Shapiro, director of research at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

The blowback stemming from such sales is not unfamiliar to the United States, the world’s largest supplier of arms, which has repeatedly fought opponents armed with U.S. weapons or supplied governments that later committed atrocities.
“those are the facts on the M17
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Yeah, get more involved when our commander in chief cant even complete a sentence. And with a nuclear powerhouse as well!
You are a fucking genius!
Yeah, get more involved when our commander in chief cant even complete a sentence. And with a nuclear powerhouse as well!
You are a fucking genius!
trump is notorious for not being able to complete a sentence this we all know ... especially if he's lying to us ... then he gets all tongue-tied ...
the U.S. never promote imperialism that's trumps job
Wait. What?

This was written over 30 years ago and it's worth the read.

Since the end of World War II, the United States, like the European colonial powers before it, has been unable to resist becoming entangled in the region’s political conflicts. Driven by a desire to keep the vast oil reserves in hands friendly to the United States, a wish to keep out potential rivals (such as the Soviet Union), opposition to neutrality in the cold war, and domestic political considerations, the United States has compiled a record of tragedy in the Middle East. The most recent part of that record, which includes U.S. alliances with Iraq to counter Iran and then with Iran and Syria to counter Iraq, illustrates a theme that has been played in Washington for the last 45 years.


"In the aftermath of the most overt and direct U.S. attempt to manage affairs in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf War, it is more important than ever to understand how the United States came to be involved in the region and the disastrous consequences of that involvement. President Bush’s willingness to sacrifice American lives to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait, to restore the “legitimate” government of that feudal monarchy, and to create a “new world order” proceeds logically from the premises and policies of past administrations. Indeed, there is little new in Bush’s new world order, except the Soviet Union’s assistance. That may mean the new order will be far more dangerous than the old, because it will feature an activist U.S. foreign policy without the inhibitions that were formerly imposed by the superpower rivalry. That bodes ill for the people of the Middle East, as well as for the long‐suffering American citizens, who will see their taxes continue to rise, their consumer economy increasingly distorted by military spending, and their blood spilled–all in the name of U.S. leadership."

Biden recently held a press conference on the matter:

What a great statesman!

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