Coming to a Red State near you....

I'm sure we all can agree (wink) this.......... a good thing that will hopefully be happening all over the country.

“Not all of us agree on a personal or moral level on the issue of abortion,” said the statement signed by 84 prosecutors, a group that included district attorneys and state attorneys general. “But we stand together in our firm belief that prosecutors have a responsibility to refrain from using limited criminal legal system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions. As such, we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well-settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortions.”
Right now it seems like there is a contest to see who can create the most restrictive and punative abortion bans in the country. Some of the laws have only one exception: to save a woman’s life in a medical emergency or eminent threat to a woman’s life. At what point does it constitute a medical emergency? That is a fine line because in no time at all sepsis can occur or a woman can hemorrhage and bleed out before she can reach an emergency room. Her risk of mortality or long term permanent damage is exponentially increased.

Add to that the penalties doctors can incur:

For example, if anti-abortion laws were allowed to go into effect, the punishment for an unauthorized abortion could be 5-15 years of prison in Missouri, 3-15 years in Tennessee and 5 years to life in Texas. Missouri specifies that the burden of proving the abortion was legal falls on the doctor, who “shall have the burden of persuasion that the defense is more probably true than not.”

"It places a physician in the place of having to make a very difficult choice," says Siobán Harlow, a professor of epidemiology, gynecology and global public health at the University of Michigan.

All the abortion bans analyzed include an exception if the mother’s life is at risk, but only 12 also allow an exception for cases of other extreme health risks, such as irreversible damage to a major bodily function.

…pro-abortion rights advocates point out that determining when exactly a life is in imminent danger can be challenging. Although the laws generally defer to the “good faith medical judgment” or “reasonable medical judgment” of the physician, advocates say it would be difficult for doctors not to think about what the consequences would be if the state accused them of performing an abortion that wasn’t medically necessary.

Moreover, as doctors and hospitals would need more time to weigh their own legal liability against potential danger to the mother, delays in care could put the patient’s health at greater risk.
"Maternal mortality will go up. We know that,” says Harlow. “Throughout the globe, throughout the world, maternal mortality increases as the level of access to safe abortion decreases."

Ireland had a recent case (which overturned it’s strict abortion law) where this sort of situation happened.

This is what happens when we don't compromise anymore. For 50 years the Congress could have and should have pushed for a deal where both sides could agree. But it's been Abortion on Demand for whatever reason we want for too long. Now the PUSH BACK WILL BE EPIC.

Will your side GIVE UP ABORTION ON DEMAND? Nope. And neither would you. As you played that game with me on another thread. Saying ok 15 weeks ok......but in Blue states they can do whatever they please.

Right now it seems like there is a contest to see who can create the most restrictive and punative abortion bans in the country. Some of the laws have only one exception: to save a woman’s life in a medical emergency or eminent threat to a woman’s life. At what point does it constitute a medical emergency? That is a fine line because in no time at all sepsis can occur or a woman can hemorrhage and bleed out before she can reach an emergency room. Her risk of mortality or long term permanent damage is exponentially increased.

Add to that the penalties doctors can incur:

For example, if anti-abortion laws were allowed to go into effect, the punishment for an unauthorized abortion could be 5-15 years of prison in Missouri, 3-15 years in Tennessee and 5 years to life in Texas. Missouri specifies that the burden of proving the abortion was legal falls on the doctor, who “shall have the burden of persuasion that the defense is more probably true than not.”

"It places a physician in the place of having to make a very difficult choice," says Siobán Harlow, a professor of epidemiology, gynecology and global public health at the University of Michigan.

All the abortion bans analyzed include an exception if the mother’s life is at risk, but only 12 also allow an exception for cases of other extreme health risks, such as irreversible damage to a major bodily function.

…pro-abortion rights advocates point out that determining when exactly a life is in imminent danger can be challenging. Although the laws generally defer to the “good faith medical judgment” or “reasonable medical judgment” of the physician, advocates say it would be difficult for doctors not to think about what the consequences would be if the state accused them of performing an abortion that wasn’t medically necessary.

Moreover, as doctors and hospitals would need more time to weigh their own legal liability against potential danger to the mother, delays in care could put the patient’s health at greater risk.
"Maternal mortality will go up. We know that,” says Harlow. “Throughout the globe, throughout the world, maternal mortality increases as the level of access to safe abortion decreases."

Ireland had a recent case (which overturned it’s strict abortion law) where this sort of situation happened.

So? Doctors have to obey laws too, unless they are Fauci.
This is what happens when we don't compromise anymore. For 50 years the Congress could have and should have pushed for a deal where both sides could agree. But it's been Abortion on Demand for whatever reason we want for too long. Now the PUSH BACK WILL BE EPIC.

Will your side GIVE UP ABORTION ON DEMAND? Nope. And neither would you. As you played that game with me on another thread. Saying ok 15 weeks ok......but in Blue states they can do whatever they please.


Pro choice folks have been compromising for 50 years as the anti abortion nutters have been chipping away… when they’re not bombing clinics and assaimating doctors

Pro choice folks have been compromising for 50 years as the anti abortion nutters have been chipping away… when they’re not bombing clinics and assaimating doctors
The violence coming will more than make up for a few crazy people. And you know it.
Especially those who haven't been born.

Rights are natural and inherent, not "granted" by our supposed betters....Should brush up on your Hobbes and Locke.

But a boon for future women who are gestating.

How is it a boon for future women who are gestating?

"Woe is me" begging gthe question isn't any kind of counter argument.

You'll still be able to freely travel to states like Illinois, Fornicalia, and all of New England to perform your human sacrifice....So quit your sniveling.

Well….that is questionable. If you are middle or upper class, sure…you could buy a plane ticket and hop on a plane. But if you are poor? Looking at a map of how states will be affected a significant block of states across tbe south and Midwest will ban or severely restrict abortion. In some of those states a woman would have to drive hundreds of miles to access care. Some of those also have bounty Hunter laws on anyone who helps a woman travel out of state to access an abortion.

Many of those states have high rates of poverty and teen pregnancies already. They have among the lowest per capita spending on social safety nets like healthcare, and help for single mothers and their children. I believe the MS governor was mouthing something about increasing spending on help for pregnant women. This is utter BS because it’s been talked about before, and talk is all it is. MS ranks at the bottom. Most of the “help” consists of little more than a pack of diapers and a handful of coupons.
There is no question that overruling Roe will have severe implications for women at all levels, for years to come. That doesn't even begin to touch on the precedent this activist in removing a Constitutional right granted 50 years ago. I have never before heard of an individual right being taken away.

The effects will be devastating for many women.

Time to stop pretending this is "good for women" as if they are nothing more than stupid cows who don't know what how to make their own healthcare decisions.

Here is a taste of what to expect. Feel free to add more examples.

The wording varies slightly from state to state. Texas allows abortion for “a medical emergency”; Louisiana’s bill makes an exception to prevent “death or substantial risk of death,” or “permanent impairment of a life-sustaining organ”; and Idaho permits abortion “to prevent the death of the pregnant woman.” On Thursday, Oklahoma legislators approved a bill that would ban nearly all abortions starting from fertilization, with an exception to save the life of the mother “in a medical emergency.”

Those exceptions are so vaguely defined, and with such harsh penalties for providers deemed to have violated the terms, physicians say they will be effectively unable to provide proper medical care or even discuss abortion with patients.

It is Constitutional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh.... Abortion is not written into law at a federal level anywhere. That is why it was overturned.
You need to ask the Democrats why, in 19 years of having a majority, never codified RvW into law.
But instead all they did was write faux bills they knew had no way of passing, just so they could continue to use Abortion as a hot topic issue.
In fact, they could do it right now. But they won't. They want to save the issue for midterms. Just like they did earlier this year.

Pro choice folks have been compromising for 50 years as the anti abortion nutters have been chipping away… when they’re not bombing clinics and assaimating doctors
As you ignore Roe V Wade decision where the justices then said they didn't address WHEN LIFE BEGINS and that is the job of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH.

That was NEVER DONE..........As your side can now do abortion on demand just because you want to even at birth. SICK.

Now people are pushing back HARD and you don't like it. Oh WELL.

Perhaps you will now stop with give us everything or else BS and realize our rights don't begin where yours ends.
And freedom of speech only applies to quill pens and rudimentary printing presses.

God, you moonbats are fucking dopey.
The first Amendment makes no distinction as to who has that right

The 2A does

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