Common Sense & Mass Murder

The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

You really are a fruit loop.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

You need to get off your stupid ass and find a way to regulate and control murderous people. Once you've done that let us all know how you did it because then your problem will be solved.

Anyone can get a gun. They don't need to go to a gun store. They sure as hell don't have to fill out paperwork or wait for their gun. There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can get the gun.

You should regulate and control that as well since you think you are so smart.

Let us all know how it works out.



Thanks for sharing. You're the first to call me a "fruit loop". I do appreciate your use of the ad hominem, and the echoes of cliches; clearly more evidence that your signature to your post fits you perfectly.

LMAO Glad you approve. It means a lot to me. NOT.

Now go control, regulate and fix murderous people so we will all be safe.

Carry on fruit loop.
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The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rape, robberies and murders according to the CDC....

As more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years...our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......

Your policies make people less safe.....
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

You really are a fruit loop.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

You need to get off your stupid ass and find a way to regulate and control murderous people. Once you've done that let us all know how you did it because then your problem will be solved.

Anyone can get a gun. They don't need to go to a gun store. They sure as hell don't have to fill out paperwork or wait for their gun. There is a huge black market out there for guns. If you have the money, you can get the gun.

You should regulate and control that as well since you think you are so smart.

Let us all know how it works out.

Not so fast, Claudette. Arguing that our law enforcement and government are incapable of handling the problem is not a reason not to look for solutions. Someone someday will be a competent enough leader to begin addressing this problem.

Shrugging your shoulders and saying "Duh, we can't handle controlling guns" isn't very flattering.

Bullshit. There are more than enough laws on the books concerning guns.

Find a way to regulate and control murderous people and the problem is solved.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocents, as a means to push his mindless agenda.
Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.
And yet, your "solution" is to lay MORE necessary and ineffective, utterly devoid of any sense whatsoever, restrictions on the law abiding.
It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment,
Amend the constitution.
Until you do, the 2A is there, it means something you don't like, and you don't get to ignore it.
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocents, as a means to push his mindless agenda.
NO! We are begging for this to stop, for this to be the last slaughter of innocents. Of course, it won't be the last; bad things will happen. But they don't have to happen this often! You 2A people are ignoring how much worse it is getting. I have a right to NOT be shot by some lunatic, too. And with the totally unnecessary number of guns in circulation in this country, it is far too easy for your common garden variety lunatic to get a gun every time. It is time that ended.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocents, as a means to push his mindless agenda.
Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.
And yet, your "solution" is to lay MORE necessary and ineffective, utterly devoid of any sense whatsoever, restrictions on the law abiding.
It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment,
Amend the constitution.
Until you do, the 2A is there, it means something you don't like, and you don't get to ignore it.
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocents, as a means to push his mindless agenda.
NO! We are begging for this to stop, for this to be the last slaughter of innocents. Of course, it won't be the last; bad things will happen. But they don't have to happen this often! You 2A people are ignoring how much worse it is getting. I have a right to NOT be shot by some lunatic, too. And with the totally unnecessary number of guns in circulation in this country, it is far too easy for your common garden variety lunatic to get a gun every time. It is time that ended.

It's not getting worse..... Violent gun crime is down 75% over the last 26 years, gun murder is down 49%...that means it isn't getting worse.....

The 1.1 million Americans who use their legal guns to save lives would say they were very necessary.....

Sooo.....for you, it would be better that a woman is raped, beaten and murdered than she have a gun to stop the attack....that is your choice...right?

You would prefer that a 60 year old man, is beaten and robbed than he use a gun to save himself...that is the better outcome for you....his beating...right?

That is your choice.
I'm an educated Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible, not a fascist, not a "Commie" and in touch with reality, something you keep proving you are not.

That's what you like to think you are. That gives you the excuse. Your words prove you favor authoritarianism over liberty. You are a danger to freedom.
And if "good men" are unwilling to stop your kind, they are going to pay a terrible price ultimately.

And "Educated Democrat" is an oxymoron.

Thanks for sharing. I'm very impressed with your reasoning.

sarcasm alert
Oh look - an anti-gun loon, standing on the bodies and bathing in the blood of innocents, as a means to push his mindless agenda.
Yes. That's exactly what he did.
We are begging for this to stop, for this to be the last slaughter of innocents.
Begging won't accomplish anything.
In fact, it will - somehow - accomplish less than unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of the law abiding.
You 2A people are ignoring how much worse it is getting.
I'm -sure- you can support your claim with facts, stats, charts, graphs and...citations.
I have a right to NOT be shot by some lunatic, too.
You do not have the right to be safe. You DO have the right to to self-defense.
Rather than demand the law-abiding give up some of their rights, why don't you take some responsibility for yourself and exercise that right?
And with the totally unnecessary number of guns in circulation in this country
Your unsupportable opinion is, well, your unsupportable opinion.
I'm an educated Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible, not a fascist, not a "Commie" and in touch with reality, something you keep proving you are not.

That's what you like to think you are. That gives you the excuse. Your words prove you favor authoritarianism over liberty. You are a danger to freedom.
And if "good men" are unwilling to stop your kind, they are going to pay a terrible price ultimately.

And "Educated Democrat" is an oxymoron.

Thanks for sharing. I'm very impressed with your reasoning.

sarcasm alert

No one is impressed with yours. And no one is impressed with you at all.

And rightly so.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

The person who violated the rights of those 3 people paid with his life. Justice served.

Or do you want two people randomly selected to make it even Steven?

Justice would have been a life sentence, served in a 6 X 8 foot cell 365 days a year, 23 and 1/2 hours a day alone, and never speaking to another human being, lawyers excepted, and a medical doctor once a year.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

Isnt it the left who cries when we make political statements when these gun tragedies occur?

How many times must I remind you, that you are one very sick puppy. Get some therapy before you hurt someone or yourself. I mean that with all seriousness based on your hateful comments and lack of social decorum in past posts.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.
No amount of frivolous gun control laws would’ve changed what happened. You spineless piece of shit

Calling someone a "spineless piece of shit" while hiding behind a keyboard is one more piece of evidence that you are a coward.
How many times must I remind you, that you are one very sick puppy. Get some therapy before you hurt someone or yourself. I mean that with all seriousness based on your hateful comments and lack of social decorum in past posts.
Calling someone a "very sick puppy" while hiding behind a keyboard is one more piece of evidence that you are a coward.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

The person who violated the rights of those 3 people paid with his life. Justice served.

Or do you want two people randomly selected to make it even Steven?

Justice would have been a life sentence, served in a 6 X 8 foot cell 365 days a year, 23 and 1/2 hours a day alone, and never speaking to another human being, lawyers excepted, and a medical doctor once a year.

Well right now he's not talking to any human beings 24 hours a day 365 days a year. If we put his body in a 6x8 foot cell would you feel better?
The shooter according to news reports cut through a back fence to avoid security checkpoints legally purchased the gun in Nevada where background checks are required on all gun purchases unless you have a valid CCW permit. So forgive me but I’m not sure what common sense gun law would have prevented this.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

Maduro approves of every Communist effort to disarm Americans! Komrade Wry, thank you for your efforts! We need to get Americans disarms so they will be easier to run over with APC's when they decide to riot against us!

Great will be your reward in the People's Republic of America! You traitors are always the first layer of fertilizer in the Progressive Mass graves!


Wow, the creator of the idiot-gram has now posted a new iteration of idot-gram, still one which lacks substance, thought and is not thought provoking, but more than a single phrase or sentence. Now characterized in this manner: Idiot-gram, variety diarrhea -- diarrhea.
The 6 year old, 13 year old and a young man murdered by a gun lost their right to life, liberty and happiness.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

It's past time to reevaluate the Second Amendment, and to face the reality that the majority of members of Congress put their job security first, in spite of the costs in blood and treasure that their inaction allows. There is enough ambiguity in the wording of the 2nd to allow Congress, and/or State Legislatures or City Councils to pass regulations which protect the people they represent.

Then let the NRA go broke defending their outdated policies.

The person who violated the rights of those 3 people paid with his life. Justice served.

Or do you want two people randomly selected to make it even Steven?

Justice would have been a life sentence, served in a 6 X 8 foot cell 365 days a year, 23 and 1/2 hours a day alone, and never speaking to another human being, lawyers excepted, and a medical doctor once a year.
As long as a premeditated murderer lives, it ain't justice.
The shooter according to news reports cut through a back fence to avoid security checkpoints legally purchased the gun in Nevada where background checks are required on all gun purchases unless you have a valid CCW permit. So forgive me but I’m not sure what common sense gun law would have prevented this.
In fact, every "common sense" law mindlessly demanded by the anti-gun loons failed to prevent this shooting.
Because laws cannot prevent people from breaking another law.
Wow, the creator of the idiot-gram has now posted a new iteration of idot-gram, still one which lacks substance, thought and is not thought provoking, but more than a single phrase or sentence. Now characterized in this manner: Idiot-gram, variety diarrhea -- diarrhea.
Apt description of the OP. Well done.

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