CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Yes a concerted effort AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and this country's existence. When it is finally revealed there will probably be 95% of the dimshit party involved in treason, and trying to destroy this country's sovereignty.
I can remember the sabotage that the GOP used on Oblama during his entire presidency....What comes around, goes around...Yet, at sometime they will need to bury the hatchet and learn to do their real jobs they get paid for...
. Disagreeing with Obama's lying racist policies was committing sabotage ?? You need help. The black racist in this country have been exposing themselves along with their failed agenda ever since Obama was in office or before, and even more so since Obama left office.

Trump is for all Americans be it red and yellow, black and white, but that doesn't fit with the agenda of those who sought pay back from years of what they viewed as an oppressive America, and so they want to exclude people based upon color from the world in which they wanted or their wish is to render them (the whites in which they don't trust around 90% of them), to be powerless in the world in which they invisioned or wanted next.

Then it all got expanded into adding anti-American religions next, and then anti-American's in general who piled on for a grand total of chaos and anarchy to then run wildly on steroids. Trump is trying to solve the issues by moving the nation back towards a unified country for all races to participate in, and many Trump supporters who are black get it, but as for the black racist old timers, well they don't want to see the numbers who think like them deminish even further, and Lord don't let the nation become more unified by character instead of being separated by color right, because they just couldn't stand for that to happen as is being proven by their rehtoric and obstruction daily.

This stuff is so easy to see, and yet people think that they are still fooling people in all of it ?? Their guilt in it all leads them to believe that Trump has been put in place to strike down their agenda specifically, and this is why they (those guilty of this) are fighting him in hopes to keep their racist agenda going. In fact there are other groups tied into the racist agenda also, and they are those in which have been convinced that Trump is after them as well, so they have joined forces to try and resist the American 1st agenda of Trump, and all because they THINK it is detrimental to their specific agenda's that are not inclusive or even tolerant (all though they are touted to be), yet it is in a very deceptive way.

This nation needs a new standard set of guidelines that every American can agree upon, and putting Americans 1st in these standards agreed upon would get America back on track.
. What say you all ??
Attack! Deny! Divert!

Without the least bit of proof.

Bud, don't ant to keep breaking this to you... but your side knew what Trump was when you nominated him.

You knew he was a racist
you knew he was a misogynist
you knew he was joined at the hip with Putin

and you supported him anyway, because you couldn't get over the fact that Hillary spanked you guys back in the 1990's when THEY were involved in a BS Scandal.

Well, the worm turns.

Now, not that I would advise Trump, because I want him to fail in epic style, but the best thing he can do at this point is get out ahead of this thing, full disclosure of any dealings anyone on his team had with the Russians, release his full tax records, proving he has no financial interest in Russia.

But instead, we'll get the steady drip, drip, drip of the intel community, which just plain doesn't like the man, leaking out stuff on him.
Actually Trump wasn't any of the above till he started running for president. The left simply makes false accusations and hopes some of them stick.
I can remember the sabotage that the GOP used on Oblama during his entire presidency....What comes around, goes around...Yet, at sometime they will need to bury the hatchet and learn to do their real jobs they get paid for...
. Disagreeing with Obama's lying racist policies was committing sabotage ?? You need help. The black racist in this country have been exposing themselves along with their failed agenda ever since Obama was in office or before, and even more so since Obama left office.

Trump is for all Americans be it red and yellow, black and white, but that doesn't fit with the agenda of those who sought pay back from years of what they viewed as an oppressive America, and so they want to exclude people based upon color from the world in which they wanted or their wish is to render them (the whites in which they don't trust around 90% of them), to be powerless in the world in which they invisioned or wanted next.

Then it all got expanded into adding anti-American religions next, and then anti-American's in general who piled on for a grand total of chaos and anarchy to then run wildly on steroids. Trump is trying to solve the issues by moving the nation back towards a unified country for all races to participate in, and many Trump supporters who are black get it, but as for the black racist old timers, well they don't want to see the numbers who think like them deminish even further, and Lord don't let the nation become more unified by character instead of being separated by color right, because they just couldn't stand for that to happen as is being proven by their rehtoric and obstruction daily.

This stuff is so easy to see, and yet people think that they are still fooling people in all of it ?? Their guilt in it all leads them to believe that Trump has been put in place to strike down their agenda specifically, and this is why they (those guilty of this) are fighting him in hopes to keep their racist agenda going. In fact there are other groups tied into the racist agenda also, and they are those in which have been convinced that Trump is after them as well, so they have joined forces to try and resist the American 1st agenda of Trump, and all because they THINK it is detrimental to their specific agenda's that are not inclusive or even tolerant (all though they are touted to be), yet it is in a very deceptive way.

This nation needs a new standard set of guidelines that every American can agree upon, and putting Americans 1st in these standards agreed upon would get America back on track.
. What say you all ??
You are playing with yourself..
I can remember the sabotage that the GOP used on Oblama during his entire presidency....What comes around, goes around...Yet, at sometime they will need to bury the hatchet and learn to do their real jobs they get paid for...
. Disagreeing with Obama's lying racist policies was committing sabotage ?? You need help. The black racist in this country have been exposing themselves along with their failed agenda ever since Obama was in office or before, and even more so since Obama left office.

Trump is for all Americans be it red and yellow, black and white, but that doesn't fit with the agenda of those who sought pay back from years of what they viewed as an oppressive America, and so they want to exclude people based upon color from the world in which they wanted or their wish is to render them (the whites in which they don't trust around 90% of them), to be powerless in the world in which they invisioned or wanted next.

Then it all got expanded into adding anti-American religions next, and then anti-American's in general who piled on for a grand total of chaos and anarchy to then run wildly on steroids. Trump is trying to solve the issues by moving the nation back towards a unified country for all races to participate in, and many Trump supporters who are black get it, but as for the black racist old timers, well they don't want to see the numbers who think like them deminish even further, and Lord don't let the nation become more unified by character instead of being separated by color right, because they just couldn't stand for that to happen as is being proven by their rehtoric and obstruction daily.

This stuff is so easy to see, and yet people think that they are still fooling people in all of it ?? Their guilt in it all leads them to believe that Trump has been put in place to strike down their agenda specifically, and this is why they (those guilty of this) are fighting him in hopes to keep their racist agenda going. In fact there are other groups tied into the racist agenda also, and they are those in which have been convinced that Trump is after them as well, so they have joined forces to try and resist the American 1st agenda of Trump, and all because they THINK it is detrimental to their specific agenda's that are not inclusive or even tolerant (all though they are touted to be), yet it is in a very deceptive way.

This nation needs a new standard set of guidelines that every American can agree upon, and putting Americans 1st in these standards agreed upon would get America back on track.
. What say you all ??
You are playing with yourself..
. Oh look it's a thread killer response..
Of course nobody can be surprised by this.

The last act from the post-American saboteur-in-chief was to sabotage his American successor. It was typical of the smallness, meanness, and pettiness of the Obama administration, and the man himself, and exemplified his contempt for America and its people.

Full story – for those with open minds – is @ CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House - Geller Report
They should all be tried for sedition
Actually Trump wasn't any of the above till he started running for president. The left simply makes false accusations and hopes some of them stick.

trump was all of the above before he started running for President.

It's just that Republicans stopped hiding their racism and misogyny behind nice clean cut Christians and War Heroes and just openly advertised it. And thanks to Russian Hackers and an archaic system developed by Slave Rapists, they overruled the majority who said it was a bad idea.
Trump is speaking to we the people this morning on the extents of Obama and democrats treason......seems Obama colluded with Russians to attack our sacred election process....
Actually Trump wasn't any of the above till he started running for president. The left simply makes false accusations and hopes some of them stick.

trump was all of the above before he started running for President.

It's just that Republicans stopped hiding their racism and misogyny behind nice clean cut Christians and War Heroes and just openly advertised it. And thanks to Russian Hackers and an archaic system developed by Slave Rapists, they overruled the majority who said it was a bad idea.
Another thread degraded to personal attacks. Sigh.
a real shame. so much effort wasted.
Any attempt to defend the administration will be attacked by the left. There's no question an organized effort is going on.
are you in the correct thread?

this one has an awesome elaborate OP linking to Pam Geller's offal allegedly confirming something about the last administration.
I was responding to the attacks against her. Pop your head out of your filthy ass for once and try to imitate a human.
Unless one considers preserving the record as sabotage what we have here is just another click-bait title unsupported by the underlying article. Perhaps those that got further along in the story than I did can explain it otherwise.
Unless one considers preserving the record as sabotage what we have here is just another click-bait title unsupported by the underlying article. Perhaps those that got further along in the story than I did can explain it otherwise.
The story is expanding this looks bad for Obama and democrats....
Of course nobody can be surprised by this.

The last act from the post-American saboteur-in-chief was to sabotage his American successor. It was typical of the smallness, meanness, and pettiness of the Obama administration, and the man himself, and exemplified his contempt for America and its people.

Full story – for those with open minds – is @ CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House - Geller Report

Your fake news tell you that?
The sanctions placed on Russia by Obama, were they done to set the trap for a response to occur by the incoming administration ?? So did Obama then wire tap the lines to try and catch that response in order to sabotage the administration with any discussions that might alledgedly take place between concerned Russian officials, and the new administration who would know that the sanctions were placed on Russia by the Obama administration illegally over the election ?? Did this happened because Obama figured that the Russians supporting Trump over Hillary in the election was a conspiracy or collusion between these supposed individuals ??

Just because Assange released e-mails of Hillary and the DNC in order to show corruption in the DNC, and in the Hillary Clinton campaign, did it involve the Russian government as if they colluded with Assange or was it that the new developments on this just simply brought smiles to the Kremlin after dealing with Hillary and the Obama administration in the past ??

Why would the Russians not want the more flexibility crew in charge of the United States ?? Hillary and crew also figured that Putin wanted to get back at her for some reason, but was it just speculation on her part or conspiracy thinking on her part or was she right because she was guilty of doing something the Russians felt was wrong by her against them ?

Did Obama believe that Putin was trying to hurt Clinton's chances, so he sprung into action against the Russians on a hunch that they were trying to bring Hillary down ?? Did Obama then violate his use of office by turning the U.S. Intel into a dragnet in hopes to then catch anyone he could in the net for whom might be caught speaking with any Russians during the campaign in which he figured was being sadbatoged by the Russians ??

Should he have not made his intent clear to all Americans involved in the campaign on both sides as to what he was doing in order to warn American officials that there was a dragnet operation taking place or was it that he figured he would try to kill two birds with one stone (damage the Republicans), and bring forth a victory for the Dems in a scorched earth operation he ran before leaving office, and this in hopes to set the Dems up for the mid terms, and the presidency again in 2020 ??
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