Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot

Of course he was. Just because you say he wasn't doesn't mean anything at all. Get over yourself. Keep crying though, it's at least something you are good at. Silver linings and all that.
I understand that actual facts are disturbing to you.
The fuck up your alreadty fuckd up reality.


If "not guilty" is "exoneration"
Explain the civil damages against OJ?

We'll wait.
When is Obama going to be indicted for dropping bombs and murdering doctors?
Ah more of the Gullibles propaganda seeps through. As soon as we indict Bush for all the wrongful deaths his lies caused in Iraq. Possibly as soon as the second Tuesday of next week I'd say.
I understand that actual facts are disturbing to you.
The fuck up your alreadty fuckd up reality.


If "not guilty" is "exoneration"
Explain the civil damages against OJ?

We'll wait.
Actual fact: Trump was not convicted by the Senate. Cry more.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

I never used the word, "exoneration." So no, I didn't say that.

And I quoted a section of the Constitution that was about being convicted, NOT about being expelled, which is all about guilty vs. not guilty. Guilt requires 2/3rds of present Senate members.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Post 137.
Every post in this thread is in defense of or opposition to #137

Trump as found Guilty by a clear majority of the Senate.
Trump could not be removed from office because the Senate vote did not achieve a 2/3 majority.
Failure to convict is not by any measure an indication of a lack of guilt.

Not Guilty <> Exoneration
Actual fact: Trump was not convicted by the Senate. Cry more.
"We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."
Post 137.
Every post in this thread is in defense of or opposition to #137

Trump as found Guilty by a clear majority of the Senate.
Trump could not be removed from office because the Senate vote did not achieve a 2/3 majority.
Failure to convict is not by any measure an indication of a lack of guilt.

Not Guilty <> Exoneration

Again, I never said Trump was exonerated. I said he was not convicted.
Never said he was convicted.
I said a clear majority of the Senate found Trump guilty.

do you have reading issues or are you just a MAGAT liar?
What's your point? Oh right, Trump won, liberals lost. How sad you whine about that four years later.
If it's "meaningless" why are you arguing the point?

Seems you're lying to yourself and, as always,
You can lie to you but you cannot lie to me.

Nope, I'm not lying to anyone. I'm arguing your silly assertion that it's meaningful. It's not. It's nothing more than some members of Congress expressing their opinion. It's not of any legal significance so it will not play any role in the Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on Trump v. Anderson.
Isn’t this a lot like Eggmorin concluding Trump committed murder but no one is dead. Oh, I see, maybe Trump was thinking about it.
Yes. Trump was impeached twice while denied his constitutional right to due process and without committing any crime whatsoever let alone a high crime and misdemeanor. His home was raided in the wee hours of the morning with the media present to record it and report it when nobody well known EVER on the Democrat side has been treated that way for anything. And, with corroboration and perhaps funding from a weaponized DOJ, he is being prosecuted for victimless crimes that nobody has ever been prosecuted for before.

Why? Because if he is President he will get in the way of turning America into a mostly totalitarian woke refugee camp submissive to the new world order, WEF, climate accord people and enriching professional politicians in Washington. The American people will at best be an occasional afterthought in priorities.
Trump was impeached twice while denied his constitutional right to due process
Lie. He got his due process. Unlike the GOP frauds, the democrats actually had evidence hearings. So it's your heroes skirting due process.

and without committing any crime whatsoever

Extorting a foreign leader for 0ersonal gain and defrauding the United states. Anyone but Trump would already have gone to prison for either one.

His home was raided in the wee hours of the morning with the media present to record it and report it when nobody well known EVER on the Democrat side has been treated that way for anything.

And there are many more.

he is being prosecuted for victimless crimes
Lie. When you break the laws of a State, the peole of the State are the victims.

that nobody has ever been prosecuted for before.
Lie. Evey single crime charged to Trump has been charged to others before. Every one.
Lie. He got his due process. Unlike the GOP frauds, the democrats actually had evidence hearings. So it's your heroes skirting due process.


Extorting a foreign leader for 0ersonal gain and defrauding the United states. Anyone but Trump would already have gone to prison for either one.


And there are many more.

Lie. When you break the laws of a State, the peole of the State are the victims.

Lie. Evey single crime charged to Trump has been charged to others before. Every one.

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