Connecticut SC rules gun maker can be sued

How did the Marboro Man encourage kids to smoke?


Parental smoking and peer pressure was a far greater factor.

Not to mention all of the actors they used in commercials

celebrities cigarettes ad - Yahoo Image Search Results

Hollywood was all bourbon and cigarettes until it was stopped in the 70s.

So, what's encouraging smokers now? Perhaps personal desire and individual decision?

Hollywood went from smokin' fags to being them.
Court rules gun maker can be sued over Newtown shooting make deadly die with deadly weapons.

Mr. Lanza, the alleged shooter at Sandy Hook, didn't buy any guns from Remington or anyone else. He stole the weapons.

Further, all Remington did was manufacture it.

Should Hyundai or Tesla or whoever built the car that the guy who ran into the crowd in Charlottesville, be held responsible there?

Its the same thing.
Court rules gun maker can be sued over Newtown shooting make deadly die with deadly weapons.
Mr. Lanza, the alleged shooter at Sandy Hook, didn't buy any guns from Remington or anyone else. He stole the weapons.
Further, all Remington did was manufacture it.
Should Hyundai or Tesla or whoever built the car that the guy who ran into the crowd in Charlottesville, be held responsible there?
Its the same thing.
This makes as much sense as suing FoMoCo over people killed by a drunk driver in a stolen Mustang.
It also violates federal law.
So you want to make the company who manufactures a product responsible for how those purchase it use it? You might want to take a few minutes and think about that before trying to set such a precedent.
So you want to make the company who manufactures a product responsible for how those purchase it use it? You might want to take a few minutes and think about that before trying to set such a precedent.

Actually, it goes deeper than that. From AOC's interrogation of the Wells Fargo executive, libs think that those who just loan the money for a project should be held responsible too. So, not only Remington should be sued, but also Capital One or Bank of America who loaned the money for the purchase. Even though, in this case, the perpetrator STOLE the weapons
Saw this on my Twitter feed:

Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 5.23.09 PM.png

I don’t see where they have a case myself. We’ll see where it goes.
Saw this on my Twitter feed:

View attachment 250264

I don’t see where they have a case myself. We’ll see where it goes.

Anybody can sue anybody they want for any reason. Doesn’t mean they’ll get a penny.
I want to sue the DNC and all their politicians who have allowed illegals into this country and murder US citizens. How about that one?

Trump is the head of DHS; he’s the one responsible for not securing the border better. LOL Sue away little boy.
Court rules gun maker can be sued over Newtown shooting make deadly die with deadly weapons.

When this ruling is will be over turned...

Sandy Hook fails to meet any of the requirements to get around the Lawful Commerce in Arms act...

Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act - Wikipedia

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) is a United States law which protects firearmsmanufacturers and dealers from being held liable when crimes have been committed with their products. However, both manufacturers and dealers can still be held liable for damages resulting from defective products, breach of contract, criminal misconduct, and other actions for which they are directly responsible in much the same manner that any U.S.-based manufacturer of consumer products is held responsible. They may also be held liable for negligent entrustment when they have reason to know a gun is intended for use in a crime.
Probably....but the pressure is beginning to take a toll....the GOP and the NRA will can't keep condoning mass murders and not pay the price..

are you really this stupid? The only ones condoning gun murder are the democrats who keep letting known, repeat, violent gun offenders out of jail over and over again....they are the ones responsible for the gun murders in this country.....and you morons keep voting for the democrats.
So knife makers can be sued?

Overturned soon

cigarette manufacturers can be sued. & have lost.

Cigs are in the Constitution? Nope

deceptive advertising is the crux of the lawsuit... you didn't bother to look at the link did ya, dummy? cigarette companies did just that in order to sell their poison.

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Gun maker Remington can be sued over how it marketed the Bushmaster rifle used to kill 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, a divided Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

still not in the constitution duh...
So knife makers can be sued?

Overturned soon

cigarette manufacturers can be sued. & have lost.

Cigs are in the Constitution? Nope

deceptive advertising is the crux of the lawsuit... you didn't bother to look at the link did ya, dummy? cigarette companies did just that in order to sell their poison.

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Gun maker Remington can be sued over how it marketed the Bushmaster rifle used to kill 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, a divided Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

It's an end run attempt to pull the heartstrings of a jury. They will probably win a jury trial, and the verdict will be thrown out on appeal.

The company is protected by the Lawful Commerce in Arms act...

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