Conservative Tax Cuts - you gotta be kidding me

Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment? Never mind the fact that tax cuts never deliver on any of the promises made of them, never mind the fact that we just went through this 16 years ago with Bush the Dumber and 5 years ago with Brownback in Kansas, and never mind the fact that Conservative policy has been stuck in the same rut for 40 years, why would these tax cuts magically grow the economy when they didn't before?

About half of all people making under $100K will either see no change in their taxes, or an increase in their taxes because of the elimination of deductions. Meanwhile the top 0.1% will benefit the most from this tax plan, with the 1% also benefiting immensely, some of whom will see their taxes cut in half. To pay for tax cuts for the rich, the Conservatives are eliminating state & local tax deductions, capping mortgage interest deductions, eliminating grad school (re: STEM grad students) tuition deductions, eliminating student loan interest deductions, eliminating the child tax credit, eliminating EITC, eliminating the AMT, eliminating medical expense deductions, deductions for teachers who buy school supplies for their students, the adoption tax credit, etc.

There is nothing in this Conservative tax plan that benefits anyone other than the very rich and their pet corporations.

It also increases the deficit beyond 10 years which means it's either got to have an expiration date (thus eliminating the entire purpose of this thing) or it needs 60 votes in the Senate to pass. Since Conservatives only have a 52-48 majority (which could drop to 51-49 pending AL's Senate election), they simply lack the votes to pass this disaster.

There is no need or purpose for this tax cut. The only reason Conservatives are pushing this is because they want to take more for their rich corporate donors and give you the shaft.

Taxes are transfer of wealth.

They cut taxes.

Transfers of wealth (or more accurately theft) has been reduced. You and everyone else should be happy.
Are only cutting taxes on the very richest people, dupe.

They are cutting taxes from pretty much everyone who pays them. Of course, since you don't work (trolling on message boards isn't a job) and don't pay any I can see why you would complain.

Eh, guess you will have to find a job then.
I am retired, shitthead super dupe. Republicans haven't cut taxes on the non Rich ever. And if it seems they do, what happens is the lowering of Federal Aid to the states makes States and localities raise their taxes and fees, which are the taxes that kill the not rich. If you count all taxes and fees, we basically have a flat tax system now, which is totally unfair to people like you, stupid. But go on listening to greedy rich people's propaganda, and continue to be a brainwashed functional moron.
Only a regressive tax structure could transfer wealth to the rich. Even a flat tax transfers wealth from rich to poor. Trump's plan is still a progressive tax.

Trump's plan will cut taxes for most wealthy people in half while raising taxes for half of those who make under $100K a year.

Oh, and it adds $1.5T to the national debt.

You are simply an entitled ass.

No, you're the self-entitled ass here. You think you're entitled to everything from your personal comfort all the way to your opinion. Well guess what? You aren't entitled to shit. You're not entitled to be outraged at NFL protests. You're not entitled to accuse women of fabricating claims of assault against your political allies. You're not entitled to anything, even your opinion. Why are you not entitled to any of that? Because you didn't earn it. You didn't suffer for it. You didn't struggle for it. So you're not entitled to it.

So why don't you take your bullshit, unearned entitlement and stick it right up your fat ass which has plenty of room for both your head and your entitlement.
Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment? Never mind the fact that tax cuts never deliver on any of the promises made of them, never mind the fact that we just went through this 16 years ago with Bush the Dumber and 5 years ago with Brownback in Kansas, and never mind the fact that Conservative policy has been stuck in the same rut for 40 years, why would these tax cuts magically grow the economy when they didn't before?

About half of all people making under $100K will either see no change in their taxes, or an increase in their taxes because of the elimination of deductions. Meanwhile the top 0.1% will benefit the most from this tax plan, with the 1% also benefiting immensely, some of whom will see their taxes cut in half. To pay for tax cuts for the rich, the Conservatives are eliminating state & local tax deductions, capping mortgage interest deductions, eliminating grad school (re: STEM grad students) tuition deductions, eliminating student loan interest deductions, eliminating the child tax credit, eliminating EITC, eliminating the AMT, eliminating medical expense deductions, deductions for teachers who buy school supplies for their students, the adoption tax credit, etc.

There is nothing in this Conservative tax plan that benefits anyone other than the very rich and their pet corporations.

It also increases the deficit beyond 10 years which means it's either got to have an expiration date (thus eliminating the entire purpose of this thing) or it needs 60 votes in the Senate to pass. Since Conservatives only have a 52-48 majority (which could drop to 51-49 pending AL's Senate election), they simply lack the votes to pass this disaster.

There is no need or purpose for this tax cut. The only reason Conservatives are pushing this is because they want to take more for their rich corporate donors and give you the shaft.

Taxes are transfer of wealth.

They cut taxes.

Transfers of wealth (or more accurately theft) has been reduced. You and everyone else should be happy.
Are only cutting taxes on the very richest people, dupe.

They are cutting taxes from pretty much everyone who pays them. Of course, since you don't work (trolling on message boards isn't a job) and don't pay any I can see why you would complain.

Eh, guess you will have to find a job then.
I am retired, shitthead super dupe. Republicans haven't cut taxes on the non Rich ever.

False, unless you consider those who do not live in a dumpster "rich". In which case only the rich pay taxes so of course that would be the case.
How could crazy angry border line psychotic lefties not be grateful that their own 401k's are secure and the DOW is in record territory in ten months while it stagnated under Hussein's inept leadership for eight years? Why don't angry lefties understand that most Americans are aware that the old myth of "republicans care only about the wealthy" doesn't work in the information age? Were democrats in a freaking coma when they couldn't see the hypocrisy of Hillary taking a quarter of a million dollars each for a half a dozen 15 minute mystery speeches to friendly Wall Street bankers while Obama was pretending that Wall Street was the enemy? How about Hillary and Hussein smooching it up with perhaps the biggest sexual abuser on the planet while pretending that the fat cat elitists in H'wood, who contribute only to democrats, are just working stiffs like the rest of us.

Whatabout your whatabout? How come whenever a debate gets into territory where you are insecure, you invoke "whatabout"? What about that?
Only a regressive tax structure could transfer wealth to the rich. Even a flat tax transfers wealth from rich to poor. Trump's plan is still a progressive tax.

Trump's plan will cut taxes for most wealthy people in half while raising taxes for half of those who make under $100K a year.

Oh, and it adds $1.5T to the national debt.

You are simply an entitled ass.

No, you're the self-entitled ass here. You think you're entitled to everything from your personal comfort all the way to your opinion. Well guess what? You aren't entitled to shit. You're not entitled to be outraged at NFL protests. You're not entitled to accuse women of fabricating claims of assault against your political allies. You're not entitled to anything, even your opinion. Why are you not entitled to any of that? Because you didn't earn it. You didn't suffer for it. You didn't struggle for it. So you're not entitled to it.

So why don't you take your bullshit, unearned entitlement and stick it right up your fat ass which has plenty of room for both your head and your entitlement.
I am entitled to my product. If you ever get a job, you'll understand. You obviously think working people owe you a living. Can you blame them if they disagree? Is your ass seriously that entitled?
Here is what I would like to see. It's very simple.

Two entities earning identical incomes should be paying identical income taxes.

That is not the case today. Not even close.

We have a massive government behavioral control program in the form of deductions, exemptions, and credits. This interference distorts and twists the ever loving shit out of the free market, and creates a seriously unlevel playing field which gives the advantage to the highest contributors to Congressional campaign coffers.

We need a post card tax return. We need to eliminate all the deductions, credits, and exemptions which drive up the tax rates and the national debt. We need to eliminate all the deductions, credits, and exemptions which distort our markets. We need to eliminate all the deductions, exemptions, and credits which choke entrepreneurs while favoring sclerotic special interests with lots of campaign cash to throw around.

That's what I would like to see.
Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment? Never mind the fact that tax cuts never deliver on any of the promises made of them, never mind the fact that we just went through this 16 years ago with Bush the Dumber and 5 years ago with Brownback in Kansas, and never mind the fact that Conservative policy has been stuck in the same rut for 40 years, why would these tax cuts magically grow the economy when they didn't before?

About half of all people making under $100K will either see no change in their taxes, or an increase in their taxes because of the elimination of deductions. Meanwhile the top 0.1% will benefit the most from this tax plan, with the 1% also benefiting immensely, some of whom will see their taxes cut in half. To pay for tax cuts for the rich, the Conservatives are eliminating state & local tax deductions, capping mortgage interest deductions, eliminating grad school (re: STEM grad students) tuition deductions, eliminating student loan interest deductions, eliminating the child tax credit, eliminating EITC, eliminating the AMT, eliminating medical expense deductions, deductions for teachers who buy school supplies for their students, the adoption tax credit, etc.

There is nothing in this Conservative tax plan that benefits anyone other than the very rich and their pet corporations.

It also increases the deficit beyond 10 years which means it's either got to have an expiration date (thus eliminating the entire purpose of this thing) or it needs 60 votes in the Senate to pass. Since Conservatives only have a 52-48 majority (which could drop to 51-49 pending AL's Senate election), they simply lack the votes to pass this disaster.

There is no need or purpose for this tax cut. The only reason Conservatives are pushing this is because they want to take more for their rich corporate donors and give you the shaft.
Only a regressive tax structure could transfer wealth to the rich. Even a flat tax transfers wealth from rich to poor. Trump's plan is still a progressive tax.

You are simply an entitled ass.
You are a brainwashed functional moron who probably can only discuss federal income taxes. In reality, the entire tax system has been transferring wealth to the very richest since Reagan, dumbass dupe. See my signature wake up.
Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment? Never mind the fact that tax cuts never deliver on any of the promises made of them, never mind the fact that we just went through this 16 years ago with Bush the Dumber and 5 years ago with Brownback in Kansas, and never mind the fact that Conservative policy has been stuck in the same rut for 40 years, why would these tax cuts magically grow the economy when they didn't before?

About half of all people making under $100K will either see no change in their taxes, or an increase in their taxes because of the elimination of deductions. Meanwhile the top 0.1% will benefit the most from this tax plan, with the 1% also benefiting immensely, some of whom will see their taxes cut in half. To pay for tax cuts for the rich, the Conservatives are eliminating state & local tax deductions, capping mortgage interest deductions, eliminating grad school (re: STEM grad students) tuition deductions, eliminating student loan interest deductions, eliminating the child tax credit, eliminating EITC, eliminating the AMT, eliminating medical expense deductions, deductions for teachers who buy school supplies for their students, the adoption tax credit, etc.

There is nothing in this Conservative tax plan that benefits anyone other than the very rich and their pet corporations.

It also increases the deficit beyond 10 years which means it's either got to have an expiration date (thus eliminating the entire purpose of this thing) or it needs 60 votes in the Senate to pass. Since Conservatives only have a 52-48 majority (which could drop to 51-49 pending AL's Senate election), they simply lack the votes to pass this disaster.

There is no need or purpose for this tax cut. The only reason Conservatives are pushing this is because they want to take more for their rich corporate donors and give you the shaft.

Taxes are transfer of wealth.

They cut taxes.

Transfers of wealth (or more accurately theft) has been reduced. You and everyone else should be happy.
Are only cutting taxes on the very richest people, dupe.

They are cutting taxes from pretty much everyone who pays them. Of course, since you don't work (trolling on message boards isn't a job) and don't pay any I can see why you would complain.

Eh, guess you will have to find a job then.
I am retired, shitthead super dupe. Republicans haven't cut taxes on the non Rich ever.

False, unless you consider those who do not live in a dumpster "rich". In which case only the rich pay taxes so of course that would be the case.
You are still talking federal income taxes only, brainwashed super dupe.
Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment? Never mind the fact that tax cuts never deliver on any of the promises made of them, never mind the fact that we just went through this 16 years ago with Bush the Dumber and 5 years ago with Brownback in Kansas, and never mind the fact that Conservative policy has been stuck in the same rut for 40 years, why would these tax cuts magically grow the economy when they didn't before?

About half of all people making under $100K will either see no change in their taxes, or an increase in their taxes because of the elimination of deductions. Meanwhile the top 0.1% will benefit the most from this tax plan, with the 1% also benefiting immensely, some of whom will see their taxes cut in half. To pay for tax cuts for the rich, the Conservatives are eliminating state & local tax deductions, capping mortgage interest deductions, eliminating grad school (re: STEM grad students) tuition deductions, eliminating student loan interest deductions, eliminating the child tax credit, eliminating EITC, eliminating the AMT, eliminating medical expense deductions, deductions for teachers who buy school supplies for their students, the adoption tax credit, etc.

There is nothing in this Conservative tax plan that benefits anyone other than the very rich and their pet corporations.

It also increases the deficit beyond 10 years which means it's either got to have an expiration date (thus eliminating the entire purpose of this thing) or it needs 60 votes in the Senate to pass. Since Conservatives only have a 52-48 majority (which could drop to 51-49 pending AL's Senate election), they simply lack the votes to pass this disaster.

There is no need or purpose for this tax cut. The only reason Conservatives are pushing this is because they want to take more for their rich corporate donors and give you the shaft.
All Democrats need to stand on soap boxes and proudly repeat your view the middle class does need need any more of their hard earned income in their pockets.
I am entitled to my product.

No you're not. You aren't entitled to anything. So take your unearned bullshit entitlement and go fuck off, loser. Entitlement is earned, and you haven't earned shit because you're a lazy, shitty brat whose shit parents did a shit job raising their shit kid.

If you ever get a job, you'll understand. You obviously think working people owe you a living. Can you blame them if they disagree? Is your ass seriously that entitled?

First of all, I'm more convinced now than ever that you don't have a job at all. Or if you do, your job is to spread propaganda on message boards that you test out before disseminating your shit across social media. Fact is, you don't even believe the shit you post...because you don't think for yourself. You just repeat what someone screams loud enough because to you, volume = credibility.

When we get down into the weeds you become hilariously hollow and empty, not to mention inarticulate and unprincipled. You're just a slogan masquerading as a human being. What a fuckin' waste....
Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment?
After the humiliating and embarrassing ACA debacle (and eight years of lies), the party has to know that it has to shovel something out there.

You can't govern when you're essentially two parties. The country handed them the keys to the car, and they clearly have no idea how to drive it.
Taxes are transfer of wealth.

They cut taxes.

Transfers of wealth (or more accurately theft) has been reduced. You and everyone else should be happy.
Are only cutting taxes on the very richest people, dupe.

They are cutting taxes from pretty much everyone who pays them. Of course, since you don't work (trolling on message boards isn't a job) and don't pay any I can see why you would complain.

Eh, guess you will have to find a job then.
I am retired, shitthead super dupe. Republicans haven't cut taxes on the non Rich ever.

False, unless you consider those who do not live in a dumpster "rich". In which case only the rich pay taxes so of course that would be the case.
You are still talking federal income taxes only, brainwashed super dupe.
Payroll taxes are as much as income taxes now duh. And state and local taxes and fees have been going up since Reagan to make up for lower federal aid. All to save the rich from paying their share.
Do Conservatives seriously think that their budget-busting, deficit-expanding transfer of wealth from the 99% to the top has any chance of passing in this political environment? Never mind the fact that tax cuts never deliver on any of the promises made of them, never mind the fact that we just went through this 16 years ago with Bush the Dumber and 5 years ago with Brownback in Kansas, and never mind the fact that Conservative policy has been stuck in the same rut for 40 years, why would these tax cuts magically grow the economy when they didn't before?

About half of all people making under $100K will either see no change in their taxes, or an increase in their taxes because of the elimination of deductions. Meanwhile the top 0.1% will benefit the most from this tax plan, with the 1% also benefiting immensely, some of whom will see their taxes cut in half. To pay for tax cuts for the rich, the Conservatives are eliminating state & local tax deductions, capping mortgage interest deductions, eliminating grad school (re: STEM grad students) tuition deductions, eliminating student loan interest deductions, eliminating the child tax credit, eliminating EITC, eliminating the AMT, eliminating medical expense deductions, deductions for teachers who buy school supplies for their students, the adoption tax credit, etc.

There is nothing in this Conservative tax plan that benefits anyone other than the very rich and their pet corporations.

It also increases the deficit beyond 10 years which means it's either got to have an expiration date (thus eliminating the entire purpose of this thing) or it needs 60 votes in the Senate to pass. Since Conservatives only have a 52-48 majority (which could drop to 51-49 pending AL's Senate election), they simply lack the votes to pass this disaster.

There is no need or purpose for this tax cut. The only reason Conservatives are pushing this is because they want to take more for their rich corporate donors and give you the shaft.

Taxes are transfer of wealth.

They cut taxes.

Transfers of wealth (or more accurately theft) has been reduced. You and everyone else should be happy.

Strictly speaking taxes are not a transfer of wealth if they go directly to paying for some govt function, such as DoD or DoS or DoJ, for examples.

Entitlement programs can be characterized as transfer programs, but with some of them like SS and Medicare the recipients paid in during years before they were eligible for benefits.

But all that is at best tangential to the question of whether the tax cut premised on spurring jobs with corp tax cuts and cuts for middle class workers was false advertising when looking at what the bills actually do.
Except most of it goes to the 47% who pay nothing.
Here is what I would like to see. It's very simple.

Two entities earning identical incomes should be paying identical income taxes.

That is not the case today. Not even close.

We have a massive government behavioral control program in the form of deductions, exemptions, and credits. This interference distorts and twists the ever loving shit out of the free market, and creates a seriously unlevel playing field which gives the advantage to the highest contributors to Congressional campaign coffers.

We need a post card tax return. We need to eliminate all the deductions, credits, and exemptions which drive up the tax rates and the national debt. We need to eliminate all the deductions, credits, and exemptions which distort our markets. We need to eliminate all the deductions, exemptions, and credits which choke entrepreneurs while favoring sclerotic special interests with lots of campaign cash to throw around.

That's what I would like to see.

I'd like to see a Carbon Tax replace the Income Tax. We should be taxing waste and pollution, not income.
Ah, someone is getting their information from CNN.Too bad for that clueless person.

Too bad for you that Business Insider isn't CNN, but you're still a piece of shit:

Rep. Chris Collins, a New York Republican, on Tuesday cited pressure from donors as an imperative for the GOP to pass its tax bill.

"My donors are basically saying, 'Get it done or don't ever call me again,'" Collins told reporters.
In addition to being an entitled ass, you're also an ignorant one. Bezos own WaPo and Business Insider which makes it the equivalent of fake news to CNN.
Here is what I would like to see. It's very simple.

Two entities earning identical incomes should be paying identical income taxes.

That is not the case today. Not even close.

We have a massive government behavioral control program in the form of deductions, exemptions, and credits. This interference distorts and twists the ever loving shit out of the free market, and creates a seriously unlevel playing field which gives the advantage to the highest contributors to Congressional campaign coffers.

We need a post card tax return. We need to eliminate all the deductions, credits, and exemptions which drive up the tax rates and the national debt. We need to eliminate all the deductions, credits, and exemptions which distort our markets. We need to eliminate all the deductions, exemptions, and credits which choke entrepreneurs while favoring sclerotic special interests with lots of campaign cash to throw around.

That's what I would like to see.

I'd like to see a Carbon Tax replace the Income Tax. We should be taxing waste and pollution, not income.
I prefer the Fair Tax.

Nevertheless, any tax can be corrupted with deductions, exemptions, and credits. That's where the real problems are.
All Democrats need to stand on soap boxes and proudly repeat your view the middle class does need need any more of their hard earned income in their pockets.

It didn't work when Bush the Dumber did it, it didn't work when Brownback the Kansan did it, so why would it start magically working if Trump does it?
Except most of it goes to the 47% who pay nothing.

So why do 47% "pay nothing"? Simple; their taxes were cut!

So Conservatives cut taxes, which increased the number of those who don't pay taxes, then Conservatives whine about those who don't pay taxes and use that as an cut taxes.

Basically, weatherman, your taxation policy is a giant circle jerk and you're voluntarily eating the cracker.
In addition to being an entitled ass, you're also an ignorant one. Bezos own WaPo and Business Insider which makes it the equivalent of fake news to CNN.

LOL! So Bezos forced a Republican Congressman to reveal that he's only doing this for the donors?

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