Zone1 Could Humans Survive a Nuclear War Between Nato and Russia?

Mark it!

I still remember Jimmy Carter (a better president than Quid Pro) telling us about the hundreds of Soviet T-80's ready to crash across Germany and crush the west, and that we should just surrender while we had the chance,

Reagan got in, and those tanks were made of tinfoil.

Russia depends on their terracotta army.

Let me see if I've got the full elegance of your argument:

Because Russia's conventional arms capacity or will to use them was over-estimated...therefore they don't have nuclear weapons.


What you don't seem to get is that NUCLEAR DETERRENCE is the very reason their army is crap. You don't need a first grade army when no one wants to touch you and your nuclear stockpiles with a ten-foot pole.

People running the Russian millitary industrial complex specifically talk about how Putin didn't want to hear anything about convential weapons investment when he came to power and was focused on nukes.
Let me see if I've got the full elegance of your argument:

Because Russia's conventional arms capacity or will to use them was over-estimated...therefore they don't have nuclear weapons.


What you don't seem to get is that NUCLEAR DETERRENCE is the very reason their army is crap. You don't need a first grade army when no one wants to touch you and your nuclear stockpiles with a ten-foot pole.

People running the Russian millitary industrial complex specifically talk about how Putin didn't want to hear anything about convential weapons investment when he came to power and was focused on nukes.

Edited-meister. zone1

It's difficult to convince a person of the concept of "ice" when that person rejects reality and claims there is no such thing as cold.

You believe what your party programs you to believe, and nothing else.

The USSR had a fleet of nuclear armed ICBM's. Most of the democrats here cried when the Soviet Union, and the dreams of democrats, collapsed.

But the Russian Federation is not the USSR. Russia has a stockpile of 40 year old missiles that have not been upgraded or maintained for decades. At this point they pose a greater risk to Russia than to others, as the containment systems fail as old seals degrade.

But none of this will sway you, arguments such as above are designed for lucid people who operate in objective reality.
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No, it reveals your wishful thinking that Russia succeed and your submissive fear of Putin.

It is precisely this cut-and-run attitude of yours which Putin is counting on.

You want to cut-and-run when we are succeeding in handing Putin his ass.
If Donald would have been in Chamberlain's place in 1938, he would have completely surrendered to Hitler on the spot rather than trying to negotiate "peace in our time". Given the power, he'd give Putin whatever he wants rather than risk his own precious skin. The losses in Flander's Field and WWII must have really reduced the numbers of courageous Canadians in the Canadian gene pool.
I would happily avoid this discussion and here is my logic.

Two possibilities:

Nukes are used or Nukes are not used

My ability to stop either from happening:


So basically if I panic my life is miserable. If I ignore the bad stuff then my life is happy. Me panicking doesn’t help the situation. For that reason I’m out.
Could Humans Survive a Nuclear War Between Nato and Russia?
Some would. Most wouldn't. Civilization would collapse.

It's said that the world is closer to nuclear war now than it was during the Cuban missile crisis.
Whoever said that is wrong.

However, on a bright note, that wasn't even close for those of us who have a real understanding of the situation.
It was certainly close enough.

But can it be denied that the world is now closer to nuclear war than it's ever been?
Most humans would survive an all-out nuclear war.
Very unlikely. Nuclear winter will get most people.

And don't start prattling about the mythical "nuclear winter". Not even Carl Sagan (who proposed it) believed it by the time he died (read one of his biographies)
Nuclear winter is not mythical. Neither Carl Sagan nor any other scientist has ever stopped believing it.
if it was stolen technology then why does Russia have hypersonic missiles and we don't?
Russia does not have hypersonic missiles. No one does. The US is closer to having them than anyone else is.

you may want to look again . the U.S is still in the testing phase of hypersonic weapons. Russia and China HAVE them.
Neither Russia nor China have them.

Russia is using them in combat.
No they aren't.

would you like me to highlight the word hypersonic for you in the article? it was mentioned many times.
from the article header
Ukraine: first operational use of Kinzal hypersonic missile
The article is untrue. The missiles in question are ballistic not hypersonic.

I've proven that not only does Russia possess hypersonic weapons they've used them.
No, you've merely quoted from an inaccurate article.
The Russians love their children too.
It might be wise for them to overthrow their government before they get vaporized.

If Putin wants to start throwing nukes around like hand grenades he will leave his bomb shelter to discover he now lives in the Stone Age.

It's said that the world is closer to nuclear war now than it was during the Cuban missile crisis. However, on a bright note, that wasn't even close for those of us who have a real understanding of the situation.

But can it be denied that the world is now closer to nuclear war than it's ever been?

Perhaps it's time for the discussion?

I'll put it up on the board, if for no other purpose than to be able to gauge the attitudes of the board's members.

And of course determining whether or not members are more likely to avoid the question?
No. The radiation of perhaps 14,000 nukes would kill everyone.
I don't really want to find out.

I think if Russia was to open up its nuclear playbook, they'd most likely start with something low-yield and tactical, if for no other reason to gauge how the world reacts—especially nations such as China and Iran who, if they're not really with them, aren't as vigorously against them. Afterward, there would be a lot of condemnation from NATO and some very strongly worded press releases, and probably some sanctions, but I'm not convinced anyone else would respond in kind.

I don't see a mass-launch, mutually-assured, Wargames-style orgy of destruction, though.

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