Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

When the GOP sees the number of Hispanics standing in line waiting to vote in November, they are going to soil their pants. I would think they already are plotting to cut the voting periods short in swing states. One of their weapons left is voter suppression.
Whites are still the majority. Do you understand what that means?
Whites split their votes, and Trump is not going to make a "race" call for whites to vote for him. He is not a racist like you. He sure has problem with religion and ethnicity, though.

I say either businesses agree to follow the rules they hate to follow or we don't want you here. Stay overseas please.

The huge AG industry (central valley CA) cannot stay overseas. Got to work some deals, art of the deal. Prison labor may need to be worked. Why should they lift weights? Lift buckets of broccli all day. Make changes, start now. Last 30 years a total waste.

Replace migrant illegals with prison labor?

That could work. I like it.
What do we tell businesses that hire illegals for cheap labor? Triple your hourly wage, pay time and a half for overtime, and hire Americans. Correct?
I'm on record for years, get rid of bad illegals & visa overstay. Work out deal to keep good people. Add guest worker program if need be. Offer prison inmates 1day off sentence each day worked at low pay, 1/2 pay to defray costs. Your late to party. It ain't impossible to do something, some improvements.....

If you are all getting pissed and moan that illegals are taking over your low paying jobs........... Think again who will take over the high paying jobs.............. GUEST WORKERS.

If read Trump's web site his platform includes policies to reduce skilled guest workers, because of past abuse.
It's so simple.
The border patrol takes fingerprints and photos of every illegal they catch then send back.
Everyone who comes into the US on a work visa is printed and photographed.
Every business that hires anyone must take fingerprints and photos of everyone who applies for a job. These prints/photos are then emailed to a central database to verify the applicant isn't in the country illegally.
This goes for anyone applying for housing and food stamps or photo ID......anything.
When the illegals can't get any work, can't get free food stamps or housing they will head back to where they came from.
How about any business currently hiring illegals is boycotted so they are forced to shut down, close up shop.

If your business model can't survive without labor below minimum wage, then it is a flawed model and you should be doing something else.
Could people charged with being in the US illegally demand a court trial with a jury? If so, would the state have to provide an attorney? If found guilty could the person charged, appeal the case? Might be an interesting, but costly period, we might face.

If they have no legal American identity, then they shouldn't get a trial. And they can appeal from Mexico.

At their own expense.
When the GOP sees the number of Hispanics standing in line waiting to vote in November, they are going to soil their pants. I would think they already are plotting to cut the voting periods short in swing states. One of their weapons left is voter suppression.
Whites are still the majority. Do you understand what that means?
Whites split their votes, and Trump is not going to make a "race" call for whites to vote for him. He is not a racist like you. He sure has problem with religion and ethnicity, though.

"Race call"?

His policies appeal to Working Class Dem Whites and Middle Class dem whites.

A small percentage shift in those large core Dem voting bloc will have H-U-G-E impact on the absolute numbers of votes.

And of course,

Because Trump's policies are designed to serve MY interests as a way to get my support so that Trump can be President.

It is a Deal. From the man that literally wrote the book on making deals.
If you are not among the US investor class, Trump is conning you in the same way Hillary's conning her vagina voters. If you think government should be run like a business, you're naive enough to believe everything a psychopathic narcissist tells you. The Deal is just another lie the rich tell to get elected.

Your blind cynicism is as wrong headed as blind faith.

Trump's interests and mine coincide.

I will give him my support, and he will implement policies that serve my interests.

It is a good Deal.
When the GOP sees the number of Hispanics standing in line waiting to vote in November, they are going to soil their pants. I would think they already are plotting to cut the voting periods short in swing states. One of their weapons left is voter suppression.
Whites are still the majority. Do you understand what that means?
Whites split their votes, and Trump is not going to make a "race" call for whites to vote for him. He is not a racist like you. He sure has problem with religion and ethnicity, though.

"Race call"?

His policies appeal to Working Class Dem Whites and Middle Class dem whites.

A small percentage shift in those large core Dem voting bloc will have H-U-G-E impact on the absolute numbers of votes.

And of course,

I said he would not make a race call, Yurt. Read more carefully. His call may drive more independents to HRC than he thought.
Because Trump's policies are designed to serve MY interests as a way to get my support so that Trump can be President.

It is a Deal. From the man that literally wrote the book on making deals.
If you are not among the US investor class, Trump is conning you in the same way Hillary's conning her vagina voters. If you think government should be run like a business, you're naive enough to believe everything a psychopathic narcissist tells you. The Deal is just another lie the rich tell to get elected.

Your blind cynicism is as wrong headed as blind faith.

Trump's interests and mine coincide.

I will give him my support, and he will implement policies that serve my interests.

It is a good Deal.
Even Trump's biggest competitors in business dealings with him will tell anyone: "When Trump says he's going to do something you can count on him doing it".
Trump says he's going to build the 'Wall'. I'd bet my last dollar on him doing it.
Jobs Americans Won't Do? | NumbersUSA

A popular argument among pro-amnesty supporters is that illegal aliens are doing work that Americans won't do. But data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that in all occupational fields, the the vast majority of workers are American

In the United States there are 20.8 million native-borns unemployed, while there are 7.1 million illegal aliens working and employed (Center for Immigration Studies, Table 36). By looking at the numbers, if the unemployed natives replaced all the illegal workers in the workforce, 35% of the unemployed would become employed.


When people claim that these workers are taking jobs that Americans won't do, they ignore these statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011 averages):

  • 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers).
  • 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
  • 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)

According to research by Andrew Sum, a labor economist at Boston's Northeastern University, shows that the ratio of unemployed persons to job openings for construction workers is 22.1 to one, while for manufacturing it is 13 to 1. In December of 2000 these same ratios were 3.5 and 1.7 respectively. (Reuters, "U.S. Blue Collar Army Chases Few Vacancies")

Journalist Mark Cromer wrote about his experience trying to find a minimum wage job in California in "Hey Buddy, Can You Spare A Job?"

For more information on native and immigrant employment by occupation, see the Center for Immigration Studies backgrounder here and scroll to Table 9.

When the GOP sees the number of Hispanics standing in line waiting to vote in November, they are going to soil their pants. I would think they already are plotting to cut the voting periods short in swing states. One of their weapons left is voter suppression.
Whites are still the majority. Do you understand what that means?
Whites split their votes, and Trump is not going to make a "race" call for whites to vote for him. He is not a racist like you. He sure has problem with religion and ethnicity, though.

"Race call"?

His policies appeal to Working Class Dem Whites and Middle Class dem whites.

A small percentage shift in those large core Dem voting bloc will have H-U-G-E impact on the absolute numbers of votes.

And of course,

I said he would not make a race call, Yurt. Read more carefully. His call may drive more independents to HRC than he thought.

His policies appeal to Working Class Dem Whites and Middle Class dem whites.

A small percentage shift in those large core Dem voting bloc will have H-U-G-E impact on the absolute numbers of votes.

Why should wanting to bring back manufacturing jobs drive voters to vote for Hillary?
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?
What would be wrong with local, state, and county officers being allowed to arrest and detain illegals. At one time all law enforcement was allowed to arrest for being a illegal immigrant. This all ended in the Carter Administration. I was an officer during that time and we made those arrests all the time. Border patrol would pick them up and send them back. We even got a bounty on them. This change took place as I recall under Attorney General Bell. We were no longer even allowed to ask them if they were here illegally. Allowing local police to arrest would save a tremendous amount of money and would return them at a much faster rate. Use ICE for processing and transportation back.
Let's not forget that all solutions involve Congress and about half of Congress are Democrats so he always has the option of doing what President Obama does: scapegoating the opposition and blaming his predecessor
According to the opinion I based this thread on, Trump will have all the authority he needs without congress?

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it. Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress. He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order. All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem. President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE. He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers. The FBI would have to pitch in.

"Backlogs in the nation’s 57 existing immigration courts run as long as two years. The system would have to be expanded."
Disagreed, but I'm willing to make a wager on it. You?

I am SHOCKED you would even propose such a thing.
It's not a sports bet. ;)
You probably also believe that the only difference between Hitler and FDR was "polarity." ...
Incorrect, but I can see why a Keyboard Koward and Knutjob would think polar opposites of one ideology, Democracy, is the same as two completely different ideologies like Fascism and Democracy. Ideologues, regardless of stripe, often blind, stupid and have a severe case of rectal-cranial inversion.

Fascism isn't the opposite of democracy, dumbass. In fact, they have a symbiotic relationship. Fascism is the ultimate conclusion of democracy. Furthermore, democracy isn't an ideology anymore than dictatorship is an ideology.

You should try consulting a dictionary before you make a complete ass of yourself.
Cuss, bully and bullshit all you want, but the fact remains you are equating two different ideologies with the opposite sides of the same coin.
...E-Verify has problems, mostly regarding what employers can do when they think the documentation presented is hinky, but we need to do something of that sort, agreed.
Just a guess, but fixing E-Verify has to be cheaper than spending 10-15 Billion per year building, maintaining and staffing a 1900+ wall.

Yearly US government budget is well over 3.5 trillion dollars.

And Defense of borders is the primary purpose of government.
Agreed on both points. We're not disagreeing on the problem. We're disagreeing on the solution. I'm asserting that building a 1900+ mile wall costing at least $10-15 BILLION per year is not the most cost effective solution.
I can't stand these people who are apologists for this crime against citizens of the US.

How Does Illegal Immigration Hurt The Economy?
All excellent points:

"At the same time, illegal immigrants often work to support family back home, for whom the U.S. dollar goes much farther than it does here. They are more willing to work for less than the minimum wage, and what money they do make doesn't go back into the U.S. economy. While paying someone with ties and a history in the community, not only will their tax dollars go the U.S. government and be returned to the economy through public assistance programs or government contracts, but their earnings will go toward local businesses and help them thrive as well. This is the foundation of a successful economy. "

"Why Hire Illegal Immigrants
Illegal immigration doesn't exist in a vacuum. A company that doesn't want to pay taxes on its workers' pay, doesn't want to pay them the minimum wage, and thinks it can avoid U.S. labor laws will hire illegal immigrants to try to cut costs and get a leg up on its competitors. They do so because the illegal immigrants are willing to work for this low amount and, arguably, because official policies don't do enough to curtail illegals or provide a means for illegal immigrants to become legal. It is a complicated situation that resists easy slogans for people actually trying to understand the problem."
...E-Verify has problems, mostly regarding what employers can do when they think the documentation presented is hinky, but we need to do something of that sort, agreed.
Just a guess, but fixing E-Verify has to be cheaper than spending 10-15 Billion per year building, maintaining and staffing a 1900+ wall.

Yearly US government budget is well over 3.5 trillion dollars.

And Defense of borders is the primary purpose of government.
Agreed on both points. We're not disagreeing on the problem. We're disagreeing on the solution. I'm asserting that building a 1900+ mile wall costing at least $10-15 BILLION per year is not the most cost effective solution.

That cost seems inflated.

And we are past the point of nuanced discussions of cost effectiveness.

Anger is more called for.

Do everything all at once, as much as we can as fast as we can.

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