Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Notice, one of the douchebags has a funny to give but no rebuttal. :D Purrrfect.

Well, now, Chris, I did not see any point in posting a rebuttal, since you told me that I was on ignore.........,:badgrin:

Because you don't have a rebuttal because you have no idea what you're talking about, as per usual.

I take that as a "No, I don't have you on ignore"

Chris everything you said about the latino immigrants has been said before, word for word, about the Irish immigrants, Jewish immigrants, Chinese immigrants, Japanese immigrants, Italian immigrants, Cuban immigrants, and even Vietnamese immigrants. I find it incredibly amusing that pretty much everyone in the world is lazy, uneducated, lacking ambition, culturally stagnant, and destined for a life of crime, poverty, and welfare, except, of course, Americans of Anglo-saxon and european ancestry.

You obviously cannot read. Your silly "rebuttal" if that is what you would call the above was addressed and debunked in the link along with the reasons why.
The minute some Dim gets into office, that will end. The wall can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen.

And your solution would not be more effective. If it was, then Israel would be doing it in the West bank.

Walls work. End of story.
Nope, they don't very well, and, nope, it is not.

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.

Walls do work. Mexicans have NOT yet found out how to dig tunnels.


Tunnels can be found.

BTW Mr Conservative. studying the feasibility of the Israeli system will cost US Taxpayers $120 million.
Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Of course it is disputable along with your sanity.

Walls do work. Mexicans have NOT yet found out how to dig tunnels.



Funny is more like it. Chill out, dawg.

You see saying "lame" as emotionally charged? How high strung are you? When your mommy asks if you want more vegetables do you lose it?

Fuuuuuuuck yeah.
How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy

Immigration’s bottom line has shifted so sharply that in a high-immigration state like California, native-born residents are paying up to ten times more in state and local taxes than immigrants generate in economic benefits. Moreover, the cost is only likely to grow as the foreign-born population—which has already mushroomed from about 9 percent of the U.S. population when the NAS studies were done in the late 1990s to about 12 percent today—keeps growing. And citizens in more and more places will feel the bite, as immigrants move beyond their traditional settling places. From 1990 to 2005, the number of states in which immigrants make up at least 5 percent of the population nearly doubled from 17 to 29, with states like Arkansas, South Dakota, South Carolina, and Georgia seeing the most growth. This sharp turnaround since the 1970s, when immigrants were less likely to be using the social programs of the Great Society than the native-born population, says Harvard economist Borjas, suggests that welfare and other social programs are a magnet drawing certain types of immigrants—nonworking women, children, and the elderly—and keeping them here when they run into difficulty.

Not only have the formal and informal networks helping immigrants tap into our social spending grown, but they also get plenty of assistance from advocacy groups financed by tax dollars, working to ensure that immigrants get their share of social spending. Thus, the Newark-based New Jersey Immigration Policy Network receives several hundred thousand government dollars annually to help doctors and hospitals increase immigrant enrollment in Jersey’s subsidized health-care programs. Casa Maryland, operating in the greater Washington area, gets funding from nearly 20 federal, state, and local government agencies to run programs that “empower” immigrants to demand benefits and care from government and to “refer clients to government and private social service programs for which they and their families may be eligible.”

Pols around the country, intent on currying favor with ethnic voting blocs by appearing immigrant-friendly, have jumped on the benefits-for-immigrants bandwagon, endorsing “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies toward immigrants who register for benefits, giving tax dollars to centers that find immigrants work and aid illegals, and enacting legislation prohibiting local authorities from cooperating with federal immigration officials. In New York, for instance, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered city agencies to ignore an immigrant’s status in providing services. “This policy’s critical to encourage immigrant day laborers to access . . . children’s health insurance, a full range of preventive primary and acute medical care, domestic violence counseling, emergency shelters, police protection, consumer fraud protections, and protection against discrimination through the Human Rights Commission,” the city’s Immigrant Affairs Commissioner, Guillermo Linares, explains.

Almost certainly, immigrants’ participation in our social welfare programs will increase over time, because so many are destined to struggle in our workforce. Despite our cherished view of immigrants as rapidly climbing the economic ladder, more and more of the new arrivals and their children face a lifetime of economic disadvantage, because they arrive here with low levels of education and with few work skills—shortcomings not easily overcome. Mexican immigrants, who are up to six times more likely to be high school dropouts than native-born Americans, not only earn substantially less than the native-born median, but the wage gap persists for decades after they’ve arrived. A study of the 2000 census data, for instance, shows that the cohort of Mexican immigrants between 25 and 34 who entered the United States in the late 1970s were earning 40 to 50 percent less than similarly aged native-born Americans in 1980, but 20 years later they had fallen even further behind their native-born counterparts. Today’s Mexican immigrants between 25 and 34 have an even larger wage gap relative to the native-born population. Adjusting for other socioeconomic factors, Harvard’s Borjas and Katz estimate that virtually this entire wage gap is attributable to low levels of education.

Meanwhile, because their parents start off so far behind, the American-born children of Mexican immigrants also make slow progress. First-generation adult Americans of Mexican descent studied in the 2000 census, for instance, earned 14 percent less than native-born Americans. By contrast, first-generation Portuguese Americans earned slightly more than the average native-born worker—a reminder of how quickly immigrants once succeeded in America and how some still do. But Mexico increasingly dominates our immigration flows, accounting for 43 percent of the growth of our foreign-born population in the 1990s.

One reason some ethnic groups make up so little ground concerns the transmission of what economists call “ethnic capital,” or what we might call the influence of culture. More than previous generations, immigrants today tend to live concentrated in ethnic enclaves, and their children find their role models among their own group. Thus the children of today’s Mexican immigrants are likely to live in a neighborhood where about 60 percent of men dropped out of high school and now do low-wage work, and where less than half of the population speak English fluently, which might explain why high school dropout rates among Americans of Mexican ancestry are two and a half times higher than dropout rates for all other native-born Americans, and why first-generation Mexican Americans do not move up the economic ladder nearly as quickly as the children of other immigrant groups.

Again, the problem is the welfare system. Abolish it. Prior to 1965 they would come here make money and go back. Never a problem.

Because if he is elected he will be a President, first and foremost and his legacy and reputation will be based on how will he does that job.

Profits trump legacy and reputation every time.

(No pun intended.)

NOt true, and less true as people age and they need money LESS.

If Trump is driven by anything it is ego, and the best way to serve that is to have a successful legacy.

A couple more bucks won't make his legacy any more impressive.
of course he does ...but that has fuck all to do with his lack of ability .

This is why I hate when people cut down quote trees. Because important information is lost.

Mr Clean was making the argument that Trump, as a businessman would not deport cheap labor.

My point was in response to that.
I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake.

Your smear was homophobic too.

And if elected, I am sure he will try to deport 11 million illegals.

He might be stopped by the Courts or Congress, but that will be on them.

Gee, that's going to be expensive . Can we try incinerating them alive like the Nazis did in Germany and Waco?


YOur hyperbole is uncalled for.

I take it you realize that you can't make a real case against the policy, and that is why you are making hysterical Godwin smears.
...E-Verify has problems, mostly regarding what employers can do when they think the documentation presented is hinky, but we need to do something of that sort, agreed.
Just a guess, but fixing E-Verify has to be cheaper than spending 10-15 Billion per year building, maintaining and staffing a 1900+ wall.

Yearly US government budget is well over 3.5 trillion dollars.

And Defense of borders is the primary purpose of government.
I am accusing you of being Trump stump sucker, as I believe many of you are.
Yep. Use of an accusation of homosexuality as a personal smear. That's homophobic, and vulgar and very rude and "nasty". And you pretend to be the aggrieved party. Troll.
Yup because you were being a trolling asshole. This is your life, Correll.

How exactly was I being a troll?

By pointing out that your sexual imagery did not reflect on us, but on you for using it?

That's not being a troll, that's calling you on your homophobic bullshit.
You are a homophobic and racist troll. You just don't like being told the truth. So . . . don't do it.

Stop trolling the thread and address the OP. Trump has no intention of deporting anyone.

You're the one being homophobic, you dim asshole.

AND, your belief that Trump won't deport anyone is just based on your being as asshole.

AND least I forget.

How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy

Immigration’s bottom line has shifted so sharply that in a high-immigration state like California, native-born residents are paying up to ten times more in state and local taxes than immigrants generate in economic benefits. Moreover, the cost is only likely to grow as the foreign-born population—which has already mushroomed from about 9 percent of the U.S. population when the NAS studies were done in the late 1990s to about 12 percent today—keeps growing. And citizens in more and more places will feel the bite, as immigrants move beyond their traditional settling places. From 1990 to 2005, the number of states in which immigrants make up at least 5 percent of the population nearly doubled from 17 to 29, with states like Arkansas, South Dakota, South Carolina, and Georgia seeing the most growth. This sharp turnaround since the 1970s, when immigrants were less likely to be using the social programs of the Great Society than the native-born population, says Harvard economist Borjas, suggests that welfare and other social programs are a magnet drawing certain types of immigrants—nonworking women, children, and the elderly—and keeping them here when they run into difficulty.

Not only have the formal and informal networks helping immigrants tap into our social spending grown, but they also get plenty of assistance from advocacy groups financed by tax dollars, working to ensure that immigrants get their share of social spending. Thus, the Newark-based New Jersey Immigration Policy Network receives several hundred thousand government dollars annually to help doctors and hospitals increase immigrant enrollment in Jersey’s subsidized health-care programs. Casa Maryland, operating in the greater Washington area, gets funding from nearly 20 federal, state, and local government agencies to run programs that “empower” immigrants to demand benefits and care from government and to “refer clients to government and private social service programs for which they and their families may be eligible.”

Pols around the country, intent on currying favor with ethnic voting blocs by appearing immigrant-friendly, have jumped on the benefits-for-immigrants bandwagon, endorsing “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies toward immigrants who register for benefits, giving tax dollars to centers that find immigrants work and aid illegals, and enacting legislation prohibiting local authorities from cooperating with federal immigration officials. In New York, for instance, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered city agencies to ignore an immigrant’s status in providing services. “This policy’s critical to encourage immigrant day laborers to access . . . children’s health insurance, a full range of preventive primary and acute medical care, domestic violence counseling, emergency shelters, police protection, consumer fraud protections, and protection against discrimination through the Human Rights Commission,” the city’s Immigrant Affairs Commissioner, Guillermo Linares, explains.

Almost certainly, immigrants’ participation in our social welfare programs will increase over time, because so many are destined to struggle in our workforce. Despite our cherished view of immigrants as rapidly climbing the economic ladder, more and more of the new arrivals and their children face a lifetime of economic disadvantage, because they arrive here with low levels of education and with few work skills—shortcomings not easily overcome. Mexican immigrants, who are up to six times more likely to be high school dropouts than native-born Americans, not only earn substantially less than the native-born median, but the wage gap persists for decades after they’ve arrived. A study of the 2000 census data, for instance, shows that the cohort of Mexican immigrants between 25 and 34 who entered the United States in the late 1970s were earning 40 to 50 percent less than similarly aged native-born Americans in 1980, but 20 years later they had fallen even further behind their native-born counterparts. Today’s Mexican immigrants between 25 and 34 have an even larger wage gap relative to the native-born population. Adjusting for other socioeconomic factors, Harvard’s Borjas and Katz estimate that virtually this entire wage gap is attributable to low levels of education.

Meanwhile, because their parents start off so far behind, the American-born children of Mexican immigrants also make slow progress. First-generation adult Americans of Mexican descent studied in the 2000 census, for instance, earned 14 percent less than native-born Americans. By contrast, first-generation Portuguese Americans earned slightly more than the average native-born worker—a reminder of how quickly immigrants once succeeded in America and how some still do. But Mexico increasingly dominates our immigration flows, accounting for 43 percent of the growth of our foreign-born population in the 1990s.

One reason some ethnic groups make up so little ground concerns the transmission of what economists call “ethnic capital,” or what we might call the influence of culture. More than previous generations, immigrants today tend to live concentrated in ethnic enclaves, and their children find their role models among their own group. Thus the children of today’s Mexican immigrants are likely to live in a neighborhood where about 60 percent of men dropped out of high school and now do low-wage work, and where less than half of the population speak English fluently, which might explain why high school dropout rates among Americans of Mexican ancestry are two and a half times higher than dropout rates for all other native-born Americans, and why first-generation Mexican Americans do not move up the economic ladder nearly as quickly as the children of other immigrant groups.

Again, the problem is the welfare system. Abolish it. Prior to 1965 they would come here make money and go back. Never a problem.


Why do you want all these Third World outsiders wander into and supposedly out of our nation, willy nilly?

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.
It's the LIB 'man-bun' fairies who are afraid of getting their hands dirty who won't take the jobs available.

And thus, can't imagine that someone else would.

Since you and Dannyboys are old and obsolete .......... You don't have a clue what is going on on the job market. There are jobs available right now for Americans but where are they? Are they applying for these jobs? Some maybe but in general NO.
If this trend keep going.......... more and more companies and hospitals will hire foreign workers that will do janitors and cook like.............. TRUMP.

There are plenty of poor Americans who need work. If no one is showing up for a job, maybe the bosses are doing something wrong.
I'm not the one accusing other men of sucking dick as a personal attack.

That's Jake. Not me.

You libs are supposedly so concerned about bigotry, but when one of your own is doing it, suddenly you cant' even see it.
what does bill Clintons womanizing have to do with your blatant homophobia ? ............jack shit that's what!

Nothing in your post had anything to do with anything in my post.

Jake is accusing Trump supporters of sucking dick as a personal smear.

That's homophobia.....

That's ridiculous. No one thinks you are afraid to suck dick. Quite the contrary...

So anyway, no, he won't deport 11 million people.

I'm disappointed in you. I expect such behavior from Jake.....

Take it easy, I'm sure he sucks dick too.

So anyway, no he won't really try. He would try to make it look like he tried, air enough rhetoric to satisfy the Bud Light at 7AM voting block, and then work with Congress on reasonable reforms which, if passed, he would tout as more than they are and take full credit for them unless or until they prove unpopular. You know, politics.

This is a central part of his campaign.

Your assumption that he is not serious is unsupported.

Your assumption that he is stupid enough to try to slack off on it is unsupported.

Your assumption that his supporters would be fooled by a token effort is unsupported.
"There are jobs available right now for Americans but where are they? Are they applying for these jobs? Some maybe but in general NO. "

The above is only an assertion with absolutely no evident, concrete support.

Since we are guessing, like the above, my guess is too many Americans are not willing to retrain.

Retraining takes time and by the time you are finished, the jobs might not be there, and it takes money.

Perhaps some of these business should pay for the retraining.
That is incorrect. Jobs are available now and there are some shortages of workers
I don't see American going for those jobs.
Feel free to provide evidence...and I'm not just talking about Bernie speeches.

That said, a worker shortage doesn't justify you supporting the victimization and exploitation of illegal immigrants. Why not support immigration reform? Worker visas? Why do you support illegal immigrants who can be exploited for profit and not lawful workers who have the protection of the law?

I'm in the business of medical instruments, consumables and reagents. I do not have illegal employees but I have lots of legal Asian, Hispanic middle easterners, Russian immigrants............... My company is predominantly white Americans....... but when it comes to blood products, warehouse, refrigeration and janitorial jobs......... my fellow Americans are none existent.
Some applied and take the jobs but most they do not last long or quit the next day. I know tons of other business owners like hospitals, hotels, manufacturing operations etc. are also facing the same problem. As I said jobs are available now but where are they?
I also know several small business owners like mom and pop shops that hire illegals............ They are facing shortages of workers and are willing to hire Americans or anybody but where are they?
I do not support illegal immigration and I do not support deportation.
I support immigration reform and that is where I stand.

"Immigration reform" is a code word meaning "amnesty."

Agreed, and fuck that shit.

Ive known you as a racist asshole bastard...... Your credibility and your opinion is nothing but garbage.

By that, you mean you know that you can't shoot down my arguments, and you know that I will call you on your lefty bullshit.

Oh, and before I forget.

I am accusing you of being Trump stump sucker, as I believe many of you are.
Yep. Use of an accusation of homosexuality as a personal smear. That's homophobic, and vulgar and very rude and "nasty". And you pretend to be the aggrieved party. Troll.
Yup because you were being a trolling asshole. This is your life, Correll.

How exactly was I being a troll?

By pointing out that your sexual imagery did not reflect on us, but on you for using it?

That's not being a troll, that's calling you on your homophobic bullshit.
who the fuck is us .?
Jake is talking only to you.
using the imaginary us the same way you use the imaginary we is absolute chicken shit.

He was jumping back and forth from me personally to Trump supporters in general.

In using an accusation of homosexual behavior as a personal smear.
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
The problem with a physical wall, besides the Patton quote regarding fixed fortifications, is that people will just go around it by boat or enter the US legally, but stay illegally:

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Agreed 100% on cracking down on those who profit from illegal immigration. That is a much more viable solution since putting a handful in prison and confiscating their businesses will persuade the majority of other business owners to change their illegal habits.

"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man"
-- General George S. Patton​

If by "going around" the people in question have to go into the deep desert, that greatly increases the difficulty of getting into the country, AND makes it easier for the Border Patrol to catch them.

And Patton was a great general.

At a very specific time in history when military technology favored fast aggressive offense.

There were plenty of times in history when the opposite was true.

They didn't build castles because they didn't work.

As I said you are obsolete........ Last year 117 Mexicans died from crossing the border. That doesn't even count the people that was rescued close from dying. Illegals going back to Mexico to attend special occasions like death or wedding cannot make it back to US. Some were caught 17 times and deported 17 times. Illegals crossings are just a trickle. Please keep your small head updated.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.

Are you claiming that they ALREADY have to go into the deep desert where they die?

Or are you claiming that they easily slip though legal crossing points, and just try again if caught?
Let's not forget that all solutions involve Congress and about half of Congress are Democrats so he always has the option of doing what President Obama does: scapegoating the opposition and blaming his predecessor
According to the opinion I based this thread on, Trump will have all the authority he needs without congress?

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it. Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress. He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order. All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem. President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE. He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers. The FBI would have to pitch in.

"Backlogs in the nation’s 57 existing immigration courts run as long as two years. The system would have to be expanded."
Disagreed, but I'm willing to make a wager on it. You?

I am SHOCKED you would even propose such a thing.
....But you can cross the desert along the Southern border as well and not ever see a border patrol.
Understood, but 1) that's risky and 2) to what purpose?:

Drug smuggling? They ain't hiking across the desert with a pound of coke strapped to their legs. They're transporting them in with boats and submersibles by the ton. The "Drug War" costs American taxpayers over 10 Billion a year and all it did was create the Cartels just like Prohibition created the Mafia.

Jobs? Let's discuss E-Verify and locking up illicit employers and renters first before spending 10-15 BILLION dollars a year on a wall.

JimBowel and his cronies like Dannyboys, correll and Brifart is more of the same ignorant, racist assholes bulshitter.

When the GOP sees the number of Hispanics standing in line waiting to vote in November, they are going to soil their pants. I would think they already are plotting to cut the voting periods short in swing states. One of their weapons left is voter suppression.

Whites are still the majority. Do you understand what that means?

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