Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Yes, walls do work, douche bag. The fact simply isn't disputable.
Yes it is .
Every time you spew that shit it's disputed successful. .
Shit stain.

Really? Please quote where it has been successfully disputed.
You mean other than ever time you post that bullshit?
Please quote just one example, or admit you're a lying douche bag.
Every time is the only example needed.

In other words, there are no examples. You're running away just as you did before. That seems to be your modus operandi.
I can't remember how long Trump says that it will take him to wipe out ISIS, but 4 months comes to mind. He would do it quicker, but, first he has to do something about the thousands and thousands of people in Jersey City who were celebrating the collapse of the towers.
What do we tell businesses that hire illegals for cheap labor? Triple your hourly wage, pay time and a half for overtime, and hire Americans. Correct?
You mean the members of MS-13 are legal immigrants?
Those who were born here are just as legal as you are.
Do you have any idea why their parents/grandparents migrated to this country in the first place.

"The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s."
MS-13 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What do we tell businesses that hire illegals for cheap labor? Triple your hourly wage, pay time and a half for overtime, and hire Americans. Correct?
I'm on record for years, get rid of bad illegals & visa overstay. Work out deal to keep good people. Add guest worker program if need be. Offer prison inmates 1day off sentence each day worked at low pay, 1/2 pay to defray costs. Your late to party. It ain't impossible to do something, some improvements.....
What do we tell businesses that hire illegals for cheap labor? Triple your hourly wage, pay time and a half for overtime, and hire Americans. Correct?
We tell them, 'Obey our immigration and labor laws or lose your businesses through asset forfeiture and you will spend decades in prison.'
You mean the members of MS-13 are legal immigrants?
Those who were born here are just as legal as you are.
Do you have any idea why their parents/grandparents migrated to this country in the first place.

"The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s."
MS-13 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont give a flying fuck why they came here. They are criminals now and they shit on our laws, our courts, our citizens and the values that made this country what it is.

They can go back to their homelands and return here legally or shut the fuck up and live in a shit hole.
I say either businesses agree to follow the rules they hate to follow or we don't want you here. Stay overseas please.
Those people were all picked up and sent back where they came from.
Correct. Those are the caughted. If I showed pictures of arrested pickpockets, does this mean all pickpockets are picked up and arrested? Of course not.

A wall has limited effectiveness. Yes, it can be effective to a degree, but is it really worth 10-15 BILLION dollars a year forever? Are there better, more cost effective solutions? Yes, as stated several times previously.

1. Didn't you say previously that you favor immigration reform and amnesty?
2. We are already doing a very good job securing our borders. Illegal crossings are now just a trickle.
3. Wall is just a waste.

He's another open-borders douche bag, just like you.

We do not have open borders. Idiot.
BTW........ I responded to your dumb link........ Did you get lost, scared or no rebuttal?

We have pretty close to it, and you would move us closer to open borders if you had your way.

Which dumb link?

Dude you only sent one link in this thread.......... Not only that you are playing dumb....... You are also retarded.
I say either businesses agree to follow the rules they hate to follow or we don't want you here. Stay overseas please.

The huge AG industry (central valley CA) cannot stay overseas. Got to work some deals, art of the deal. Prison labor may need to be worked. Why should they lift weights? Lift buckets of broccli all day. Make changes, start now. Last 30 years a total waste.
Just wondering if we need nets to Catch these tourists violators.

U.S. Estimates 500,000 Visitors Overstayed Visas in 2015

If they run, tranquilizer dsrt and net would seem appropriate.

That is exactly what I expect from a dumb nut but like you.

OK I read ur 10 pages of drool....never have put anyone ignore, including sports boards. You been laying around w/them funny boys out in PS too long. Put down the mirror, go out for a swim Brad.
What do we tell businesses that hire illegals for cheap labor? Triple your hourly wage, pay time and a half for overtime, and hire Americans. Correct?
I'm on record for years, get rid of bad illegals & visa overstay. Work out deal to keep good people. Add guest worker program if need be. Offer prison inmates 1day off sentence each day worked at low pay, 1/2 pay to defray costs. Your late to party. It ain't impossible to do something, some improvements.....

If you are all getting pissed and moan that illegals are taking over your low paying jobs........... Think again who will take over the high paying jobs.............. GUEST WORKERS.
Just wondering if we need nets to Catch these tourists violators.

U.S. Estimates 500,000 Visitors Overstayed Visas in 2015

If they run, tranquilizer dsrt and net would seem appropriate.

That is exactly what I expect from a dumb nut but like you.

OK I read ur 10 pages of drool....never have put anyone ignore, including sports boards. You been laying around w/them funny boys out in PS too long. Put down the mirror, go out for a swim Brad.

Dude this just show......... You never have a clue what you are talking about.
You mean the members of MS-13 are legal immigrants?
Those who were born here are just as legal as you are.
Do you have any idea why their parents/grandparents migrated to this country in the first place.

"The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s."
MS-13 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They migrated to get away from wars started by people like you - communists, that is.
"What Would It Take for Donald Trump to Deport 11 Million and Build a Wall?
"Mass deportations: Adding chaos to dysfunction

"Mr. Trump has a simple plan to reduce the population of 11 million immigrants living illegally in the United States: Deport them.


"He says he would follow the example of the military-style roundups authorized by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954. The initiative, known as Operation Wetback, expelled hundreds of thousands of Mexicans.

"Mr. Trump contends that the start of deportations would show immigrants he meant business and prompt many to leave on their own, and that it would take about two years to finish the job. There, the specifics end..."

"Finding those immigrants would be difficult, experts said. Police officers across the country would need to ask people for proof of residency or citizenship during traffic stops and street encounters.

"The Border Patrol would need highway checkpoints across the Southwest and near the Canadian border.

"To avoid racial profiling, any American could expect to be stopped and asked for papers."

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