Could U.S. leave NATO in exchange for ending Ukraine War?

As long as the US isn't stuck footing the bill. That's all Trump wanted, was for nations to pay their fair share, but for the fact that NATO doesn't protect the US in the short term, it protects those in Russia's immediate vicinity. If they are the ones getting the huge majority of the benefit, then they should be paying the huge majority of the costs. 2% across the board is not fair to the US as we don't get most of the benefit and many of the countries weren't even anteing up their 2%.

Trump is a moron
The only thing that matters to him is money

He doesn’t care about NATOs mission, potential threats, coordination of powers……all he cares about is who pays what and whine that he is being cheated
Trump is a moron
The only thing that matters to him is money

He doesn’t care about NATOs mission, potential threats, coordination of powers……all he cares about is who pays what and whine that he is being cheated
LOL. Don't seem to understand that most Americans are against the big money in politics of both establishment parties, do you? I particularly love how Bernie rails against the one percenters while being one himself.
How about this deal? Lets tell Putin he has 30 days to remove his army from Ukraine or the United states will nuke Moscow off the face of the planet 30 seconds after the deadline. We're not fucking around anymore.
Why do people think you're an idiot?
LOL. Don't seem to understand that most Americans are against the big money in politics of both establishment parties, do you? I particularly love how Bernie rails against the one percenters while being one himself.

Bernie is far from being a one percenter
How about this deal? Lets tell Putin he has 30 days to remove his army from Ukraine or the United states will nuke Moscow off the face of the planet 30 seconds after the deadline. We're not fucking around anymore.
You are aware that Russia has as many nukes as we do ?
The Ruskies could join MATO and work on cooperation instead of conquering.
I wouldn't tie it to Russia, but NATO nations get 1 year to meet their budgetary goals or we're out. Any future NATO anything is cost shared on a scale based on each nation's GDP. We should be long done funding the security of, and sending our people to die for, every nation state in NATO or one that is strategic, such as this Ukraine debacle.

This is one issue Trump was dead nuts right on.
Aside from the fact that the only time anybody sent people to die on the request of a NATO ally invoking Article 5 was the rest of NATO coming to the US' aid after 9-11.
I am informed, and he most certainly invaded Ukraine and killed Ukrainians relentlessly, systematically, without thought or reason...genocide...

You support that....?
Foolish. You’ve been duped.

The war started in 2014 after O and Nuland’s coup and the Ukrainian army attacked Russians in the Donbas.

Putin has treaded very lightly in this war. Had he done like the US military, Kiev would be in ruins with a million dead civilians.

Stop accepting CIA controlled media. GET INFORMED.
Maybe Russia leaves some or all of its current territory in Ukraine, too. :dunno: That could possibly be negotiated. Trump's comment that he could end the war in 24 hours made me think this might be the most likely avenue for that. The U.S. could still do whatever it wants regarding defending European countries, while maybe it strikes a sense of urgency into Europe to take care of itself. I'm curious to read people's thoughts on that.
Putin would love that
LOL. Yeah, and it isn't really Bernie who is richer than snot, it is his wife.

Not really
For most of his political career, Bernie Sanders made a modest living. Once he got a following, he started making money on books and speaking engagements

Compared to other Senators, he is far from wealthy

Aside from the fact that the only time anybody sent people to die on the request of a NATO ally invoking Article 5 was the rest of NATO coming to the US' aid after 9-11.
Aside from the fact that NATO is considering massing 300,000 troops on the Russian border right now.

Aside from all of these recent activities:

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Not really
For most of his political career, Bernie Sanders made a modest living. Once he got a following, he started making money on books and speaking engagements

Compared to other Senators, he is far from wealthy

As I said, he is a full blooded capitalist.

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