Cracks in the Republican wall

Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins say they won't vote for Education nominee Betsy DeVos


So still got 50, and Pence can tie-break.

What Trump should do however, is figure out a way to legally dissolve the Department. That'll learn em.
Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins say they won't vote for Education nominee Betsy DeVos


So still got 50, and Pence can tie-break.

What Trump should do however, is figure out a way to legally dissolve the Department. That'll learn em.

So it's ok that she knows nothing?

Considering she's capable of breathing, walking and talking, i have to assume she knows at least something.

She must really freak out the Government-Educational Complex to be getting this much heat.
Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins say they won't vote for Education nominee Betsy DeVos


So still got 50, and Pence can tie-break.

What Trump should do however, is figure out a way to legally dissolve the Department. That'll learn em.

So it's ok that she knows nothing?

Considering she's capable of breathing, walking and talking, i have to assume she knows at least something.

She must really freak out the Government-Educational Complex to be getting this much heat.

No. The fact that you think someone should get a cabinet level position because they're a big money donor makes you disgusting
She wants to make big changes.

Get rid of common core and make it possible for inner city kids to go to charter schools so you can bet the Dems don't want her in charge of Education.
Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins say they won't vote for Education nominee Betsy DeVos


So still got 50, and Pence can tie-break.

What Trump should do however, is figure out a way to legally dissolve the Department. That'll learn em.

So it's ok that she knows nothing?

Considering she's capable of breathing, walking and talking, i have to assume she knows at least something.

She must really freak out the Government-Educational Complex to be getting this much heat.

No. The fact that you think someone should get a cabinet level position because they're a big money donor makes you disgusting

At least she's honest about it.

My family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican Party. I have decided to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence,” she wrote. “Now I simply concede the point. They are right."[44] She also stated in the op-ed, “We expect to foster a conservative governing philosophy consisting of limited government and respect for traditional American virtues…We expect a return on our investment; we expect a good and honest government. Furthermore, we expect the Republican Party to use the money to promote these policies and, yes, to win elections."[45]

Shes a proponent of education policies you don't like, which is enough in your book to crucify her, regardless of the statement above.
She wants to make big changes.

Get rid of common core and make it possible for inner city kids to go to charter schools so you can bet the Dems don't want her in charge of Education.

Dems want to keep inner city students hopeless, uneducated and devoted to Big Gubbamint
Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins say they won't vote for Education nominee Betsy DeVos

Collins, Murkowski to vote no on education secretary nominee -


Yea, our world is going to come crashing down if the Secretary of Education doesn't go through.

Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins say they won't vote for Education nominee Betsy DeVos

Collins, Murkowski to vote no on education secretary nominee -


Yea, our world is going to come crashing down if the Secretary of Education doesn't go through.


There were no cracks in the Republican wall while Obama was President

Now that Trump is President, we have Collins and Murkowski willing to break ranks

You also have McCain and Graham openly at war with the President
Democrats hate and despise little black children and don't want them to learn how to read and write, so they grow up to be on welfare. Betsy DeVos wants to change that.
There were no cracks in the Republican wall while Obama was President

Now that Trump is President, we have Collins and Murkowski willing to break ranks

You also have McCain and Graham openly at war with the President

Q: What is is that Collins, Murkowski, McCain and Graham have in common?

A: They have a morbid taste for expensive primaries.
There were no cracks in the Republican wall while Obama was President

Now that Trump is President, we have Collins and Murkowski willing to break ranks

You also have McCain and Graham openly at war with the President

Q: What is is that Collins, Murkowski, McCain and Graham have in common?

A: They have a morbid taste for expensive primaries.

They obviously are not afraid
There were no cracks in the Republican wall while Obama was President

Now that Trump is President, we have Collins and Murkowski willing to break ranks

You also have McCain and Graham openly at war with the President

One of the funnier posts of the day for me.

Were you sleeping through the Tea Party, Gang of 14, Gang of 8, Little Marco, Lyin Ted, NeverTrump? Naww... the GOP has been the epitome of solidarity until now! :rofl:

Oh, and that McCain and his butt buddy Graham... I can't comprehend how they've become such defiant Mavericks all of a sudden, after all these years of being totally loyal to the GOP! :lmao:

And Murkowski and Collins breaking ranks.... oh my goodness, who saw THAT coming? :lol:

My question is.... do you prefer smoking crack or sniffing glue on a regular basis?
Education Secretary is small potatoes

What happens when Republicans vote to repeal Obamacare without an acceptable replacement?

Can they count on Collins and Murkowski? Probably not
Will McCain and Graham support Trumpcare? That's laughable

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