Crucial times for the Supreme Court

Any changes on immigration law are to be done by Congress not the President through an EO the fact they aren't doing it fast enough for Obama does not change this

Perhaps........will you be one of those who'll tell your GOP congress people to get their asses in gear and pass some legislation as Obama has repeatedly requested?
I mean, how many years has congress done nothing but bitch?
Did you say that to Harry Reid when he basically shut the Senate down from January of 2011 to January of 2015?

Actually, YES, I did on several emails.....BUT, check your blanket statement about Reid's power to shut down all of the senate.
Ready to send some emails to McConnell????
How do you know I haven't? As Majority leader Reid had the power to bring legislation up for a vote or to make sure it never came up for a vote same as McConnell has now?
Well, if they like their insurance, they can keep their insurance. If they don't like their insurance, they can discontinue it. In other words, their reaction will be freedom.

Well, REAL "FREEDOM" would be when choosing to bleed to death in a corner instead of going to the a hospital's emergency room; is that what you'd choose to exercise your liberties?

Is REAL "FREEDOM" being forced to give your money to someone else so they can pay their medical bills?
Your opinion matters regarding the 4 crucial decisions that will be rendered by the SC later this month. Questions:

1. If the ACA is found unconstitutional, how will the public react?

2. If Obama's Immigration executive order is also found unconstitutional, how will the public AND the congress react?

3. If same sex marriages are found to be unconstitutional, how will the LBGT community react?

4. If capital punishment is also found unconstitutional under the current methods of capital punishment, how will the public react?
1. Most of the public will panic over what comes next, then realize they're not stuck with astronomical rates any longer, and things will calm down.

2. The stage will be set to drive the Invaders from American Soil after january 20, 2017.

3. Who cares? They're 3% of the population. They can't impose upon the 97% much longer. America will return to being a better place.

4. Not gonna happen.
immigration of both legal and illegal should be Stopped Nat . Its no benefit to American , only benefits government and business . Business because of lower wages , government because they like making laws to herd all the diverse peoples around .

Wow, even legal immigration? Take down the Statue of Liberty?
statue is a joke mostly because of that lefty 'emma lazurus' poem , plaque which was added years after the delivery and setup of the statue NAT !!
Your opinion matters regarding the 4 crucial decisions that will be rendered by the SC later this month. Questions:

1. If the ACA is found unconstitutional, how will the public react?

2. If Obama's Immigration executive order is also found unconstitutional, how will the public AND the congress react?

3. If same sex marriages are found to be unconstitutional, how will the LBGT community react?

4. If capital punishment is also found unconstitutional under the current methods of capital punishment, how will the public react?
I don't think any of those will occur. Gay marriage maybe, but I expect them to duck it.
statue is a joke mostly because of that lefty 'emma lazurus' poem , plaque which was added years after the delivery and setup of the statue NAT !!

Well,'re still dreaming of those long gone days when the country was ruled by all white, evangelical, bible thumpers.....The next 25 years will reshape this country, and if you're still around, you won't like it.
to me the Point is that I'm correct in what I say about the statue , accuracy is the most important thing to me . Your response is silly , as if you can predict the future . He11 , the way things are going there may be no USA in 25 years Nat !!
and when I say 'no usa' in 25 years , I mean that I don't think that it will be America . Land will still be here but if it keeps going like its going its going to be all messed up , is my guess Nat !!
and when I say 'no usa' in 25 years , I mean that I don't think that it will be America . Land will still be here but if it keeps going like its going its going to be all messed up , is my guess Nat !!

Seriously, the US will be just fine.......In the next quarter century, our country will be considerably "browner" in its citizenry, a bit less wealthy with its middleclass, and a heck of a lot less influential in both the world economic affairs and acts of belligerence.
1. The public will push the right to reform the act to extend the subsidies or they will lose the next election cycle by a rather large margin. I don't think that they are that politically idiotic so they will do it. The left will try and use the resistance as a beating stick. It will be interesting how this plays out in the presidential race.

2. Virtually nothing. No one is really paying attention to that anymore.

3. Gay marriage is not going anywhere - period.

4. ditto. NO one will really care about this as well though. It is not a major issue to the public at large.
1. The public will push the right to reform the act to extend the subsidies or they will lose the next election cycle by a rather large margin. I don't think that they are that politically idiotic so they will do it. The left will try and use the resistance as a beating stick. It will be interesting how this plays out in the presidential race.

I wholly agree....but only with you first response.

I do disagree, however, with the immigration issue not being in people's minds; heck the right will use this issue as hammer.
Your opinion matters regarding the 4 crucial decisions that will be rendered by the SC later this month. Questions:

1. If the ACA is found unconstitutional, how will the public react?
The ACA has already been found to be constitutional, and the Right reacted by repealing it over 50 times in a spastic theater for the rubes.

2. If Obama's Immigration executive order is also found unconstitutional, how will the public AND the congress react?

Certain members of Congress will react by pushing for immigration reform, and Republicans will react by filibustering it. The GOP will ignore the will of 80 percent of the People who want illegals to be provided legal status or a path to citizenship, just as they have been.

The GOP harps about the will of the People only when it suits them, and otherwise ignores it.

3. If same sex marriages are found to be unconstitutional, how will the LBGT community react?

I have serious doubt same sex marriages will not have their rights recognized. So the question is, "How will the bigots react?"

4. If capital punishment is also found unconstitutional under the current methods of capital punishment, how will the public react?

Capital punishment has already been found to be constitutional. The question before the court is whether or not a particular drug is cruel and unusual punishment.
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3.The constitutionality of same sex marriage is not up for decision. At issue is whether unelected judges make law or state legislatures and/or referenda.
Nope. At issue is whether the majority can vote away rights. In particular, the rights of a minority. A question that has been settled many times for other minorities in their favor.
yep , immigration will be used as a hammer as much as it can be used Nat !!
The public despises obamacare and wants it gone.

Glad we have someone on this forum who can represent and speak for ALL the public....and at least if for not all of the public, the other nitwits in his/her basement.
Nope. At issue is whether the majority can vote away rights. In particular, the rights of a minority. A question that has been settled many times for other minorities in their favor.

True, my friend, but THIS supreme court has the likes of Scalia and his hand puppet, one wonders if Roberts and Alito as still on the right side of the Constitution.
1. If the ACA is found unconstitutional, how will the public react?

2. If Obama's Immigration executive order is also found unconstitutional, how will the public AND the congress react?

3. If same sex marriages are found to be unconstitutional, how will the LBGT community react?

4. If capital punishment is also found unconstitutional under the current methods of capital punishment, how will the public react?

1. The public will demand that Congress send a clean bill to BHO to fix it.

2. Indifferently.

3. Furious.

4. Unhappy but accept it.
Certain members of Congress will react by pushing for immigration reform, and Republicans will react by filibustering it. The GOP will ignore the will of 80 percent of the People who want illegals to be provided legal status or a path to citizenship, just as they have been.

The GOP harps about the will of the People only when it suits them, and otherwise ignores it.

Source that 80 percent back Obama’s immigration edict.

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