Crucial times for the Supreme Court

Everyone has access to healthcare. The law requires care for anyone that shows up at an ER and there are thousands of FREE clinics operated by Cities, Counties and charitable organization for those without insurance.

Well, there you go...problem "SOLVED" !!!

Need a hip replacement ? up at the ER or rob a bank, get caught and in prison you'll get free health care....

Need dialysis? up at the ER, wait in line and in just 3 to 5 hours, they'll take care of you.

Need cancer treatment?......your friendly ER staff will take care of you.

After all, ER treatments are "free" one pays for that, right, toodumb?

Right wingers get pissed because their tax dollars subsidize HC insurance, but are too STUPID to realize that they must also subsidize ER costs........

NO ONE should ever "accuse" some right wingers of being too bright.

I will repeat this for the permanently brain impaired.

The law requires care for anyone that shows up at an ER and there are thousands of FREE clinics operated by Cities, Counties and charitable organization for those without insurance.
I didn't say ER's are free dumbass!

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