Damning testimony in Trump Hush Money Trial

"In what amounted to incredibly damning testimony, Pecker laid out the 2015 deal he reached with Trump “to help the campaign.” Pecker called the arrangement to publish stories to make Trump look good — and to smear his political rivals — “highly, highly confidential.”

Neat, call me shocked, we already knew Trump team fucked up. Big deal, MAGA got a hard-on, and a cool blond put out. Not fond of his open marriage, but fuck it, I like the upside. Cost benefit.

Wow, this Pecker (irony) guy even provided testimony his media built stories to sell Trump. I can't believe an outfit would print BS to help candidates. MAGA.

It's a big game, you try overcoming the left leaning on education, nearly all media, TV, Hollywood, music, unions, govt. work. Even Taylor Swift is coming after the orange-man, the TDS is strong. That's the easy part, because the worst part is the weaponization of justice for monetary and political gain, weakening the system, including that of our rights a citizens, spelled out by our kick-ass founding fathers, with big-ass brains, and God.

Pecker called the arrangement to publish stories to make Trump look good — and to smear his political rivals — “highly, highly confidential.”

They were like the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN?
I'm shocked!!!
Hillary paid foreigners to fake disinformation about Trump to influence an election.
That sounds much worse than some NDAs.
Hillary paid Russians, and then paid a $113,000 fine for breaking campaign laws.

Bragg's case falls apart when you look that Pecker and Trump had their "conspiracy" to protect Trump's reputation wayyyy before the 2016 election. Karen McDougal's NDA is perfectly legal, as an example, the doorman's $30,000 another.
They are simple and the same charge. [FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE FIRST DEGREE], 34 times.
Hillary paid Russians, and then paid a $113,000 fine for breaking campaign laws.

Bragg's case falls apart when you look that Pecker and Trump had their "conspiracy" to protect Trump's reputation wayyyy before the 2016 election. Karen McDougal's NDA is perfectly legal, as an example, the doorman's $30,000 another.
Fusion GPS is hardly a Russian company. The Clinton campaign was fined $8,000 for misreporting.

Neither Pecker nor Trump is charged with creating an executing an NDA.
34 counts of falsifying business records in the 1st degree are the crimes allegedly committed by trump. Wake up, sleepy.
Yeah that 34 counts is bs too, a lot of it is repetitive charges. Like, one crime but every time he moved a piece of the same paper, they call it another “crime”.

But hey, if they can make it stick, I’m sure they’ll do it.
It's not damning at all. Ever since politics started, people have been doing this, including Biden, who buried the fact that he had classified documents just before the 2020 election.
How much did he pay, who did he pay, and who did he conspire with to not publish that story? Did Biden even have a fixer?
You're going to go nuts when Trump is convicted.
he's on trial now .. the left is attempting to imprison the gop candidate and there are no republican mobs in the street going crazy ... the only mobs in the streets are Marxist leftwing pro Hamas terrorist homosexual idiots ....AGAIN !

Hunter & Hillary? Lol. Which one of those two did anything close to what Trump is being charged with? As a matter of fact Hunter has never even run for ANY public office.
note the phase [what Trump is being charged with ] what the Marxist faggot is saying is the charges matter more than the facts ..
Trump is such a morally bankrupt slimeball that he had to get Pecker & his N.I. rag to run interference for him so that the rubes wouldn't find out before the election that he's an amoral degenerate.

"Spanky" Trump gave his worshippers too much credit in paying off Daniels. He should have just come clean on the whole deal because you rubes would have voted for the lying bastard anyway.

Still butthurt over 2016?
"In what amounted to incredibly damning testimony, Pecker laid out the 2015 deal he reached with Trump “to help the campaign.” Pecker called the arrangement to publish stories to make Trump look good — and to smear his political rivals — “highly, highly confidential.”

Neat, call me shocked, we already knew Trump team fucked up. Big deal, MAGA got a hard-on, and a cool blond put out. Not fond of his open marriage, but fuck it, I like the upside. Cost benefit.

Wow, this Pecker (irony) guy even provided testimony his media built stories to sell Trump. I can't believe an outfit would print BS to help candidates. MAGA.

It's a big game, you try overcoming the left leaning on education, nearly all media, TV, Hollywood, music, unions, govt. work. Even Taylor Swift is coming after the orange-man, the TDS is strong. That's the easy part, because the worst part is the weaponization of justice for monetary and political gain, weakening the system, including that of our rights a citizens, spelled out by our kick-ass founding fathers, with big-ass brains, and God.

Can't count how many news media outlets do the exact same thing for commiecrats at every level. xiden has even chastised the media for not hyping him enough. Ya really can't something damning when the topic isn't even a crime.

Fusion GPS is hardly a Russian company. The Clinton campaign was fined $8,000 for misreporting.

Neither Pecker nor Trump is charged with creating an executing an NDA.
GPS hired Russians, real Russians. LIAR. Not $8,000...

Its not the NDA that are being charged with, its a "conspiracy" to defraud voters during the 2016 election. There was no conspiracy, it was a personal relationship to protect Trump from bad stories. A nothingburger.
What is Trump charged with? Really? A "conspiracy" to influence the 2016 Federal Election with hush-money to Stormy, but not to Karen McDougal?
yes it's a crime...campaign finance/election laws broken... Pecker was given immunity for it, to testify in Cohen's trial...by the DOJ.
Bragg better have some solid material, though. Aside from the fact that there's likely at least one True Believer on the jury, all that's needed is reasonable doubt.

Personally I think this case is a dangerous stretch, especially for being the first. We'll see if Bragg brings the goods, if he has solid, court-ready proof.

I know that the Trumpsters don't need solid, court-ready proof for their various conspiracy circuses, but this is the real world now. Bragg has to prove it.
Bragg better have some solid material, though. Aside from the fact that there's likely at least one True Believer on the jury, all that's needed is reasonable doubt.

Personally I think this case is a dangerous stretch, especially for being the first. We'll see if Bragg brings the goods, if he has solid, court-ready proof.

I know that the Trumpsters don't need solid, court-ready proof for their various conspiracy circuses, but this is the real world now. Bragg has to prove it.
Show us on this doll,

where the mean ‘ole Trump supporters hurt you….

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