Dear Trump, our country is NOT rigged, NOT corrupt and NOT broken.

It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

So all those threads you started on how fucked up things are were all bullshit? Nice to see you finally admitting it.
I don't know what threads you are talking about. We know how the GOP and Bush left the country.

Economic meltdown.

Losing trillions in fake wars.

Almost losing our auto companies.

And now?

Unemployment at 4.9%.

5.8 million jobs unfilled.

170 thousand troops home.

78 straight months of economic growth.

Bin Laden found and taken down.

Economic melt down, that the dems in congress were warned about and refused to do anything.

Didn't save any auto company, Chrysler was bought by a foreign company and GM filed bankruptcy and wound up majority owned by the union, taxpayers lost billions.

78 months of the slowest growth since WWII.

Most people out of the work force since the 70's

Record numbers on welfare

Record numbers on food stamps

3 trillion bucks wasted on the dept of ed and still can't train qualified workers

I could go on, but you're not worth the effort.

Yeah, it's all good, if you don't care what you define as good.
Reminds me of that commercial years ago Reagan put out with Tip and Ted in the back of a limo laughing as the black chauffeur keeps warning them that the gas gauge reads empty and their insistence not to worry, exclaiming to keep on driving, then the limo sputters and dies.
Lets call it what it is "the great con", unfortunately for the sheep all cons are disclosed over time.
Voting isn't rigged? Well chew this over: In Denver, they hand out drivers licences to illegal aliens now. Then a year later, then these same idiots pass the motor-voter law. If you have a valid drivers license, you can vote. They give illegals the right to vote. There is perfect example or vote rigging right there. Why hasn't anyone said anything about that?
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Voting isn't rigged? Well chew this over: In Denver, they hand out drivers licences to illegal aliens now. Then a year later, then these same idiots pass the motor-voter law. If you have a valid drivers license, you can vote. They give illegals the right to vote. There is perfect example or vote rigging right there. Why hasn't anyone said anything about that?
SHHH! Big time issue being swept under the rug.Illegals given licences, motor voter laws
It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

Too late.....paid protesters funded by your side are already burning our Country as we witnessed in Occupy, Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte.
it doesn't matter what Donald says...his pondscum will listen to anything he says, no matter how insane.

Pond scum...

I see. So this is what politics has driven us to.

You won't believe anything said against Hillary, but will happily believe anything said about Trump.

So, who/what exactly is insane here?
The fact we don't have any valid choices besides the two we are given, Trump or Clinton, says it all. The fact illegals can now legally vote if they get a mere drivers licence in some states. (motor voter laws) invalidates this election. Something is is really wrong here. I am not seeing many choices here.
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It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.
Our government is, moron.

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