Dear Trump, our country is NOT rigged, NOT corrupt and NOT broken.

It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.
Bizarre hilarious chit coming from a Clinton Bootlicker. She's a corrupt criminal witch, and her husband's a criminal serial sex predator. That's what the OP is supporting. Yet he or she feels they have the right to preach on this issue. Oh, the Clinton Bootlickers. Such poor lost souls.
No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

Oye vay....what is wrong with you?
What the hell is wrong with some of you posters?

A minimum age requirement,
wouldn't even make a difference here.

No wonder why the same fucking idiots
keep getting reelected...We have people voting,
whose brain couldn't fill an m&m, if it were made of chocolate!

No one will want...
Like we're not already in a fucking mess!
No, you think 4 years of someone else's hope & change,
will divert the mess, you don't even realize, we are already drowning in!

Wake is in session, are you present?... Obviously not!

Your right...our country is NOT rigged,
our elections are rigged and our votes compromised

Our country is NOT corrupt, our country is run by corrupt people.
We are not governed by leaders for the people,
we are idle participants of the corruption we fail to actively confront.

career politicians in cahoots with our adversaries...
banks, corporations, lobbyists, special intrest groups,
pharmaceutical companies, etc, to line their own pockets....are corrupt

Politicians that create or fill positions with their friends & family,
and create bogus projects or award contracts, to family & friends,
engaging in cronyism & nepotism....are corrupt.

The political powerhouses within our government....
playing footsies under the covers with foreign governments,
that throw their weight around and use their influence
to secure the votes necessary to move forward with their agenda
...are corrupt.

Doling out billions of dollars to wage destruction on foreign soil,
only to turn around and spend billions more rebuilding what we destroyed,
and continue spending millions more on fraudulent, useless projects,
hidden under the guise of a necessary investment not only corrupt, it's criminal

How is it that funding was cut for education, the elderly, the disabled,
the mentally ill, our veterans, national park's and forests,
mentoring programs, sports, art and music in public schools,
.....on and on and on.

our country IS broken,
because we failed to safeguard her.

We enabled our governing system
to become an infestation of corruption
by neglecting to hold elected agents accountable.

Fault can not be placed solely on 1 party or president or candidate.
There are many laps to place the blame in,
all have partaken and share in the guilt.
But, the fault first lies, with the complacency of the people!

Nothing changes if nothing changes!
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This country is completely corrupt and irredeemably broken. The last act will a a physical fracturing so that liberals can fail without dragging everyone else down.
Go someplace you know you will like. Like Russia.
the elections are rigged by corrupt politicians and it's breaking the country apart. don't blame trump for making you take notice.

It's the ONLY way Dubya could have been elected again after starting the stupidest, most meaningless war in American history and putting the economy on a fast track to crash.
Why is insane drivel by rdean like this not reclassed? I was the first to post a Megyn Kelly vs. Newt thread and that got reclassed while Lakhota's troll thread on the topic is not reclassed. Is this system rigged like the election! Let's make this forum great again and reclass the obvious and really stupidly retarded troll threads the hell out. Get 'em out!

So you're a good little Trumper who has learned his lesson on how to whine very well.
It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

So all those threads you started on how fucked up things are were all bullshit? Nice to see you finally admitting it.
I don't know what threads you are talking about. We know how the GOP and Bush left the country.

Economic meltdown.

Losing trillions in fake wars.

Almost losing our auto companies.

And now?

Unemployment at 4.9%.

5.8 million jobs unfilled.

170 thousand troops home.

78 straight months of economic growth.

Bin Laden found and taken down.
Bizarre hilarious chit coming from a Clinton Bootlicker. She's a corrupt criminal witch, and her husband's a criminal serial sex predator. That's what the OP is supporting. Yet he or she feels they have the right to preach on this issue. Oh, the Clinton Bootlickers. Such poor lost souls.

You might be right about the Clintons but what is really appalling is that the Republicans have not been able to prove their case and have them officially charged and tried. Doesn't that tell you something? Think about it. I know you don't have anything between your ears except air, but just try.
It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

Dumbest, most ignorant post of the election alert!

Please, someone educate this person on what is going on.
It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

So all those threads you started on how fucked up things are were all bullshit? Nice to see you finally admitting it.
I don't know what threads you are talking about. We know how the GOP and Bush left the country.

Economic meltdown.

Losing trillions in fake wars.

Almost losing our auto companies.

And now?

Unemployment at 4.9%.

5.8 million jobs unfilled.

170 thousand troops home.

78 straight months of economic growth.

It's not a robust economic comeback by any stretch but then it's tough to turn a battleship around in a bathtub, too.
It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

Dumbest, most ignorant post of the election alert!

Please, someone educate this person on what is going on.

Because you sure as hell can't.
It's just not all white.

We will not let you burn our country down and start over. We know, if Republicans burn our country down, it will be ruined.

No one will want the mess the GOP will leave behind.

Dumbest, most ignorant post of the election alert!

Please, someone educate this person on what is going on.

Because you sure as hell can't.

I sure can... but trying to explain it is like trying to explain Laplace transform to someone who can't yet add 1+1. Not that it's complicated, we are just dealing with vast concentrated stupidity.

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