Death by Wind Turbine.........

What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

I live in an area with hundreds of wind turbines. There are a half dozen of them in the field across the road from our house. We didn't even know they were there until the trees were bare of leaves last fall.

They're quiet, efficient, and they're not making anyone sick. These are just lies being spread by the flat earthers like yourself.

Your post is full of lies. The wind turbines are very quiet. They haven't injured or killed anyone in our county, and farmers are ploughing fields and planting crops all around them.

They aren't destroying the land either.
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

I live in an area with hundreds of wind turbines. There are a half dozen of them in the field across the road from our house. We didn't even know they were there until the trees were bare of leaves last fall.

They're quiet, efficient, and they're not making anyone sick. These are just lies being spread by the flat earthers like yourself.

Your post is full of lies. The wind turbines are very quiet. They haven't injured or killed anyone in our county, and farmers are ploughing fields and planting crops all around them.

They aren't destroying the land either.
How about a picture, from inside your house, so we can have some perspective, how about the name of the project, the model and name of the Wind Turbines. You made an awful big claim without providing any details that someone leaving right next to them can provide.

Efficient? Not when one compares cost, size, and power output to Coal power.

How about a video? That can include sound.

Further, just because you are unaffected by the unique characteristics of whatever particular Wind Turbine you are referring to does not mean that people under three 40 story tall wind turbine skyscrapers are not having a totally different experience.

So lets have some technical information, some video from inside and outside your house, the name of the project, so we actually can learn something. I am more than willing to discuss anything you have to offer, without anything technical, without even the name and location of the wind turbines, all you have offered is opinion.
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

I live in an area with hundreds of wind turbines. There are a half dozen of them in the field across the road from our house. We didn't even know they were there until the trees were bare of leaves last fall.

They're quiet, efficient, and they're not making anyone sick. These are just lies being spread by the flat earthers like yourself.

Your post is full of lies. The wind turbines are very quiet. They haven't injured or killed anyone in our county, and farmers are ploughing fields and planting crops all around them.

They aren't destroying the land either.
Toronto? and you live across from a Wind Turbine that is not taller than the trees? Nobody builds Wind Turbines that are the same height as trees! The trees would block the wind, I guess that is why you can not hear them, obviously they were built to secure a subsidy, not to provide electricity.

I say you exaggerate (I am being nice). Wind Turbines tower above trees. I could post dozens of pictures, like this one from Ontario.

Face it wind power wouldn't even exist if it were not for government hand outs and subsidies paid for by you the tax payer and rammed down the throat of the consumer by government mandate. Talk about cronyism.
In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

What they are doing to birds in the Corpus Christi area is disgusting.

Feral cats kill far more birds, as do power lines.

Cats hunt for food. These birds are just collateral damage.

in the case of the feral cats the leftists moved the goal post

from birds to "kills millions of small crittors" --LOL

which does not address the government actually giving

a free pass or permit for wind producers to accidentally kill

endangered -migratory and other usually protected birds

while other energy producers are highly fined for such accidents
Face it wind power wouldn't even exist if it were not for government hand outs and subsidies paid for by you the tax payer and rammed down the throat of the consumer by government mandate. Talk about cronyism.

wind power has existed for along time


but we eventually moved on to better things
Where were these spectators when BP was killing birds in the Gulf by the thousands?

Well, windmills kill 600,000 birds and 1.5 million bats per year at minimum. Your claim for feral cats is a paper that was so poorly done their estimate was 3 million to 60 million or some such ridiculous number. With a range that huge they are merely pulling the number out of their ass. There is no science to back it up.
In a not so cheery story I am sad to report, there is a very real danger out there, Wind Turbines. I will not drag this out with my monologue, I will simply let people decide.

What they are doing to birds in the Corpus Christi area is disgusting.

Feral cats kill far more birds, as do power lines.

Cats hunt for food. These birds are just collateral damage.

Feral cats exist because of irresponsible pet owners. And the hundreds of thousands that die on already existing power lines? Are you concerned about them as well? The fact is that wind and solar are here to stay, folks. Better get used to it.
Feral cats exist because of irresponsible pet owners. And the hundreds of thousands that die on already existing power lines? Are you concerned about them as well? The fact is that wind and solar are here to stay, folks. Better get used to it.

Wrong! Feral Cats exist because they do not like Liberals or Democrats, any cat would run out of your house as soon as you opened the door.

Watch, orogenicman will post something stupid, like ask me if I am 10 years old.
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westwall said:
Well, windmills kill 600,000 birds and 1.5 million bats per year at minimum.

It is less than that, actually.

North American Windpower Setting The Record Straight How Many Birds Do Wind Turbines Really Kill

Estimates of bird collision mortality at wind facilities in the contiguous United States

I find it disingenuous that you anti-environment types suddenly grow environmentalist cahones when you think you can use them to support an - anti-environment argument. Friggin hypocrites.

westwall said:
Your claim for feral cats is a paper that was so poorly done their estimate was 3 million to 60 million or some such ridiculous number. With a range that huge they are merely pulling the number out of their ass. There is no science to back it up.

The paper wasn't poorly done. The authors readily admit that the numbers of feral cats that actually exist in the U.S. is largely unknown, and so they used a conservative range of between 30 and 80 million cats in their estimates. But all sources admit that it is a very large number, likely in the tens of millions. Even the Humane society readily admits the problem of feral cats killing birds in this country is huge.[/QUOTE]
Feral cats exist because of irresponsible pet owners. And the hundreds of thousands that die on already existing power lines? Are you concerned about them as well? The fact is that wind and solar are here to stay, folks. Better get used to it.

Wrong! Feral Cats exist because they do not like Liberals or Democrats, any cat would run out of your house as soon as you opened the door.

What are you, like, 10 years old?
Where were these spectators when BP was killing birds in the Gulf by the thousands?

Well, windmills kill 600,000 birds and 1.5 million bats per year at minimum. Your claim for feral cats is a paper that was so poorly done their estimate was 3 million to 60 million or some such ridiculous number. With a range that huge they are merely pulling the number out of their ass. There is no science to back it up.
Link? Or another lie pulled out of your ass?
westwall said:
Well, windmills kill 600,000 birds and 1.5 million bats per year at minimum.

It is less than that, actually.

North American Windpower Setting The Record Straight How Many Birds Do Wind Turbines Really Kill

Estimates of bird collision mortality at wind facilities in the contiguous United States

I find it disingenuous that you anti-environment types suddenly grow environmentalist cahones when you think you can use them to support an - anti-environment argument. Friggin hypocrites.

westwall said:
Your claim for feral cats is a paper that was so poorly done their estimate was 3 million to 60 million or some such ridiculous number. With a range that huge they are merely pulling the number out of their ass. There is no science to back it up.

The paper wasn't poorly done. The authors readily admit that the numbers of feral cats that actually exist in the U.S. is largely unknown, and so they used a conservative range of between 30 and 80 million cats in their estimates. But all sources admit that it is a very large number, likely in the tens of millions. Even the Humane society readily admits the problem of feral cats killing birds in this country is huge.

Don't be ridiculous. A 50 million swing in the estimate is simply pulling a number out of your ass. What is known about feral cats is their primary foods supply is rodents. Not birds. Birds are far harder to catch. It is also known that feral cat life expectancy is two years unless in a managed colony where life expectancy is increased to 10 years. The "paper" that you so lovingly refer too is a propaganda piece put out to support the deaths of millions of avian critters every couple of years by your so called "environmentally friendly" windmills. Which are nothing of the sort.

"Don't Feral Cats Kill Birds?

While feral cats do kill some birds, they prefer to kill rodents. Other issues, such as the decline of natural habitat and use of pesticides, have a greater negative impact on bird populations."

Feral Cats FAQ ASPCA
I say you exaggerate (I am being nice). Wind Turbines tower above trees. I could post dozens of pictures, like this one from Ontario.

So the concept of "nearby trees blocking a view" is really beyond your grasp?

You're the only one here talking about trees being taller than windmills.

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