Death makes a deal with the Governor of Georgia


Gold Member
Apr 10, 2013
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.

Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.


Sorry you dumb ass retard, if you do not know what happened in Florida and other States when firearm restrictions were loosened and the resultant claims by the gun grabbers I am not going to do your research for you. Besides aren't you always claiming you are so much smarter then us dumb firearms supporters?
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

That 33K includes suicides and suicide is not illegal therefore should not be counted.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

That 33K includes suicides and suicide is not illegal therefore should not be counted.

LMAO. Yea who cares that mentally ill people can easily obtain a gun to kill themselves with. I mean, YOU don't care. But fuck, from what I read that you write, you only care about you. That sound about right?

Mental illness does not cause suicide by gun and drunk driving doesn't cause fatal accidents by car.

That about sum up your position?

Both causes of death are mental impairments, so they must be equal in their cause and effect. Right? But you want to count the drunk driving deaths and not count the suicide deaths.

Why is that?
Ya cause every other time your ilk has claimed loosening firearms regulations would lead to wild shoot outs in the street, it has come true, right? You retards have been claiming for years that allowing open carry or concealed carry would lead to shoot outs and wild west days. And you have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. In fact murder is down especially in the States that allowed open carry and concealed carry. Violent crimes are DOWN especially in those same States.

Your whining and lies keep being shown clearly and you KEEP doubling down on them. I mean even stupid people learn when their tactics are not working and quit using them, but not you and your ilk.

It isn't unusual for restaurant diners to be wearing their guns openly. ( in the south ) It doesn't bother me. Why would law abiding citizens wearing a firearm in public bother law abiding citizens who choose not to wear them?
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

That 33K includes suicides and suicide is not illegal therefore should not be counted.

LMAO. Yea who cares that mentally ill people can easily obtain a gun to kill themselves with. I mean, YOU don't care. But fuck, from what I read that you write, you only care about you. That sound about right?

Mental illness does not cause suicide by gun and drunk driving doesn't cause fatal accidents by car.

That about sum up your position?

Both causes of death are mental impairments, so they must be equal in their cause and effect. Right? But you want to count the drunk driving deaths and not count the suicide deaths.

Why is that?

The only mentally ill people I've seen going on shooting rampages have been on psychotronic drugs that should be made illegal in the United States. SSRI drugs Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, have been found in the systems of the shooters at Columbine, Newtown, Mall shootings, police officer who went on shooting rampage in california was on SSRI - the last Ft. Hood Shooter was on an SSRI. Ban the SSRI's and you'll go far in curbing the mental impairment issue.

As a resident of the South - I do not know anyone who doesn't own a gun and have yet to see any of them mishandle a gun or harm anyone. Guns don't kill people. People on SSRI's kill people. Fact check it. - Jeremiah

Time and again you Lefties prove that facts mean absolutely nothing to you.

Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen.

Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.” Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas | Wichita Eagle ( .00086%)

I challenge you to find another group as law-abiding.

...well, perhaps Tea Party members......
Better tell Georgians to move to places like DC and Chicago where there are some of the Nation's strictest gun laws and plenty of designated "gun free" zones.
That 33K includes suicides and suicide is not illegal therefore should not be counted.

LMAO. Yea who cares that mentally ill people can easily obtain a gun to kill themselves with. I mean, YOU don't care. But fuck, from what I read that you write, you only care about you. That sound about right?

Mental illness does not cause suicide by gun and drunk driving doesn't cause fatal accidents by car.

That about sum up your position?

Both causes of death are mental impairments, so they must be equal in their cause and effect. Right? But you want to count the drunk driving deaths and not count the suicide deaths.

Why is that?

The only mentally ill people I've seen going on shooting rampages have been on psychotronic drugs that should be made illegal in the United States. SSRI drugs Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, have been found in the systems of the shooters at Columbine, Newtown, Mall shootings, police officer who went on shooting rampage in california was on SSRI - the last Ft. Hood Shooter was on an SSRI. Ban the SSRI's and you'll go far in curbing the mental impairment issue.

As a resident of the South - I do not know anyone who doesn't own a gun and have yet to see any of them mishandle a gun or harm anyone. Guns don't kill people. People on SSRI's kill people. Fact check it. - Jeremiah

Hey, how many people have you seen going on a suicide rampage?

As to why I should have some concern when I see someone I don't know open carrying?
I think it has to do with the fact I don't know them, how stable they are etc and they must have some fear that prompts them to open carry. Fear prompts people to do strange things. I should be cautious of some person I don't know carrying a weapon to shop for groceries. It's what a smart person does when confronted with a dangerous situation.

And back to the "guns don't kill people". No they don't. At least when left alone. It seems to be when people load them and start pulling the trigger that guns kill people. I think they call that a "symbiotic relationship". One needs the other.

What you want to do to stop that? Cut off some trigger fingers?
american gun deaths to exceed traffic fatalities by 2015 - bloomberg

guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the u.s. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the atlanta-based centers for disease control and prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend

33,000 just too low a number for you?

data compiled by bloomberg


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