Debt-free college: Where the 2020 presidential candidates stand

A good employee gets a degree in a high paying in demand...and uses that as leverage. Being loyal is no longer wanted by employers. In fact most employers don't look to keep their best emoyees as they would have to pay more. It's a fluid work world.
Sad really

They don’t want to pay benefits just use them while you need them and discard them
Wage and productivity go hand in hand. Higher paying jobs equal more responsibility and productivity.
Good employers do pay Bennie's. Bad ones don't. The best workers go for the better employers. Simple math.
Agreed. If you are pro American you stay here....the greatest nation in the world with the hardest working workforce in the world.
Will they buy a house with cash?

Most probably have a car...did they pay cash?

Will they only make purchases they have the cash for?

If not, will they only make purchases on credit cards
they could pay off in full every statement?

Shit, having them was another debt for their parent/s

What is wrong with these kids?
American kids are great kids. The vast majority do fine. They help make America the greatest nation on Earth.
An employer doesn't expect a low paid worker to be a good worker. They expect and want high turnover on those jobs.

Funny that..
I started out pushing a broom,cleaning the bathrooms,chipping out machines,delivering parts and any other grunt work they asked of me.
Ended up making flight hardware for the Shuttle program.
Ya wanna know why? Because I worked harder than what I was being paid which showed initiative and I was rewarded for those efforts through advancement.
You sound more like whiney ass millennial than an octogenarian.
Free shit for your vote. Except its not free and someone has to pay. The loons answer, tax the rich out of prosperity and then work your way down until everyone is equally miserable and dependent on the benevolence of the Government. Democratic socialism.
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Living at home is better than living on their own and not being able to afford rent because their jobs pay squat. That's better than going under.
Today's work world is different. It's a fluid work world. Always be willing to move on at a whims notice. Loyalty an unwanted quality nowadays .goes both ways.
Well then perhaps Americans don't aspires to drive truck. Tough job. Sitting that long is horrible for a person. Lack of physical activity is toxic.

The point that flew over your head is that it's available to them if they want to make it in life. How about joining the military? That's another great option. 20 years and out.

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