Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

Who said it would?

That’s not at all what we’re talking about
well that should be the objective to paying down a debt as you said they were going to do. So how does increase spending do that?

I know when I buy more on my credit card, it doesn't pay the owed amount from previous purchases. So, I don't think you know what you're talking about.
By placing a three and half trillion ton boulder on the back of this nation?

Your "logic" is astounding.
Here’s a question for you.

What’s the interest at current Fed rates on that 3.5T? Because interest is all we pay
well that should be the objective to paying down a debt as you said they were going to do. So how does increase spending do that?
What? I did NOT say that. What they are doing is meeting their financial obligations.

Paying down the debt would require a budget surplus. Different animal entirely
Well the real fact is the gop cannot show a positive cause/effect from their tax cut. With Reagan, there really was a "bending of the graph" in 82-84. Here it was a continuous line from 2012 onward. Some people obviously paid less tax as % of income.

But really that isn't the issue. The issue is McConnell is attmpting to say "well we lost the election, but we can still fillibuster the dems fiscal policy."
Which is fine notwithstanding nuking the economy by causing the Treasury to default on the debt. And what it all comes down to is McConnell trying to protect Republicans by putting them in a position where they don't have to vote for Biden's spending or against increasing the debt limit.

Eliminate the filibuster ... make Republicans have to vote on the measure ... put the filibuster back in.
well that should be the objective to paying down a debt as you said they were going to do. So how does increase spending do that?

I know when I buy more on my credit card, it doesn't pay the owed amount from previous purchases. So, I don't think you know what you're talking about.
This ain’t household finances stupid.

YOU have to pay interest AND principal. The government does not do that. It rolls over that principal and pays only the interest

How many times do you need to have that pointed out to you?
Which is fine notwithstanding nuking the economy by causing the Treasury to default on the debt. And what it all comes down to is McConnell trying to protect Republicans by putting them in a position where they don't have to vote for Biden's spending or against increasing the debt limit.

Eliminate the filibuster ... make Republicans have to vote on the measure ... put the filibuster back in.
Or remove the filibuster from debt ceiling bills
What? I did NOT say that. What they are doing is meeting their financial obligations.

Paying down the debt would require a budget surplus. Different animal entirely
As did the Republicans. Dems however are trying to pay for that

Childish bumper sticker nonsense. It assumes nothing of the kind
well here's your post. I quote" Dems however are trying to pay for that" And yet they want to increase spending. I asked how they accomplish that with increasing spending. You fell backward's off the cliff and failed to answer the question.
This ain’t household finances stupid.

YOU have to pay interest AND principal. The government does not do that. It rolls over that principal and pays only the interest

How many times do you need to have that pointed out to you?
then why aren't they paying for the interest? again, adding more interest isn't paying for existing interest. odd.

I see you don't believe in paying what you owe. Go figure that. hahahahahahahaha you admit it.
Which is fine notwithstanding nuking the economy by causing the Treasury to default on the debt. And what it all comes down to is McConnell trying to protect Republicans by putting them in a position where they don't have to vote for Biden's spending or against increasing the debt limit.

Eliminate the filibuster ... make Republicans have to vote on the measure ... put the filibuster back in.
I'm not gonna say I'm a huge fan of Build Back America Better BUT THE MERITS OF THE BILL IS NOT THE ISSUE OF THE OP. The issue is whether by fillibustering the bill, the gop can somehow claim the mantle of fiscal responsibility, after the Trump tax cuts and added spending (and leaving aside the 8 trillion or so for wars forever).

The gop's position has been "we won in 16, so we can enact what we want, and if you don't like it, take it up with the voters next election." The dems did that, and cleaned the gop's clock in 18, and in 20 except where the dems ran as progressives or defunding cops.

The debt ceiling shouldn't even be an issue. Americans voted against the gop tax cuts, but not because of debt.

I'm more in favor of Analog Joe's apparent plan to enact the bills and hold a vote on the debt ceiling and let the gop fillibuster, if they want. Let's see how Americans feel about that. If the gop really thinks this is a hill worth dying for. Althought, it seems to me the dems have to be careful about taking a position that people can see as "a compromise" and the gop being intransigent.
The issue is whether by fillibustering the bill, the gop can somehow claim the mantle of fiscal responsibility, after the Trump tax cuts and added spending (and leaving aside the 8 trillion or so for wars forever).
well as long as there is no added spending, then they are.
The debt ceiling shouldn't even be an issue. Americans voted against the gop tax cuts, but not because of debt.
nope, the election was stolen. we know it. There is plenty of evidence. you can ignore it sure, but it happened. So factually you're incorrect there. Fiscal responsibility is what most honest americans want. either aisle. Ain't happening with current political herd. they are all against americans well being. shit, they shut down our fking businesses on purpose.
I asked how they accomplish that with increasing spending.
And I responded. That's not the issue. In order to meet current obligations 100% the Federal government needs to borrow. Yes that will "increase spending" by adding a very small amount of interest but there is no alternative other than default. Default is a very very bad thing.
then why aren't they paying for the interest?
They are of course...along with all their other obligations.

You're either incredibly stupid or....yea trolling.

Both actually

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