Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

If you change jobs and reduce your increase your debt. No? You haven't bought anything new...but you now have less money...

Less revenue...more debt
That's how you quote.

And guess what? If you reduce the amount of money you can't pay the debt on that $50,000 anymore unless you BORROW. That increases debt.
You seem to be stuck on stupid. You seem to think that only spending can add to the debt and only spending cuts can reduce it.

That doesn't even make sense in household finances.

If you change jobs and reduce your increase your debt. No? You haven't bought anything new...but you now have less money...

Less revenue...more debt

If you buy a new car but work extra have OFFSET that spending increase...haven't you...dolt

More revenue...more have offset that added debt
Better? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
That's how you quote.

And guess what? If you reduce the amount of money you can't pay the debt on that $50,000 anymore unless you BORROW. That increases debt.
Once again, you try to move the goalposts.

But, there have been several instances when our income has fallen over the years. We always paid our debts..........However, the fact the income fell didn't mean our debts went up, which was your moronic claim.
So assuming you make that $100,000 and you owe $50,000 and you're not saving anything.

What happens when you reduce your revenue (take a job for less money)? You can't meet your obligations without adding more debt (borrowing).

Doing so intentionally is retarded.

And that's what you advocate
So assuming you make that $100,000 and you owe $50,000 and you're not saving anything.

What happens when you reduce your revenue (take a job for less money)? You can't meet your obligations without adding more debt (borrowing).

Doing so intentionally is retarded.

And that's what you advocate
Who says you can't meet your obligations?

Furthermore, that has nothing to do with your debt level, you fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
But, there have been several instances when our income has fallen over the years. We always paid our debts..........However, the fact the income fell didn't mean our debts went up, which was your moronic claim.
How did we PAY those debts? Yea...we borrowed more. That DID increase our debt.

In fact that was what happened in 2008
So assuming you make that $100,000 and you owe $50,000 and you're not saving anything.

What happens when you reduce your revenue (take a job for less money)? You can't meet your obligations without adding more debt (borrowing).

Doing so intentionally is retarded.

And that's what you advocate

And that's what you advocate

I don't "advocate" any such thing. You are a lying sack of shit.

I pointed out your obvious dumbshittery pages ago, and you continue to try to cover for said dumbshittery.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
How did we PAY those debts? Yea...we borrowed more. That DID increase our debt.

In fact that was what happened in 2008
Who is "we"?

Your scenario was for an individual with a job. Now you are trying to say you were talking about the country??????????????????????????????????????

How ya gonna meet those obligations? Borrow...that's increasing your debt level.
Just pay them, you fucking idiot.

Still waiting for you to explain how taking a job with lower wages increases your debt.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::itsok::itsok::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And that's what you advocate

I don't "advocate" any such thing. You are a lying sack of shit.

I pointed out your obvious dumbshittery pages ago, and you continue to try to cover for said dumbshittery.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What exactly HAVE you pointed out? You're so all over the place no one can tell.

Spell it out in one post.

1.What do we do about the debt ceiling (and explain what you think that is). Are you advocating defaulting on our debt?

2.Why can we not afford that 3.5T to the debt (assuming incorrectly that it WILL go on the debt). How do we deal with the debt? Do we "pay the debt down"? Or do we pay just the interest?

3.How much IS that interest now and what would it rise to IF all of that 3.5 were added to the debt (it won't)

Answer all those questions and do it directly.

Can you do that?
Are you willing to admit that both parties are spending whores?
Makes no different which party, both are responsible for the debt we have.
So NOW, Oct 2021, it is ok to say "blame it on both parties."

I'm been saying this forever, but ALL I get is "Nazi," "Communist". "Fascist Pig." etc.

Now I finally see the RWI's admitting that trump holds at least some responsibility.

Welcome to the "Both Parties Suck, and ALL politicians are criminals" Club.
Your claim was that when someone takes a job with a lower salary than the one he had his debt goes up.

Your dipshittery was exposed for all to see. Just deal with it.
:auiqs.jpg: "dipshittery"
I hope its ok if I use that one in the future!!!!

Wealthy Americans will avoid paying 90% of the estimated $1 trillion increase in investment taxes that President Joe Biden is proposing this week, according to new study from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School.

The Wharton researchers concluded that tax avoidance, much of it legal, would cut nearly $900 billion of what the proposed increase on capital gains taxes could raise for the government.
If Capital Gains can be so easily avoided...why are they even worrying about it.? Because the claims are bullshit

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