Definition of racism - according toChris Matthews.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2012
Just North of the 49th
I just finished watching "Hardball" on MSNBC. I heard Chris Matthews definition of racism as "racism is the belief that when one race - white - should rule the others".

This rates right up there with George W. Bush's pearl of wisdom that "Islam is a religion of peace".

What you think?
Mathews like a lot of folks here see racism when we disagree with them.
Chris has turned into an angry old man.

Matthews is one of the primary examples of people who dilute and trivialize real racism by constantly screaming the word. I guess he thinks he's helping things, but he's blinded by his ideology.

He's participated in turning an important word into a freakin' punchline.


Matthews is one of the primary examples of people who dilute and trivialize real racism by constantly screaming the word. I guess he thinks he's helping things, but he's blinded by his ideology.

He's participated in turning an important word into a freakin' punchline.


Chris Matthews is also the prime example what the Left lovingly (hatingly??) uses on conservative blacks: Traitor to his race.
I just finished watching "Hardball" on MSNBC. I heard Chris Matthews definition of racism as "racism is the belief that when one race - white - should rule the others".

This rates right up there with George W. Bush's pearl of wisdom that "Islam is a religion of peace".

What you think?

I think I can not remember the last time I cared about anything Chris Matthews thought said or did. In fact I'm 99.9% sure I never have cared.
Chris Matthews...

Sometimes he's just an ignorant fuck.
Ignorant is not the proper term. I think he knows better. That makes him a stupid fuck!

Ignorance is bliss!

Stupidity is unforgivable!

Fuck Chris Matthews and his tingly fuckin' legs!
Racism is believing a race is inferior and discriminating against them, not hating racists, the new BS RW definition.

Yeah, Franco, I know what racism is, I'm just not sure what your posts have to do with the topic, which, based on the OP, is Chris Matthews' belief that only Whites are racists.

No rationally thinking human can draw this conclusion.
Matthews is just following the usual liberal lack of logic. They push the notion that racists are all white and usually wealthy, as if minorities or the poor are incapable of racism. This sentiment is clear in their hate crime laws and affirmative action.

They define racism in a way that fits their agenda. The truth is an enemy to their agenda.
I just finished watching "Hardball" on MSNBC. I heard Chris Matthews definition of racism as "racism is the belief that when one race - white - should rule the others".

This rates right up there with George W. Bush's pearl of wisdom that "Islam is a religion of peace".

What you think?

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.
Racism is a tool used by the Left to retort when they have no substance.

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