Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition, “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”

I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?

Article 1 of the Impeachment attempts to punish the president for an assumption based on pure circumstances applying a policy decision and while refusing contrary witnesses!

Article 2 of the Impeachment attempts to punish the president for a decision THEY made!

Can't make it any simpler than that. Can't find a single liberal journalist or interviewer to admit these indisputable FACTS. One must only conclude then that everyone on the Left is REALLY REALLY dumb and doesn't realize that once done, means the same horrendous, illegal abuse of the Constitution might likewise someday then be turned around and USED ON THEM.

Hope I live to see that day and hear all their howling. Unfair! Unfair! Those Bastard Republicans!
lets not mince words, my friends. Trump tried to bribe a foreign president based on an unfounded theory to investigate his rival in the election. IMPEACH NOW! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
1. Trump did not try to bribe a foreign president with anything Sondland assumed that what he wanted even though the president told him directly what he wanted.
2. Andriy Yermak, told Time in an interview published Tuesday that the conversation never happened.

“Gordon and I were never alone together,” Yermak told Time.

“We bumped into each other in the hallway next to the escalator, as I was walking out,” he continued, adding that several members of the American and Ukrainian delegations, bodyguards and hotel staff were nearby. “And I remember — everything is fine with my memory — we talked about how well the meeting went. That’s all we talked about."

Yermak told Time that no U.S. officials, including congressional committees overseeing the impeachment inquiry, have contacted him to seek testimony.

3. President Trump doesn't need help beating anyone in the clown car everybody knows it including the democrats. Ask Bloomberg why he entered the race?
You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?

Article 1 of the Impeachment attempts to punish the president for an assumption based on pure circumstances applying a policy decision and while refusing contrary witnesses!

Article 2 of the Impeachment attempts to punish the president for a decision THEY made!

Can't make it any simpler than that. Can't find a single liberal journalist or interviewer to admit these indisputable FACTS. One must only conclude then that everyone on the Left is REALLY REALLY dumb and doesn't realize that once done, means the same horrendous, illegal abuse of the Constitution might likewise someday then be turned around and USED ON THEM.

Hope I live to see that day and hear all their howling. Unfair! Unfair! Those Bastard Republicans!
Sorry but Trump tried to bribe a foreign official to provide help on his campaign.

You can yell, scream, stomp your feet all you want,.

He did it.
I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
Yep, Clinton violated actual laws, not the fabricated BS the Democrats came up with on Trump.

Clinton lied about sex.

Trump violated the very basis of our democracy, the vote,

Your problem is that you love Trump more than our country.
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
Yep, Clinton violated actual laws, not the fabricated BS the Democrats came up with on Trump.

Clinton lied about sex.

Trump violated the very basis of our democracy, the vote,

Your problem is that you love Trump more than our country.
Clinton lied under oath.

Even Pelosi acknowledges Trump broke no laws, thus the mythical charges against him.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?

Article 1 of the Impeachment attempts to punish the president for an assumption based on pure circumstances applying a policy decision and while refusing contrary witnesses!

Article 2 of the Impeachment attempts to punish the president for a decision THEY made!

Can't make it any simpler than that. Can't find a single liberal journalist or interviewer to admit these indisputable FACTS. One must only conclude then that everyone on the Left is REALLY REALLY dumb and doesn't realize that once done, means the same horrendous, illegal abuse of the Constitution might likewise someday then be turned around and USED ON THEM.

Hope I live to see that day and hear all their howling. Unfair! Unfair! Those Bastard Republicans!
Sorry but Trump tried to bribe a foreign official to provide help on his campaign.

You can yell, scream, stomp your feet all you want,.

He did it.
Shall we play the Biden video again?
You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?
Because there is evidence Trump broke the law? What do ya think? That the President can do anything he wants & say "executive privilege"? Certainly you aren't that stupid/.

Separation of powers. The President is not required to surrender documents or staff to accommodate every witch hunt the Democrats dream up, because they are going to be doing witch hunts for the next five years. They dreamt up the Russian collusion witch hunt, the Kavanaugh witch hunt, and now the Zelensky witch hunt. When this is behind us, a new witch hunt will start all over again.

Imagine if they used all that time and energy working for us instead of the party, what more we could have accomplished today. But of course, that's what Democrats are afraid of. They don't want to see America great again, they want to see their party in total control again, and to hell with Americans.
You stupid peon American peasants!

If you listen to them you realize their whole goal is to nullify the 2020 election before it happens...

Did Republicans attempt to nullify the 2012 election by claiming Obama was born in Kenya?

How would that have nullified the election? A person only needs one American parent to be an American citizen themselves, even if they were born overseas.
...all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Dave should knock on the door of Obama’s $15M beachfront home and let them know what he thinks about the rich.
You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Dave should knock on the door of Obama’s $15M beachfront home and let them know what he thinks about the rich.

Or Al Gore, or Bill Clinton, or Bill Gates, or..............

They bitch and moan when somebody spends their life working towards a business position that pays 5 million a year, but no problem when some leftist kook actress gets paid 15 million dollars for making a movie, or eight million dollars a year throwing a baseball.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Dave should knock on the door of Obama’s $15M beachfront home and let them know what he thinks about the rich.

Or Al Gore, or Bill Clinton, or Bill Gates, or..............

They bitch and moan when somebody spends their life working towards a business position that pays 5 million a year, but no problem when some leftist kook actress gets paid 15 million dollars for making a movie, or eight million dollars a year throwing a baseball.

You stupid fucks just don't get it.

Obama made his money writing books.
Al Gore made his money in internet investments
Bill Clinton made his money writing & speaking

Just millionaires.

Gates is a billionaire, how did he pay his people?China.

The problem I have with the really wealthy is when they rake in big bucks as their employees get food stamps.

The problem I have with wealthy people is when they get tax cuts. They don't need tax cuts. Well off corporations do not need tax cuts.
You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Dave should knock on the door of Obama’s $15M beachfront home and let them know what he thinks about the rich.

The Obama's earned their money through speaking & books. Not through running of near sweat shops
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
Yep, Clinton violated actual laws, not the fabricated BS the Democrats came up with on Trump.

Clinton lied about sex.

Trump violated the very basis of our democracy, the vote,

Your problem is that you love Trump more than our country.

Obama started illegal wars and murdered thousands of brown people. Including murdering Americans overseas without due process.

What about the hot mic moment with Medvedev?

Is that bad? It certainly seems impeachable to me. Did you advocate for Obama to be impeached for warrantless spying on all Americans?
Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Brain washed. You assfucks cheered because Trump borrow 1.5 trillion & gave a big chuck to wealthy people & well off corporations. You loved it. Stupid, dumbass Trumpettes loved it.

It all the fault of poor people. It is all their fault they are poor. They are just lazy stupid people. At least according to Ray. Because everyone had the same opportunities,. at least in Ray's fantastic world of bullshit.
People need opportunity to get the training to get the good jobs.

Ray acts like a kid from the ghetto can walk intro Apple & get a $80k job.
President Obama invoked executive privilege to keep documents from Congress about botched Operation Fast and Furious and his AG Holder was held in contempt of Congress.


Obstruction of Congress, right?
Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.

Let me ask Dave, who has ever been denied money because the rich have it all? I've never seen that before.

You people on the left have been so brainwashed, that you believe ones failure to access wealth is not their own doing--it's the doing of total strangers they never met before. It has nothing to do with the individual getting an advanced education in a field of work that's in demand or pays good money, it's not the fault of the individual for dropping out of high school, it's not the individuals fault for having children they could never afford in the first place, it's not the individuals fault they got hooked on drugs and can't pass a drug test, it's the rich mans fault because they have all the money.

When you tell me you there is no possible way for you (or anybody else) to make more money Dave, then I'll believe you. The rich people pay employees what they are worth, just like you and I do every time we hire people to work for us. When you hire a plumber, you look who charges the least, if you get your transmission replaced, you hire the mechanic that will do it for the lowest price, when you hire lawn care people to take care of your lawn, you hire the company that will bid the lowest price.

You blame the rich people for doing something most everybody else does in this country.
Dave should knock on the door of Obama’s $15M beachfront home and let them know what he thinks about the rich.

Or Al Gore, or Bill Clinton, or Bill Gates, or..............

They bitch and moan when somebody spends their life working towards a business position that pays 5 million a year, but no problem when some leftist kook actress gets paid 15 million dollars for making a movie, or eight million dollars a year throwing a baseball.

You stupid fucks just don't get it.

Obama made his money writing books.
Al Gore made his money in internet investments
Bill Clinton made his money writing & speaking

Just millionaires.

Gates is a billionaire, how did he pay his people?China.

The problem I have with the really wealthy is when they rake in big bucks as their employees get food stamps.

The problem I have with wealthy people is when they get tax cuts. They don't need tax cuts. Well off corporations do not need tax cuts.

It's not a question whether they need them or not, it's a question of fairness.

Employees do not get food stamps from their wealthy employer. They get them from government. Don't blame employers for something Democrats in the government are in charge of.

People are entitled to get a job making just about whatever they want. But they are not going to do that by sweeping floors or making french fries. Businesses don't open up for the sake of providing good jobs and benefits to low skilled workers. They open up and expand with the intent of producing products or services for profit. They have no obligation to society.
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
Yep, Clinton violated actual laws, not the fabricated BS the Democrats came up with on Trump.

Clinton lied about sex.

Trump violated the very basis of our democracy, the vote,

Your problem is that you love Trump more than our country.

Obama started illegal wars and murdered thousands of brown people. Including murdering Americans overseas without due process.

What about the hot mic moment with Medvedev?

Is that bad? It certainly seems impeachable to me. Did you advocate for Obama to be impeached for warrantless spying on all Americans?

What illegal war did Obama stasrt. You are not so fucking stupid to call targeting terrorists in other countries as starting a war? ARe you really that fucking dumb?

You think Bin Laden should be alive. That Obama declared war on Pakistan when he sent in that raid? Really?

So Obama would be more free to make a nuclear arms deal after the election. Look, I realize how fucking stupid you are but anyone who can think knows not much happens during an election year. Were we withholding aid & was Obama asking for campaign help?

What warrantless spying was that. Certainly you are so stupid to call the gathering of phone records to use in case of an emergent need.

Trump is a fucking crook. You knew it & yet you still voted for him. Now you ct shocked he got caught. Wow

But hey, call up your Republican Senator & investigate Obama to your heart's content.

It will not save your fat assed orange buddfy.

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