Dem Rep Blames Voters For Impeachment Opposition, “Don’t Want To Listen To Rationale Arguments”

You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

Biden bragged about it in public. Liberals in the media never show that clip.
You stupid peon American peasants!

Libnut morons always think they are smarter than everyone else.

...all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.

In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.
You stupid peon American peasants!

Libnut morons always think they are smarter than everyone else.

...all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.

In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.
Libnut morons always think they are smarter than everyone else.
...all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.
Exactly. That’s why we have a major political party that has absorbed the political rhetoric of Sanders, Warren, and Ocasio Cortez. They have no understanding of economics.
Libnut morons always think they are smarter than everyone else.
...all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.

There is a finite amount of money made in any given year.

If the wealthy grab more, there is less for everyone else.

The divide between CEO & worker has grown.
On the 50's, a person working as a clerk in a hardware could own a home & raise a family.

Today, they would probably quality for food stamps.

The stupid are the ones who have been duped by the wealthy into thinking their grabbing a greater share does not affect what they earn.

Ray thinks that the wealthier people become by sucking up of that finite money, that it somehow helps him. Trumpettes agree with Ray.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion for his tax cut. The wealthy and well off corporations sucked up so much. Ray, like other Trumpettes, thought everyone would get raises bonuses & pricing would fall. A few got raises & a few got bonuses, pricing did not come down & the cost of higher deficits will eat any tax cut Ray got. But hey, Ray is happy and an econ expert.

Me, I'm just a dummy who is too stupid to believe Donald Trump & Rush Limbaugh.
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
...all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
Judging from the posts on USMB, liberals are so much smarter than you Trumpettes.

You people have ONE solution to EVERYTHING, take more money from those who earn it and give it to those who don''t. Sure you're HIGHLY intelligent.
In the liberal brain driven by emotions...successful people are responsible for poverty in our country. Because they have money, that somehow translates that they stole it from others.

Liberals have no understanding of wealth. They actually believe that the reason some people are poor, is because others have too much.

However if you take every dime from every millionaire and billionaire, it doesn't change the plight of one poor person. All it does is make government richer.

If wealth were actually finite in this country, then if I went to get a car loan, the bank would refuse it because they don't have the money to lend; the rich have it all. Or if I asked for a raise at work. My employer would tell me he'd love to give me one, but the rich people have all the money.

Their failed understanding of economics and wealth is frightening.
Exactly. That’s why we have a major political party that has absorbed the political rhetoric of Sanders, Warren, and Ocasio Cortez. They have no understanding of economics.

The Republican economic plan.

Bush: Take us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years, losing 800,000 jobs a month & an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%

Trump: Take us from a tend of lower deficits back to trillion dollar deficits by increasing spending & slashing revenues. Even a fucking 8th grade knows you can't do that.

Since WWII, Democrats kick Republican ass on economics.
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The whole world of law enforcement and respected journalism agrees with my Views and believe that you believe a gigantic mountain of fairy tales. So many phony scandals against Democrats that have never gone anywhere in the real world totally discredited and never retracted for you chumps. Wake up and smell the coffee you people are afraid to change the channel or read a newspaper not published by scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Pathetic super duper
FALSE! That is only what you are fed by your CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc propaganda machine. You are an ignorant, brainwashed idiot, and luckily most Americans don't fall for the drivel that you do.

"Respected" journalism" ? HA HA HA HA. Respected by wetback dupes like you.

And there you go with that "whole world" thing again. Of course. I've never heard of a single, illegal alien wetback yet who had an ounce of loyalty to the USA. And it's the Democrat standard. Just like Obama, who in one of his speeches, referred to himself as a "citizen of the world."
Google the only tax graph you need to know and learn something for the first time in years, brainwashed functional moron. Every time the GOP has cut taxes on the rich state and local taxes have gone up to make up for it. And state and local taxes the non Rich pay at twice the rate of the rich. And payroll taxes are just as much in total as federal income taxes you are obsessed with, and guess who pays them. Brainwashed functional moron afraid of the truth.

LOL...State and local taxes levied by who, Franco? Like it isn't liberals raising those taxes? Your whole premise is laughable!
You stupid peon American peasants!

Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...

I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.

The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"
You stupid peon American peasants!

If you listen to them you realize their whole goal is to nullify the 2020 election before it happens...

Did Republicans attempt to nullify the 2012 election by claiming Obama was born in Kenya?

Did they impeach him over it? Duh? There was confusion over where Barry was born for one reason and one reason alone! He claimed to be born in Kenya to "job" our educational system! His lies back then are the reason his college records were a more closely guarded secret than the nuclear launch codes!
Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...
I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"
Where did you learn that Congress rules over the Executive Branch and can issue it orders? Salon? Vox? CNN?
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"
Where did you learn that Congress rules over the Executive Branch and can issue it orders? Salon? Vox? CNN?
I think Dave picked that up in Popular Mechanics. You cannot get through to Dave. He is trained to think like any good fascist that his powers are absolute and cannot be resisted. The Left grant themselves absolute power while denying others any powers or rights at all, except the Right To be Subjugated.
You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was impeached for actual crimes of lying to a grand jury, perjury, suborning perjury by others and obstructing justice, and was done so in a bipartisan effort.
Yep, Clinton violated actual laws, not the fabricated BS the Democrats came up with on Trump.
Fact. All they do is listen to Fox and rush and their alternate planet. That is the definition of irrational. They miss 99% of the bad news for themselves.... Why are Democrats and corporate media so afraid of saying that? Pathetic. How long can they dance around it. Icaramba...
I’m watching PBS Newshour and that dumb bitch Judy Woodruff.

You can always tell that the Leftist news is rigged because none of their analysts ever ask the obvious, common sense questions that would occur to any bum sitting down at the end of a bar!

FOR INSTANCE: If what Trump did was really so bad, then how does that excuse what Biden did? Does it make it any less of a crime to use the office of VP to pressure nations to hire your son (and protect him from investigation) for no other reason than because his dad was VP of the USA? And to what end? And how do you know since you REFUSE to even investigate the matter, which also would have cleared Trump? Is this really the guy whom you'd have no qualms replacing Trump as the next president? And isn't that and what the democrats are doing impeaching Trump as he goes into an election cycle anyway on specious grounds the very kind of election tampering and harm to its integrity you claim Trump was guilty of?

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

This has been explained to you over & over & yet you are too fucking stupid to get it.

Joe Biden did not pressure anyone to hire Hunter. When the fuck are tou assholes going to stop your lying.

Your fat assed orange hero is a fucking crook. Deal with it.
You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Yeah? Tell us more about this mythical fantasy of the Left that the Executive Branch must cooperate with Congress.

You Leftards are the morons who can’t grasp the concept of separation of powers that our government is based upon.
The separation of powers that includes oversight.

Why do Trumpettes think Trump can over rule Congress?

You assfucks had no problem impeaching Bill Clinton.

But now you whine like a bunch of little girls,.
We can't impeach Trump because the economy id the beast ever in the universe" "We can't impeach Trump because Joe Biden did somerthing" "we can't impeach Trump because Trump is such a decent & honorable person"

Claiming Executive Privilege isn't "ruling over Congress"! It's protecting the rights of one of the three branches of government by invoking something that's been established law for quite some time!

What makes you think that Congress has the right to punish the Executive Branch with sham investigations simply because they don't like the President's policies?

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