Democrat: People Making Fun Of Congress Should Be Prosecuted

So a newspaper should be able to Libel or slander someone?

Nnnnnnnnope. That's illegal.

But that's not what he says there is it.

Yes he says "libel laws" but that's not what he describes. He describes "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's the dead giveaway. It literally means something he doesn't like, which is anything that doesn't drop to its knees and fluff him.

He uses that term "disgrace" a lot. Can't stand to lose his self-infatuated "grace". In other words ---- no balls. He wants to sue people out of existence for the sole reason that his fragile narcissist ego can't take the heat.

That's what "opening up" a law means. A law is specific, now he wants to "open it up" to include all kinds of shit that wasn't in there.

ALWAYS pay attention to the lyrics. The devil is in the details.

And he goes with gunning after them for libel. Not suing them for being mean, not prosecuting them.


See if you can translate whatever that is into English.

I made my point. now run off in a huff.

Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.
The point there was not so much "raunchy photoshops" and the other material from white supremacists and murderers in the secret Border Patrol group. It's more that the OP's lying ass tried to pass that off as "making fun of Congress". That's obviously biased bullshit, and he got called out on it, and he ran away.

In fact I'm STILL waiting for his lying ass to waddle back in here and substantiate his accusation against me (see above). He won't do it because he's a fucking WIMP.

Her words made it clear she meant making fun of congresscritters.

Oh god, should I be prosecuted for that?

She needs to grow a pair of balls, even if they are rhetorical.

Oh god should I be prosecuted for that too?

The context makes it clear what she's referring to is far more egregious than simply "making fun of" somebody.

Reacting to it with “We're gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted” may be overreaction even if it is to allusions of rape, murder, running people over and burning people up.

But what's perhaps more interesting is this:

When Rump was running around declaring he would shut down the Washington Post and the New York Times --- same language you'll notice ---- not one of the whiners denigrating the Congresscritter's complaint took the same stance about the same issue.

Not one.

Did Trump try anything?

Did the Congresscritter?

In both cases no (far as I know). In both cases they can't anyway. But you're evading the point, that being about not Rump or the Congresscritter but about the hypocrisy of selective outrage. See, that point isn't about the actors looking to intimidate somebody's expression out there. It's about double standard in here.

The difference is progressives have a penchant for using government to quell their opposition.

And can you provide an exact quote of what Trump said that you are referring to?

Funny you should ask that (again). Because I've been linking that same video to make that same point for two, three years, Dozens of times, and it's got thousands of hits. Yet it's been, how you say, "disappeared". Or well-buried.

It does exist somewhere though. I'll have to go hunt it down. You know, so you can have your deflection.
Curious that it got hidden though, innit.

Oh and "Progressives" have still been gone for a hundred years. That hasn't changed. You know, linear time. But back here in the present, it would appear both of them were beckoning 'government' to quell the opposition. That's what the word "laws" means. So between the two of them, sameo-sameo. Here --- not so much. There's your 'difference'.

And here we are. Get it from the Orange Bigly Mouth hisself.

So where did he say he was going to shut them down?
Nnnnnnnnope. That's illegal.

But that's not what he says there is it.

Yes he says "libel laws" but that's not what he describes. He describes "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's the dead giveaway. It literally means something he doesn't like, which is anything that doesn't drop to its knees and fluff him.

He uses that term "disgrace" a lot. Can't stand to lose his self-infatuated "grace". In other words ---- no balls. He wants to sue people out of existence for the sole reason that his fragile narcissist ego can't take the heat.

That's what "opening up" a law means. A law is specific, now he wants to "open it up" to include all kinds of shit that wasn't in there.

ALWAYS pay attention to the lyrics. The devil is in the details.

And he goes with gunning after them for libel. Not suing them for being mean, not prosecuting them.


See if you can translate whatever that is into English.

I made my point. now run off in a huff.

Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'

I'm betting she is nowhere to be seen when Trump is being criticized or mocked. Then it becomes patriotism, not something to be prosecuted.
And he goes with gunning after them for libel. Not suing them for being mean, not prosecuting them.


See if you can translate whatever that is into English.

I made my point. now run off in a huff.

Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.

He said he was going the libel route. Congresscritter said "punish" which from a person of the government can be construed as criminal.
And he goes with gunning after them for libel. Not suing them for being mean, not prosecuting them.


See if you can translate whatever that is into English.

I made my point. now run off in a huff.

Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.
See if you can translate whatever that is into English.

I made my point. now run off in a huff.

Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
I made my point. now run off in a huff.

Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
It's not his description, shit for brains. It was just a comment. He didn't say what you claim. If you honestly posted the facts, you wouldn't have anything to argue about.
Points are coherent. Whatever that is, isn't. Makes no sense.

The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
It's not his description, shit for brains. It was just a comment. He didn't say what you claim. If you honestly posted the facts, you wouldn't have anything to argue about.

You're going to sit here and deny that him saying those words in the video is him saying those words in the video?

Just like you tried to tell us that a bunch of guys in dresses on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December was a political convention?

You're completely disconnected from reality, Chuckles. That too is part of being in a fucking CULT.
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'

The idea is stupid on its face. How does the government go about prosecuting 100 million people laughing at Congress?

AOC just called Pelosi a racist. How is that not popcorn time?
Last edited:
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'

The idea is stupid on its face. How does the government go about prosecuting 100 million people laughing at Congress?

AOC just called Pelosi a racist. How is that not popcorn time?

That's not what the reference was.

If you just got to this thread, see this link.
The phrase "making fun of" severely understated it. Thanks for getting us back on topic though.

No one's been able to defend that page.
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'

She was referring to some of the boarder guards:

But dozens of hateful posts in a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents raise questions about how well if at all the company is policing disturbing postings and comments made outside of public view.

Many of the posts ProPublica obtained from the 9,500-member “I’m 10-15” group (10-15 is Border Patrol code for “alien in custody”) include violent or dehumanizing speech that appears to violate Facebook’s standards. For example, a thread of comments before a visit to a troubled Border Patrol facility in Texas by Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York, and Veronica Escobar, of Texas, included “fuck the hoes and “No mames [fist].” Another post encouraged Border Patrol agents to respond to the Latina lawmakers visit by hurling a “burrito at these bitches.” And yet another mocked a video of a migrant man trying to carry a child through a rushing river in a plastic bag. A commenter joked, “At least it’s already in a trash bag” — all probable violations of the rules.
Posts in hidden groups have incited incidents of violence in the real world, most famously against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and at the 2017 white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia. The military launched an investigation of a secret Facebook group in 2017 after Marines shared naked pictures of female service members. Facebook has acknowledged the problem and has made some efforts to address it with new initiatives, such as a proposed independent review board and consultations with a group of 90 organizations, most focusing on civil rights.

Facebook has acknowledged the problem and has made some efforts to address it with new initiatives, such as a proposed independent review board and consultations with a group of 90 organizations, most focusing on civil rights.

Civil Rights Groups Have Been Warning Facebook About Hate Speech In Secret Groups For Years — ProPublica
The fucking whore should be mocked endlessly for being fucking retarded....
The congresscritter wanted to punish people for parody. Trump was talking about punishing newspapers for libel.

Your false equivalency shows its ugly head over and over.

NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
It's not his description, shit for brains. It was just a comment. He didn't say what you claim. If you honestly posted the facts, you wouldn't have anything to argue about.

You're going to sit here and deny that him saying those words in the video is him saying those words in the video?

Just like you tried to tell us that a bunch of guys in dresses on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December was a political convention?

You're completely disconnected from reality, Chuckles. That too is part of being in a fucking CULT.
He didn't say what you claim, shit for brains. You are incapable of posting something honest.
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'

she added. “You cannot intimidate members of Congress, frighten members of Congress. It is against the law, and it's a shame in this United States of America.”

WHY DID YOU LEAVE OUT the rest of her statement? It was right there in your article?

The full statement instead of your cut off and paste statement, would have in the least, given a hint to what she was talking about? And given us the full facts to work with, when talking about it...

SO, what exactly was said or posted that intimidated congress women or congressmen, would be a question that needs answering, before mocking Ms Wilson for her appearingly silly comment ...?
If the fucking bitch can’t handle the heat, she needs to get the fuck back into her little safe space you fucking retard
NO HE WAS NOT. And I already quoted his words directly that PROVE he was not.

"Libel" is *NEVER* defined as "a hit piece which is a disgrace". That's not even quantifiable.

You can sit there and go :lalala: but it's a direct quote, and it's not going away.

Also there is no "parody" in play here, on any side.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
It's not his description, shit for brains. It was just a comment. He didn't say what you claim. If you honestly posted the facts, you wouldn't have anything to argue about.

You're going to sit here and deny that him saying those words in the video is him saying those words in the video?

Just like you tried to tell us that a bunch of guys in dresses on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December was a political convention?

You're completely disconnected from reality, Chuckles. That too is part of being in a fucking CULT.
He didn't say what you claim, shit for brains. You are incapable of posting something honest.

As I said ----- you're going to sit there and claim that the words that are there, aren't there.

Ain't nobody gonna buy that bullshit Hunior. Back to Ignore you go as an abject waste of everyone's time.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
It's not his description, shit for brains. It was just a comment. He didn't say what you claim. If you honestly posted the facts, you wouldn't have anything to argue about.

You're going to sit here and deny that him saying those words in the video is him saying those words in the video?

Just like you tried to tell us that a bunch of guys in dresses on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December was a political convention?

You're completely disconnected from reality, Chuckles. That too is part of being in a fucking CULT.
He didn't say what you claim, shit for brains. You are incapable of posting something honest.

As I said ----- you're going to sit there and claim that the words that are there, aren't there.

Ain't nobody gonna buy that bullshit Hunior. Back to Ignore you go as an abject waste of everyone's time.
Only fools think political correctness is a good thing, Political correctness should be mocked endlessly
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'
From your link: "Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson said people who are “making fun” of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'.”

Will someone please start educating creepsisters who desire the power to push other people around unabated please make them pass a Constitutional examination prior to their election to public office?

Ms. Wilson needs to know that not only do United States citizens have the right to free speech about the poor quality representation we have with people like her in Congress in the First Amendment, we also have the right to carry armaments against bad government in the Second Amendment.

OMG. This nation is being crushed by a deluge of creepsisters in Congress who think voters should be treated like cheating husbands. NOT!

Edit: correction plural to singular (omitted an "s")
they already know what the constitution says !! to them Christianity and the Constitution are the biggest road blocks to their totalitarian governmental takeover.
You proved nothing, shit for brains. That isn't how Trump defined libel. He knows what the word means since he has sued people for libel.

Yep, and lost. See "Fuckface von Clownstick". See the Onion. He actually threatened to sue the Onion, a parody site. That's the level of his abject nutlessness.

Hey, it's HIS description, HIS exact words. That's exactly why I put up the video of his orange mouth saying them.

He even notes at the beginning that he's going to get in trouble for what he's about to say, with good reason. Strangely enough he was also correct that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, or twist laws to sue all criticism out of existence ---- and not lose votes. That's because he's fully aware that he has a cult. As is everybody else outside the cult itself.
It's not his description, shit for brains. It was just a comment. He didn't say what you claim. If you honestly posted the facts, you wouldn't have anything to argue about.

You're going to sit here and deny that him saying those words in the video is him saying those words in the video?

Just like you tried to tell us that a bunch of guys in dresses on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December was a political convention?

You're completely disconnected from reality, Chuckles. That too is part of being in a fucking CULT.
He didn't say what you claim, shit for brains. You are incapable of posting something honest.

As I said ----- you're going to sit there and claim that the words that are there, aren't there.

Ain't nobody gonna buy that bullshit Hunior. Back to Ignore you go as an abject waste of everyone's time.
You keep saying those are his words, but you never quote exactly what the words are that prove your point. Face it, you're just a sleazy lying piece of shit.
What's True
Rep. Wilson expressed an opinion that "people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace" and said "we're going to shut them down ... and they should be prosecuted."

What's False
Rep. Wilson was responding to news about a secret Facebook group for Border Patrol agents and referencing persons who used that group to "intimidate" and "threaten" members of Congress, which is illegal.

ProPublica on Monday publicized posts made by Border Patrol agents in a private Facebook group that disparaged migrants and some members of Congress, such as Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Lawmakers, union representatives, and the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol condemned "xenophobic and sexist" social media posts by border agents

The Facebook group contained jokes about dead migrants and suggestions to hit New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Texas Rep. Veronica Escobar with burritos as they visit CBP facilities on Monday. One post showed a photo-shopped image of Ocasio-Cortez engaged in sexual acts with an immigrant.

Some news organization will not give you the full story and just the one that they think that there base wants to hear

people say that want freedom of speech and intercept that as they can insult at will

It really is just bullying and intimidation if you playing in the mud

If border agents can't treat people with dignity then they should be fired.

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica
Who said the Left are fascists?

"...people who are 'making fun of members of Congress' online 'should be prosecuted..'

'Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,' Wilson said during a press conference. 'We are going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted'..."

Florida Democrat says those 'making fun' of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'
From your link: "Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson said people who are “making fun” of members of Congress online should be 'prosecuted'.”

Will someone please start educating creepsisters who desire the power to push other people around unabated please make them pass a Constitutional examination prior to their election to public office?

Ms. Wilson needs to know that not only do United States citizens have the right to free speech about the poor quality representation we have with people like her in Congress in the First Amendment, we also have the right to carry armaments against bad government in the Second Amendment.

OMG. This nation is being crushed by a deluge of creepsisters in Congress who think voters should be treated like cheating husbands. NOT!

Edit: correction plural to singular (omitted an "s")
they already know what the constitution says !! to them Christianity and the Constitution are the biggest road blocks to their totalitarian governmental takeover.
These oughta be used on the aforementioned fools:



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