Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

At what point are you going to start backing up this utter bullshit you keep shoveling? Ever?
I have backed up every damned thing that I have said. The problem is that you are too threatened by anything that does not fit your narrative that you can't deal with it objectively and honestly. You have a real bug up your ass on this topic. You can believe , or pretend to believe all the crap that you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.
Just more senseless blather. I have backed up every thing that I have said and all that you have is endless appeals to ignorance with no substance.
2.) In the second paragraph he claims that I said that blacks were more racist when that is not at all what I said.
I believe he was referring to an exchange between the two of you on the thread "Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes".

It's amazing the extent to which some of these people will lie.

What? You claimed I said that blacks were more racist. That was patently false and you know it.
I totally crushed every stupid thing that Prog said, and caught him in behavior proving him to be a dishonest stonewaller.
Just more of your usual empty blather > What exactly did you crush. ? I have refuted and destroyed every dishonest and slanted piece of propaganda that you posted and you know it but can't admit it.
At what point are you going to start backing up this utter bullshit you keep shoveling? Ever?
I have backed up every damned thing that I have said. The problem is that you are too threatened by anything that does not fit your narrative that you can't deal with it objectively and honestly. You have a real bug up your ass on this topic. You can believe , or pretend to believe all the crap that you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.
2.) In the second paragraph he claims that I said that blacks were more racist when that is not at all what I said.
I believe he was referring to an exchange between the two of you on the thread "Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes".

And? I didn't author the thread and I never said that in any case. What I told him was that some blacks are racist, that's it. I've had to correct him on this multiple times now.

You claimed black racism existed while denying any type of white racism. You claimed to have gone to a black school in the 1960s and blacks were racists.

This again? Jesus Christ when are you going to get it through your thick skull that I did not say I went to a black school? I've told you this twice already. It was either Correll or Humorme that told you that, not me.
The elementary school I went to had no blacks at all and the junior/senior high only had two black students; two girls that were sisters and a grade or two higher than me. Okay? Think you can remember that?

But you refused to even try to understand why that in the 1960's, blacks didn't like white people. You dismissed the lifetme of severe and overt white racism these people endured to call them racists. You claimed racism on a job where you were a supervisor of blacks because you got spit on by a black man. I'm not justifying what the mam did, you should have knocked his teeth out. But did he spit on you because you were white, or because you called him out in front of all the workers?

Didn't I already explain this to you too? Are you actually reading what I'm posting at all? I told you already that there were three people on shift at the time; me, him and a deckhand. The deckhand was working elsewhere so it was just me and him. I did not berate him, scold him, yell at him or belittle him in any way. I simply asked him if he shouldn't have gloves on for the work he was doing.

I sincerely hope I'm not going to have to tell this shit again.

You want me to say there are black racists when blacks have done nothing the likes of things whites have done and you want to take the anger blacks feel about what whites do and have done to cry abut blacks beg racists.

You don't get to have amnesia. You will face what whites have done. What you call racism by blacks is not racism. It is the angry reaction and response to the racism of whites. Surely you can't be sane and think that whites can do as they have consistently done to POC and logically expect that we all are just going to ignore it. And you can't understand how that kind of attitude can be called racist or white supremacist.

I don't get to have amnesia? I'm not the one forgetting everything. I've told you multiple times now that I did not say blacks were more racist, only that some were racist. I've had to reiterate the details of my story of getting spit on about three times now. I've had to tell you three or four times that I did not say I went to a black school.

I feel like I'm caught in a time loop or something. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. In your case, insanity is saying the same things over and over again and forgetting the result.
I've interacted with him on multiple threads on the subject of white racism and he definitely is one of those who holds the entire white race accountable for slavery and the oppression that followed. Just ask him. If we're not guilty of blatant racism then we are at least guilty of reaping the benefits of a system that favored whites and for that we must pay
You are grossly misrepresenting much of what he's stated. I've never heard him state that the entire white race today is culpable for the acts of white racist then or now. What he as well as myself have truthfully stated is that whites today have benefited from the advantages (aka "white privilege") that resulted from the institutional racism which legislatively granted the white race rights & benefits that were simultaneously denied to people of African descent. We've covered the original beliefs that by Devine decree the white race was alleged to be superior to the black race and that the black race's only purpose was to serve the white race. We talked about SCOTUS Justice Tanney making the comment

[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
We discussed the 14th Amendment being necessary to enforce the rights guaranteed by the 13th (end to slavery), the Voters Rights Act being necessary to enforce the 15th amendment, the 100 years of black codes and Jim Crow laws, and most recently how the mere passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not abolish discrimination in practice and that affirmation action did not codify the hiring of "unqualified blacks" over "qualified whites" as has been alleged by a stunningly large amount of uninformed individuals.

And yes he has laid out the arguments for reparations by presenting evidence that compares the situation of African Americans to other similarly situated to whom our government has paid reparations for harms it's policies and procedures have caused.

This is all vastly different than how Ghost of a Rider is portraying IM2's beliefs and comments.

IM2 has said on more than one occasion: "You will pay us what you owe. Spiritual law says so." This was addressed to a white poster. I've heard him talk about the government paying reparations but when he says things like the above, I have to wonder what his motives are. I've asked him twice now who he was talking about when he said this and both times he refused to answer.

For me, it's not so much the idea of reparations that I'm against, it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism. It is simply not fair for those who had nothing to do with it to have their taxes used in such a way.

It has not been fair to us blacks to have our taxes used to maintain a system that has cheated us. You pay Native Americans every year for things you have nothing to do with. You paid japanese for things you had nothing to do with at the time the money was paid. You pay Jews for something Germans did to them. But when it comes to blacks we get dumb ass excuses that make no sense when you THINK.

The bible in Jeremiah Chapter 34 verses 8-21 specifically states what the requirements are for the payment of slaves and the penalty for refusal. It tells us this in verses 21-22:

'Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials I will give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their life and into the hand of the king of Babylon’s army, which has gone away from you. 22 I will command, says the Lord, and cause them to return to this city, and they will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire; and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without an inhabitant."

This happens because they did not do as required by the lord, which was to pay their slaves after 7 years among other things which we can say white America is doing to blacks and other people of color. That is spiritual law. So you can refuse to do as the law requires and watch America get what the cities of Judah got or you can pay what you owe us.

Put down the dumb ass white belief of he wants revenge on whitey. I am not the one who can do that. Spiritual law says "vengeance us mine saith the lord". So then you will pay what you owe one way or the other. God don't care about how fair you think it is for whites to pay taxes.

Very profound. But I'm an atheist.
I've interacted with him on multiple threads on the subject of white racism and he definitely is one of those who holds the entire white race accountable for slavery and the oppression that followed. Just ask him. If we're not guilty of blatant racism then we are at least guilty of reaping the benefits of a system that favored whites and for that we must pay
You are grossly misrepresenting much of what he's stated. I've never heard him state that the entire white race today is culpable for the acts of white racist then or now. What he as well as myself have truthfully stated is that whites today have benefited from the advantages (aka "white privilege") that resulted from the institutional racism which legislatively granted the white race rights & benefits that were simultaneously denied to people of African descent. We've covered the original beliefs that by Devine decree the white race was alleged to be superior to the black race and that the black race's only purpose was to serve the white race. We talked about SCOTUS Justice Tanney making the comment

[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
We discussed the 14th Amendment being necessary to enforce the rights guaranteed by the 13th (end to slavery), the Voters Rights Act being necessary to enforce the 15th amendment, the 100 years of black codes and Jim Crow laws, and most recently how the mere passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not abolish discrimination in practice and that affirmation action did not codify the hiring of "unqualified blacks" over "qualified whites" as has been alleged by a stunningly large amount of uninformed individuals.

And yes he has laid out the arguments for reparations by presenting evidence that compares the situation of African Americans to other similarly situated to whom our government has paid reparations for harms it's policies and procedures have caused.

This is all vastly different than how Ghost of a Rider is portraying IM2's beliefs and comments.

IM2 has said on more than one occasion: "You will pay us what you owe. Spiritual law says so." This was addressed to a white poster. I've heard him talk about the government paying reparations but when he says things like the above, I have to wonder what his motives are. I've asked him twice now who he was talking about when he said this and both times he refused to answer.

For me, it's not so much the idea of reparations that I'm against, it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism. It is simply not fair for those who had nothing to do with it to have their taxes used in such a way.

It has not been fair to us blacks to have our taxes used to maintain a system that has cheated us. You pay Native Americans every year for things you have nothing to do with. You paid japanese for things you had nothing to do with at the time the money was paid. You pay Jews for something Germans did to them. But when it comes to blacks we get dumb ass excuses that make no sense when you THINK.

The bible in Jeremiah Chapter 34 verses 8-21 specifically states what the requirements are for the payment of slaves and the penalty for refusal. It tells us this in verses 21-22:

'Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials I will give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their life and into the hand of the king of Babylon’s army, which has gone away from you. 22 I will command, says the Lord, and cause them to return to this city, and they will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire; and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without an inhabitant."

This happens because they did not do as required by the lord, which was to pay their slaves after 7 years among other things which we can say white America is doing to blacks and other people of color. That is spiritual law. So you can refuse to do as the law requires and watch America get what the cities of Judah got or you can pay what you owe us.

Put down the dumb ass white belief of he wants revenge on whitey. I am not the one who can do that. Spiritual law says "vengeance us mine saith the lord". So then you will pay what you owe one way or the other. God don't care about how fair you think it is for whites to pay taxes.

Very profound. But I'm an atheist.

Your atheism doesn't matter. That's not going to stop what's coming.
Which party does the president, who has repeatedly failed to condemn white supremacist and neo Nazis belong

Not the GOP, President Trump has repeatedly condemned various white supremacist and neo Nazis, and only a vile liar would claim otherwise.

What party does the president who enjoys the support of racist hate groups belong to.?

Well, a lot of racists blacks and hispanics love them some dems. YOu ever talk to IM2, or Katstevie on this site? Or Paul E what ever shit? They are the worst racists on this site and they vote for you.

Which part does the xenophobes and neo confederates flock to?

Not sure what you mean.

Xenophobe implies that the fear is irrational.

That's something only a liar or a fool would imply.


Neo Confederates? Are you referring to a movement who wants the South to leave the Union and be an independent nation?

Cause that only way that your question makes any sense.

Never met one. I doubt they exist in RL.

And what exactly is being said about the Democrats that is true, that I have not acknowledged ? I presented a fair and balanced historical assessment of the Democrats from the civil war through the civil rights era. I did not attempt to white wash the dark side of the Democrats history, but rather, put it in perspective.

What is there that you can refute or call a lie?

I did not address what you said about dems is your huge wall of, considering the bullshit in the first paragraph, certainly bullshit.

Speaking ONLY for myself, you are a dishonest, lying hack, without a shred of integrity.

I have never stated that I am a Democrat on this site, nor can you reproduce any post where I have professed loyalty to any political party. In fact, I have expressed a dislike on some matters for both and have stated before that I have little faith in the entire political system of this country.

As far as being a "racist", your default action is to call anyone who is not aligned with your belief that there is rampant "anti white discrimination", or does not believe that "Lincolns first priority was to free slaves "
a racist.

Which is joke, but not related to this thread.

YOUR problem is of a personal nature.

You are a thin skinned, petty, small minded little person, who is quick to become offended, indignant, and most of all defensive when your "sheet" gets ripped off and you are exposed for the racist that YOU actually are.

Your arguments only consist of whining all the time about being "smeared by vile lies", but you have never presented an intelligent argument in your own defense.

Your facade is obvious to anyone who can read and comprehend and the very people that YOU call "racist" make YOU uncomfortable because they outed YOU as one a long time ago.

Fuck You.

Now, back to what is a good thread by ProgressivePatriot.

And he is kicking your ass.

And NO ONE has refuted his arguments with anything that is factual thusfar

Especially YOU.

You are obviously a racist lefty. IF you vote, you voted for the dems.

If you did not vote straight party, is was so that you could split the ticket for a green or a commie somewhere down the line.

I've refuted several of progressive's points already and as I predicted, he is being too dishonest to admit it.

In one, he accused me of not knowing ENglish and posted a definition of a word I used.

Which completely supported my point.

I have not looked yet, to his response to that, but we all know that he will not admit that.

Even though HIS post is right there, spelling it out.

I know it. YOu know it. Prog knows it.

As usual, you did not "refute" anything. All that you did was present your usual poor me rant about being "smeared by vile lies", and the so called "lies" are actually truth that you are either too stupid to understand or too blind to see.

And as far as being a racist, you cannot find a post anywhere in this forum where I have ever stated that race is a determinant of superiority, dumbass.

I totally crushed every stupid thing that Prog said, and caught him in behavior proving him to be a dishonest stonewaller.

Your denial of that, is to be expected as you are a standard lefty, ie utterly dishonest.

I can't be bothered to go though any of your posts, to prove something that we all know it true, but that you will just lie about.

I will take this as a request though, to point out your racist positions and statements as you make them from now on.

Don't hesitate to remind me of this.

YOU said:
"I can't be bothered to go though any of your posts, to prove something that we all know it true, but that you will just lie about."

So, who is "WE"?
I guess that you are referring to some of the other alt right, nutjob wackos here like you?

You, like most of your ilk, have a pattern.

You spew childishly stupid (but humorous) allegations of racism, but when challenged to provide an example of the racism that you are outraged about, you conveniently deflect,

Typical. And expected.

And NO. You have not "crushed" anything that Progressive has stated about anything in this thread.

He has stomped your whiny ass in this thread, and you have not stated anything in response that even makes sense.

But you keep coming back and begging for more.

And it is most entertaining.
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We’ve looked down south and what we see are rich white communities and right next to them poor black communities. Quit acting like southern blacks vote republican because they don’t
For me, it's not so much the idea of reparations that I'm against, it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism. It is simply not fair for those who had nothing to do with it to have their taxes used in such a way
So on one hand you state that you don't have anything against the concept of reparations but then you go on to say that it's not fair to have the tax dollars of whites go to paying them, correct?

How fair was it for our government to institute laws and policies that legislatively deprived an entire race of people opportunities to prosper and their actual rights as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution but which were protected for others? And how much of our tax money as African Americans was paid out (at the point of a gun) to institute and protect these racists policies which benefited others at our expense?

When our government harms it's own citizens by it's policies and procedures, instituted due to the racist beliefs of those running it and drafting legislation, then the epitome of unfairness is for it to continue to stonewall and deny making amends for those wrongs it inflicted, particularly when it has done so for other groups of people it has harmed.

And besides, It's right there in our Constitution, the very first amendment

In the United States the right to petition is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which specifically prohibits Congress from abridging "the right of the petition the Government for a redress of grievances".​


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Nixon desegregated the majority of Southern Schools. YOu dont' do that if you are trying to pander to southern racists.

Project MUSE - Richard Nixon and the Desegregation of Southern Schools

Scholars assessing Richard Nixon's contribution to the desegregation of Southern schools have often been unimpressed. His biographer Stephen Ambrose concedes that there was some White House contribution, but observes that "Nixon had to be hauled kicking and screaming into desegregation on a meaningful scale, and he did what he did not because it was right but because he had no choice."1

Jesus fucking Christ! Nothing that you say can be believed! Here is more,


It's true that, because the late 60s were the high water mark of strong anti-desegregation opinions in the federal courts (led by the precedents created by the Warren Court that Nixon campaigned against) and there were a lot of holdover pro-civil rights lawyers in the DOJ, that a significant amount of desegregation took place in Nixon's initial years in office. To claim that Nixon was responsible for this desegregation, however, requires evidence that he supported these policies and attempted to continue them. Needless to say, nothing of the sort is true. (As the fact that he appointed William Rehnquist and unsuccessfully nominated two Southern judges with segregationist histories to the Supreme Court indicates.)

Feeling stupid yet? You should be unless you are to stupid to know what a stupid ass your making of yourself

1. Your claim that he was dragged to desegregation "kicking and screaming" is unsupported and unconvincing.

1b. But in making that claim, you implicitly admit that desegregation did take place under Nixon, and you are trying desperately to explain it away, to save your lie.

2. In your second shocking "rebuttal", you claim that it was not Nixon, who as President was responsible for the Desegregation but hold over lawyers in the DOJ.

2.B. That's really funny. And again admits that the desegregation did take place under Nixon.

3. No, I'm not feeling stupid. What I'm feeling is like I am beating a baby seal to death. To make it clear for you, since, you seem to be the type of person who needs a lot of help, YOu are the baby seal, and the club I'm using is the Truth.
At what point are you going to start backing up this utter bullshit you keep shoveling? Ever?
I have backed up every damned thing that I have said. The problem is that you are too threatened by anything that does not fit your narrative that you can't deal with it objectively and honestly. You have a real bug up your ass on this topic. You can believe , or pretend to believe all the crap that you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.
Just more senseless blather. I have backed up every thing that I have said and all that you have is endless appeals to ignorance with no substance.

Nothing in your post addressed my point. So here it is again.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.
At what point are you going to start backing up this utter bullshit you keep shoveling? Ever?
I have backed up every damned thing that I have said. The problem is that you are too threatened by anything that does not fit your narrative that you can't deal with it objectively and honestly. You have a real bug up your ass on this topic. You can believe , or pretend to believe all the crap that you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.

You being an asshole is noted.

My point stands.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.
Not the GOP, President Trump has repeatedly condemned various white supremacist and neo Nazis, and only a vile liar would claim otherwise.

Well, a lot of racists blacks and hispanics love them some dems. YOu ever talk to IM2, or Katstevie on this site? Or Paul E what ever shit? They are the worst racists on this site and they vote for you.

Not sure what you mean.

Xenophobe implies that the fear is irrational.

That's something only a liar or a fool would imply.


Neo Confederates? Are you referring to a movement who wants the South to leave the Union and be an independent nation?

Cause that only way that your question makes any sense.

Never met one. I doubt they exist in RL.

I did not address what you said about dems is your huge wall of, considering the bullshit in the first paragraph, certainly bullshit.

Speaking ONLY for myself, you are a dishonest, lying hack, without a shred of integrity.

I have never stated that I am a Democrat on this site, nor can you reproduce any post where I have professed loyalty to any political party. In fact, I have expressed a dislike on some matters for both and have stated before that I have little faith in the entire political system of this country.

As far as being a "racist", your default action is to call anyone who is not aligned with your belief that there is rampant "anti white discrimination", or does not believe that "Lincolns first priority was to free slaves "
a racist.

Which is joke, but not related to this thread.

YOUR problem is of a personal nature.

You are a thin skinned, petty, small minded little person, who is quick to become offended, indignant, and most of all defensive when your "sheet" gets ripped off and you are exposed for the racist that YOU actually are.

Your arguments only consist of whining all the time about being "smeared by vile lies", but you have never presented an intelligent argument in your own defense.

Your facade is obvious to anyone who can read and comprehend and the very people that YOU call "racist" make YOU uncomfortable because they outed YOU as one a long time ago.

Fuck You.

Now, back to what is a good thread by ProgressivePatriot.

And he is kicking your ass.

And NO ONE has refuted his arguments with anything that is factual thusfar

Especially YOU.

You are obviously a racist lefty. IF you vote, you voted for the dems.

If you did not vote straight party, is was so that you could split the ticket for a green or a commie somewhere down the line.

I've refuted several of progressive's points already and as I predicted, he is being too dishonest to admit it.

In one, he accused me of not knowing ENglish and posted a definition of a word I used.

Which completely supported my point.

I have not looked yet, to his response to that, but we all know that he will not admit that.

Even though HIS post is right there, spelling it out.

I know it. YOu know it. Prog knows it.

As usual, you did not "refute" anything. All that you did was present your usual poor me rant about being "smeared by vile lies", and the so called "lies" are actually truth that you are either too stupid to understand or too blind to see.

And as far as being a racist, you cannot find a post anywhere in this forum where I have ever stated that race is a determinant of superiority, dumbass.

I totally crushed every stupid thing that Prog said, and caught him in behavior proving him to be a dishonest stonewaller.

Your denial of that, is to be expected as you are a standard lefty, ie utterly dishonest.

I can't be bothered to go though any of your posts, to prove something that we all know it true, but that you will just lie about.

I will take this as a request though, to point out your racist positions and statements as you make them from now on.

Don't hesitate to remind me of this.

YOU said:
"I can't be bothered to go though any of your posts, to prove something that we all know it true, but that you will just lie about."

So, who is "WE"?...g.

Should be obvious. Me, you, anyone else reading.

YOu are a racist.
We’ve looked down south and what we see are rich white communities and right next to them poor black communities. Quit acting like southern blacks vote republican because they don’t

I've lived in the south, and there are plenty of poor white communities, right next to poor black communities.

Actually, they are pretty intertwined from what I saw.

What was your point about that?
We’ve looked down south and what we see are rich white communities and right next to them poor black communities. Quit acting like southern blacks vote republican because they don’t

I've lived in the south, and there are plenty of poor white communities, right next to poor black communities.

Actually, they are pretty intertwined from what I saw.

What was your point about that?
Notice you didn’t say rich black communities next to poor white communities?
2.) In the second paragraph he claims that I said that blacks were more racist when that is not at all what I said.
I believe he was referring to an exchange between the two of you on the thread "Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes".

And? I didn't author the thread and I never said that in any case. What I told him was that some blacks are racist, that's it. I've had to correct him on this multiple times now.

You claimed black racism existed while denying any type of white racism. You claimed to have gone to a black school in the 1960s and blacks were racists.

This again? Jesus Christ when are you going to get it through your thick skull that I did not say I went to a black school? I've told you this twice already. It was either Correll or Humorme that told you that, not me.
The elementary school I went to had no blacks at all and the junior/senior high only had two black students; two girls that were sisters and a grade or two higher than me. Okay? Think you can remember that?

But you refused to even try to understand why that in the 1960's, blacks didn't like white people. You dismissed the lifetme of severe and overt white racism these people endured to call them racists. You claimed racism on a job where you were a supervisor of blacks because you got spit on by a black man. I'm not justifying what the mam did, you should have knocked his teeth out. But did he spit on you because you were white, or because you called him out in front of all the workers?

Didn't I already explain this to you too? Are you actually reading what I'm posting at all? I told you already that there were three people on shift at the time; me, him and a deckhand. The deckhand was working elsewhere so it was just me and him. I did not berate him, scold him, yell at him or belittle him in any way. I simply asked him if he shouldn't have gloves on for the work he was doing.

I sincerely hope I'm not going to have to tell this shit again.

You want me to say there are black racists when blacks have done nothing the likes of things whites have done and you want to take the anger blacks feel about what whites do and have done to cry abut blacks beg racists.

You don't get to have amnesia. You will face what whites have done. What you call racism by blacks is not racism. It is the angry reaction and response to the racism of whites. Surely you can't be sane and think that whites can do as they have consistently done to POC and logically expect that we all are just going to ignore it. And you can't understand how that kind of attitude can be called racist or white supremacist.

I don't get to have amnesia? I'm not the one forgetting everything. I've told you multiple times now that I did not say blacks were more racist, only that some were racist. I've had to reiterate the details of my story of getting spit on about three times now. I've had to tell you three or four times that I did not say I went to a black school.

I feel like I'm caught in a time loop or something. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. In your case, insanity is saying the same things over and over again and forgetting the result.

You want me to say that there are black racists. But what you call black racism is not racism. It appears that you, like other whites here like you think whites can do the things they have been doing and no body has the right to be angry with them about it. If we are then we are racists. You said you were spit on. Why did that happen? You do have amnesia as you seen to have forgotten 241 years of white racism and that counts today as we near year 242 of white racism in America.
We’ve looked down south and what we see are rich white communities and right next to them poor black communities. Quit acting like southern blacks vote republican because they don’t

I've lived in the south, and there are plenty of poor white communities, right next to poor black communities.

Actually, they are pretty intertwined from what I saw.

What was your point about that?
Notice you didn’t say rich black communities next to poor white communities?

Not that I saw, nor would expect.

What is your point?

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