Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

At what point are you going to start backing up this utter bullshit you keep shoveling? Ever?
I have backed up every damned thing that I have said. The problem is that you are too threatened by anything that does not fit your narrative that you can't deal with it objectively and honestly. You have a real bug up your ass on this topic. You can believe , or pretend to believe all the crap that you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.
It is doubtful that you can prove the OP is lying.

Sometimes the ugly truth feels like a "vile smear".

So far no one has posted a single link to a credible source to counter his facts.

Aside from his bizarre and disturbing sexual proclivities, the OP is mostly known for writing long, convoluted essays, such as the one at the start of this thread, which attempt to deny simple truths that are obvious to most sane people.

This is not a sexuality forum. Why are you even making a statement like that?
He seems to be a very unstable and angry person who is himself obsessed.
He was beloved, supported and celebrated until he betrayed us.

You were asked what happened to Colon Powell and THIS is your answer? He did not betray any one. He told the truth about the party. If that is betrayal in your mind, it tell us all that we need to know about you. It's the mentality of a mob boss who gets ratted out by someone. who they trusted.
so a
Proof of what? I am offering an opinion. I'm not arguing it because it is not something that can be proven or disproven. It's a matter of perspective and it is also off topic.
how can it be off topic if I am responding to your claim?
You or someone else brought up the topic of AA. This topic is about who the racists were and who they are now. If you want to talk about the effects of, and remedies for racism, start your own topic,

affirmative action is racist AF.
It gives one or more groups an advantage based on the color of their skin.

I would believe that dems as a party are in support of AA and therefore institutionalized racism

AA does nothing of the sort. You have been fed a race baited lie that you have chosen to accept.

you are in denial of the facts.
Do you deny that...
You support anti-white racism which includes reparations , blaming the white race for all of humanities problems as well as affirmative action?

If this country and white people are so terrible, why do " POC" from all over the world want to come here?

Who are the POC that believes this country is so horrible?
Of course you are right and everyone else is wrong.

Whites are being blamed for what thy have done. Reparations have ben paid to all this government has wronged but us blacks, and so now blacks asking for what everyone else has gotten is this great sin. Affirmative Action is not racist. But you are dumb and don't recognize how you have been race pimped.

You're an extremely dumb person. You know nothing abut world affairs and how things have come to be as they are. You are white, want everything your way and have chosen to believe the lie of white victimhood.
The OP is about as ignorant as they get.

The audacity of this post after we just endured 8 years of the most brazenly racist, divisive politics in the last 100 years under Obama and the Democrats.

And to think these people want you disarmed and helpless amidst their insanity.

The only racism we saw were whites mad that a black man was president. Republicans at that.
How many blacks have been nominated by the republican party for president? How many blacks have been picked by republican presidential candidates to be VP? Where are all the black republicans in the house?

Which party is it that holds the color of a politician's skin to have more importance than his character and qualifications?

The republican party. The current president is a example of that. No legislative or governing experience and a proven liar and crook. But at least he's not black.
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In the news today:

Georgia Republican's racist 'deportation bus' backfires as he gets barred from Cracker Barrel

Michael Williams, a Georgia state senator running for governor, has tried to boost his 3 percent approval rating by being as demonstrably racist as possible.
To that end, he’s been parking his so-called ‘deportation bus’ outside of Cracker Barrel restaurants in sanctuary cities around the state. The bus is adorned with mis-spelled sentiments like “FILL THIS BUS WITH ILLEGALS” and “DANGER! MURDERERS, RAPISTS, KIDNAPPERS, CHILD MOLESTORS [sic], AND OTHER CRIMINALS ON BOARD.”

I'm sure you racisism deniers are proud to have him among the ranks of Republicans
2.) In the second paragraph he claims that I said that blacks were more racist when that is not at all what I said.
I believe he was referring to an exchange between the two of you on the thread "Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes".

And? I didn't author the thread and I never said that in any case. What I told him was that some blacks are racist, that's it. I've had to correct him on this multiple times now.

You claimed black racism existed while denying any type of white racism. You claimed to have gone to a black school in the 1960s and blacks were racists. But you refused to even try to understand why that in the 1960's, blacks didn't like white people. You dismissed the lifetme of severe and overt white racism these people endured to call them racists. You claimed racism on a job where you were a supervisor of blacks because you got spit on by a black man. I'm not justifying what the mam did, you should have knocked his teeth out. But did he spit on you because you were white, or because you called him out in front of all the workers? You want me to say there are black racists when blacks have done nothing the likes of things whites have done and you want to take the anger blacks feel about what whites do and have done to cry abut blacks beg racists.

You don't get to have amnesia. You will face what whites have done. What you call racism by blacks is not racism. It is the angry reaction and response to the racism of whites. Surely you can't be sane and think that whites can do as they have consistently done to POC and logically expect that we all are just going to ignore it. And you can't understand how that kind of attitude can be called racist or white supremacist.
From December:

After Roy Moore Loss, ‘Baked Alaska’ Urges White People To ‘Have Babies’ & Form A ‘Coalition’ | Right Wing Watch

Tim Gionet, who operates online under the moniker “Baked Alaska,” urged white people to have more children and “form some sort of coalition” following Roy Moore’s loss because white people are “the ones that are picking the right people.”

Gionet, who had taken a brief hiatus from his prior status as an alt-right flunky to stream himself playing video games and preaching the gospel, returned to political commentary this week to provide real-time commentary on the results of Alabama’s special election to fill the Senate seat once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. When news broke that Republican candidate Roy Moore had been defeated by Democrat Doug Jones, Gionet began ranting about black voters after one of his viewers posted statistics in a Discord chat server that detailed black voters’ overwhelming support of Jones.

“I don’t mean to be a dick here, but what is going on with the non-white voters? I mean, what is—if you care about MAGA, if you care about Trump, if you care about ‘Make America Great Again,’ if you care about the good MAGA candidates, it’s mostly white people who are voting for these people and the non-whites are, and I’m not saying all, but I’m saying a large [percentage], almost 90 percent, are not voting for the MAGA candidates,” Gionet said. “What is going on?

What is going on? I'll tell you what is going on. Black people are smarter than you care to admit. THAT is what's going on
  • Thanks
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I've interacted with him on multiple threads on the subject of white racism and he definitely is one of those who holds the entire white race accountable for slavery and the oppression that followed. Just ask him. If we're not guilty of blatant racism then we are at least guilty of reaping the benefits of a system that favored whites and for that we must pay
You are grossly misrepresenting much of what he's stated. I've never heard him state that the entire white race today is culpable for the acts of white racist then or now. What he as well as myself have truthfully stated is that whites today have benefited from the advantages (aka "white privilege") that resulted from the institutional racism which legislatively granted the white race rights & benefits that were simultaneously denied to people of African descent. We've covered the original beliefs that by Devine decree the white race was alleged to be superior to the black race and that the black race's only purpose was to serve the white race. We talked about SCOTUS Justice Tanney making the comment

[African Americans] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be made by it.
We discussed the 14th Amendment being necessary to enforce the rights guaranteed by the 13th (end to slavery), the Voters Rights Act being necessary to enforce the 15th amendment, the 100 years of black codes and Jim Crow laws, and most recently how the mere passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not abolish discrimination in practice and that affirmation action did not codify the hiring of "unqualified blacks" over "qualified whites" as has been alleged by a stunningly large amount of uninformed individuals.

And yes he has laid out the arguments for reparations by presenting evidence that compares the situation of African Americans to other similarly situated to whom our government has paid reparations for harms it's policies and procedures have caused.

This is all vastly different than how Ghost of a Rider is portraying IM2's beliefs and comments.

IM2 has said on more than one occasion: "You will pay us what you owe. Spiritual law says so." This was addressed to a white poster. I've heard him talk about the government paying reparations but when he says things like the above, I have to wonder what his motives are. I've asked him twice now who he was talking about when he said this and both times he refused to answer.

For me, it's not so much the idea of reparations that I'm against, it's the idea of holding all whites accountable for slavery and racism. It is simply not fair for those who had nothing to do with it to have their taxes used in such a way.

It has not been fair to us blacks to have our taxes used to maintain a system that has cheated us. You pay Native Americans every year for things you have nothing to do with. You paid japanese for things you had nothing to do with at the time the money was paid. You pay Jews for something Germans did to them. But when it comes to blacks we get dumb ass excuses that make no sense when you THINK.

The bible in Jeremiah Chapter 34 verses 8-21 specifically states what the requirements are for the payment of slaves and the penalty for refusal. It tells us this in verses 21-22:

'Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials I will give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their life and into the hand of the king of Babylon’s army, which has gone away from you. 22 I will command, says the Lord, and cause them to return to this city, and they will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire; and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without an inhabitant."

This happens because they did not do as required by the lord, which was to pay their slaves after 7 years among other things which we can say white America is doing to blacks and other people of color. That is spiritual law. So you can refuse to do as the law requires and watch America get what the cities of Judah got or you can pay what you owe us.

Put down the dumb ass white belief of he wants revenge on whitey. I am not the one who can do that. Spiritual law says "vengeance us mine saith the lord". So then you will pay what you owe one way or the other. God don't care about how fair you think it is for whites to pay taxes.
I called on your bullshit in the first couple sentences, and later where you actually mentioned the common lib lie about the Southern Strategy.

I am aware of the fact that there is right wing propaganda that tries to debunk the narrative that the southern strategy did not play on race, and you apparently have swallowed it whole. Talk about partisan bullshit. You are a sucker for it. Now look at this:

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy
Selected excerpts
You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.”
And this
Those words soon became legend—quoted in both screeds (The GOP-Haters Handbook, 2007) and scholarship (Corey Robin's 2011 classic work of political theory, The Reactionary Mind). Google Books records its use in ten books published so far this year alone. Curious about the remarks' context, Carter, who learned Lamis had died in 2012, asked his widow if she would consider releasing the audio of the interview, especially in light of the use of race-baiting dog-whistles (lies about Obama ending work requirements for welfare; "jokes" about his supposed Kenyan provenance) in the Romney presidential campaign. Renée Lamis, an Obama donor, agreed that very same night. For one thing she was “upset,” Carter told me, that “for some time, conservatives believed [her] husband made up the Atwater interview.” For another, she was eager to illustrate that her husband's use of the Atwater quote was scholarly, not political.

Here is more

Not bloody likely. In 2005, the political scientists Nicholas Valentino and David Sears demonstrated that a Southern man holding conservative positions on issues other than race is no more likely than a conservative Northerner to vote for a Democrat. But when the relevant identifier is anti-black answers to survey questions—like whether one agrees “If blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites”—white Southerners were twice as likely than white Northerners to refuse to vote Democratic. As another political scientist, Thomas Schaller, wrote in his 2006 book Whistling Past Dixie (which naturally quotes the infamous Atwater lines), “Despite the best efforts of Republican spinmeisters…the partisan impact of racial attitudes in the South is stronger today than in the past.”

So you see sparky, that bullshit about it being about economics is just that -bullshit. Bullshit that you bought

Wow. Something good happened and an consultant claimed credit. What a shocker.

Nothing in citing Atwater second hand opinion is more weighty than the academic studies summarized in my link for you.

Nixon desegregated the majority of Southern Schools. YOu dont' do that if you are trying to pander to southern racists.


You libs have been out of ideas for generations.

ALL you have now, is insulting and smearing people.

And the truth is irrelevant to people like youl

Racism is the belief that racial groups have inherent qualities that define the individuals of those groups, and generally that one is better or worse than the others.

THAT'S the question that you lefties never want to ask, when you "Study" rather someone or some group is racist.

Because on some level you know that truthfully exposing how weak White Racism is in America, is the LAST FUCKING THING YOU LEFTIES WANT.

Because it would destroy you.
blah blah racist this racist that
the whites are the only race that is racist --BULLSHIT
Jesus Fucking Christ! What is wrong with you? !! Did you bother to read past the tittle of the thread? I told the facts about the Democratic party

You posted a wall of partisan bullshit, that no reasonable person would wade though.

I called on your bullshit in the first couple sentences, and later where you actually mentioned the common lib lie about the Southern Strategy.

If you have something "better" to be crushed up like a bug and thrown into your face,

post it.


the dems pissed all over southern white people, what did the dems expect? Now they are whining about it?
No, they "pissed all over" southern whites that adhere to the ideology that whites are to be placed on a pedestal. As far as I'm concerned, they can be pissed on until the end of time.

I'm going to assume that you are of the melanin persuasion.

In that case that melanin sure is something else as it bestows on its owner the ability to read white people's minds.

You know what happens when one assumes. that the same arrogance white consevatives have to be able to know what's best for blacks?

Big difference from looking at a group of people with obvious problems and discussing possible solutions,

and looking at someone and claiming to know what they are thinking.

Kind of sad you needed that explained to you.

Just saying.
This is about as far as I got is that wall of bs.

Your premise, includes the very self serving assumption that the GOP is the "party that harbors the racist of today".

In doing that, you are, ironically making a far worse smear against modern republicans than the smear you are complaining about, where they smear your distance, ideological ancestors.

Not to mention, that what they say is actually true, while you are spewing vile lies, and you know it.

Which party does the president, who has repeatedly failed to condemn white supremacist and neo Nazis belong

Not the GOP, President Trump has repeatedly condemned various white supremacist and neo Nazis, and only a vile liar would claim otherwise.

What party does the president who enjoys the support of racist hate groups belong to.?

Well, a lot of racists blacks and hispanics love them some dems. YOu ever talk to IM2, or Katstevie on this site? Or Paul E what ever shit? They are the worst racists on this site and they vote for you.

Which part does the xenophobes and neo confederates flock to?

Not sure what you mean.

Xenophobe implies that the fear is irrational.

That's something only a liar or a fool would imply.


Neo Confederates? Are you referring to a movement who wants the South to leave the Union and be an independent nation?

Cause that only way that your question makes any sense.

Never met one. I doubt they exist in RL.

And what exactly is being said about the Democrats that is true, that I have not acknowledged ? I presented a fair and balanced historical assessment of the Democrats from the civil war through the civil rights era. I did not attempt to white wash the dark side of the Democrats history, but rather, put it in perspective.

What is there that you can refute or call a lie?

I did not address what you said about dems is your huge wall of, considering the bullshit in the first paragraph, certainly bullshit.

Speaking ONLY for myself, you are a dishonest, lying hack, without a shred of integrity.

I have never stated that I am a Democrat on this site, nor can you reproduce any post where I have professed loyalty to any political party. In fact, I have expressed a dislike on some matters for both and have stated before that I have little faith in the entire political system of this country.

As far as being a "racist", your default action is to call anyone who is not aligned with your belief that there is rampant "anti white discrimination", or does not believe that "Lincolns first priority was to free slaves "
a racist.

Which is joke, but not related to this thread.

YOUR problem is of a personal nature.

You are a thin skinned, petty, small minded little person, who is quick to become offended, indignant, and most of all defensive when your "sheet" gets ripped off and you are exposed for the racist that YOU actually are.

Your arguments only consist of whining all the time about being "smeared by vile lies", but you have never presented an intelligent argument in your own defense.

Your facade is obvious to anyone who can read and comprehend and the very people that YOU call "racist" make YOU uncomfortable because they outed YOU as one a long time ago.

Fuck You.

Now, back to what is a good thread by ProgressivePatriot.

And he is kicking your ass.

And NO ONE has refuted his arguments with anything that is factual thusfar

Especially YOU.

You are obviously a racist lefty. IF you vote, you voted for the dems.

If you did not vote straight party, is was so that you could split the ticket for a green or a commie somewhere down the line.

I've refuted several of progressive's points already and as I predicted, he is being too dishonest to admit it.

In one, he accused me of not knowing ENglish and posted a definition of a word I used.

Which completely supported my point.

I have not looked yet, to his response to that, but we all know that he will not admit that.

Even though HIS post is right there, spelling it out.

I know it. YOu know it. Prog knows it.

As usual, you did not "refute" anything. All that you did was present your usual poor me rant about being "smeared by vile lies", and the so called "lies" are actually truth that you are either too stupid to understand or too blind to see.

And as far as being a racist, you cannot find a post anywhere in this forum where I have ever stated that race is a determinant of superiority, dumbass.

I totally crushed every stupid thing that Prog said, and caught him in behavior proving him to be a dishonest stonewaller.

Your denial of that, is to be expected as you are a standard lefty, ie utterly dishonest.

I can't be bothered to go though any of your posts, to prove something that we all know it true, but that you will just lie about.

I will take this as a request though, to point out your racist positions and statements as you make them from now on.

Don't hesitate to remind me of this.
At what point are you going to start backing up this utter bullshit you keep shoveling? Ever?
I have backed up every damned thing that I have said. The problem is that you are too threatened by anything that does not fit your narrative that you can't deal with it objectively and honestly. You have a real bug up your ass on this topic. You can believe , or pretend to believe all the crap that you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.

Your desire to pad out your posts with tons of partisan race baiting shit and not have me call you on it,

is denied.

I do have a bug up my ass on this topic.

You race baiters really have NOTHING but insults to make your case any more.

And yet, you do it so fucking much,with such intensity and consistency, that it is widely effective.

You are tearing this nation apart and down, and yes, it pisses me off.

Indeed, this whole thread, is nothing more than propaganda designed to keep shouting "republicans assholes" at the top of your lungs.

You can't back it up. But you keep coming back to it.

YOu should be ashamed.
He was beloved, supported and celebrated until he betrayed us.

You were asked what happened to Colon Powell and THIS is your answer? He did not betray any one. He told the truth about the party. If that is betrayal in your mind, it tell us all that we need to know about you. It's the mentality of a mob boss who gets ratted out by someone. who they trusted.

That's your spin on it, in order to support your constant bullshit insulting of good people.

Powell was a member of multiple republican administrations.

If he had issues with Republicans, he should have said so, when he was offered very important and well paid jobs, that made him a famous and powerful man.

Instead, he waited until after he was semi-retired and then he betrayed us by talking bullshit about us to our enemies.

That's a betrayal and only a fucking asshole would claim otherwise.
Nixon desegregated the majority of Southern Schools. YOu dont' do that if you are trying to pander to southern racists.

Project MUSE - Richard Nixon and the Desegregation of Southern Schools

Scholars assessing Richard Nixon's contribution to the desegregation of Southern schools have often been unimpressed. His biographer Stephen Ambrose concedes that there was some White House contribution, but observes that "Nixon had to be hauled kicking and screaming into desegregation on a meaningful scale, and he did what he did not because it was right but because he had no choice."1

Jesus fucking Christ! Nothing that you say can be believed! Here is more,


It's true that, because the late 60s were the high water mark of strong anti-desegregation opinions in the federal courts (led by the precedents created by the Warren Court that Nixon campaigned against) and there were a lot of holdover pro-civil rights lawyers in the DOJ, that a significant amount of desegregation took place in Nixon's initial years in office. To claim that Nixon was responsible for this desegregation, however, requires evidence that he supported these policies and attempted to continue them. Needless to say, nothing of the sort is true. (As the fact that he appointed William Rehnquist and unsuccessfully nominated two Southern judges with segregationist histories to the Supreme Court indicates.)

Feeling stupid yet? You should be unless you are to stupid to know what a stupid ass your making of yourself

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