Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal

Evidence provided to a FISA court to obtain a warrant MUST BE VERIFIED.

The phony dossier WAS NOT VERIFIED. You now why? It's bullshit and UNVERIFIABLE, and they all knew it.
Do you ever feel embarrassed by how you keep getting duped by your media masters?

"More fundamentally, though, much of the commentary claiming some clear breach of protocol in the Carter Page FISA simply misunderstands what it means to say that a FISA application has been “verified.” It does not mean that every tip provided by a source has been independently corroborated. Rather, “verification” refers to the process laid out in the so-called “Woods procedures,” which require Justice Department officials to verify that representations made in a submission to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court match the information in the FBI’s investigative files. If the application relies upon a source for some claim, does the documentation in the case file support that the source actually said what the application presents the source as saying? In this case, then, “verification” would not mean the FBI had necessarily tracked down Steele’s own sources to corroborate his reporting. Rather, it would require that someone “verify” that when the application summarized what Steele had told the FBI, it did so accurately."

"This should, in a way, be a matter of common sense. If the FBI had independently confirmed a tip from a source, after all, that independent confirmation would be in the application. Indeed, why would you rely on a source at all if you had been able to directly confirm their claims? It would be fairly bizarre for the FBI to say “our own investigation has unearthed proof that our source’s claims were true, but we’re not going to make that proof part of our showing to the court.” In this case, it seems as though the FBI was quite straightforward in telling the FISA Court that their reliance on Steele’s information was based on his track record of providing reliable evidence in the past, not on having independently duplicated his reporting."

Yep. Just as I suspected.

You aren't the worst trumper poster on this board but I think you likely get the trophy for the most disengenius poster.

You f*ing trolls still haven't gotten it with all your lies. I am not a Trump supporter. Pointng out Drmocrat lies, crimes, scandals, and treason, committed by Hillary, Obama, Biden, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, etc..., doesn't make anyone a 'Trump supporter', you stupid dillhole.

'MAGA', Trump supporter', 'racist', 'white supremacist' - they're all just labels Democrats, snowflakes, bots, and trolls use to intimidate and silence those who point out the Democrats' continuous lies, hoaxes, scandals, crimes, treason, and betrayal.

Everyone with an IQ above Biden's knows it, and only morons fall for it and alow themselves to be intimidated and silenced.

F* off, troll.
You f*ing trolls still haven't gotten it with all your lies. I am not a Trump supporter. Pointng out Drmocrat lies, crimes, scandals, and treason, committed by Hillary, Obama, Biden, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, etc..., doesn't make anyone a 'Trump supporter', you stupid dillhole.

'MAGA', Trump supporter', 'racist', 'white supremacist' - they're all just labels Democrats, snowflakes, bots, and trolls use to intimidate and silence those who point out the Democrats' continuous lies, hoaxes, scandals, crimes, treason, and betrayal.

Everyone with an IQ above Biden's knows it, and only morons fall for it and alow themselves to be intimidated and silenced.

F* off, troll.
Yet no proof of that in Durham's report.

Perhaps he should have asked you about your "thoughts" and "feelings" on the matter. Maybe it would have made a difference?
Yet no proof of that in Durham's report.


No one believes your lies anymore, troll.
Stop wasting both our time - f* off.
Why doesn't Durham use that then?

Because Durham is trying to please Donald Trump who fired every other investigator who didn’t slander the Democrats.

The Special Prosecutor Huber’s final report covers all the same ground and came to all the same conclusions as the Inspector General’s report and the Marco Rubio’s Senate Investigation.

The only reason Donald Trump hired Durham in the first place was to refute all of the other reports that showed that there was no plot to undermine his campaign by anyone.

Do Durham knew what he was hired to do and he did it. Durham knew very well that the story of the “Clinton Plan” didn’t originate with the Clinton campaign so he lied about it by omitting that detail.

Durham also infers that the FBI refusal to investigate the Clintons and their Foundation during the election campaign was, while secretly investigation the Trump campaign, was proof of bias.

The two investigations which Durham refers to related to complaints filed with the IRS by Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch. The IRS is bound by law to investigate all such claims.

Tom Fitton Has has filed dozens of complaints and allegations against the Clintons since the 1990’s and not one of his allegations or complaints has ever been upheld. These IRS complaints were investigated after the election, and neither of them were upheld.

None of that was in Durham’s report.
what does that prove exactly?

That’s the link to the Trump Administration’s report on the investigation of the Carter Page FISA WAarrants refuting Nostra’s false claims up thread.

Can’t you read English?
dosier was disproven, fact. The rest all falls in line with that. Prove the dossier fkwad.
I can't prove a negative and you can't prove it was known to be a hoax.

Why do so many trumpers ask people to prove a negative? It makes no sense.

You are an alien from Jupiter who is here to do reconnaissance on a potential planetary attack. Prove me wrong fkwad. Derp derp.
I can't prove a negative and you can't prove it was known to be a hoax
You can’t prove the dossier and I’m supposed to do what? All accusations were false. I don’t know what the fk your negative is exactly
That’s the link to the Trump Administration’s report on the investigation of the Carter Page FISA WAarrants refuting Nostra’s false claims up thread.

Can’t you read English?
What does it prove was the question
Democrats aren’t buying a yearslong, independent investigation’s findings that the FBI lacked “actual evidence” to justify its probe into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on Capitol Hill said Tuesday that the report by special counsel John Durham is “a huge nothingburger” and “flat-out wrong” in its conclusion that the FBI based its decision to surveil the Trump campaign on shoddy, uncorroborated intelligence.

They said Mr. Trump aligns himself with Russian President Vladimir Putin even as he leads the 2024 Republican presidential primary field.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Deep denial of reality is one of the things that makes the corrupt Democrat Party such a dangerous political cult.
They used the FBI and DOJ to frame a Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This is a historical political scandal, and the Left-Wing Press is trying to bury it.
The Dems will get away with denying it as their propaganda wing, the liberal media, will go out of its way to help them.

The sheeple will buy any crap the liberal le media feeds them.

Teach your children how to speak Mandarin Chinese. It will come in handy wihen China takes over our nation on.
The Dems will get away with denying it as their propaganda wing, the liberal media, will go out of its way to help them.

The sheeple will buy any crap the liberal le media feeds them.

Teach your children how to speak Mandarin Chinese. It will come in handy wihen China takes over our nation on.
Media is no longer for going after the president’s men
You can’t prove the dossier and I’m supposed to do what? All accusations were false. I don’t know what the fk your negative is exactly
You are supposed to show me a link the verified your contention. That is how debate works. You make a claim. You back it up.

Are you new to debate?
Do you ever feel embarrassed by how you keep getting duped by your media masters?

"More fundamentally, though, much of the commentary claiming some clear breach of protocol in the Carter Page FISA simply misunderstands what it means to say that a FISA application has been “verified.” It does not mean that every tip provided by a source has been independently corroborated. Rather, “verification” refers to the process laid out in the so-called “Woods procedures,” which require Justice Department officials to verify that representations made in a submission to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court match the information in the FBI’s investigative files. If the application relies upon a source for some claim, does the documentation in the case file support that the source actually said what the application presents the source as saying? In this case, then, “verification” would not mean the FBI had necessarily tracked down Steele’s own sources to corroborate his reporting. Rather, it would require that someone “verify” that when the application summarized what Steele had told the FBI, it did so accurately."

"This should, in a way, be a matter of common sense. If the FBI had independently confirmed a tip from a source, after all, that independent confirmation would be in the application. Indeed, why would you rely on a source at all if you had been able to directly confirm their claims? It would be fairly bizarre for the FBI to say “our own investigation has unearthed proof that our source’s claims were true, but we’re not going to make that proof part of our showing to the court.” In this case, it seems as though the FBI was quite straightforward in telling the FISA Court that their reliance on Steele’s information was based on his track record of providing reliable evidence in the past, not on having independently duplicated his reporting."

Only one here embarrassing himself is you for bringing an opinion piece by far left hack Julian Sanchez.

They knew the dossier was not true when they used it to lie to the court. End of story.

None of your lefty spin will change that fact, Moron.
Can we have links to that because I can provide links that you’re lying

Thanks for bringing a link confirming exactly what I said. Here is just one example:

We determined that the FBI's decision to receive Steele's information for Crossfire Hurricane was based on multiple factors, including: ( 1 Steele's prior work as an intelli ence rofessional for ; (2) his expertise on Russia; (3) his record as an FBI CHS; ( 4) the assessment of Steele's handling agent that Steele was reliable and had provided helpful information to the FBI in the past; and (5) the themes of Steele's reporting were consistent with the FBI's knowledge at the time of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. elections. However, as we describe later, as the FBI obtained additional information raising significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting, the FBI failed to reassess the Steele reporting relied upon in the FISA applications, and did not fully advise NSD or or officials. We also found that the FBI did not aggressively seek to obtain certain potentially important information from Steele. For example, the FBI did not press Steele for information about the actual funding source for his election reporting work.

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