Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal

Members of the Trump campaign lied in their applications for security clearances about their contacts with Russians.

It seems that the FBI has wire tapped many high, ranking Russian officials in the United States of America and while

And we’re later forced to amend their security applications when the FBI started asking them questions about their contacts with Russians that the FBI were wire tapping on.
not sure what that word salad is saying, but it didn't answer the why John Durham doesn't have the evidence.
The Durham report talks only about the Page FISA warrant. You said it was every FISA warrant, but you can’t make that claim without knowing the complete list of FISA warrants.

Since you don’t know with any certainty if there were or weren’t other warrants, you can’t make that claim.

And you can’t hide behind Durham because Durham doesn’t make that claim either.
I know exactly how many there are, Simp.

And I know they are all tied to the fake dossier.
They have to deny it. It's treason and sedition. Serious crimes and a lot of people are involved. Not something anyone will admit to.

They aren't too worried, I'm sure. They know that nothing will come of all the harsh words and serious faces at these hearings.
Way to put yourself out there as being completely stupid.

Brennan briefed Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, & Comey of Hillary's hoax BEFORE she initiated it. They all knew it was a hoax, but they still ran with the failed coup anyway.

Prove they thought it was a hoax.

Russian Collusion was Hillary's hoax.
The Trump imvestigation should ZBEVER have been started.

View attachment 786545

That isn't what Durham said. That's what your media masters told you he said and according to FOX, if they don't lie to you, you will go somewhere that does.


It all boiled down to he was fine with it being opened but they could have used a different method.

Thats it. That what has you in a rage. A procedural misstep.

Whoopty doo. That is a far cry from Clintons, Obama, Soros and half the FBI would be going to GITMO for treason. ROFL. What a fail.
I know exactly how many there are, Simp.

And I know they are all tied to the fake dossier.
All one needs is to listen to the exchange between the GOP senator, at 3:50 of the video, and Mueller in this video. It will tell you that the entire Mueller report was fiction.

So do you agree or disagree with the premise of this thread?
Seeing as I read the headline wrong and got off on the wrong foot to start with, I agree that democrats rode the whole "Russian collusion" nonsense into the ground and kept beating the horse long after it was dead. I don't, however, see them running away from the corpse. In fact, I see far too many of them faithfully parroting the narrative, blissfully oblivious of the stinking corpse they continue beating with their sticks, hoping against hope someone will take them seriously.
Prove they thought it was a hoax.

For f*'s sake, read the report, you ignorant troll!

Durham made it clear Russian Collusion was Hillary's hoax from the start, Brennan briefed the co-conspirators in advance, there was NEVER any evidence, and tbe FBI confirmed this with its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

If it wasn't so pathetic, watching you snowflakes, bots, and trolls despetately attemptimg to spin the proven, debunked scaldal / hoax/ lie you have been pushing for 7 years now would be funny.
not sure what that word salad is saying, but it didn't answer the why John Durham doesn't have the evidence.

John Durham doesn’t have the evidence because there isn’t any evidence of any of Trump’s accusations, allegations, or insinuations about Democrats.

For investigations of the same people for the same supposed crimes, and not a single charge, or conviction against any of these “conspirators”.

There isn’t even any evidence of these supposed conspiracies.
For f*'s sake, read the report, you ignorant troll!

Durham made it clear Russian Collusion was Hillary's hoax from the start, Brennan briefed the co-conspirators in advance, there was NEVER any evidence, and tbe FBI confirmed this with its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

If it wasn't so pathetic, watching you snowflakes, bots, and trolls despetately attemptimg to spin the proven, debunked scaldal / hoax/ lie you have been pushing for 7 years now would be funny.

And Durham was lying as was proven by the three prior reports.

Give it up, Skeazy. Nobody believes the lies. Hillary is not going to jail for anything.
For f*'s sake, read the report, you ignorant troll!

Durham made it clear Russian Collusion was Hillary's hoax from the start, Brennan briefed the co-conspirators in advance, there was NEVER any evidence, and tbe FBI confirmed this with its own internal investigation BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

He did not prove that it was a hoax and he did not prove that Hillery knew or even thought it was a hoax.

Nobody has proved it was a "hoax" but you keep using that word.

Feel free to quote where Durham said Hillary knew it was a hoax. You can't, you won't, and in true easyt65 fashion you will try to lay the onus of proving a negative on me...which of course is impossible.

If it wasn't so pathetic, watching you snowflakes, bots, and trolls despetately attemptimg to spin the proven, debunked scaldal / hoax/ lie you have been pushing for 7 years now would be funny.
What charges did Durham recommended?


Keep digging that hole...

What part of



- THE INVESTIGATION SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN STARTED you snowflakes / bots / trolls NOT unserstand?

He did not prove that it was a hoax and he did not prove that Hillery knew or even thought it was a hoax.

Nobody has proved it was a "hoax" but you keep using that word.



Keep digging that hole...

What part of



- THE INVESTIGATION SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN STARTED you snowflakes / bots / trolls NOT unserstand?

That's not what Durham said.


View attachment 786558
Yep. Just as I suspected.

You aren't the worst trumper poster on this board but I think you likely get the trophy for the most disengenius poster.

You don't answer direct questions, you don't back your own claims and then you resort to ad hominem or a cope meme.

You should just run away at this point. Don't let the door hit you in the tail on the way out.
Prove they thought it was a hoax.

That isn't what Durham said. That's what your media masters told you he said and according to FOX, if they don't lie to you, you will go somewhere that does.

View attachment 786553

It all boiled down to he was fine with it being opened but they could have used a different method.

Thats it. That what has you in a rage. A procedural misstep.

Whoopty doo. That is a far cry from Clintons, Obama, Soros and half the FBI would be going to GITMO for treason. ROFL. What a fail.
Evidence provided to a FISA court to obtain a warrant MUST BE VERIFIED.

The phony dossier WAS NOT VERIFIED. You now why? It's bullshit and UNVERIFIABLE, and they all knew it.

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