Democrats can't prove Rittenhouse is a white supremacist

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Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?
Since when do liberals need proof in order to maintain a belief?
You were referring to Biden talking about Retennhouse while Trump bad mouth everyone he could without due process.

Now you’re just making up shit. You have no quote. Trump couldn’t control the virus. His stupid remark about it being gone in the spring was proof.

you should condemn Trump for being a fat ass dofus who lies so much he can’t be trusted regardless what he says.
I was referring to Biden the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE opening up his mouth and saying Kyle was GUILTY
Trump couldn’t control the Virus? There have been more deaths under the Biden administration. Stop 🛑 making up Shit
Bet your ass I do. It’s obvious and gun a holics know it too. But they prey upon the ignorant and the fearful. There are 638,000 full auto weapons registered in the United states. Care to guess how many are used in gun crimes ?
Few to none. The people who can afford full auto weapons don’t tend to be violent criminals. There was a time full auto weapons were being used in gang warfare in Florida, but that was the Cuban criminals from the Marielle Boat Lift and Central American gang members were taking over the drug trade from our less violent home-grown criminals.

Democrats can't prove Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist.

This coming from the judge who oversaw the case and ABC news that is in love with the DNC, yet the President of the United States and the entire DNC claims the teenage boy is a racist and white supremacist.

There is no evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse has ever affiliated himself with racist groups, no evidence of hateful rhetoric on social media, and the teenager only shot white men who approached him to attack him. That is called defamation, and the teenager sure as hell better sue everyone he can, including the President for it. Hopefully the lad is not murdered along with his family because of such inciteful rhetoric from the President, the media, and entire DNC.

Also, the President of the United States should not be injecting his opinions on a court case that is underway or any court case for that matter, unless he wants to influence a decision by the jury. Why can't dementia Joe just hide in his basement the way he did before the election?

Who here is OK with the President of the United States commenting on a court case that might sway a result? Anyone?

This whole notion that Kyle Rittenhouse, along with the entire rigged judicial system is racist, is akin to conservatives claiming elections are rigged. If so, where is the evidence that proves this? I have actually seen evidence that the elections might have been tampered with, but no proof. Evidence that the elections were tampered with includes this article.

To date, though, I have not seen any evidence that Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist, let alone proof, yet the Left thinks it is Ok to scream to "blow up society" because of this alleged systemic racism, much like some conservatives want to "blow up" the election process because of it allegedly being rigged. Can anyone provide any?

In truth, neither side cares about proving anything. They just want their way and to hell with everything around them.

The difference though is, once these "protests" occur because of a election result, or because of a white police officer shooting a black man, one side is allowed to protest and cause loss of life and property it seems and the other is not. You can even be a white woman unarmed in the Capital and be shot dead by a black police officer, with no mention of the police officers name in the news, no mention of possible racism being the cause, and no subsequent death threats towards the officer and his family or even an investigation into it. However, on the streets of America this is not the case as we see with Kyle Rittenhouse even though Kyle only shot white men who were chasing him down and assaulting him. Imagine that, a boy with a gun is being chased down by angry protestors, so we are to believe he wanted to gun them all down? LOL. Or as we saw with the police officer in Columbus Ohio, all you have to do is to shoot dead a black person who has a weapon trying to kill another black person and you will be declared a racist by the media with Lebron Tweeting your name and address and that "You are next" with no blow back. Such threats to murdering people are perfectly fine in our PC culture. But this is avoided for police officers who protect the PC elite, no matter if they are in the Capital or elsewhere, much like the Mayor of Chicago defunds her own police, but only to increase police presence on her own street to keep herself safe while the rest of the city burns.

I suppose all the Left has is the racist history of the US to feed off of, while they use it as kindling to burn the rest of the country to the ground. Even when a nation elects a black man twice as President, and then elects a black to the Oval Office once more, we must all continue to declare that the country is still systemically racist as it ever was and demand our way or to hell with everything. In fact, we must continue pretending millions of white did not fight a bloody battle over ending slavery, pretending that Jim Crow laws were not done away with, and pretending that the Civil Rights legislation was ever passed. Those events apparently were just diversions to make us think that they country is still just as systemically racist as it ever was.

Not everyone who disagrees with the DNC, or owns an AR 15 is systemically racist and/or a white supremacist.

But this is how everything in the news is portrayed now. In fact, ask a democrat about any subject, such as Covid or global warming, and they will tell you that Covid is really a racist virus, and that global warming is harming blacks more than whites while it allegedly is destroying the entire world. Buy hey, in a world where math itself is racist, is it any wonder?
And republicans are disappointed that he isn't a white supremist.
Of course, the law is weak. That’s the whole idea. You seem to enjoy a weak law that allows an unqualified juvenile easy access to a firearm that even he admitted on the stand , didn’t know what it’s capable of.

The idea of getting around the regulation of straw purchases is to completely circumvent it by “gifting “ either the money to a straw purchaser of buying one yourself or gifting the firearm to an unqualified person.

It happens with regularity. The underaged and unqualified people become proud boy deceitful lackies for the gun a holics who support criminals getting firearms.

We’ll see how this turns out. It has already exposed the weak federal law.

They have charged his friend. If brought to trial and convicted, Kyle becomes a conspirator at the very least.
why is he unqualified? he can legally have the gun.

The person with the illegal gun, who was using it in a illegal manner was the demafacist that attacked him
Uh you're smoking crack. That isn't going to happen.
why did he and your party call him one? seems like it was you all hoping for it…well really maybe not hoping. just throwing it out there to spread racial division

oh Kyle’s filing a lawsuit…seems pretty obvious at this point…and he should, he’ll get paid
Nope. I’d just ban them from people like gun a holics who want to transfer firearms to literally, any breathing humanoid. Everyone, just like full auto owners needs to be held accountable. The right is a breeding ground for gun violence.
You know nothing about neither guns nor conservatives. Nor Chicago, for that matter.
Quote where I said proud boys was a white supremacist organization. They are targeted as a far right extremist group by gov agencies charged with protecting us from terrorism. Would you like some help ?
You're not qualified to give any.
Guess you just made up shit. Since when are automatic weapons banned. There are hundreds of thousands out there owned by civilians . What have you been drinking. I would “ban“ guns from,ownership of gun a holics who want to transfer them to anyone without accountability. Get caught committing a federal firearm offense, lose your right to bear arms
Congratulations. You're demanding a law that's already a law.

Can I restore my federal gun rights in federal court?


You can restore your state gun rights in state court, so you might naturally assume that you can restore your federal gun rights in federal court. But the answer is no. Why?

Under 18 U.S.C. 925(c), you can apply to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms to restore your gun rights. And if your application is denied, then you can seek judicial review in federal court.

But since 1992, Congress barred ATF from spending money to review and investigate a felon's application to restore gun rights. Then, later, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that “no action” does not equal a “denial.” In other words, no denial equals no right to go to federal court.

How do I restore my federal gun rights if I have a federal conviction?

Because you can't go to federal court (see above), a presidential pardon is essentially the only way to restore your federal firearm rights if you've been convicted of a federal felony.

In practice, therefore, you have very little chance of ever fully restoring your gun rights with a federal felony.
Perhaps you should learn a lot more about gun laws. Because it sounds like you don't know anything.
Congratulations. You're demanding a law that's already a law.

Perhaps you should learn a lot more about gun laws. Because it sounds like you don't know anything.
Of course you’re just babbling. You can’t point out anything wrong in my post. Nothing. You can buy a machine gun manufactured before 1986. you really don’t know the difference between a ban and regulation.Even before the 1986 restriction there were very few machine guns used in crimes. That was done by simple firearm registration. Case closed. You’re posts are meaningless.
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Of course you’re just babbling. You can’t point out anything wrong in my post. Nothing. You can buy a machine gun manufactured before 1986. you really don’t know the difference between a ban and regulation.Even before the 1986 restriction there were very few machine guns used in crimes. That was done by simple firearm registration. Case closed. You’re posts are meaningless.
You demanded a law that's already a law, you moron.
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