Democrats Don't Want A Wall For Reasons The Left Won't Admit To


There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is they say it won't stop anyone from coming here illegally. Some of the less obvious but more genuine reasons are a dirty little secret that effects the country in ways they aren't willing to admit.

  1. The wall will stop about 50 - 90% of the illegal drugs that come into the US
  2. The wall will decrease most of the gang activity that is going on in large cities
  3. The wall will decrease crime that takes place along our border that the media refuses to cover
  4. The wall will decrease the steady flow of illegals into this country

Illegal Drugs And Gang Activity

Illegal drugs is big business. If you put a former coke addict in the White House it's no surprise that drug addiction increases in parts of the US. Not only did Obama policies encourage drug traffickers to flood our country with drugs, but he released thousands of former drug traffickers from prison assuring that the new flood of drugs will get to the buyers quicker.
Most of the gang violence in America goes hand in hand with drug trafficking. Gang members have been brought here from the very countries that produce illegal drugs, so drug cartels have a ready made contact in every major city in the country right now. No need to risk dealing with possible Narcotics officers when you have someone here that grew up close to where the stuff is manufactured.

The big fat question is this: Why do Democrats and some Republicans want to spread drugs all over the country? Well it's pretty simple. Money is the primary reason, but there is another hidden agenda. It's to destroy American society so they can rebuild it to fit their ideology.

Crime On The Border

Anyone who has seen movies like "Sicario" or "No Country For Old Men" knows that crime is out of control along our Southern border. It's literally a war zone. Land owners have been fighting a war against not only the hundreds of thousands of peaceful illegals that have flooded in, but the gang members and drug traffickers that have been operating inside of our borders. Anyone who votes against funding a border is literally voting for more crime.

Sicario (2015 film) - Wikipedia
No Country for Old Men (film) - Wikipedia

Turning Red States Blue

This is the most obvious reason. Democrats want to bring millions of brown people to America. They think it will turn America into a 3rd world country with a steady flow of cheap labor, and uneducated voters that aren't wise to their tricks.


Crashing The System

Democrats are currently spending millions to literal fly them here and give them even more benefits than you and I can get. We paid for all of this and now refugees are using up all of the benefits. Why would the establishment do such a thing? Well simple. Collapse the system by overloading it, then rebuild it at our expense. The government will crash the SS fund and then declare that the debt is forfeit. What's next after that? Banks will just say that your money doesn't belong to you. Your homes won't be yours anymore. First the mortgages will be foreclosed on and then property ownership will be a thing of the past. This is the great transformation Obama spoke of when he took office. He's gotten a good start, or at least his criminal administration has, but they still have a way to go. If Hillary had won, it would be a sure thing by now.

Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center


There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is they say it won't stop anyone from coming here illegally. Some of the less obvious but more genuine reasons are a dirty little secret that effects the country in ways they aren't willing to admit.

  1. The wall will stop about 50 - 90% of the illegal drugs that come into the US
  2. The wall will decrease most of the gang activity that is going on in large cities
  3. The wall will decrease crime that takes place along our border that the media refuses to cover
  4. The wall will decrease the steady flow of illegals into this country

Illegal Drugs And Gang Activity

Illegal drugs is big business. If you put a former coke addict in the White House it's no surprise that drug addiction increases in parts of the US. Not only did Obama policies encourage drug traffickers to flood our country with drugs, but he released thousands of former drug traffickers from prison assuring that the new flood of drugs will get to the buyers quicker.
Most of the gang violence in America goes hand in hand with drug trafficking. Gang members have been brought here from the very countries that produce illegal drugs, so drug cartels have a ready made contact in every major city in the country right now. No need to risk dealing with possible Narcotics officers when you have someone here that grew up close to where the stuff is manufactured.

The big fat question is this: Why do Democrats and some Republicans want to spread drugs all over the country? Well it's pretty simple. Money is the primary reason, but there is another hidden agenda. It's to destroy American society so they can rebuild it to fit their ideology.

Crime On The Border

Anyone who has seen movies like "Sicario" or "No Country For Old Men" knows that crime is out of control along our Southern border. It's literally a war zone. Land owners have been fighting a war against not only the hundreds of thousands of peaceful illegals that have flooded in, but the gang members and drug traffickers that have been operating inside of our borders. Anyone who votes against funding a border is literally voting for more crime.

Sicario (2015 film) - Wikipedia
No Country for Old Men (film) - Wikipedia

Turning Red States Blue

This is the most obvious reason. Democrats want to bring millions of brown people to America. They think it will turn America into a 3rd world country with a steady flow of cheap labor, and uneducated voters that aren't wise to their tricks.


Crashing The System

Democrats are currently spending millions to literal fly them here and give them even more benefits than you and I can get. We paid for all of this and now refugees are using up all of the benefits. Why would the establishment do such a thing? Well simple. Collapse the system by overloading it, then rebuild it at our expense. The government will crash the SS fund and then declare that the debt is forfeit. What's next after that? Banks will just say that your money doesn't belong to you. Your homes won't be yours anymore. First the mortgages will be foreclosed on and then property ownership will be a thing of the past. This is the great transformation Obama spoke of when he took office. He's gotten a good start, or at least his criminal administration has, but they still have a way to go. If Hillary had won, it would be a sure thing by now.

Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center


Here's an idea. Instead of Trump pretending that the Mexican government is going to pay for the wall,

how about Trump and his people be absolutely honest and propose to the American people that we are going to build the wall,

it is very expensive,

and as a consequence, out of fiscal responsibility which of course! conservatives support,

we're going to impose a tax, or a certain set of taxes, specifically to pay for this wall.
OK. We'll impose a tax on liberals.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is ...

And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!
Committing rape and murder, not paying taxes, yeah. Great.

Yes. I've heard the alternative to facts.
What "facts?"

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
God damn but you people are idiots! You make up the worst problems with immigrants then ascribe them to your political opposition as fact and reasons to oppose THE STUPIDEST IDEA EVER TO BUBBLE UP FROM THE MIND OF DONALD TRUMP!


All this means, you keep talking about something you don't know a God damn thing about. That way you will never learn, remaining gullible idiots who approve of THE STUPIDEST IDEA TO EVER BUBBLE UP FROM THE MIND OF DONALD TRUMP!
If 'the wall' ever gets built I think it will, over a little time, become the conservative wailing wall. They'll go on pilgrimages there to touch it and kneel before it, leave prayer offerings in the cracks and kiss the wall before they leave. They'll have The Procession of the CEOs, where they trace the steps of John Hagee to where he blessed the wall, with a man wearing a Mike Huckabee mask who will stand before the wall and yell "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall". Followed by The Chiding of the Huckabee, which berates the masked Huckabee for disparaging the Russians.

There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is they say it won't stop anyone from coming here illegally. Some of the less obvious but more genuine reasons are a dirty little secret that effects the country in ways they aren't willing to admit.

  1. The wall will stop about 50 - 90% of the illegal drugs that come into the US
  2. The wall will decrease most of the gang activity that is going on in large cities
  3. The wall will decrease crime that takes place along our border that the media refuses to cover
  4. The wall will decrease the steady flow of illegals into this country

Illegal Drugs And Gang Activity

Illegal drugs is big business. If you put a former coke addict in the White House it's no surprise that drug addiction increases in parts of the US. Not only did Obama policies encourage drug traffickers to flood our country with drugs, but he released thousands of former drug traffickers from prison assuring that the new flood of drugs will get to the buyers quicker.
Most of the gang violence in America goes hand in hand with drug trafficking. Gang members have been brought here from the very countries that produce illegal drugs, so drug cartels have a ready made contact in every major city in the country right now. No need to risk dealing with possible Narcotics officers when you have someone here that grew up close to where the stuff is manufactured.

The big fat question is this: Why do Democrats and some Republicans want to spread drugs all over the country? Well it's pretty simple. Money is the primary reason, but there is another hidden agenda. It's to destroy American society so they can rebuild it to fit their ideology.

Crime On The Border

Anyone who has seen movies like "Sicario" or "No Country For Old Men" knows that crime is out of control along our Southern border. It's literally a war zone. Land owners have been fighting a war against not only the hundreds of thousands of peaceful illegals that have flooded in, but the gang members and drug traffickers that have been operating inside of our borders. Anyone who votes against funding a border is literally voting for more crime.

Sicario (2015 film) - Wikipedia
No Country for Old Men (film) - Wikipedia

Turning Red States Blue

This is the most obvious reason. Democrats want to bring millions of brown people to America. They think it will turn America into a 3rd world country with a steady flow of cheap labor, and uneducated voters that aren't wise to their tricks.


Crashing The System

Democrats are currently spending millions to literal fly them here and give them even more benefits than you and I can get. We paid for all of this and now refugees are using up all of the benefits. Why would the establishment do such a thing? Well simple. Collapse the system by overloading it, then rebuild it at our expense. The government will crash the SS fund and then declare that the debt is forfeit. What's next after that? Banks will just say that your money doesn't belong to you. Your homes won't be yours anymore. First the mortgages will be foreclosed on and then property ownership will be a thing of the past. This is the great transformation Obama spoke of when he took office. He's gotten a good start, or at least his criminal administration has, but they still have a way to go. If Hillary had won, it would be a sure thing by now.

Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center


There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is they say it won't stop anyone from coming here illegally. Some of the less obvious but more genuine reasons are a dirty little secret that effects the country in ways they aren't willing to admit.

  1. The wall will stop about 50 - 90% of the illegal drugs that come into the US
  2. The wall will decrease most of the gang activity that is going on in large cities
  3. The wall will decrease crime that takes place along our border that the media refuses to cover
  4. The wall will decrease the steady flow of illegals into this country

Illegal Drugs And Gang Activity

Illegal drugs is big business. If you put a former coke addict in the White House it's no surprise that drug addiction increases in parts of the US. Not only did Obama policies encourage drug traffickers to flood our country with drugs, but he released thousands of former drug traffickers from prison assuring that the new flood of drugs will get to the buyers quicker.
Most of the gang violence in America goes hand in hand with drug trafficking. Gang members have been brought here from the very countries that produce illegal drugs, so drug cartels have a ready made contact in every major city in the country right now. No need to risk dealing with possible Narcotics officers when you have someone here that grew up close to where the stuff is manufactured.

The big fat question is this: Why do Democrats and some Republicans want to spread drugs all over the country? Well it's pretty simple. Money is the primary reason, but there is another hidden agenda. It's to destroy American society so they can rebuild it to fit their ideology.

Crime On The Border

Anyone who has seen movies like "Sicario" or "No Country For Old Men" knows that crime is out of control along our Southern border. It's literally a war zone. Land owners have been fighting a war against not only the hundreds of thousands of peaceful illegals that have flooded in, but the gang members and drug traffickers that have been operating inside of our borders. Anyone who votes against funding a border is literally voting for more crime.

Sicario (2015 film) - Wikipedia
No Country for Old Men (film) - Wikipedia

Turning Red States Blue

This is the most obvious reason. Democrats want to bring millions of brown people to America. They think it will turn America into a 3rd world country with a steady flow of cheap labor, and uneducated voters that aren't wise to their tricks.


Crashing The System

Democrats are currently spending millions to literal fly them here and give them even more benefits than you and I can get. We paid for all of this and now refugees are using up all of the benefits. Why would the establishment do such a thing? Well simple. Collapse the system by overloading it, then rebuild it at our expense. The government will crash the SS fund and then declare that the debt is forfeit. What's next after that? Banks will just say that your money doesn't belong to you. Your homes won't be yours anymore. First the mortgages will be foreclosed on and then property ownership will be a thing of the past. This is the great transformation Obama spoke of when he took office. He's gotten a good start, or at least his criminal administration has, but they still have a way to go. If Hillary had won, it would be a sure thing by now.

Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center


Here's an idea. Instead of Trump pretending that the Mexican government is going to pay for the wall,

how about Trump and his people be absolutely honest and propose to the American people that we are going to build the wall,

it is very expensive,

and as a consequence, out of fiscal responsibility which of course! conservatives support,

we're going to impose a tax, or a certain set of taxes, specifically to pay for this wall.

Ah, see?

Not one person supporting the wall supports doing it properly.
There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is ...

And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!

SHIT...that's all they're trying to do is work cheap? DAMN...I wonder why nobody smart can see that...poor little filthy human cockroaches...they get such a bad rap.
You Loons and your ability to compartmentalize an issue is flat out mind blowing.
Are you not aware of the rate in which these third-world villagers reproduce?
Who do you think picks up the tab for all their silver tooth anchors?
Child birth
Health care
All funded by me...and then the low iQ, poorly parented dirty little anchors continue the cycle. Let me guess...this is actually an awesome deal for American's...right?

Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!
Committing rape and murder, not paying taxes, yeah. Great.

Yes. I've heard the alternative to facts.
NO illegals are doing what I said then?

ALL illegals are doing what you said then?
if 90% of everyone in south america were republicans, would the left still be pooping themselves over the wall?
if 90% of everyone in south america were republicans, would the left still be pooping themselves over the wall?
If they thought they could win elections by bringing millions of Swedes here they'd be busy screwing up their economy or starting a war there.
if 90% of everyone in south america were republicans, would the left still be pooping themselves over the wall?
If they thought they could win elections by bringing millions of Swedes here they'd be busy screwing up their economy or starting a war there.
If all seven million sasquatches were democrats, the left would find a way to register all of them
if 90% of everyone in south america were republicans, would the left still be pooping themselves over the wall?

Haha...good point. And hell no they wouldn't. They'd be down at that wall with shovels in hand, ready to volunteer.
The Left loves nothing but low grade, low life, low iQ, weird filth....think about it, have you ever heard a Leftie speak highly of anyone or anything normal and legitimate?
There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is ...

And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!

SHIT...that's all they're trying to do is work cheap?
The vast majority of them, yeah. It's pretty stunning really. Usually, criminalizing a population by making them 'illegal' invites real crime.
DAMN...I wonder why nobody smart can see that...
They can. Do you know any smart people?
There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is ...

And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!

SHIT...that's all they're trying to do is work cheap?
The vast majority of them, yeah. It's pretty stunning really. Usually, criminalizing a population by making them 'illegal' invites real crime.
DAMN...I wonder why nobody smart can see that...
They can, Do you know anyone smart?
Not paying taxes, not learning the language, relying on welfare, committing crimes, yeah a lovely group.
The twisted, specious logic used by so many Trumpbots says; if you're against the wall you want more crime, more drugs, more undocumented immigrants. What?!?

In reality being against the wall is not an endorsement for all the problems of undocumented immigrants. The reasons to be against the wall includes the expense, the land grab it will necessitate, the erosion of American ideals and the utter impracticality of the whole notion. Show me a thirty foot high wall, I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

Now, stop trying so feebly to clean up after the huckster buffoon with specious logic. Stop hanging lies as if they were the truth. Stop telling us why we are against this stupid idea. We know why, but the crap coming from the Trumpbots is just a distraction. One everyone can see through like a pane of glass.
All bow before the wall!
Maybe we should move you to Juarez and that way you can see first hand what's going on.

I did live there, for more than 25 years, and you're full of it.

Instead of throwing away billions on a nonexistent issue, how about we spend it on our own country? Our own infrastructure?

How about we create more US jobs? The Rs fought Obama but he was still able to set records on job creation while trump has only lied about jobs.

We need to stop trump's money dumping on his 1% cronies and now saying he's going to do even more for them while he ignores the promises he made to coal miners. Same with him screwing over vets and military and giving it to the wealthy instead.

How can you be in favor of what he has already done to screw over the working class while enriching himself and the rest of the ultra-wealthy?

Sent from my iPad using
There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is ...

And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!
Committing rape and murder, not paying taxes, yeah. Great.

Wrong and wrong.

All you RWNJs are ignoring the needs of your own country so you can condemn something you STILL don't know anything about.

Sent from my iPad using

There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is they say it won't stop anyone from coming here illegally. Some of the less obvious but more genuine reasons are a dirty little secret that effects the country in ways they aren't willing to admit.

  1. The wall will stop about 50 - 90% of the illegal drugs that come into the US
  2. The wall will decrease most of the gang activity that is going on in large cities
  3. The wall will decrease crime that takes place along our border that the media refuses to cover
  4. The wall will decrease the steady flow of illegals into this country

Illegal Drugs And Gang Activity

Illegal drugs is big business. If you put a former coke addict in the White House it's no surprise that drug addiction increases in parts of the US. Not only did Obama policies encourage drug traffickers to flood our country with drugs, but he released thousands of former drug traffickers from prison assuring that the new flood of drugs will get to the buyers quicker.
Most of the gang violence in America goes hand in hand with drug trafficking. Gang members have been brought here from the very countries that produce illegal drugs, so drug cartels have a ready made contact in every major city in the country right now. No need to risk dealing with possible Narcotics officers when you have someone here that grew up close to where the stuff is manufactured.

The big fat question is this: Why do Democrats and some Republicans want to spread drugs all over the country? Well it's pretty simple. Money is the primary reason, but there is another hidden agenda. It's to destroy American society so they can rebuild it to fit their ideology.

Crime On The Border

Anyone who has seen movies like "Sicario" or "No Country For Old Men" knows that crime is out of control along our Southern border. It's literally a war zone. Land owners have been fighting a war against not only the hundreds of thousands of peaceful illegals that have flooded in, but the gang members and drug traffickers that have been operating inside of our borders. Anyone who votes against funding a border is literally voting for more crime.

Sicario (2015 film) - Wikipedia
No Country for Old Men (film) - Wikipedia

Turning Red States Blue

This is the most obvious reason. Democrats want to bring millions of brown people to America. They think it will turn America into a 3rd world country with a steady flow of cheap labor, and uneducated voters that aren't wise to their tricks.


Crashing The System

Democrats are currently spending millions to literal fly them here and give them even more benefits than you and I can get. We paid for all of this and now refugees are using up all of the benefits. Why would the establishment do such a thing? Well simple. Collapse the system by overloading it, then rebuild it at our expense. The government will crash the SS fund and then declare that the debt is forfeit. What's next after that? Banks will just say that your money doesn't belong to you. Your homes won't be yours anymore. First the mortgages will be foreclosed on and then property ownership will be a thing of the past. This is the great transformation Obama spoke of when he took office. He's gotten a good start, or at least his criminal administration has, but they still have a way to go. If Hillary had won, it would be a sure thing by now.

Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center


All that you wrote and I have to slap you down with your own right wing news: Illegal crossings down 90% If that's the case, we don't need to front a $21B wall, now do we?

Trump will be in office for only 8 years. The minute a Democrat ascends the throne, all of Trump's border security measures will go into the waste bin. However, the president can't get rid of the wall once it's built. He will have to continue manning it. That means illegal immigration will never return to the levels we saw under Obama even if a sleazy Dim manages to get elected.
There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is ...

And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!

SHIT...that's all they're trying to do is work cheap?
The vast majority of them, yeah. It's pretty stunning really. Usually, criminalizing a population by making them 'illegal' invites real crime.
DAMN...I wonder why nobody smart can see that...
They can. Do you know any smart people?

They made themselves illegal, moron. Allowing them to enter the country unhindered is what invites "real crime?"
And the rest of us don't want a wall because it's insane.
Insanity is allowing illegals to freely come in and do as they please when they have no right to do so.

It's pathetic. We're shitting ourselves over an 'invasion' of people threatening to work for cheap. Damn them!

SHIT...that's all they're trying to do is work cheap?
The vast majority of them, yeah. It's pretty stunning really. Usually, criminalizing a population by making them 'illegal' invites real crime.
DAMN...I wonder why nobody smart can see that...
They can. Do you know any smart people?

They made themselves illegal, moron. Allowing them to enter the country unhindered is what invites "real crime?"
dont all of the millionaire liberals have walls around their houses that they purchased with our tax dollars?

There are several obvious reasons Democrats don't want a wall. The most obvious is they say it won't stop anyone from coming here illegally. Some of the less obvious but more genuine reasons are a dirty little secret that effects the country in ways they aren't willing to admit.

  1. The wall will stop about 50 - 90% of the illegal drugs that come into the US
  2. The wall will decrease most of the gang activity that is going on in large cities
  3. The wall will decrease crime that takes place along our border that the media refuses to cover
  4. The wall will decrease the steady flow of illegals into this country

Illegal Drugs And Gang Activity

Illegal drugs is big business. If you put a former coke addict in the White House it's no surprise that drug addiction increases in parts of the US. Not only did Obama policies encourage drug traffickers to flood our country with drugs, but he released thousands of former drug traffickers from prison assuring that the new flood of drugs will get to the buyers quicker.
Most of the gang violence in America goes hand in hand with drug trafficking. Gang members have been brought here from the very countries that produce illegal drugs, so drug cartels have a ready made contact in every major city in the country right now. No need to risk dealing with possible Narcotics officers when you have someone here that grew up close to where the stuff is manufactured.

The big fat question is this: Why do Democrats and some Republicans want to spread drugs all over the country? Well it's pretty simple. Money is the primary reason, but there is another hidden agenda. It's to destroy American society so they can rebuild it to fit their ideology.

Crime On The Border

Anyone who has seen movies like "Sicario" or "No Country For Old Men" knows that crime is out of control along our Southern border. It's literally a war zone. Land owners have been fighting a war against not only the hundreds of thousands of peaceful illegals that have flooded in, but the gang members and drug traffickers that have been operating inside of our borders. Anyone who votes against funding a border is literally voting for more crime.

Sicario (2015 film) - Wikipedia
No Country for Old Men (film) - Wikipedia

Turning Red States Blue

This is the most obvious reason. Democrats want to bring millions of brown people to America. They think it will turn America into a 3rd world country with a steady flow of cheap labor, and uneducated voters that aren't wise to their tricks.


Crashing The System

Democrats are currently spending millions to literal fly them here and give them even more benefits than you and I can get. We paid for all of this and now refugees are using up all of the benefits. Why would the establishment do such a thing? Well simple. Collapse the system by overloading it, then rebuild it at our expense. The government will crash the SS fund and then declare that the debt is forfeit. What's next after that? Banks will just say that your money doesn't belong to you. Your homes won't be yours anymore. First the mortgages will be foreclosed on and then property ownership will be a thing of the past. This is the great transformation Obama spoke of when he took office. He's gotten a good start, or at least his criminal administration has, but they still have a way to go. If Hillary had won, it would be a sure thing by now.

Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center


All that you wrote and I have to slap you down with your own right wing news: Illegal crossings down 90% If that's the case, we don't need to front a $21B wall, now do we?

Trump will be in office for only 8 years. The minute a Democrat ascends the throne, all of Trump's border security measures will go into the waste bin. However, the president can't get rid of the wall once it's built. He will have to continue manning it. That means illegal immigration will never return to the levels we saw under Obama even if a sleazy Dim manages to get elected.
So you really believe that a significant amount of people are sneaking across the border and. It overstaying their visas? And you really think a wall is going to stop those that illegally cross? Come on dude, get real
The twisted, specious logic used by so many Trumpbots says; if you're against the wall you want more crime, more drugs, more undocumented immigrants. What?!?

In reality being against the wall is not an endorsement for all the problems of undocumented immigrants. The reasons to be against the wall includes the expense, the land grab it will necessitate, the erosion of American ideals and the utter impracticality of the whole notion. Show me a thirty foot high wall, I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

Now, stop trying so feebly to clean up after the huckster buffoon with specious logic. Stop hanging lies as if they were the truth. Stop telling us why we are against this stupid idea. We know why, but the crap coming from the Trumpbots is just a distraction. One everyone can see through like a pane of glass.
If the only thing standing between you and a land where people's heads are cut off every day is our Immigration Agencies.....that's not much of a protection. A wall would stop marauding bands of drug traffickers from killing farmers and their cattle. How do I know? Because it worked in Israel. Over 600,000 crimes were reported in Texas alone last year.

As usual, you libs don't give a flying-fuck about it because you don't own any land along the border.
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