Democrats Facing Big Decision!

silly. there are scum bags galore in both parties.

Mostly dimocraps.

Know the difference?

We get rid of ours. You elect, re-elect, enable, support, make excuses for and deify yours.Ergo, dimocraps = scumbags.

All of you. scumbags.

You knowingly vote for a scumbag........

You're a scumbag

O really? You get rid of yours.

David Vitter and Mark Sanford would have to disagree with you. Man, you have alot of hate inside you. Let it go.:cool:
Again... The premise of the OP is that a california mayor and a new york mayoral candidate - both democrats - are somehow significant harbingers of the 2016 democratic presidential primary process. That's just laughably ridiculous and the person who wrote that adolescent little rant has all the political acumen of a stalk of wilted celery. Put lipstick on it and a miniskirt... It's still just a limp stalk of celery. Fucking stupid. Pure and simple.
Again... The premise of the OP is that a california mayor and a new york mayoral candidate - both democrats - are somehow significant harbingers of the 2016 democratic presidential primary process. That's just laughably ridiculous and the person who wrote that adolescent little rant has all the political acumen of a stalk of wilted celery. Put lipstick on it and a miniskirt... It's still just a limp stalk of celery. Fucking stupid. Pure and simple.

Brilliant analysis!

Watching you compose this opus, way you've managed to use words to such an effect....

....reminds one of nothing so much as a glacier on Xanax..
No way around it... The premise of the OP is profoundly moronic.

Excellent sequel....but nothing could approach the insight, the words, the music, of the original.

Of course, the world awaits the moment that you discover the meaning of obliquity. Until then, your posts will be recognized as those of a syphilitic idiot.
silly. there are scum bags galore in both parties.

Mostly dimocraps.

Know the difference?

We get rid of ours. You elect, re-elect, enable, support, make excuses for and deify yours.

Ergo, dimocraps = scumbags.

All of you. scumbags.

You knowingly vote for a scumbag........

You're a scumbag

You get rid of yours? Giuliani, Vitter, Jack Ryan, Clarence Thomas, Larry Craig, Newt, Foley, and Jim West all say hello...
silly. there are scum bags galore in both parties.

Mostly dimocraps.

Know the difference?

We get rid of ours. You elect, re-elect, enable, support, make excuses for and deify yours.

Ergo, dimocraps = scumbags.

All of you. scumbags.

You knowingly vote for a scumbag........

You're a scumbag

You get rid of yours? Giuliani, Vitter, Jack Ryan, Clarence Thomas, Larry Craig, Newt, Foley, and Jim West all say hello...

Having seen your previous attempts, I'm less than surprised that your post touches the same nadir you have carved out for yourself.

Neither better nor worse, simply as imbecilic as is expected.

Do come again when you can't stay quite so long.
silly. there are scum bags galore in both parties.

Mostly dimocraps.

Know the difference?

We get rid of ours. You elect, re-elect, enable, support, make excuses for and deify yours.

Ergo, dimocraps = scumbags.

All of you. scumbags.

You knowingly vote for a scumbag........

You're a scumbag

You get rid of yours? Giuliani, Vitter, Jack Ryan, Clarence Thomas, Larry Craig, Newt, Foley, and Jim West all say hello...

Pelosi, Reid, Weiner, Rangel, Feinstien, Schumer, Bloomberg, Obama, Biden, and Angela Corey all say hi back.

No way around it... The premise of the OP is profoundly moronic.

Excellent sequel....but nothing could approach the insight, the words, the music, of the original.

Of course, the world awaits the moment that you discover the meaning of obliquity. Until then, your posts will be recognized as those of a syphilitic idiot.

Your thinking a mayoral scandal in 2013 is going to have an impact on national politics in 2016 is the dumbest thing you've ever said and for you; that is saying quite a bit.
No way around it... The premise of the OP is profoundly moronic.

Excellent sequel....but nothing could approach the insight, the words, the music, of the original.

Of course, the world awaits the moment that you discover the meaning of obliquity. Until then, your posts will be recognized as those of a syphilitic idiot.

Your thinking a mayoral scandal in 2013 is going to have an impact on national politics in 2016 is the dumbest thing you've ever said and for you; that is saying quite a bit.

What a vapid post.

Put a little effort into your vituperation!!!
Did you copy that from your report card?

No, your forehead.
Say something intelligent, skank.

You democrats are the most vile sons a bitches on the planet. You do worship and deify the most disgusting, perverted, immoral ass clowns there are. You people are a cancer on any decent society.

Another ignorant hater dupe. Myself, I'll let the law decide. In so many of these cases, no charges, arrests, indictments, let alone convictions, just tons of Pub bs propaganda/insults/gossip and stories from obvious gold diggers.

GOP crimes I care about are bought off liars ruining the country through corrupt policy and distracting the hater dupes with huge waves of lies and bs....a disgrace. Read something...
The idea that the GOP can claim the moral high ground on sex scandal baggage is ludicrous.

The only thing more ludicrous is someone stupid enough to think otherwise.


Clinton, Cuomo, O'Malley, Biden. For starters on the list of possible candidates that the GOP would be hard pressed to find a competitive rival against.

lol, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz nothwithstanding. lolol
Excellent sequel....but nothing could approach the insight, the words, the music, of the original.

Of course, the world awaits the moment that you discover the meaning of obliquity. Until then, your posts will be recognized as those of a syphilitic idiot.

Your thinking a mayoral scandal in 2013 is going to have an impact on national politics in 2016 is the dumbest thing you've ever said and for you; that is saying quite a bit.

What a vapid post.
Put a little effort into your vituperation!!!

Wow, hard to get happy after that. :razz:
This should be happy topic to re-visit in 2016 or so and we can see just what an impact the mayor of San Diego (what was his name again) had on Federal Politics.
The idea that the GOP can claim the moral high ground on sex scandal baggage is ludicrous.

The only thing more ludicrous is someone stupid enough to think otherwise.


Clinton, Cuomo, O'Malley, Biden. For starters on the list of possible candidates that the GOP would be hard pressed to find a competitive rival against.

lol, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz nothwithstanding. lolol

I disagree;

Whomever the Dems run, the previous 8 years will be their record; citizens rarely remember the good things government does (look at the "Don't trust the Government" threads here) day in and day out. They remember the supposed injuries they supposedly suffer. Whomever the Dems nominate either has to embrace the Obama record warts and all or distance themselves from it. The primaries and campaign in 2015/2016 will be the proving ground for that and it's hard to run against a sitting president of your own party. Gore ran against 8 years of peace and prosperity for some bizarre reason. The dem nominees in 2016 won't have that luxury of running on 8 years of prosperity (steady improvement yes; prosperity no) so they had better get the chisel out and distance themselves.

This is, again, why I think the Dems had better get someone out of Obama's orbit. I can't see Biden or Clinton being able to break out that chisel effectively. O'Malley or Cuomo could, of course but they hvae a visibility problem at this point.

This is not a small problem.

I'd put a leash on that I don't mean Political Chic...I mean the predictions of a Democrat rout of the opposition.
Your thinking a mayoral scandal in 2013 is going to have an impact on national politics in 2016 is the dumbest thing you've ever said and for you; that is saying quite a bit.

What a vapid post.
Put a little effort into your vituperation!!!

Wow, hard to get happy after that. :razz:
This should be happy topic to re-visit in 2016 or so and we can see just what an impact the mayor of San Diego (what was his name again) had on Federal Politics.

Let me give the lesson you require, simple-minded.

The purpose of the OP was not to actually claim that the DNC is searching for the lowest scum available for the national ticket.... was a tongue-in-cheek dig at the party that has no moral filter for its candidates....

Or its heroines, as your avi so clearly indicates.

It was Republicans who went to Nixon and told him he brought shame that could only be expiated by his resignation.

For Democrats, Clinton's sexual harassment and perjury was a simple resume enhancement.

You lack both intelligence....I've seen your posts.....and probity.

And, possibly even're proud of those lacunae.

See....that's how you write a caustic post.
What a vapid post.
Put a little effort into your vituperation!!!

Wow, hard to get happy after that. :razz:
This should be happy topic to re-visit in 2016 or so and we can see just what an impact the mayor of San Diego (what was his name again) had on Federal Politics.
Let me give the lesson you require, simple-minded.

The purpose of the OP was not to actually claim that the DNC is searching for the lowest scum available for the national ticket.... was a tongue-in-cheek dig at the party that has no moral filter for its candidates....
Or its heroines, as your avi so clearly indicates.
That you have to try to explain what you meant is either an indictment of your inability to make a point or your inability to make a point that matters. I believe both are true.

Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available.

It was Republicans who went to Nixon and told him he brought shame that could only be expiated by his resignation.

For Democrats, Clinton's sexual harassment and perjury was a simple resume enhancement.
You lack both intelligence....I've seen your posts.....and probity.
And, possibly even're proud of those lacunae.
See....that's how you write a caustic post.

No, that's how you heckel someone who doesn't give a rip what you think. That is how you waste your're following me around trying to explain yourself. I don't care...and I would wager few actually do give a rip what you think.

This foray into mayoral indiscretion equating to a problem with the DNC is silly; plain and simple.

Sell crazy somewhere else.
Wow, hard to get happy after that. :razz:
This should be happy topic to re-visit in 2016 or so and we can see just what an impact the mayor of San Diego (what was his name again) had on Federal Politics.
Let me give the lesson you require, simple-minded.

The purpose of the OP was not to actually claim that the DNC is searching for the lowest scum available for the national ticket.... was a tongue-in-cheek dig at the party that has no moral filter for its candidates....
Or its heroines, as your avi so clearly indicates.
That you have to try to explain what you meant is either an indictment of your inability to make a point or your inability to make a point that matters. I believe both are true.

Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available.

It was Republicans who went to Nixon and told him he brought shame that could only be expiated by his resignation.

For Democrats, Clinton's sexual harassment and perjury was a simple resume enhancement.
You lack both intelligence....I've seen your posts.....and probity.
And, possibly even're proud of those lacunae.
See....that's how you write a caustic post.

No, that's how you heckel someone who doesn't give a rip what you think. That is how you waste your're following me around trying to explain yourself. I don't care...and I would wager few actually do give a rip what you think.

This foray into mayoral indiscretion equating to a problem with the DNC is silly; plain and simple.

Sell crazy somewhere else.

I see, you embrace the entire gamut of liberal politics, from soup to left-wing nuts.

1. "....either an indictment of your inability to make a point...."
I know it is tempting....

...but don't blame me for your inadequacy.

2. "Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available."

I know that that is what your masters in the media told you.....

....but, I'd like to see you try to back that up.

3. "... how you heckel (sic) someone..."

That would be 'heckle.'
You must be the only witch without spell-check.

4. Let me repeat that for the hard-of-thinking.
The examples in the OP prove that for the Progressives/Leftists/Liberals/Democrats,

iniquities are no bar to employment in elected office.

And....a final note for today's lesson:

Here are the two things you must remember:
Never write a post as dumb as this again,
Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Be proud: you've fulfilled your role as comic relief.
Let me give the lesson you require, simple-minded.

The purpose of the OP was not to actually claim that the DNC is searching for the lowest scum available for the national ticket.... was a tongue-in-cheek dig at the party that has no moral filter for its candidates....
Or its heroines, as your avi so clearly indicates.
That you have to try to explain what you meant is either an indictment of your inability to make a point or your inability to make a point that matters. I believe both are true.

Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available.

It was Republicans who went to Nixon and told him he brought shame that could only be expiated by his resignation.

For Democrats, Clinton's sexual harassment and perjury was a simple resume enhancement.
You lack both intelligence....I've seen your posts.....and probity.
And, possibly even're proud of those lacunae.
See....that's how you write a caustic post.

No, that's how you heckel someone who doesn't give a rip what you think. That is how you waste your're following me around trying to explain yourself. I don't care...and I would wager few actually do give a rip what you think.

This foray into mayoral indiscretion equating to a problem with the DNC is silly; plain and simple.

Sell crazy somewhere else.

2. "Besides, Newt Gingrich isn't a Democrat so the lowest scum available isn't available."

I know that that is what your masters in the media told you.....

Still following me around I see; still trying to use a mayor of San Diego as some sort of example for National Democrats. Going to bat for Newt Gingrich is the icing on the cake...

The last time I took a laxative I thought of you when it hit.

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