Democrats move to take Trump off the ballot

States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?
You mean like State Amendments to the State Constitution that sets marriage as a union between one man and one woman?

Or is it that States should be allowed to make their own rules when you happen to agree with it?

It seems as though the Republicans are saying that States don’t have that right.
No, we are saying that the State has to show just cause for discrimination. Not liking someone is not 'just cause'. Wouldn't you agree?

Unless, of course, you don't mind disenfranchising voters when its someone you don't like.
I question whether such a move would be constitutional. Yes, the states have the power to regulate elections, which includes ballot access. However, this does not accomplish any legitimate interest in regulating ballot access. This only establishes a political test, with the effect of secretly creating an additional qualification for an elected federal office. And the states have no power to institute new or additional qualifications for elected federal offices.

How are financial record requirements political?
How are they not in light of the right to privacy?

All candidates have to provide them, not just Republican candidates, making it apolitical. Candidates filing for office already provide other financial documents, these would simply be in addition to those. Private, personal, information can be redacted.
To what purpose are you going to put people who want to serve into legal jeopardy from political hacks such as yourself?

In order for a law like this to be Constitutional, it would have to first prove that there is a pattern in the entire system of corruption that could be quelled if the information is released. In other words, there must be a reasonable reason to violate the rights of the citizens. I don't like him is NOT a reasonable standard.

It isn't even a law now, and already the concept of it is being abused by political hacks.

Candidates already file financial paperwork that is public information...and we manage to redact all the private information before it is made public. Tax returns would be treated no differently, but THIS particular change to rules has to be made at the Federal level....and it will be in the future, you can bank on it.
Candidates "Voluntarily" file financial paperwork. Don't forget that important aspect. There is no law requiring it.

What I find amusing is that a tax return doesn't show much of anything other than income and tax liability, and at the upper levels of business incomes, are rarely filled out and filed by the individual in question.

Sorry, but this is nothing more than an open-ended attempt to dig dirt on someone you don't like. Like Obstruction, you're going to need an underlying crime to make your case or just go empty handed on to the next attempt.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?
You mean like State Amendments to the State Constitution that sets marriage as a union between one man and one woman?

Or is it that States should be allowed to make their own rules when you happen to agree with it?

State laws cannot violate the U.S. Constitution. This law will be challenged, just like those state laws were. Those laws were found to violate the constitution. This is how our system works, you get that, right?

How does forcing a candidate to show his tax returns violate the US Constitution? Again, I’m not arguing….I’m just asking.

I think it would set a terrible precedent if we did require this. Again, Whats next…saying you have to be a resident of the state to be on the ballot in the General Election?

But if we’re talking about this…don’t different states have different requirements to get on the General Ballot?

From Wikipedia:
Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 9.48.25 AM.png

Ballot access - Wikipedia
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?
You mean like State Amendments to the State Constitution that sets marriage as a union between one man and one woman?

Or is it that States should be allowed to make their own rules when you happen to agree with it?

It seems as though the Republicans are saying that States don’t have that right.
No, we are saying that the State has to show just cause for discrimination. Not liking someone is not 'just cause'. Wouldn't you agree?

Unless, of course, you don't mind disenfranchising voters when its someone you don't like.


No. Now if the proposed rule said that Republicans wanting to seek office had to release their tax information…that would be discrimination. The proposed rule would apply to everyone. So it’s not a matter of discrimination.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?
You mean like State Amendments to the State Constitution that sets marriage as a union between one man and one woman?

Or is it that States should be allowed to make their own rules when you happen to agree with it?

It seems as though the Republicans are saying that States don’t have that right.
No, we are saying that the State has to show just cause for discrimination. Not liking someone is not 'just cause'. Wouldn't you agree?

Unless, of course, you don't mind disenfranchising voters when its someone you don't like.


No. Now if the proposed rule said that Republicans wanting to seek office had to release their tax information…that would be discrimination. The proposed rule would apply to everyone. So it’s not a matter of discrimination.
except we know what they are *really* after. it's a stupid game of cat and mouse between the 2 and it's making us a bunch of collective idiots chasing our tails around as if it will get any of us anywhere at all.

i don't believe they have any legal recourse to get his taxes now and the constant WAH WE DEMAND is old. beyond old. it's friggin stupid. beyond that even. it's tantamount to being 2 years old and crying until you get your way. but - if they're wanting to change laws good luck. it will take more than a few states making demands but hey - follow the process, don't go around it, and good luck.

we're focused on all the wrong things these days and this is a poster child of proof of that.
Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?
You mean like State Amendments to the State Constitution that sets marriage as a union between one man and one woman?

Or is it that States should be allowed to make their own rules when you happen to agree with it?

It seems as though the Republicans are saying that States don’t have that right.
No, we are saying that the State has to show just cause for discrimination. Not liking someone is not 'just cause'. Wouldn't you agree?

Unless, of course, you don't mind disenfranchising voters when its someone you don't like.


No. Now if the proposed rule said that Republicans wanting to seek office had to release their tax information…that would be discrimination. The proposed rule would apply to everyone. So it’s not a matter of discrimination.
except we know what they are *really* after. it's a stupid game of cat and mouse between the 2 and it's making us a bunch of collective idiots chasing our tails around as if it will get any of us anywhere at all.

i don't believe they have any legal recourse to get his taxes now and the constant WAH WE DEMAND is old. beyond old. it's friggin stupid. beyond that even. it's tantamount to being 2 years old and crying until you get your way. but - if they're wanting to change laws good luck. it will take more than a few states making demands but hey - follow the process, don't go around it, and good luck.

we're focused on all the wrong things these days and this is a poster child of proof of that.

What are “they” really after?

To your point…this sounds to me like this sort of information would be some of the more objective data you could acquire about a candidate asking to lead your nation.

It sets a terrible precedent, however.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?
/——-/ “Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?”
Yes. And Red states need to ban pro abortionist from the ballots.
Below is an excerpt from the Florida Constitution. See bolded text.

SECTION 4. Disqualifications.—
(a) No person convicted of a felony, or adjudicated in this or any other state to be mentally incompetent, shall be qualified to vote or hold office until restoration of civil rights or removal of disability. Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, any disqualification from voting arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.
(b) No person convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense shall be qualified to vote until restoration of civil rights.
(c) No person may appear on the ballot for re-election to any of the following offices:
(1) Florida representative,
(2) Florida senator,
(3) Florida Lieutenant governor,
(4) any office of the Florida cabinet,
(5) U.S. Representative from Florida, or
(6) U.S. Senator from Florida

if, by the end of the current term of office, the person will have served (or, but for resignation, would have served) in that office for eight consecutive years.

The term limits amendment was voted in by the voters in Florida in 1992.
5 and 6 cannot be enforced as they are unconstitional.
Yet the amendment remains.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

It is a National Election

There is no such thing. The general election is a collection of 50 state elections.

That is why the winner is chosen via the EC and not popular vote

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This law is DOA.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the only agency authorized to regulate the financing of presidential and other federal campaigns (i.e., campaigns for the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives). The states cannot impose additional requirements on federal candidates. Federal law requires all presidential candidates to file a statement of candidacy within 15 days of receiving contributions or making expenditures that exceed $5,000. The statement of candidacy is the only federally mandated ballot access requirement for presidential candidates; all other ballot access procedures are mandated at the state level.
Ballot access for presidential candidates - Ballotpedia

Why was McMullen only on 8 state ballots if states cannot set requirements to be on their ballots?

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It would seem to me that the framers left the qualifications fairly general to let the voters decide.

This is nothing more than the dems continuing their fishing expedition on Trump.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

Not if it's a clear violation of the laws regarding privacy on tax returns. It also adds a requirement for office that is not supported by the Constitution. The courts won't allow such laws to stand.

States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

Not if it's a clear violation of the laws regarding privacy on tax returns. It also adds a requirement for office that is not supported by the Constitution. The courts won't allow such laws to stand.


Well if they found a way to take Trump off the ballot it would be the only way a Dem would win in 2020.

Good luck with that unconstitutional bullshit.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .
That’s not fascism. That’s transparency.
Just make everyone show their tax returns so the American people know what they’re getting.

Fascism is when grifters in the oval office try to keep from being investigated and work hard to hide their crimes.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

Not if it's a clear violation of the laws regarding privacy on tax returns. It also adds a requirement for office that is not supported by the Constitution. The courts won't allow such laws to stand.


Where does the Constitution lay out the requirement for collecting a certain number of signatures to be on a state ballot?

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You mean like State Amendments to the State Constitution that sets marriage as a union between one man and one woman?

Or is it that States should be allowed to make their own rules when you happen to agree with it?

It seems as though the Republicans are saying that States don’t have that right.
No, we are saying that the State has to show just cause for discrimination. Not liking someone is not 'just cause'. Wouldn't you agree?

Unless, of course, you don't mind disenfranchising voters when its someone you don't like.


No. Now if the proposed rule said that Republicans wanting to seek office had to release their tax information…that would be discrimination. The proposed rule would apply to everyone. So it’s not a matter of discrimination.
except we know what they are *really* after. it's a stupid game of cat and mouse between the 2 and it's making us a bunch of collective idiots chasing our tails around as if it will get any of us anywhere at all.

i don't believe they have any legal recourse to get his taxes now and the constant WAH WE DEMAND is old. beyond old. it's friggin stupid. beyond that even. it's tantamount to being 2 years old and crying until you get your way. but - if they're wanting to change laws good luck. it will take more than a few states making demands but hey - follow the process, don't go around it, and good luck.

we're focused on all the wrong things these days and this is a poster child of proof of that.

What are “they” really after?

To your point…this sounds to me like this sort of information would be some of the more objective data you could acquire about a candidate asking to lead your nation.

It sets a terrible precedent, however.
well we have a bad habit of setting terrible precedents lately. then we get mad when the other side does to us what we do them except in a "one up" fashion. it's not enough to simply repeat stupidity, we must amplify it. we get pissed at the "other side" for doing that yet cheer our own side on for it.

very strange to me.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .
That’s not fascism. That’s transparency.
Just make everyone show their tax returns so the American people know what they’re getting.

Fascism is when grifters in the oval office try to keep from being investigated and work hard to hide their crimes.
and fucking stupid is changing the rules to the game when you don't win.

that's what people who are in a constant "pouty face" do.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .
That’s not fascism. That’s transparency.
Just make everyone show their tax returns so the American people know what they’re getting.

Fascism is when grifters in the oval office try to keep from being investigated and work hard to hide their crimes.

it is intrusive and "CHERRY PICKING" ------may I have your tax returns over the past 10 years?
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

Yeah right, sure. We California refuse to entertain white males as candidates for POTUS. The OP is right, today's left approaches fascism.

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