Democrats on the brink of suicide


Gone and forgotten
Nov 27, 2008
Obama to spell out new healthcare plan - Yahoo! News

The assholes are going to go for reconcilliation, and end the viabilty of their party for good.

The American people soldily rejected their 'plan' but they will try to force it down our throats anyway.

Of course, it will be repealed the same way they passed in december, the fools. :lol:
Six Republican ideas already in the health-care reform bill

(1) "Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines."

(2) "Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do."

(3) "Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs."

(4) "End junk lawsuits."

5) The tax break for employer-sponsored insurance.

(6) And finally, we shouldn't forget the compromises that have been the most painful for Democrats, and the most substantive. This is a private-market plan.
Are you kidding?

Their party will always be viable. Same with the Repug party.
You are wrong this time.

No party can ever survive by pushing through something this hated directly against the stated will of Americans, this will shatter the Dems worse then anything else, as it will tear down the minority's abilty to oppose legislation and make everything about a slight majority rules.
Obama to spell out new healthcare plan - Yahoo! News

The assholes are going to go for reconcilliation, and end the viabilty of their party for good.

The American people soldily rejected their 'plan' but they will try to force it down our throats anyway.

Of course, it will be repealed the same way they passed in december, the fools. :lol:

This could be the means of securing control of American government by the Democrats for generations. America wants health care. This may not be enough but it's a start.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.
This could be the means of securing control of American government by the Democrats for generations. America wants health care. This may not be enough but it's a start.

That's pretty much been the underlying fear the GOP has had of this all along.
Are you kidding?

Their party will always be viable. Same with the Repug party.
You are wrong this time.

No party can ever survive by pushing through something this hated directly against the stated will of Americans, this will shatter the Dems worse then anything else, as it will tear down the minority's abilty to oppose legislation and make everything about a slight majority rules.

Wait until the courts find this POS unconstitutional. The bill depends on "buy in" from every consumer in America. The only way to guarantee that is to make it a crime not to buy a financial product. That is unconstititional.
The Dums have yet to produce a bill that people like. The more they talk the less people like it. It is a sign of how out of touch the Obama Administration is that they are pushing this crap. What happened to "jobs jobs jobs"?? That was last week.
I don't think they have the Democratic votes to pass it because the Dems already know they're heading for obscurity come November.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

It's true, polls consistently show Americans want a public option. Show me one, even Faux, that show otherwise.

Polls for support of the current bill have been more mixed, but never with "Disapprove" outweighing "Approve," and remember many who "Disapprove" do so because they feel the bill does not go far enough (Taking a Kucinich approach)

Sorry Xenophobe, as hard as your heroes at Fox have tried to frame it otherwise, support for a public option has been massive and consistent, I defy you to prove otherwise.
Are you kidding?

Their party will always be viable. Same with the Repug party.
You are wrong this time.

No he's not. The Democrats will take an ass whooping this year for sure, but they will not be anymore non-viable in the future than the GOP has been. Democrats were talking the same shit about the Republican Party after the 2008 elections and now the Republicans are riding high less than two years later.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

How about two dozen polls showing people don't want this? WOuld that make you shut up? Health Care Plan: Favor / Oppose
Not a single poll that shows this plan enjoys anything like majority support.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

How about two dozen polls showing people don't want this? WOuld that make you shut up? Health Care Plan: Favor / Oppose
Not a single poll that shows this plan enjoys anything like majority support.

maybe he likes having things shoved down his throat.
does what is being proposed have a public option?

The house bill does, the senate bill doesn't; It has in place of a public option the firm servicing certain gov't employees to compete with current options.

Now they're trying to pressure Reid to reintroduce the public option and fix the two versions through the reconciliation process, which would only require 51 votes for cloture. This of course has the R's, who were sure the plan was killed, steaming mad.

Remember, versions of the bill have already passed both houses. This is going to happen, fellas.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

It's true, polls consistently show Americans want a public option. Show me one, even Faux, that show otherwise.

Polls for support of the current bill have been more mixed, but never with "Disapprove" outweighing "Approve," and remember many who "Disapprove" do so because they feel the bill does not go far enough (Taking a Kucinich approach)

Sorry Xenophobe, as hard as your heroes at Fox have tried to frame it otherwise, support for a public option has been massive and consistent, I defy you to prove otherwise.

Even the WSJ - hardly a leftist rag - has reported the popularity of it. Which once again brings into question just how many people who have expressed disapproval of this bill have done it for the reasons RWingers say they have.

Hard to believe so many people have suddenly turned so rabidly anti-government in such a short period of time since the '08 election.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

It's true, polls consistently show Americans want a public option. Show me one, even Faux, that show otherwise.

Polls for support of the current bill have been more mixed, but never with "Disapprove" outweighing "Approve," and remember many who "Disapprove" do so because they feel the bill does not go far enough (Taking a Kucinich approach)

Sorry Xenophobe, as hard as your heroes at Fox have tried to frame it otherwise, support for a public option has been massive and consistent, I defy you to prove otherwise.

Exactly. The latest Public Option poll I could find..
Most in U.S. want public health option: poll | Reuters
Believe in public option: 59.9 percent yes, 40.1 percent no.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

How about two dozen polls showing people don't want this? WOuld that make you shut up? Health Care Plan: Favor / Oppose
Not a single poll that shows this plan enjoys anything like majority support.

You conflate not supporting the current bill with not wanting reform. It's not that simple.

Poll: Obama Health Care Marks Hit New Low - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"Doesn't go far enough" outweighs "goes too far" in every category.
You obviously didnt look at the link I posted.
No one wants this bill. No one. Ramming it through will be suicide. Which is why I think Obama will do just that, telling the Congressional dems to just fall on their swords. I dont think it will happen. And if it does I think the courts will strike it down. The AGs in 11 states have already threatened to file suit.
Give me a Poll (Thats not a FOX Poll..Has to be non-partisan) that suggests the Majority is against the Public Option..It hasn't been "Shoved down your throats," It's been the second longest debate in Congress history.

How about two dozen polls showing people don't want this? WOuld that make you shut up? Health Care Plan: Favor / Oppose
Not a single poll that shows this plan enjoys anything like majority support.

You conflate not supporting the current bill with not wanting reform. It's not that simple.

Poll: Obama Health Care Marks Hit New Low - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"Doesn't go far enough" outweighs "goes too far" in every category.

Most people want hope and change too. "Reform" can mean anything to anybody. It's like mom and apple pie. No one is against that.
But when the proposals get specific, like Obama's, polls consistently run against it, very much so. Most people are happy with their insurance. They will not support something that makes them not be able to continue with it.

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