Democrats Ready To Run On Health Care In 2018: 'Blame Republicans!'

Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
I will admit the GOP was worthless and lied their assess off. They voted to repeal it 99+ times...when it didn't matter. When they could have actually repealed it they never did. Americans don't forget that crap.....
easy, they knew the dems wouldn't vote for repeal, and why it never made it to the floor.
The best opportunity to do anything they had was on several budget deals when they refused to vote to de-fund several key parts that would have basically ended Obamacare. No dice....
Hey Republicans!
You broke it you bought it

Lost your coverage.....Blame Republicans
Can’t afford insurance because you no longer have a subsidy?.......Blame Republicans
Tired of escalating costs? .....Blame Republicans

I already lost my coverage.....when the Democrats instituted Commie Care.
I can't afford the prices because the plans were made to cater to the lowlifes who typically vote Democrat.
Escalating costs happened before and during Commie Care. Blame Democrats for that.
Blame your employer......not Obama
The Republicans are responsible for premiums going up so it makes sense to point that out to people.

I hope they do. Then we can prove how much the left lies about such thing:

Hey Republicans!
You broke it you bought it

Lost your coverage.....Blame Republicans
Can’t afford insurance because you no longer have a subsidy?.......Blame Republicans
Tired of escalating costs? .....Blame Republicans

I already lost my coverage.....when the Democrats instituted Commie Care.
I can't afford the prices because the plans were made to cater to the lowlifes who typically vote Democrat.
Escalating costs happened before and during Commie Care. Blame Democrats for that.
Blame your employer......not Obama

Of course, blame my employer who provided coverage for 20 years,, and dropped it the day Commie Care started. But it wasn't the Democrats never is.
Hey Republicans!
You broke it you bought it

Lost your coverage.....Blame Republicans
Can’t afford insurance because you no longer have a subsidy?.......Blame Republicans
Tired of escalating costs? .....Blame Republicans

I already lost my coverage.....when the Democrats instituted Commie Care.
I can't afford the prices because the plans were made to cater to the lowlifes who typically vote Democrat.
Escalating costs happened before and during Commie Care. Blame Democrats for that.
Blame your employer......not Obama

Of course, blame my employer who provided coverage for 20 years,, and dropped it the day Commie Care started. But it wasn't the Democrats never is.
Like I said....Blame your employer

Don’t like your health coverage? Complain to REPUBLICANS
They are calling the shots

See how many fuks they give
Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
No they didn't, and I won't allow you to incorrectly post your nonsense. To do away with obammycare, the Senate needs 60 votes. the republicans only had 52. that is short of the needed number to pass any changes. Please for god sake get the fking facts straight.
They didn't have a plan.

What was the plan that they couldn't pass, specifically?

What was the plan we were hearing about for eight years, specifically?
they had one, but needed 8 Democrats to vote and the discussions on the floor showed no democrat would pull the plug on obammycare. None of them. Totally a demophobic blowout. Pure and simple. The repubs tried different tactics, but the GOP had issues with the language of the other method to use 51 votes. They could have called for the Nuclear option, which is what they should have done. but I believe they are fearful of future senates that might bite them later.
They told us for eight (8) years that they had a better plan. When they won, they didn't, so they start fumbling around trying to come up with something. After the fact. After they told us they had a plan.

They lied to us for those years. I wasn't wrong.
Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
No they didn't, and I won't allow you to incorrectly post your nonsense. To do away with obammycare, the Senate needs 60 votes. the republicans only had 52. that is short of the needed number to pass any changes. Please for god sake get the fking facts straight.
They didn't have a plan.

What was the plan that they couldn't pass, specifically?

What was the plan we were hearing about for eight years, specifically?
they had one, but needed 8 Democrats to vote and the discussions on the floor showed no democrat would pull the plug on obammycare. None of them. Totally a demophobic blowout. Pure and simple.
Okay, what was it?

Do you have a link to it?
why, no reason to rehash a failed opportunity. It will come up again after the new members are in.

You're a fucking joke, first you won't allow his post and then you have no link to a non existent plan you say they had. Get out of here and go back to your sad little life.
"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."


On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


Congratulations, Mr. President! Just hand me your health care plan, and I'll get it passed immediately.


I thought YOU had a plan. I was going to take credit for it.


Oh no you don't! You said YOU had a "beautiful" plan!


And that plan was to take credit for YOUR plan! That's how this works!


Jesus Christ...


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Jesus Christ...



Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?

Where is Obama's birth certificate?


Where is Obama's birth certificate?


Time travel forward five years...


Where is Obama's birth certificate?


Where is Obama's birth certificate?


I'm going to give you such great health care and at a tiny fraction of the cost!


We want to bleev it, so it must be true!


Time travel forward one year...


Nobody knew health care was so complicated!


Damn you Obama!

The Signing of ObamaCare


O no he di'int!


Trow da bahstahds out!


We're going to put on some theater for the rubes and pretend to repeal ObamaCare, knowing it will be stopped in the Senate and by Obama.


Time travel forward five years...


ObamaCare is repealed for the 60th time!


The rubes never catch on to this hoax!


Time travel forward one year...


Trump and the GOP win! Now we can REALLY repeal ObamaCare!!!


I can't REALLY repeal the ACA. That was just a ruse to win the election!


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
“As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland." - Donald J. Trump, 2015.

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King the first time he ran for President:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.
Trump wants socialized medicine. He loves socialized medicine. He has always advocated for socialized medicine.

Trump wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with single payer health care. That's what he means by his plan costing you "a tiny fraction".

Deep down inside, you all know this.

And exactly three milliseconds after Trump announces he is going to seek single payer healthcare, you will all claim you have always been for a total government takeover of health care.

If Trump gets a Democratic Congress, he will revert to his true New York Democratic limousine liberal self. And single payer health care will be his first unmasking.
Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
Excuse me, but it isn't the government's job to take care of our heath.
It's our responsibility.
The thread is about elections, not the opinion of one end of the political spectrum.
Sorry, but using taxpayers cash unnecessarily to win elections to me is dishonest.
Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
Excuse me, but it isn't the government's job to take care of our heath.
It's our responsibility.

Says the guy who gets his healthcare courtesy of the government...
Aetna is a government health plan??
Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
I will admit the GOP was worthless and lied their assess off. They voted to repeal it 99+ times...when it didn't matter. When they could have actually repealed it they never did. Americans don't forget that crap.....
easy, they knew the dems wouldn't vote for repeal, and why it never made it to the floor.
The best opportunity to do anything they had was on several budget deals when they refused to vote to de-fund several key parts that would have basically ended Obamacare. No dice....
what budget deals? they needed 60 votes to do anything with obammycare. they only had 52 at my last count.
Neither party has much to crow about regarding health care.

But regarding the Republicans, they told us for eight years that they had a better way. "Just elect us," they said, "and we'll fix it."

Those of us who asked for details were mocked.

Well, as it turns out, the Republicans were lying. So yeah, that will be a soft spot for them going forward.
No they didn't, and I won't allow you to incorrectly post your nonsense. To do away with obammycare, the Senate needs 60 votes. the republicans only had 52. that is short of the needed number to pass any changes. Please for god sake get the fking facts straight.
They didn't have a plan.

What was the plan that they couldn't pass, specifically?

What was the plan we were hearing about for eight years, specifically?
they had one, but needed 8 Democrats to vote and the discussions on the floor showed no democrat would pull the plug on obammycare. None of them. Totally a demophobic blowout. Pure and simple. The repubs tried different tactics, but the GOP had issues with the language of the other method to use 51 votes. They could have called for the Nuclear option, which is what they should have done. but I believe they are fearful of future senates that might bite them later.
They told us for eight (8) years that they had a better plan. When they won, they didn't, so they start fumbling around trying to come up with something. After the fact. After they told us they had a plan.

They lied to us for those years. I wasn't wrong.
dude, I'll tell you again, anything they wanted to do took 60 fking votes. they only had 52. now explain how they were going to pass it.

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