Democrats say Democrats have gone off the rails

...Best way to lose. Don't stand for anything.
Actually, the best way to lose is to stand for something that you cannot sell to White Straight Christian Middle-Class America.
The best way to ensure future wins is to obliterate that class that has the most of those white straight Christians (normal people.) That, is to obliterate them since those people are what make up most of the middle class.
I’ll agree Clinton was detestable but the polls were wrong then & it’s foolish to put stock in them now.

The NY Times disagrees the economy is slowing down...

U.S. Economy Slows, Denying Trump 3% Talking Point

Again only way Trump loses is if the economy tanks. People aren’t going to vote to have their taxes raised, their guns seized, & their healthcare centrally managed. That’s what the Democrats are offering & it’s a losing platform.

The polls got it mostly right in 2016. It said Hillary would win by 3% and she won by 2%.

The economy will be toast by the time next november rolls around and so will Trump.

You see folks, Jose' believes that the economy is going to tank. Little does he understand, that because of the Trump economy, the fed was able to raise interest rates off the floor. (in all fairness, I think they might have started their climb during Obamas' last year, but don't quote me on that, because I am to damn tired to verify it)

What this means is simple--------------->the fed has already started LOWERING rates to stop affects the trade war with China might have. It may not be enough to stop a small drop, but it will be enough to keep this economy above the 1.6% average of the Obama/Biden economy. When you add that to the threat of the Democrats to collapse fossil fuel jobs in every state Trump has to win, not to mention his ability to point directly at the Democrats for not passing his trade agreements helping the economy stagnate, and it all points directly back to the FAAAAAAAAAR Left, like it or not!

And then as we see...…...or maybe you didn't...……..that SUPER PATRIOT your Homey Comey, was put up for prosecution if the DOJ so desired. This is just the start of this part of the Lefts problems, as more has been set up to come out as the election nears. What this does is 2 fold-------------> proves that the far left was lying for 2 and 1/2 years, along with the MSM. The logical thought is going to be to anyone residing on the far left? If they lied for almost 3 years, how can we believe ANYTHING they say now?

There is NOT enough conservatives to push Trump back in! There is NOT enough far Leftists to push in a Democrat! It will not be the coasts, or the deep red states that push the next President in, or back in. It will be the people who do NOT pay close attention to politics like most of us do. It will be the people who never seen us arguing over Russian collusion, or Trump is a traitor, or he is treasonous, but heard about it on the news.

No folks, it will be the those people who will now see that it was all a lie, pulled off by the actual people who did it, while certain people BOMBARDED them with lies for 3 years, all for their political gain, to create an America that they have never seen before, and the only way to do it was------------->lie through their teeth, since the policy was so unpopular!

Who here likes to be lied to? Anyone? And how do you think about people who have lied to you for their own gain?

Now, what do you think people are going to think and feel if they are not really tied to one side or the other, when they understand that YOU FAR LEFTISTS have lied for almost 3 years to manipulate them!

Don't believe me? Watch and see! Just remember what happened to Nixon when it was proved that HE tried the same thing you people did in reverse. You got 30% of the vote, that is IT! We got 30% of the vote! Now, you go convince the other 40% that will be proven YOU lied to who has no dog in the fight by ideology to believe you again! NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
More proof Dems are nutcases:
They want single-payer.
They don't understand how Trump is doing the right thing on the border.
They sided with Obama on Iran.
And any dem is better than the disgusting pos in the White House

How did that work in 2004 when the battle cry was anyone but Bush? How'd it work in 2016? It doesn't matter if they're better than Donald. Right now the Democrats are making asses out of themselves, and if they keep it up they're going to lose spectacularly, regardless of who is "better".
We would have done much better if bush was never president.

Your point?

My point is that he was President. And, he got re-elected. "Anyone's better than this guy" is a losing mentality 100% of the time in American Presidential politics. Republicans failed with it in 1996. Democrats failed with it in 2004. Republicans failed with it in 2012. Democrats failed with it in 2016. It has never once led to a successful result. If Democrats don't get their act together, and soon, Donald will be re-elected regardless of how much of a train wreck he is.
When did Barack Obama become a Republican?

I’ll agree Clinton was detestable but the polls were wrong then & it’s foolish to put stock in them now.

The NY Times disagrees the economy is slowing down...

U.S. Economy Slows, Denying Trump 3% Talking Point

Again only way Trump loses is if the economy tanks. People aren’t going to vote to have their taxes raised, their guns seized, & their healthcare centrally managed. That’s what the Democrats are offering & it’s a losing platform.

The polls got it mostly right in 2016. It said Hillary would win by 3% and she won by 2%.

The economy will be toast by the time next november rolls around and so will Trump.

You see folks, Jose' believes that the economy is going to tank. Little does he understand, that because of the Trump economy, the fed was able to raise interest rates off the floor. (in all fairness, I think they might have started their climb during Obamas' last year, but don't quote me on that, because I am to damn tired to verify it)

What this means is simple--------------->the fed has already started LOWERING rates to stop affects the trade war with China might have. It may not be enough to stop a small drop, but it will be enough to keep this economy above the 1.6% average of the Obama/Biden economy. When you add that to the threat of the Democrats to collapse fossil fuel jobs in every state Trump has to win, not to mention his ability to point directly at the Democrats for not passing his trade agreements helping the economy stagnate, and it all points directly back to the FAAAAAAAAAR Left, like it or not!

And then as we see...…...or maybe you didn't...……..that SUPER PATRIOT your Homey Comey, was put up for prosecution if the DOJ so desired. This is just the start of this part of the Lefts problems, as more has been set up to come out as the election nears. What this does is 2 fold-------------> proves that the far left was lying for 2 and 1/2 years, along with the MSM. The logical thought is going to be to anyone residing on the far left? If they lied for almost 3 years, how can we believe ANYTHING they say now?

There is NOT enough conservatives to push Trump back in! There is NOT enough far Leftists to push in a Democrat! It will not be the coasts, or the deep red states that push the next President in, or back in. It will be the people who do NOT pay close attention to politics like most of us do. It will be the people who never seen us arguing over Russian collusion, or Trump is a traitor, or he is treasonous, but heard about it on the news.

No folks, it will be the those people who will now see that it was all a lie, pulled off by the actual people who did it, while certain people BOMBARDED them with lies for 3 years, all for their political gain, to create an America that they have never seen before, and the only way to do it was------------->lie through their teeth, since the policy was so unpopular!

Who here likes to be lied to? Anyone? And how do you think about people who have lied to you for their own gain?

Now, what do you think people are going to think and feel if they are not really tied to one side or the other, when they understand that YOU FAR LEFTISTS have lied for almost 3 years to manipulate them!

Don't believe me? Watch and see! Just remember what happened to Nixon when it was proved that HE tried the same thing you people did in reverse. You got 30% of the vote, that is IT! We got 30% of the vote! Now, you go convince the other 40% that will be proven YOU lied to who has no dog in the fight by ideology to believe you again! NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

"You see folks, Jose' believes that the economy is going to tank"

And to be even more accurate, Joe is HOPING the economy tanks !
There is no "WE" in this scenario. You're not an American voter, for starters.

For enders, Warren can fight for deeply unpopular issues if she wants. It is generally a losing proposition.

One more time, we don't vote for issues, we vote for people.

Even with an okay economy, Warren is still polling ahead of your Fuhrer. When the economy tanks next year, she'll leave him a greasy smear on the pavement.

Trump would eat her alive. I can just hear her shrill voice cracking right before shes in tears. Shes not nowhere strong enough to handle him, hell Hillary cracked and shes a mean woman.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
We are going to end up with two Trupian candidates next round. Rather than returning to sanity, the dems seem to think that the way to win is out Trump Trump.
Yeah, very possible.
The best way to ensure future wins is to obliterate that class that has the most of those white straight Christians (normal people.) That, is to obliterate them since those people are what make up most of the middle class.

The middle class was obliterated by Reagan... you you guys have are the rich and confused poor white trash.
Trump would eat her alive. I can just hear her shrill voice cracking right before shes in tears. Shes not nowhere strong enough to handle him, hell Hillary cracked and shes a mean woman.

Again, Hillary won by 3 million votes... with being a mean woman.

Trump only won because no one was paying attention... people will be pretty sick of his nonsense.. in fact, they are now.
You see folks, Jose' believes that the economy is going to tank. Little does he understand, that because of the Trump economy, the fed was able to raise interest rates off the floor. (in all fairness, I think they might have started their climb during Obamas' last year, but don't quote me on that, because I am to damn tired to verify it)

Uh, buddy, they just lowered it, and the Market Crashed because they didn't promise to lower it more. Is this what you do in a "Strong" economy?

Yes, the economy IS going to tank. When it does, Trump's own people will turn on him.

What this means is simple--------------->the fed has already started LOWERING rates to stop affects the trade war with China might have. It may not be enough to stop a small drop, but it will be enough to keep this economy above the 1.6% average of the Obama/Biden economy. When you add that to the threat of the Democrats to collapse fossil fuel jobs in every state Trump has to win, not to mention his ability to point directly at the Democrats for not passing his trade agreements helping the economy stagnate, and it all points directly back to the FAAAAAAAAAR Left, like it or not!

Quite the contrary, nothing the fed is going to do will stop the reccession Trump is causing by strangling trade.
"Anyone's better than this guy" is a losing mentality 100% of the time in American Presidential politics. Republicans failed with it in 1996. Democrats failed with it in 2004. Republicans failed with it in 2012. Democrats failed with it in 2016. It has never once led to a successful result. If Democrats don't get their act together, and soon, Donald will be re-elected regardless of how much of a train wreck he is.
They can still turn it around. The more moderate voices -- strangely enough, those same voices weren't considered "moderate" not long ago -- are getting louder and might very well have an impact. These people aren't stupid, they're just crazed, intolerant, narcissistic ideologues.

Obviously the plan is to go full-bore nutter during the nominating process and then moderate during the general (standard two-faced partisan intellectual dishonesty). But holy crap, even Trump has the intellectual wherewithal to point some of this stuff out during the general.

2020 will be an even more embarrassing circus than 2016 at this rate.
Last edited:
They can still turn it around. The more moderate voices -- strangely enough, those same voices weren't considered "moderate" not long ago -- are getting louder and might very well have an impact. These people aren't stupid, they're just crazed, intolerant, narcissistic ideologues.

Obviously the plan is to go full-bore nutter during the nominating process and then moderate during the general (standard two-faced partisan intellectual dishonesty). But holy crap, even Trump has the intellectual wherewithal to point some of this stuff out during the general.

2020 will be an even more embarrassing circus than 2016 at this rate.

Meh, not likely.

As stated, moderates don't win. Why run on, "Well, things aren't that bad."

All elections are based on "We need change". If people are content with the way things are... that message usually falls flat, especially when there is an incumbent.

Hillary didn't lose because she wasn't moderate enough. She lost because people didn't like her on a personal level and there was an abiding feeling that she was insincere.

I personally don't want to see Bernie win, I think he's too radical for my tastes, but if that what it takes to get Trump out of office, so be it.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
I look at it as a reaction to Trump

With over 20 Democrats running, each candidate needs something to stand out. Spouting liberal proposals will be a way to stand out

By the time a candidate is chosen, Dems will have watered down these proposals or rejected them

In the end, Democrats will run from the middle. They always do

Dems will run on protecting healthcare, the environment, education and the fact that Trump is the worst President ever elected
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
I look at it as a reaction to Trump

With over 20 Democrats running, each candidate needs something to stand out. Spouting liberal proposals will be a way to stand out

By the time a candidate is chosen, Dems will have watered down these proposals or rejected them

In the end, Democrats will run from the middle. They always do

Dems will run on protecting healthcare, the environment, education and the fact that Trump is the worst President ever elected
My guess is the ticket will include a nutter to appease the nutters and one sane person to appease the rest.

Much like Trump/Pence.

I figure the base is fired up enough to vote, either way.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
I look at it as a reaction to Trump

With over 20 Democrats running, each candidate needs something to stand out. Spouting liberal proposals will be a way to stand out

By the time a candidate is chosen, Dems will have watered down these proposals or rejected them

In the end, Democrats will run from the middle. They always do

Dems will run on protecting healthcare, the environment, education and the fact that Trump is the worst President ever elected
My guess is the ticket will include a nutter to appease the nutters and one sane person to appease the rest.

Much like Trump/Pence.

I figure the base is fired up enough to vote, either way.

Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
Nevertheless, it's "Compromise or Lose" in 2020, I'm afraid.

Not really. Trump is toast in 2020...
It is just that sort of arrogant misplaced confidence that lost us the election in 2016.

Actually, the best way to lose is to stand for something that you cannot sell to White Straight Christian Middle-Class America.
Most people in America are not White Christian Bigots.
Bigots? No. But White Straight Christian Middle-Class Americans? Most definitely.
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.
Last edited:
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
I look at it as a reaction to Trump

With over 20 Democrats running, each candidate needs something to stand out. Spouting liberal proposals will be a way to stand out

By the time a candidate is chosen, Dems will have watered down these proposals or rejected them

In the end, Democrats will run from the middle. They always do

Dems will run on protecting healthcare, the environment, education and the fact that Trump is the worst President ever elected
My guess is the ticket will include a nutter to appease the nutters and one sane person to appease the rest.

Much like Trump/Pence.

I figure the base is fired up enough to vote, either way.

Trump/Pence? Which was the sane one?

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