Democrats say Democrats have gone off the rails

As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
I look at it as a reaction to Trump

With over 20 Democrats running, each candidate needs something to stand out. Spouting liberal proposals will be a way to stand out

By the time a candidate is chosen, Dems will have watered down these proposals or rejected them

In the end, Democrats will run from the middle. They always do

Dems will run on protecting healthcare, the environment, education and the fact that Trump is the worst President ever elected
My guess is the ticket will include a nutter to appease the nutters and one sane person to appease the rest.

Much like Trump/Pence.

I figure the base is fired up enough to vote, either way.

Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

I've made the argument for a long time that you need to tell me why I should vote for you, not why I should not vote for the other person to get me to support you.
It is just that sort of arrogant misplaced confidence that lost us the election in 2016.

Who is "us'.... it seems to me that you are perfectly fine with Trump's fascism, based on your posts.

Bigots? No. But White Straight Christian Middle-Class Americans? Most definitely.

Here's the thing, I'm straight and middle class, but I don't feel a need to hate on gays or Mexicans like you guys do.
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be

But beyond that, Dems will run on

Protecting Healthcare from Republicans
The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps
Equity for the working class
Restoring our international reputation
Ending the Great Trump Trade War
Tearing down the Fucking Wall
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be

But beyond that, Dems will run on

Protecting Healthcare from Republicans
The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps
Equity for the working class
Restoring our international reputation
Ending the Great Trump Trade War
Tearing down the Fucking Wall
That's what they'll be doing in the general, for sure, but the question to me is whether they've fully branded themselves as kooks before we get to the general.
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be

But beyond that, Dems will run on

Protecting Healthcare from Republicans
The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps
Equity for the working class
Restoring our international reputation
Ending the Great Trump Trade War
Tearing down the Fucking Wall

Everyone knows who Trump is. I want a candidate to convince me that they will do the things you mention.
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be

But beyond that, Dems will run on

Protecting Healthcare from Republicans
The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps
Equity for the working class
Restoring our international reputation
Ending the Great Trump Trade War
Tearing down the Fucking Wall
That's what they'll be doing in the general, for sure, but the question to me is whether they've fully branded themselves as kooks before we get to the general.
The General is 15 months away
Socialism will be long forgotten
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be

But beyond that, Dems will run on

Protecting Healthcare from Republicans
The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps
Equity for the working class
Restoring our international reputation
Ending the Great Trump Trade War
Tearing down the Fucking Wall
That's what they'll be doing in the general, for sure, but the question to me is whether they've fully branded themselves as kooks before we get to the general.
The General is 15 months away
Socialism will be long forgotten
Trump and the GOP will keep screaming it. If the Dem candidate handles it properly, I guess it won't matter.
Trump would eat her alive. I can just hear her shrill voice cracking right before shes in tears. Shes not nowhere strong enough to handle him, hell Hillary cracked and shes a mean woman.

Again, Hillary won by 3 million votes... with being a mean woman.

Trump only won because no one was paying attention... people will be pretty sick of his nonsense.. in fact, they are now.

Trump won 30 states to 20, 306 votes to 232. You know the votes that actually count? The popular vote will never be the way to elect the president
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be

But beyond that, Dems will run on

Protecting Healthcare from Republicans
The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps
Equity for the working class
Restoring our international reputation
Ending the Great Trump Trade War
Tearing down the Fucking Wall
That's what they'll be doing in the general, for sure, but the question to me is whether they've fully branded themselves as kooks before we get to the general.
The General is 15 months away
Socialism will be long forgotten
Trump and the GOP will keep screaming it. If the Dem candidate handles it properly, I guess it won't matter.
They call Democrats Commies anyway

Like crying wolf
Trump won 30 states to 20, 306 votes to 232. You know the votes that actually count? The popular vote will never be the way to elect the president

He won an anachronism devised by slave rapists 200 years ago, that no one has bothered to fix yet.

THis is something that will be corrected soon after Trump is gone in 2021. IN fact, both parties will come together to make sure this never happens again.

The 22nd Amendment was passed because people realized that a president serving until he dies is a bad idea.

The 25th Amendment was passed because people realized that leaving no backup plan after a president dies or is incapicitated is a bad idea.
Trump won 30 states to 20, 306 votes to 232. You know the votes that actually count? The popular vote will never be the way to elect the president

He won an anachronism devised by slave rapists 200 years ago, that no one has bothered to fix yet.

THis is something that will be corrected soon after Trump is gone in 2021. IN fact, both parties will come together to make sure this never happens again.

The 22nd Amendment was passed because people realized that a president serving until he dies is a bad idea.

The 25th Amendment was passed because people realized that leaving no backup plan after a president dies or is incapicitated is a bad idea.
Translation: We lost, so the rules need to be changed.

As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.

They're infesting (RACIST!!!!) the joint....In fact, they're the ones who start threads on a daily basis which underscore your point.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
We are going to end up with two Trupian candidates next round. Rather than returning to sanity, the dems seem to think that the way to win is out Trump Trump.

We seem to be all out of ideas, and I don't understand why. America always wants to do things the hard way.
It is just that sort of arrogant misplaced confidence that lost us the election in 2016.

Who is "us'.... it seems to me that you are perfectly fine with Trump's fascism, based on your posts...
"Us" is Americans - Trump's election was a tragedy for the US - although Shrillary's election may have proved equally disasterous in other ways.

I have seen no "facism" from Trump - merely tweeting and speaking without thinking - endless rounds of meaningless bull$hit - and early indicators of senility.

Bigots? No. But White Straight Christian Middle-Class Americans? Most definitely.
Here's the thing, I'm straight and middle class, but I don't feel a need to hate on gays or Mexicans like you guys do.
People who oppose you politically do not hate gays or Mexicans.

They are merely tired of the Gay Mafia Agenda being shoved down America's throat on behalf of a crummy 3% of the population - too much oxygen.

They are merely tired of Mexicans (and their southern neighbors) flooding across our borders, depressing wages, etc., and want them to go home and stay home.

No hate in that - merely economics and national sovereignty and border integrity and common sense, and a set of balls - they can be loved on their side of the Rio Grande.
Last edited:
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
We are going to end up with two Trupian candidates next round. Rather than returning to sanity, the dems seem to think that the way to win is out Trump Trump.

We seem to be all out of ideas, and I don't understand why. America always wants to do things the hard way.
Yes, we're all out of ideas.

That's why we need to collaborate, innovate, create new solutions.

Sadly, we've allowed those skills to wither and die, to be replaced with tribalism.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
We are going to end up with two Trupian candidates next round. Rather than returning to sanity, the dems seem to think that the way to win is out Trump Trump.

We seem to be all out of ideas, and I don't understand why. America always wants to do things the hard way.
Yes, we're all out of ideas.

That's why we need to collaborate, innovate, create new solutions.

Sadly, we've allowed those skills to wither and die, to be replaced with tribalism.

I wonder which tribe the folks with those skills fell into. Let's hope they're apolitical.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
We are going to end up with two Trupian candidates next round. Rather than returning to sanity, the dems seem to think that the way to win is out Trump Trump.

We seem to be all out of ideas, and I don't understand why. America always wants to do things the hard way.
Yes, we're all out of ideas.

That's why we need to collaborate, innovate, create new solutions.

Sadly, we've allowed those skills to wither and die, to be replaced with tribalism.

I wonder which tribe the folks with those skills fell into. Let's hope they're apolitical.
That's a great point. Either they became infected themselves or gave up, I reckon.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
Obama is actually in lockstep with them. He was just less open about it.
...They call Democrats Commies anyway Like crying wolf
And ignoring that moniker will put another nail in the Democratic Party coffin in November 2020.

You have three or four Flaming Socialists (or close-calls) on the stage already, and more warming-up in the bullpen (House).

Hell, Nancy has been obliged to beat 'em back with a stick, to try to keep 'em quiet, until the general election is over.

Trouble is, the Opposition is not going to let you (collectively) get away with burying or distracting or trying to make Americans forget.

Amongst the vast legions of Americans who do not subscribe to Socialist and Leftist political and economic theory...

Americans equate Socialism with Communism, in large part.

And, for those capable of distinguishing between the two, the remainder equate Socialism with forced policies and hyper-taxation.

Now that you (collectively) have foolishly let the Socialist Boogeyman out of the bag, you will not be able to stuff him back in, anytime soon.

Certainly not in time for the November 2020 elections.

And, frankly, the Right, and a huge slice of the Center, are not going to forget your new Socialist moniker, nor let their countrymen forget.

Good luck with that... :21:

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