Democrats say Democrats have gone off the rails

Trump won 30 states to 20, 306 votes to 232. You know the votes that actually count? The popular vote will never be the way to elect the president

He won an anachronism devised by slave rapists 200 years ago, that no one has bothered to fix yet.

THis is something that will be corrected soon after Trump is gone in 2021. IN fact, both parties will come together to make sure this never happens again.

The 22nd Amendment was passed because people realized that a president serving until he dies is a bad idea.

The 25th Amendment was passed because people realized that leaving no backup plan after a president dies or is incapicitated is a bad idea.

I think it takes 2/3 of the senators to change it, good luck with that. I think 50 states should get 50 votes, winner of majority in each state gets 1 vote so every state is a equal. But the child slave rapists and their enablers at the border will never agree to that

Edit: I read that after I posted and didnt like that I stooped to their level but will leave it to make a point
Last edited:
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
Obama is actually in lockstep with them. He was just less open about it.

I've always seen Obama as a moderate.
Trump won 30 states to 20, 306 votes to 232. You know the votes that actually count? The popular vote will never be the way to elect the president

He won an anachronism devised by slave rapists 200 years ago, that no one has bothered to fix yet.

THis is something that will be corrected soon after Trump is gone in 2021. IN fact, both parties will come together to make sure this never happens again.

The 22nd Amendment was passed because people realized that a president serving until he dies is a bad idea.

The 25th Amendment was passed because people realized that leaving no backup plan after a president dies or is incapicitated is a bad idea.

Amazing. You thought that through?

There is no advantage to be predicted for either major party due to the 22nd or 25th amendments. Whereas the Electoral College, quite naturally, favors one party over the other. The recent past demonstrates that the EC favors voting dirt over voting people, and the advantage of winning lots of states with hardly any people living in them currently, and for the foreseeable future, accrues to the GOP. Which is why there is not a snowball's chance in hell anything will be done about the anachronism. Moscow Mitch, or so you think, will agree to give California and New York a say in line with their population size on who is going to be President? Really?
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.

Dems and the media need to keep up the pressure of Trump is an inept President unsuited for the job. Giving up implies that he is an acceptable President

White, Straight, Christian, Middle America is diminishing in political power as they grow older. 2020 will prove that 2016 was a fluke
As stated, moderates don't win. Why run on, "Well, things aren't that bad."

What a ridiculous false dilemma AND false equivalency, all wrapped up into one. Being a moderate does not necessitate saying "things aren't that bad." Just that the response to fixing things is sensible, measured, controlled, and well thought out.

But then again, a partisan whackadoodle like you can't understand that anyway.
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.

Dems and the media need to keep up the pressure of Trump is an inept President unsuited for the job. Giving up implies that he is an acceptable President

White, Straight, Christian, Middle America is diminishing in political power as they grow older. 2020 will prove that 2016 was a fluke
You have been warned... so be it...
What a ridiculous false dilemma AND false equivalency, all wrapped up into one. Being a moderate does not necessitate saying "things aren't that bad." Just that the response to fixing things is sensible, measured, controlled, and well thought out.
But then again, a partisan whackadoodle like you can't understand that anyway.
That's the binary thought process of the standard-issue winger: You can only be 100% with me or you're 100% against me. Anything else is just too darn complicated, and there's something wrong with YOU if you're not binary, just like them.

It doesn't occur to them that there might be other possibilities.

One of the zillion or so behaviors shared by both ends.
Trump won 30 states to 20, 306 votes to 232. You know the votes that actually count? The popular vote will never be the way to elect the president

He won an anachronism devised by slave rapists 200 years ago, that no one has bothered to fix yet.

THis is something that will be corrected soon after Trump is gone in 2021. IN fact, both parties will come together to make sure this never happens again.

The 22nd Amendment was passed because people realized that a president serving until he dies is a bad idea.

The 25th Amendment was passed because people realized that leaving no backup plan after a president dies or is incapicitated is a bad idea.

Amazing. You thought that through?

There is no advantage to be predicted for either major party due to the 22nd or 25th amendments. Whereas the Electoral College, quite naturally, favors one party over the other. The recent past demonstrates that the EC favors voting dirt over voting people, and the advantage of winning lots of states with hardly any people living in them currently, and for the foreseeable future, accrues to the GOP. Which is why there is not a snowball's chance in hell anything will be done about the anachronism. Moscow Mitch, or so you think, will agree to give California and New York a say in line with their population size on who is going to be President? Really?

So we should let california and new york essentially dictate federal elections? The whole premise of the federal government is its there to handle the limited things that require a united front from the states to tackle. Things like military, and immigration.

The federal government was not intended to give one race down payments for houses or any of the other ever increasing states rights issues being trumpeted by fed dem nominees.

The federal government has become so large, bloated and misguided that there is no way it can effectively do anything. Just look at immigration and firearms. Fed says one thing and libs judge shop til they land one of their activists and everything gets ground to a halt. In the meantime, we the taxpayer still foot the bill for these federal institutions that are literally being frozen by an ideological war between the left, who is hell bent on proving to all who disagree how right they are by forcing legislation down our throats. Because once that happens, they can point to the legislation, declare those who dont agree immoral, and use the legislation as justification for further legislation that has no right muddying up the fed.

If cali wants open borders, let em have em. But, dont give them a dime of federal funding to deal with it. Btw, why is it that legal immigrant populations side so strongly with the GOP regarding legal/illegal immigration? Surely libtards wouldn't go calling them racist for their ideological disagreement.

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Mac is just frightened of what he'd like to support but can't bring himself to....socialism/communism. So he likes his commies to appear normal and genuine. When they show themselves to be the lying thieves they are, he gets rabbity. No informed American is worried about Trump being after day he proves he's doing us a world of good. Mac knows this too....all leftists not gone on drugs or unable to shake their government schools indoctrination, know the Ratocrats are little more than hateful power-hungry opportunists. I feel sorry for Mac but not enough not to belittle him for my amusement. :lol:
I think it takes 2/3 of the senators to change it, good luck with that. I think 50 states should get 50 votes, winner of majority in each state gets 1 vote so every state is a equal. But the child slave rapists and their enablers at the border will never agree to that

Edit: I read that after I posted and didnt like that I stooped to their level but will leave it to make a point

That you are a fucking idiot? We established that.

One person. One vote. Period.
Translation: We lost, so the rules need to be changed.

Translation- the rules subverted the clearly stated will of the people.

You lost....Get the fuck over it.

...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.
If they nominate Bernie, they likely win in a landslide. Sadly, they won’t. They will nominate another corrupt corporatist, which likely results in four more years of crazy Donnie.
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.
If they nominate Bernie, they likely win in a landslide. Sadly, they won’t. They will nominate another corrupt corporatist, which likely results in four more years of crazy Donnie.
Republicans will go into a ......Commie, Commie, Commie chant
Bernie can’t win
Too extreme
...Dems will rally the base on up at the polls or Trump gets re-elected
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.
If they nominate Bernie, they likely win in a landslide. Sadly, they won’t. They will nominate another corrupt corporatist, which likely results in four more years of crazy Donnie.
Republicans will go into a ......Commie, Commie, Commie chant
Bernie can’t win
Too extreme
They will and they have. The corrupt D Party is going along with the corrupt R party.

Yet another proof of how similar the two gangs are, and how entirely owned they both are by the big corporations and billionaires.
The Dems are so busy with their Circular Firing Squad and so busy eating their own young that they don't have time to develop a platform other than Anybody But Trump.

That's how the idiots lost last time... standing against something more than standing for something...

But those retards are so in-love with their own Talking Points that they've gone nose-blind to how badly their approach stinks, in the minds of the present-day Independent or Swing Voter or Reagan Trump Democrat.

The Democrats need to bring great numbers of White Straight Christian Middle-Class voters back into the fold, and they're now so far down the wrong path that they don't know how to get 'em back.

Trump is a FUCKING ASSHOLE is their primary focus, as it should be... But beyond that, Dems will run on... Protecting Healthcare from Republicans... The Environment
Ending Republican Concentration Camps... Equity for the working class... Restoring our international reputation... Ending the Great Trump Trade War... Tearing down the Fucking Wall
Some of those are admirable goals... some of those represent a return to undesirable conditions... and very little of that intent will reach the minds of Middle America.

Here's the thing, though... the Left has spent the last 2-1/2 years Trump-bashing... people have lives to live... they got tired of listening... you've lost much of your audience.

Come November 2020, unless you can re-engage one helluva big slice of White Straight Christian Middle America... you are not going to win the Presidency back again.
If they nominate Bernie, they likely win in a landslide. Sadly, they won’t. They will nominate another corrupt corporatist, which likely results in four more years of crazy Donnie.
Republicans will go into a ......Commie, Commie, Commie chant
Bernie can’t win
Too extreme
They will and they have. The corrupt D Party is going along with the corrupt R party.

Yet another proof of how similar the two gangs are, and how entirely owned they both are by the big corporations and billionaires.
Guess we can only trust the anarchists
Actually, the best way to lose is to stand for something that you cannot sell to White Straight Christian Middle-Class America.

Most people in America are not White Christian Bigots.
The fact you equate White Straight Christian Middle-Class America to White Christian Bigots says WAY more about you than you say about them.

This is why your party lost to trump. There are not enough people out there that hate themselves enough to vote for a party that continually call them bigots, racists and sexists.
As one who is no fan of Trump, it's not pleasant to watch what's happening to the Democratic party. And this is exactly what concerned me the morning I woke up to find that Trump had (gulp) won: That the reaction and pushback would be so insane and severe that 2020 would be an election of crazies, no matter WHICH party won.

When Barack Obama is now to the right of you, this quickly, something is seriously, profoundly wrong.

More and more Democrats are beginning to speak out, and hopefully things will, uh, "change" a bit.

Donald Trump Is Burning the Constitution, and the Biggest Villain at the Democratic Debate Was… Barack Obama?!
The Battle Over Barack Obama’s Legacy at the Democratic Debates
‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama
Barack Obama worries about progressives' 'rigidity' leading to party infighting - CNNPolitics
Begala: Democrats Setting Themselves Up To Lose To Trump By Running Far To The Left In Primary

There don't seem to be so many Democrats left on USMB, but I'd like to get your opinion on this.
I look at it as a reaction to Trump

With over 20 Democrats running, each candidate needs something to stand out. Spouting liberal proposals will be a way to stand out

By the time a candidate is chosen, Dems will have watered down these proposals or rejected them

In the end, Democrats will run from the middle. They always do

Dems will run on protecting healthcare, the environment, education and the fact that Trump is the worst President ever elected
My guess is the ticket will include a nutter to appease the nutters and one sane person to appease the rest.

Much like Trump/Pence.

I figure the base is fired up enough to vote, either way.

Trump/Pence? Which was the sane one?
Same question that popped into my head.

And Mac did not answer. Likely because he can't puzzle out the sane one there either :D

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