Democrats Seethe After Georgia Loss: ‘Our Brand Is Worse Than Trump’

"The Democrats spent $30 million on this kid, who forgot to live in the community" - Donald Trump on Georgia
the wet floor sign is out


I can just hear the comments now, "How could all of those people be so dumb, Why would they vote against our ideas since we are so much smarter and better than they are". The most ignorant people on earth have the mistaken fantastic idea that they are smarter than a slow dog that chases cars. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Greg Gutfeld said something tonight on the Five that nailed it imho.

"Trump talks about we Americans and how he plans to help Make American Great Again. The Democrats only talk about Trump and how much they hate him. That is why the Dems keep losing."
"I certainly hope the Democrats do not force Nancy P out. That would be very bad for the Republican Party - and please let Cryin' Chuck stay!" - Trump
best implication of Ossoff's loss is anti-Trump suburban Republicans can seperate Trump and GOP Congress in their minds.
the Democratic Party right now, they need fresh faces, and they need a fresh message. They can’t run just as the resistance party. That’s what we learned in Georgia. That’s what we learned in all these other special elections. They need a vision for the future. They need a message. They need an agenda, some ideas, some policy ideas. Go out in the country. Try to figure out what a movement could look like. And they’re not there yet. They might get there by 2018, but they’ve got a lot of work to do as a party

the Georgia loss is a big loss. I don’t think it’s, oh, this is always a Republican district, it’s not such a big deal. If the Democrats are going to pick up seats, it’s going to be in upscale, highly educated suburban seats. And this was tailor-made for that, a seat that Trump barely won. And so, if after all that’s happened in the last four or five months, they can’t pick up the seat, that, to me, is an indictment.

It’s a sign that there’s limits to being anti-Trump. Second, that the Trump phenomenon was not just a fluke, that it’s based on some deep structural things in the economy that are driving people to support the Republicans, some deep structural things in the country, that people are extremely distrustful of government and extremely distrustful of Washington.
americans see the democrat party for what it is: a party of liberal rage, hatred, and intolerance. a party that, like their last candidate for president, has no message, other than calling opponents names like homophobic, islamophobic, racist, & deplorable.

the resistance movement seems to be specializing in one thing: resisting actual political victories.
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We got Trump because Republican Party sucks, Democratic Party sucks, our political system and the government sucks.

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