Democrats: The Great Issue Designers


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Whoever created the word “subjective” must have had today’s Democrats in mind. Just watch these shrewd manipulators at work on their biased TV shows. Watch as they take each new tidbit of information as it comes out, and mold it into something that is harmful to President Trump.

These guys seem to have no objective vision of current events, but rather, they simply demonstrate their ability to distort, degrade, and destroy. I would guess there is no word in the English language that these craftsmen cannot re-design into what they want it to say.

Take a few seemingly innocent, unbiased words. I’ll randomly poke at the dictionary. OK. My finger landed on the word ‘piano”. I can easily see the Trump bashers saying that Trump’s speeches are like soft piano music, designed to create serenity, and to obscure American problems.

Actually, it is quite the opposite. It is Trump, who is more like playing a loud, electric guitar, to alert everyone to the dangers of the ISIS Trojan horse, embedded with Syrian refugees, the many harms of illegal immigration, etc.

Let’s take another word. Believe it or not, in the dictionary, I randomly pointed to the word “dictator”. I think we’ve already heard the Democrats use that word to describe Trump. But actually, a majority of Americans voted for Trump, in a free/fair election, (despite massive Democrat rigging), and when he attempted to deliver on one of his campaign promises (Muslim immigration ban), it was Democrats who thwarted democracy. It was they, who went “judge shopping”, found themselves a federal judge who they liked (Robard in Washington), and got him (ONE man) to nullify the will of 60 million, or more, Americans.

Pick any word. The Democrat destroy Trump machine will find a way to twist it, and use it to try to take down Trump. Ho hum.

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