Dems need about 10 scared Republicans to help launch their assault on the 2A. There’s at least 10 paranoid right now..right?

More than that….for my wife and I was about $150 a week during Trump, today same grocery bill $250

Try feeding eight kids, filling up five vehicles each week, it's insane

I don't know how people are doing it.
The 32nd President, the Socialist Saint of the Democrat Party made clear that the Constituition should not stand in the way of their agenda.

Since the Founders gave us our Constitution, Roosevelt's actions in opposition to the Constitution, tell volumes about his lack of respect for the Founders.

In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution.

Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 65.

Breaking: Dem in congress proposes a 1000% TAX on 'assault weapons'. Hate to say I told you so. Damn the 2nd amendment and law, FORCE the people to OBEY Democrats by PUNISHING them. That would be a $9,000 tax on a $900 rifle. :oops:

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