DeVoss shows how incompetent and unethical she is AGAIN

Stop selling or giving away government jobs when your political party is in power.
jobs that effect all of us must be awarded to those who show both the education & the experience to do a reasonable & effective job that best serves us all.
Yet she couldn't say what was debunked about them. Her own department defines a charter school that stays open for 3 years is a success. More than 40% of charter schools that receive funds either never open or close before 3 years. How can she say that is debunked??
Your right she COULDN'T...........because he wanted a YES OR NO LAWYERS ANSWER.........

Political BS.......................She asked for time to talk about it but WAS DENIED..........Yes or No.........Yes or No.........BLAH BLAH BLAH.

There is a reason that people don't like DONUT EATING LAWYERS......Thankyou for reminding me why............LOL

DeVos Takes Tough Stance as Congressional Democrats Hammer Her on Budget Cuts, School Choice

The inspector General office did a report......and they are attempting to correct them.....................And why the hell do the Dems HATE CHARTER SCHOOLS ANYWAYS....

Oh......they don't like people having choices........

Yes/No answers aren't that hard.
Yes NO answers are DONUT EATING LAWYERS trying to make something of NOTHING.......

You already responded she couldn't back up what she was trying to say......then go to SAY YES OR NO........

Make up your mind.........

Yet with all her babbling, she was unable to do either.
How the hell can she do that when the Dem keeps spouting SAY YES OR NO.............You can't you MORON.......

Make up your mind..................You wanted her to explain the debunk but want her to say ONLY YES OR NO.

Reminds me of this.

Well, since she couldn't answer the simple yes or know question, perhaps you could. Yes or no - Do you think it's acceptable for charter schools to purchase private jets with government funding ... Hmmmm?
This is no joke,, people involved in education pushing public crap should be executed you have destroyed more lives

You are living proof of the uneducated you fraud.
Yea says the guy that can’t argue any topic just call names lol

You didn't provide anything............So your EVIDENCE IS A MYTH.........

Then show me proof that Public School Don't offer these CTE classes.
Like I mentioned, you are claiming knowledge of something of which you have no knowledge.
I gave reports and articles................Good and about you.........LOL

If Charters don't perform ..........they get AXED..........not so with Public schools........and many Charter schools have done well..................But your part wants them ALL GONE.

Give us your long list of "axed" charter schools. :)
Every time this woman is questioned, she shows how donating lots of money to Trump will get you a great appointment, even if you have no idea how to do the job.

You do understand you’re a democrat,, democrats have DESTROYED education across America, Cuba Venezuela.. everywhere... stop taking about it .. it is a national emergency to get democrats away from education,, and our children

You do understand that DeVos is singlehandedly raping public education?

DeVos Slams ‘Union Bullies’ for Opposing Her Plan to Send Federal Tax Dollars to Private and Religious Schools | Right Wing Watch

DeVos is an old hand at this. She has, in the words of Mother Jones’s Krisina Rizga, been “trying to gut the public schools for years.” Indeed, DeVos and her allies have spent many years and many millions of dollars engaged in bare-knuckled politics to elect politicians who will advance an anti-public-education, anti-labor, pro-privatization agenda, and her family has played a key role in building right-wing anti-public-education infrastructure.

Good they should get raped in jail where Democrats belong

Either you were either home skooled, your Mom dropped you on your head, or you attended one of Betsy Wetsy's charter schools.

Which was it MAGA-Smirk? ;)

Your right she COULDN'T...........because he wanted a YES OR NO LAWYERS ANSWER.........

Political BS.......................She asked for time to talk about it but WAS DENIED..........Yes or No.........Yes or No.........BLAH BLAH BLAH.

There is a reason that people don't like DONUT EATING LAWYERS......Thankyou for reminding me why............LOL

DeVos Takes Tough Stance as Congressional Democrats Hammer Her on Budget Cuts, School Choice

The inspector General office did a report......and they are attempting to correct them.....................And why the hell do the Dems HATE CHARTER SCHOOLS ANYWAYS....

Oh......they don't like people having choices........

Yes/No answers aren't that hard.
Yes NO answers are DONUT EATING LAWYERS trying to make something of NOTHING.......

You already responded she couldn't back up what she was trying to say......then go to SAY YES OR NO........

Make up your mind.........

Yet with all her babbling, she was unable to do either.
How the hell can she do that when the Dem keeps spouting SAY YES OR NO.............You can't you MORON.......

Make up your mind..................You wanted her to explain the debunk but want her to say ONLY YES OR NO.

Reminds me of this.

Well, since she couldn't answer the simple yes or know question, perhaps you could. Yes or no - Do you think it's acceptable for charter schools to purchase private jets with government funding ... Hmmmm?
link...............Making false accusations without evidence is a usual act of the left..........

There is no YES or NO trial here.............If you have NO have NOTHING.
This is no joke,, people involved in education pushing public crap should be executed you have destroyed more lives

You are living proof of the uneducated you fraud.
Yea says the guy that can’t argue any topic just call names lol

You didn't provide anything............So your EVIDENCE IS A MYTH.........

Then show me proof that Public School Don't offer these CTE classes.
Like I mentioned, you are claiming knowledge of something of which you have no knowledge.
I gave reports and articles................Good and about you.........LOL

If Charters don't perform ..........they get AXED..........not so with Public schools........and many Charter schools have done well..................But your part wants them ALL GONE.

Give us your long list of "axed" charter schools. :)
The article posted earlier showed the numbers cut..........during the Obama years...........Go looky there.
No it's not. It's about not allowing government to indoctrinate your children.
No, sorry. Without the political power and money of the people who want public funding to go to Jesus schools and the criminals who want to scam the funding, we wouldn't even be talking about this right now, and Betsy DeVos would be back in Michigan, stroking a poodle.

Betsy Wetsy has a poodle in the White House she needs to stroke when Vladimir isn't around. ;)

Do you think it's acceptable for charter schools to purchase private jets with government funding ... Hmmmm?

Well, if you are RICH like DeVos, then you know no other way, so it seems perfectly normal to the rich cvnt.

Charter Schools are a SCAM.
They attempt to take money from public schools and give that money to for-profit charter schools.
That is socialism.
You can't pay for private Catholic school, so you want to rob from the honest public schools and GVIE it to others that can't do it on their own.

Every time this woman is questioned, she shows how donating lots of money to Trump will get you a great appointment, even if you have no idea how to do the job.

She answered the question. The guy is spouting propaganda.
Do you think it's acceptable for charter schools to purchase private jets with government funding ... Hmmmm?

Well, if you are RICH like DeVos, then you know no other way, so it seems perfectly normal to the rich cvnt.

Charter Schools are a SCAM.
They attempt to take money from public schools and give that money to for-profit charter schools.
That is socialism.
You can't pay for private Catholic school, so you want to rob from the honest public schools and GVIE it to others that can't do it on their own.

Public schools are a scam. Charter schools do not make a profit, moron. They are still public schools.

For your information, making a profit is capitalism, not socialism. You're a grade-A numskull. Everything you know about charter schools is wrong. You must have a public school education.
People who allegedly support America's crazy uncle who can't remember where he is half the time have the gall to criticize a hard working woman for failing to answer a single question? TDS will do strange things to you.
2017 article..........they quit before............I didn't write the article.........

Are the Standardized tests gone now?

Are Standardized Test gone?
You don't know the answer, so you ask questions.
Charter schools do not make a profit, moron.

They try.
They take money and don't open for 2+ years, and then depend on linguistics.
Then fail in the 1st year,
And wala, Devos considers the failed charter school a success.

DeVos, a smaller form of FAILURE than trump.
Both are bad.
Is Votech their focus? Short answer, NO!

Short response.
So what is their focus?
A choice to Students.......providing education to those that would rather have their students go there......Competition to the Public Schools........Some are considered higher learning centers for Math and Science........others varies..........depends on the Non profit or for profit people who push the school........could be a private Catholic school..........trying to allow more kids to go there instead of the meet grinder public system.


All schools now TEACH THE TEST..........Standardized tests don't make a better education.........don't mean the children know more if they pass..........And it is Gov't Bureaucracy that MICRO MANAGES the Teachers......Many Teachers are ticked off with TEACHING THE TEST............

Meet 4 Teachers Whose Resignation Letters Went Viral - WeAreTeachers

For Hawkins, teaching is more than a job; it’s a calling.

“From my first day of teaching, I knew how to make a connection with my students and engage the reluctant learner,” she says. “I taught high school for 11 years and absolutely loved it.”

Like most successful teachers, Hawkins emphasized connection over curriculum. But over time, “with the legislation, especially with Race to the Top and Common Core, it became all about the curriculum,” she says. “The curriculum was the magic pixie dust that was going to make these kids successful.”

The decision to leave the classroom was “heartbreaking,” Hawkins says. And though she’s currently teaching at the college level, “it’s not the same,” she says. “It’s not really what I feel called to do.” So she continues to advocate for teachers and for common sense, connection and compassion over curriculum.

Conti, a 40-year teaching veteran, stepped down from his post as a high school history teacher at Westhill High School in Syracuse, NY in 2013, but he hasn’t stopped teaching. He stays in touch with hundreds of his former students via Facebook, many of whom now teach history and social studies at schools throughout the nation. “They still contact me and ask for advice,” Conti says. “I’ll give them some ideas of what I did in the past and have them try it and see if it works.”

If educational trends had gone in another direction, it’s likely that Conti would still be in the classroom. But “the bureaucracy,” he says, “had gotten to the point of ridiculousness. Testing became more important than teaching, and you can’t test your way to nirvana.”

You do know Common Core and Race to the Top went away long before Trump became President. Why do you post such ignorance? Are you a libtard?
2017 article..........they quit before............I didn't write the article.........

Are the Standardized tests gone now?

Do you know why we have standardized tests? It is so that critics can point and say, "See! We told you public schools suck." They are all for "school accountability", despite not knowing these are normed-reference tests that show no improvement or decline.
Absolutely. It's about funding Jesus schools with taxpayer money and about allowing powerful criminals to skim the money. Thank you for regurgitating my own point back to me.

Christians pay taxes too Dumbass.
So? That doesn't mean public funds should go to Jesus schools, or that criminals should be able to perpetrate these charter school scams. What an idiotic point.
Parants should be able to educate their kids wherever they want, so long as their kids learn the basics, like readin, ritein and rithmatic. Not many of them learn that much in government schools.

BS. The schools where kids don't learn are overrun with the children of drug dealers, gang bangers, crack whores, math heads, and wife beaters.
So? Why should any parent have to send their child to such a school?

They don't want to pay for their kids to attend private schools because the cost eats into their drug money!

You really should get out more.
That means parents can vote for vouchers that will be used for the education of their choice.
Correct, they can. I understand the current state of affairs. Welcome to 15 years ago bripat, try to catch up with the class.

I am suggesting we vote away that bad idea.
Then you admit you have no rational objection to allowing to parents to use vouchers at parochial schools. "I don't like it" is not a rational objection. It's merely petulance.

I do, because they strip badly needed funds from the public schools they would have attended.
It's not needed if the number of kids they teach goes down. Government teachers just don't want to have to compete like the rest of us do.

You have 30 kids in a class. A new charter school opens, taking 5 students out of your class. Now you have to teach 25 students but the costs did not go down. The teacher's salary, building, lights, heat, busses, fuel, and all of the other costs remain exactly the same. You are doing the same with less funds.
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Charter schools are part of the public school system, but most of them focus on academics and getting kids prepped for college
In my State, they focus on sending public funds to religious schools and on enriching the founders of charter schools.

And public schools also focus on getting kids ready for college. My son will graduate high school with up to 22 college credits, then he will likely test out of 16 to 20 more, due to the AP learning at high school. Credit-wise, he is going to start college as a sophomore.
In general, public schools suck ass. I've never heard of charter schools "ending public funds to religious schools." How does that happen? I've also never heard of the founders of charter schools getting rich off of them.

Do you know how much some administrators of government schools earn?

Schools superintendent in Maryland gets a raise to $315,000

That is Maryland's problem.
In general, public schools suck ass.
That's deep. I know! Let's take just certain students and a bunch of money out of them. That will help!
I don't want to help public schools. I want to eliminate them. Pumping more money into them every year for decades hasn't accomplished a thing, and they have become nothing more than brainwashing mills. They are a cancer on this country.

You know this "brainwashing" bullshit is getting tiresome. People like you cherry-pick news stories of one school district doing something stupid and then take a broad brush to paint the entire school system as being that way.

I taught for 21 years and had three kids and two of their spouses attend school during that time. Not one instance of :indoctrination occured. How is that possible?
So? Why should any parent have to send their child to such a school?

They don't have to.
How hard is that to understand?
They can MOVE or get homeschooled.
Don't make any shitty excuse for why someone doesn't have a choice on where they live.
It's a choice. Move to a different school district.

That's like saying you have a choice between the K-mart on Broadway and the one on Alameda Ave. Who put you in charge of telling us which choices we had available to us?

BS. I'm not in charge of you, but you certainly are in charge of you.
There is already School Choice.
You can't deny this, but you keep trying.
Sorry, turd, but that isn't any kind of real choice. That imposes huge additional costs and challenges on them. If I want to shop at a different grocery store, I just drive to a different one and shop there. Why shouldn't it be the same with schooling?

None of you government school bootlickers can answer that.

Your definition of "school choice" is that same as Stalin's. You're a fucking goose stepper.

You just completely ignored what was posted. Are you too ignorant to answer?
So? Why should any parent have to send their child to such a school?

They don't have to.
How hard is that to understand?
They can MOVE or get homeschooled.
Don't make any shitty excuse for why someone doesn't have a choice on where they live.
It's a choice. Move to a different school district.

That's like saying you have a choice between the K-mart on Broadway and the one on Alameda Ave. Who put you in charge of telling us which choices we had available to us?

BS. I'm not in charge of you, but you certainly are in charge of you.
There is already School Choice.
You can't deny this, but you keep trying.
The parasite class like yourself keep pushing people out of areas.

Non-answer. Got it!

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