DeVoss shows how incompetent and unethical she is AGAIN

Devoss is living proof that you rise to your level of incompetence.
Is that what she’s proof of?

I think she’s proof that money corrupts

The very heart of this battle is OVER MONEY............Dems want the vouchers gone..........and end Charter Schools and their funding............which is public funding but gives parents and option to a different school that might be better for their kids in their opinion.

The Public school system wants ALL THE MONEY in ONLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS........and wants to deny COMPETITION from Charter Schools which gives parents a choice.


Hey dumbass! Charter schools ARE public schools. Again, you illustrate the conservative willful ignorance.
Splitting hairs.......I am fully aware they are public schools............And was pointing out the voucher system. In the articles I posted it shows that they are indeed public schools and even showed the amounts per student they receive.........

The issue is Charter versus traditional public schools fighting over the money per student.......And yes that is a correct statement.
Is Votech their focus? Short answer, NO!

Short response.
So what is their focus?
A choice to Students.......providing education to those that would rather have their students go there......Competition to the Public Schools........Some are considered higher learning centers for Math and Science........others varies..........depends on the Non profit or for profit people who push the school........could be a private Catholic school..........trying to allow more kids to go there instead of the meet grinder public system.


All schools now TEACH THE TEST..........Standardized tests don't make a better education.........don't mean the children know more if they pass..........And it is Gov't Bureaucracy that MICRO MANAGES the Teachers......Many Teachers are ticked off with TEACHING THE TEST............

Meet 4 Teachers Whose Resignation Letters Went Viral - WeAreTeachers

For Hawkins, teaching is more than a job; it’s a calling.

“From my first day of teaching, I knew how to make a connection with my students and engage the reluctant learner,” she says. “I taught high school for 11 years and absolutely loved it.”

Like most successful teachers, Hawkins emphasized connection over curriculum. But over time, “with the legislation, especially with Race to the Top and Common Core, it became all about the curriculum,” she says. “The curriculum was the magic pixie dust that was going to make these kids successful.”

The decision to leave the classroom was “heartbreaking,” Hawkins says. And though she’s currently teaching at the college level, “it’s not the same,” she says. “It’s not really what I feel called to do.” So she continues to advocate for teachers and for common sense, connection and compassion over curriculum.

Conti, a 40-year teaching veteran, stepped down from his post as a high school history teacher at Westhill High School in Syracuse, NY in 2013, but he hasn’t stopped teaching. He stays in touch with hundreds of his former students via Facebook, many of whom now teach history and social studies at schools throughout the nation. “They still contact me and ask for advice,” Conti says. “I’ll give them some ideas of what I did in the past and have them try it and see if it works.”

If educational trends had gone in another direction, it’s likely that Conti would still be in the classroom. But “the bureaucracy,” he says, “had gotten to the point of ridiculousness. Testing became more important than teaching, and you can’t test your way to nirvana.”

You do know Common Core and Race to the Top went away long before Trump became President. Why do you post such ignorance? Are you a libtard?
2017 article..........they quit before............I didn't write the article.........

Are the Standardized tests gone now?
Your interpretation of the articles I presented don't make them correct.....
Stupid response. It wasn't an interpretation, is was a factual presentation of the facts cited in the articles. Your inability to fashion any response shows you are all hot air.
Baloney.........this whole issue is over MONEY............and who gets the TAXPAYERS money per student..........Dems want ALL IN ONLY PUBLIC Charter schools............Even though many in this country want that OPTION...................

Stop TEACHING the test...........and JUST TEACH AGAIN.

Teaching the test? Do you want to know how to quickly and easily identify and educational moron? If they say "teachers should stop teaching to the test"!

Why would you teach something that is not subject to be tested and why would you test something you did not teach? Idiocy would be the reason.
I posted articles that showed teachers pissed off about the standardized tests............and the BS that went with it...................

Are they better prepared for life after HS because you teach the test......I doubt it............We did testing for qualifications at work known as the NCCR..........pass it and you get more money.............I know people who managed to get copies of the test and studied them but almost failed them..............I didn't have that and passed the test with over 90% because I have been doing this job a long time..............

While they passed the test..............they don't know jack.......but managed to survive a BS test. I demand that the Admiral untwist his dang panties that are in a Wad this morning.

this whole issue is over MONEY............and who gets the TAXPAYERS money per studen
Absolutely. It's about funding Jesus schools with taxpayer money and about allowing powerful criminals to skim the money. Thank you for regurgitating my own point back to me.
No it's not. It's about not allowing government to indoctrinate your children. Brain damaged TDS morons just can't allow your children to escape that.

It's obviously over money - our money, dumbass.

You mean money you pay to the state, not the federal government.
Either way, it's money you pay to the government.
this whole issue is over MONEY............and who gets the TAXPAYERS money per studen
Absolutely. It's about funding Jesus schools with taxpayer money and about allowing powerful criminals to skim the money. Thank you for regurgitating my own point back to me.

Christians pay taxes too Dumbass.
So? That doesn't mean public funds should go to Jesus schools, or that criminals should be able to perpetrate these charter school scams. What an idiotic point.
Parants should be able to educate their kids wherever they want, so long as their kids learn the basics, like readin, ritein and rithmatic. Not many of them learn that much in government schools.

BS. The schools where kids don't learn are overrun with the children of drug dealers, gang bangers, crack whores, math heads, and wife beaters.
So? Why should any parent have to send their child to such a school?
How the fuck is the Department of education over 100,000 people?

Our government is so wasteful.
That means parents can vote for vouchers that will be used for the education of their choice.
Correct, they can. I understand the current state of affairs. Welcome to 15 years ago bripat, try to catch up with the class.

I am suggesting we vote away that bad idea.
Then you admit you have no rational objection to allowing to parents to use vouchers at parochial schools. "I don't like it" is not a rational objection. It's merely petulance.

I do, because they strip badly needed funds from the public schools they would have attended.
It's not needed if the number of kids they teach goes down. Government teachers just don't want to have to compete like the rest of us do.
Nope, just because you're on the rag and looking for a fight, you can go play with yourself. BYE!


Translation, "I got nothing to counter with so I'll just throw out insults." OKTexas.

You keep mentioning school choice.
People already have a choice.
It's called moving to an area where you like the school district.
Stuck in a shitty district, then MOVE.
That's like saying you have a choice between the K-mart on Broadway and the one on Alameda Ave. Who put you in charge of telling us which choices we had available to us?
Devoss is living proof that you rise to your level of incompetence.

Actually if you knew anything at all about what you're talking about, which you don't
you would understand that the department of education has made more strides towards independent sources of information for educators in the past 3 years then in the past 30 years. Breaking Free from the one-size-fits-all communism that was preached by the previous administration should enable American Children caught up in an increasingly incompetent school system to thrive more along lines suited to their individual talents rather than trying to be pressed into a giant muffin tin producing duplicate citizenry. She is exactly the right person for the job.

Charter schools are part of the public school system, but most of them focus on academics and getting kids prepped for college
In my State, they focus on sending public funds to religious schools and on enriching the founders of charter schools.

And public schools also focus on getting kids ready for college. My son will graduate high school with up to 22 college credits, then he will likely test out of 16 to 20 more, due to the AP learning at high school. Credit-wise, he is going to start college as a sophomore.
Charter schools are part of the public school system, but most of them focus on academics and getting kids prepped for college
In my State, they focus on sending public funds to religious schools and on enriching the founders of charter schools.

And public schools also focus on getting kids ready for college. My son will graduate high school with up to 22 college credits, then he will likely test out of 16 to 20 more, due to the AP learning at high school. Credit-wise, he is going to start college as a sophomore.
In general, public schools suck ass. I've never heard of charter schools "ending public funds to religious schools." How does that happen? I've also never heard of the founders of charter schools getting rich off of them.

Do you know how much some administrators of government schools earn?

Schools superintendent in Maryland gets a raise to $315,000
In general, public schools suck ass.
That's deep. I know! Let's take just certain students and a bunch of money out of them. That will help!
I don't want to help public schools. I want to eliminate them. Pumping more money into them every year for decades hasn't accomplished a thing, and they have become nothing more than brainwashing mills. They are a cancer on this country.

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