Diaper crisis in America!!!

From what I read, most children with Aspergers have a sensory perception disorder.

The best thing I did was have a conservation with my son, he is very independent, and stubborn. So with the suggestion of an expert( not someone on a message board who had three years off to become a judgmental parent), I told him it was up to him now. He knows what to do, he knows he needs to go in the potty, I was no longer going to get mad etc.., I would help him, but it was up to him to decide to do this. And I put it like that, and I stuck to it. Two weeks later he was no longer pooping in his pants, and stopped having accidents at night. Well not completely. LOL He is a boy who likes to put it off.

As for other help, I was lucky enough to get him into PT, OT, and speech therapy a few months before he turned two. He is a pretty normal kid now. When he broke his arm he didn't cry much though. The nurses couldn't believe he didn't cry when he came out of surgery when they had to put two screws in.

Yep that's my son. Lol..except yesterday he tried head butting me and missed me and bumped the chair...I don't think his is as bad as most kids because he sure felt that...but he is VERY DARING....gonna be the kid that goes in the military for the Rangers or Airborne or something LOL...he has been doing really good for 3 days now but earlier he either forgot or got wrapped up in a video he was watching he peed in the office chair...didn't get mad just little frustrated...he has first appt to get diagnosed officially in December.Dreading first semester of school.

ON the 4th of July my son dropped a paint can on his foot, didn't even whine when they had to poke holes in his toe nail to relieve the pressure from the swelling.

Were you on the internet? :eusa_shhh:
I felt horrible when my son was 3 and not potty trained, then I talked to someone who knew what they are talking about. It is not realistic at all to expect your child to be potty trained at 18 months old.
My son has a sensory perception disorder, he didn't care that he had a soiled diaper or underwear. Which makes it very hard to potty train. Finally, I listened to an expert, not a loser on a message board and their method worked in a few weeks, plus my son was ready to potty train.
Every expert will tell you, if they are not ready, there is no point.

Yep. I have one with Aspergers which is a high functioning type of Autism and for some reason he has been VERY HARD to potty train...he does great for days on end and then just he stops....Hopefully we will get answers to helping him soon...I got a feeling he has the SPD as well...I have asked and asked why he does it just gives me reasons and I fix the problems ya know not being to reach toilet,can't reach toilet paper etc etc...he gets so entranced when watching his little toy videos on the computer he just forgets or something...thankfully the oldest is potty trained fully and the youngest I don't forsee any problems but its all different for different kids.
From what I read, most children with Aspergers have a sensory perception disorder.

Would be interested to know where you read that. It's new to me.

It gives me an auralgraphic memory (like photographic memory but for sound) but I don't consider that in any way a "disorder". :dunno: In many ways it's an advantage.

And I reject the association of Asperger's with autism. I don't think that's accurate.
Did I post a lot? Did I mod a lot?
Message CK or Intense and ask them how much I was able to mod. Stupid loser.

You Mad? All one has to do is look at your history.

Then look up my history for the last year.
But you can't look up my modding, so instead of being a liar, message intense and ask them how much I modded. I dare you, loser. Or will you be like your buddy mal? Just continue to be dishonest.

Some ones mad :lol:
Yep. I have one with Aspergers which is a high functioning type of Autism and for some reason he has been VERY HARD to potty train...he does great for days on end and then just he stops....Hopefully we will get answers to helping him soon...I got a feeling he has the SPD as well...I have asked and asked why he does it just gives me reasons and I fix the problems ya know not being to reach toilet,can't reach toilet paper etc etc...he gets so entranced when watching his little toy videos on the computer he just forgets or something...thankfully the oldest is potty trained fully and the youngest I don't forsee any problems but its all different for different kids.
From what I read, most children with Aspergers have a sensory perception disorder.

Would be interested to know where you read that. It's new to me.

It gives me an auralgraphic memory (like photographic memory but for sound) but I don't consider that in any way a "disorder". :dunno: In many ways it's an advantage.

And I reject the association of Asperger's with autism. I don't think that's accurate.

I will try to find it, I didn't read it on the internet. When my son first started going to therapy his therapist gave me books etc. on sensory perception.

My friend's brother who has Aspergers can spell almost any word you can think of, kid is a genius, but failing out of school.
Also if your gonna live on welfare, after two children you get your tubes tied. If you choose not to no extra support for a baby born after two. Something has to be done.
LOL! Well why don't all these poor women just take three YEAR maternity leave? They can take their 3 years maternity leave, and pay for it by skipping their spa treatments every now and then. We'll let them eat cake, while we're at it.

They afre on a constant maternity leave - they do not work

Welcome to 2013. My wife and I both work full time. She took 3 MONTHS of maternity leave - not years - and we consider ourselves very lucky she was able to take that much. So what you mistake for 'laziness' is really more like 'don't have the fucking time'. Must have been nice to be able to take 3 years off so you could be supermom and look down your nose at mothers who work and don't have the time to wash cloth diapers (which according to you makes them lazy).

Hey guess what? All that bottle sterilization crap you probably thought you 'had' to do religiously? Turns out science has figured out making the bottles overly sterile reduces the ability of the infants immune system to develop. So your baby was worse off for all the pain in the ass of bottle sterilzation. We wash ours in the sink or run it through the dishwasher (a luxury lots of folks don't have, maybe you weren't aware) - and we're done. So HA! You wasted your time.


How do you know what I did? If I had a 3 year maternity leave you could have guessed ( if you would be a bit smarter) that it was not in the US - not everybody in the world goes with pendulum swings of American medicine and pediatrics :lol:
Some use common sense and ages-old experience of mothers, grandmothers and before.

Are you military?

No. Are you paying attention at all? I have just said - see the bold :eek:
I've got a solution, drug test welfare recipients. If they test positive they lose their welfare. The ones that need drugs can work for them. If you choose not to do drugs collect your welfare. They get free rent, free power, free food, free daycare, free healthcare. Whats next? Free cable? If you cannot buy diapers after all the stuff you are given by the tax payer. Then maybe you should get a job, then you could support yourself.

that was tried but did not go with the courts well

How do you know what I did? If I had a 3 year maternity leave you could have guessed ( if you would be a bit smarter) that it was not in the US - not everybody in the world goes with pendulum swings of American medicine and pediatrics :lol:
Some use common sense and ages-old experience of mothers, grandmothers and before.

Are you military?

No. Are you paying attention at all? I have just said - see the bold :eek:

You have to excuse LuLu she was sooooooooo busy being a parent she did not completely read your post :cool:
Dam! So much noise about diapers!

Personally it appears to me that we, as a society, have become lazy and want all the conveniences that are available.

My mother tells me that when I was a baby breastfeeding was frowned upon so she HAD to make formula.

As for cloth diapers, I used them.
My boys were born 13 months apart and I used cloth diapers. I did wash them by hand (only way to really get them clean) and air dried them outside in the sun on a dryer rack.
Is it time consuming, yes. Is it worth it, yes.

Bag balm on the butt was my babies best friend.

Oh, and I worked but because of the type of work I did, I was able to make my own schedule.
Last edited:
Did I post a lot? Did I mod a lot?
Message CK or Intense and ask them how much I was able to mod. Stupid loser.

You Mad? All one has to do is look at your history.

Then look up my history for the last year.
But you can't look up my modding, so instead of being a liar, message intense and ask them how much I modded. I dare you, loser. Or will you be like your buddy mal? Just continue to be dishonest.

the one person here who is mad is YOU.

all the time.

and at everybody. You accuse everybody whom you disagree with even an iota to be a liar or a loser - immediately. A knee-jerk defensive attitude.

do the questioning yourself - why. in front of the mirror.

I already know the answer ;)
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I've got a solution, drug test welfare recipients. If they test positive they lose their welfare. The ones that need drugs can work for them. If you choose not to do drugs collect your welfare. They get free rent, free power, free food, free daycare, free healthcare. Whats next? Free cable? If you cannot buy diapers after all the stuff you are given by the tax payer. Then maybe you should get a job, then you could support yourself.

that was tried but did not go with the courts well

Well since liberals are claiming illegals have a civil right to vote, i should have the civil right for my money not to be GIVEN to people to buy drugs.
My friend's brother who has Aspergers can spell almost any word you can think of, kid is a genius, but failing out of school.

Now, putting aside all the poking of the thread:
homeschool. seriously.
there are tons of schools online and in correspondence - Calvert for one is great. It is not that cheap but it is worth it. I also think correspondence schools first are better than online.

Don't let the kid be traumatized by organized school system.
From what I read, most children with Aspergers have a sensory perception disorder.

Would be interested to know where you read that. It's new to me.

It gives me an auralgraphic memory (like photographic memory but for sound) but I don't consider that in any way a "disorder". :dunno: In many ways it's an advantage.

And I reject the association of Asperger's with autism. I don't think that's accurate.

I will try to find it, I didn't read it on the internet. When my son first started going to therapy his therapist gave me books etc. on sensory perception.

My friend's brother who has Aspergers can spell almost any word you can think of, kid is a genius, but failing out of school.

I have an idea what I think you might mean here... this is just a guess... but we tend to have a major disability in reading visual cues on people's faces. Somewhere in the Innerwebs long ago I had a quiz-thing where you were shown a face and were supposed to answer what emotion the face was expressing. I was surprised to have got most of them wrong. Don't remember where that was; possibly got it from wrongplanet.net (good support site for Asperger's)... could it be that?
My friend's brother who has Aspergers can spell almost any word you can think of, kid is a genius, but failing out of school.

Now, putting aside all the poking of the thread:
homeschool. seriously.
there are tons of schools online and in correspondence - Calvert for one is great. It is not that cheap but it is worth it. I also think correspondence schools first are better than online.

Don't let the kid be traumatized by organized school system.


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