Did Fox News save America?

Yes it did. It has the only llibertarian news show on TV after the treasonous liberals tried to hide our Founder's libertarian philosophy from us for 50 years. Thank God for Fox News!
Interesting, the FOXNEWS seemed to have FAILED in stopping Obama from getting elected not just once, but TWICE, despite all the power and recources and spin they have.

Fox News was the wedge. Drudge is the answer. Fuck TV news get it on the Internet, DRUDGE REPORT 2014®.

gee, you'd think the liberals would be gathering round to explain why they hate Fox. At least you'd think they could tell us why they were told to hate Fox.
You must be fresh out of elementary school. I've been on various political forums for the last 13 years and I must have seen and read thousands of posts and threads on the subject of Fox New's lies and distortions. Either you are a troll or your education level is not fit for a place beyond your foxnews binders.
Believe it or not there was a time when the only information available to Americans was filtered through Walter Cronkite and Cronkite was a screaming liberal. The left wing media dominance collapsed when noted "anchor" Dan Rather was forced to retire when he tried to use forged documents to influence a presidential election. Those days are over and Fox tries it's best to be fair and balanced. The problem for the left is that "fair and balanced" seems like a right wing bias compared to the good old days.
Yes it did. It has the only llibertarian news show on TV after the treasonous liberals tried to hide our Founder's libertarian philosophy from us for 50 years. Thank God for Fox News!

You really should donate your brain to science, just for laughs (theirs). Obviously you're not using it.

Hey, did Thomas Jefferson start Fox Noise too? :rofl:
Thinking Americans get the giggles reading Eddy's nonsense.

Sleeping Americans find it hilarious.
Dead Americans guffaw in their graves.
Thomas Jefferson laughed so hard at the idea that he founded the Republican party 28 years after his own demise, he came back to life and died all over again.
Only Americans without an internet connection are spared the risk of back injuries from heavy falls on the floor.
Yes it did. It has the only llibertarian news show on TV after the treasonous liberals tried to hide our Founder's libertarian philosophy from us for 50 years. Thank God for Fox News!
Interesting, the FOXNEWS seemed to have FAILED in stopping Obama from getting elected not just once, but TWICE, despite all the power and recources and spin they have.


To have not tried would have been a failure.
Foxnews has provided a service to America

They have convinced conservatives that America loves their values
They have quickly and viciously attacked any conservative who dares to try to compromise
They have ensured a democratic president for the last five years
Believe it or not there was a time when the only information available to Americans was filtered through Walter Cronkite and Cronkite was a screaming liberal.

Why do you lead of with such an easily debunked lie? CBS wasn't the only network. Ever hear of Huntley and Brinkley at NBC? ABC was around too. SHEESH!!!
Yes it did. It has the only llibertarian news show on TV after the treasonous liberals tried to hide our Founder's libertarian philosophy from us for 50 years. Thank God for Fox News!

Only a completely ignorant person could believe that Fox News has values in common with the founders of the United States. :cuckoo:

"the Romans fought for Empire. The Pride of that haughty people was to domineer over the rest of Mankind. But this is not our Object. We contend for the Liberty of our Country and the Rights of human Nature."
-- Samuel Adams; letter to Alexander McDougall (May, 13, 1782)

"Were armies to be raised whenever a speck of war is visible in our horizon, we never should have been without them. Our resources would have been exhausted on dangers which have never happened, instead of being reserved for what is really to take place"
-- Thomas Jefferson; from 6th State of the Union Address (Dec. 2, 1806)

"[E]ach generation should be made to bear the burden of its own wars, instead of carrying them on, at the expence of other generations... that each generation should not only bear its own burdens, but that the taxes composing them, should include a due proportion of such as by their direct operation keep the people awake, along with those, which being wrapped up in other payments, may leave them asleep, to misapplications of their money."
-- James Madison; from 'Universal Peace' (February 2, 1792.)

"The first stage of this education being the schools of the hundreds, wherein the great mass of the people will receive their instruction, the principal foundations of future order will be laid here. Instead, therefore, of putting the Bible and Testament into the hands of the children at an age when their judgments are not sufficiently matured for religious inquiries, their memories may here be stored with the most useful facts"
-- Thomas Jefferson; from 'Notes on Virginia' Query XIV

"When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and, when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig'd to call for the help of the Civil Power, it is a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one."
-- Benjamin Franklin; from letter to Richard Price (October 9, 1780)

"Religious proclamations by the Executive... imply a religious agency, making no part of the trust delegated to political rulers"
-- James Madison; from 'Detached Memoranda'

"Of all occupations those are the least desirable in a free state which produce the most servile dependence of one class of citizens on another class."
-- James Madison; "Fashion" National Gazette (March, 20, 1792)

"Government is instituted for the common good, for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people, and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men"
-- from the Constitution of Massachusetts (1780)

"we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it"
-- James Madison; from Federalist #39

"if the minority, and a small one too, are suffered to dictate to the majority, after measures have undergone the most solemn discussions by the Representatives of the people, and their Will through this medium is enacted into a law; there can be no security for life, liberty or property"
-- George Washington; from letter to Daniel Morgan (Oct. 8, 1794)

"the President, or any other person, who may himself be the accuser, counsel, judge and jury, whose suspicions may be the evidence, his order the sentence, his officer the executioner, and his breast the sole record of the transaction... then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution"
-- Thomas Jefferson; from The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 (long before the so-called PATRIOT Act could even be fathomed)

"if my Countrymen should ever wish for the Honour of having among them a Gentry enormously wealthy, let them sell their Farms and pay rack'd Rents; the Scale of the Landlords will rise as that of the Tenants is depress'd who will soon become poor, tattered, dirty, and abject in Spirit... the Effect of this kind of Civil Society seems only to be, the depressing Multitudes below the Savage State that a few may be rais'd above it"
-- Benjamin Franklin; letter to Joshua Babcock (Jan. 13. 1772)

As you can see, Fox News has only ever been the voice of treason against this country. Fuck those worthless fascists! :mad:
We are very lucky to have so many choices, even though many are lazy and happily fed talking points from both sides. Whether it's cable news or internet sites, it's important for people to have gathering places so that they don't feel isolated and marginalized...because when that happens, that's when radicals really do bring out the crazies to take action. Outlets like FNC/MSNBC, who have a targeted audience, help keep the masses appeased and pacified because they make them feel validated.
We are very lucky to have so many choices, even though many are lazy and happily fed talking points from both sides. Whether it's cable news or internet sites, it's important for people to have gathering places so that they don't feel isolated and marginalized...because when that happens, that's when radicals really do bring out the crazies to take action. Outlets like FNC/MSNBC, who have a targeted audience, help keep the masses appeased and pacified because they make them feel validated.

Actually outlets like Fox help reintroduce our Founders' ideas about freedom from big liberal govt. Do you understand?
We are very lucky to have so many choices, even though many are lazy and happily fed talking points from both sides. Whether it's cable news or internet sites, it's important for people to have gathering places so that they don't feel isolated and marginalized...because when that happens, that's when radicals really do bring out the crazies to take action. Outlets like FNC/MSNBC, who have a targeted audience, help keep the masses appeased and pacified because they make them feel validated.

Actually outlets like Fox help reintroduce our Founders' ideas about freedom from big liberal govt. Do you understand?

I'm an FNC viewer, but I won't give them a lot of credit in that arena. They have filled a niche that was desperately needed when the MSM fell short of acknowledging opinions on the right. Now some on the left are obsessed with viewing them, or trusting the talking points of others to speak for them on the evils of FNC. It's quite amusing. I love the bantering on The Five, as well as the sarcasm and naughty behavior on the late night Red Eye. I'm also perfectly capable of separating news reporting from opinion analysis, and the 24 hour news cycle has less news and more opinions on all the cable outlets.
I'm an FNC viewer, but I won't give them a lot of credit in that arena.

why not, they always advocate the conservative ideas of our Founders about freedom from big liberal govt???

I didn't say that I wouldn't give them any credit, but I won't give them a lot of credit. Whether you subscribe to conservative or liberal principles, the odds that they were formed from viewing cable news, I hope are slim. Mine were established from a variety of venues, and throughout my lifetime. The opposition always likes to believe that the other side just follows along like a bunch of sheeple, but I tend to give people in general more credit. Most of us here are more passionate than the average slob, but we still like to make assumptions about the "enemy".:D
I didn't say that I wouldn't give them any credit, but I won't give them a lot of credit.

why not??? for 200 years America was drifting left, now there is a very very credible opposition. Who is more important in that opposition than FOX- the first TV station to present the American perspective again ?

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