Did John Stewart have an epiphany that BOTH parties are FULL OF ****


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K4pfiYK2IQ&feature=player_embedded]John Stewart describes how the Monsanto Protection Act was snuck in under our noses. - YouTube[/ame]
Stewart, in my opinion, although liberal, has generally played fairly when the parties mess up.
Laughed my ass off! Thanks for sharing that little taste of truth serum :)

Now all we need is more Americans understanding all the BS that is going on. If Americans really understood the corruption and bs they'd be outraged.
Laughed my ass off! Thanks for sharing that little taste of truth serum :)

Now all we need is more Americans understanding all the BS that is going on. If Americans really understood the corruption and bs they'd be outraged.

Money makes the world go 'round
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8P80A8vy9I]Cabaret- Money - YouTube[/ame]
Jon in the video above said:
Congress didn't know about a law that they themselves passed.

Everyone needs to watch that video before the fall of '14.
Laughed my ass off! Thanks for sharing that little taste of truth serum :)

Now all we need is more Americans understanding all the BS that is going on. If Americans really understood the corruption and bs they'd be outraged.

The funny thing is we all get plenty outraged, just over the wrong things :(
..........you make an excellent point
The funny thing is we all get plenty outraged, just over the wrong things :(
..........you make an excellent point

What are the right things?

Important issues. Foreign policy, national security, etc.

Instead people are outraged that Romney drives two Cadillacs and because they think Obama might be a muslim.

While people worry about petty issues Monsanto gets away with robbing farmers with support from both sides of the isle.
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Is it to be understood that people are becoming conscious of the incredible mismanagement of our employees in 'representative' government?

Or is it merely that we see who is really represented?

Personally, I am not the least surprised, having for a very long time thought that the current form of legislation was so corrupted by the two-party dictatorship that it probably needed to be replaced.

It is no longer a democracy.

It isn't even a republic.

This is male bovine excrement.
Also, I am very surprised and disappointed that this is not making a lot more noise everywhere, but especially here on the threads. Is there anyone here who wants to defend their political party's participation in this insanity?
Also, I am very surprised and disappointed that this is not making a lot more noise everywhere, but especially here on the threads. Is there anyone here who wants to defend their political party's participation in this insanity?

When you expose both parties at the same time, instead of everyone agreeing, they instinctively forgive themselves and the other party, instead of confronting the real issue.

They truly want to be deceived by One party, so they can vent their hatred and miserable lives onto the other party.

Admitting to what they've seen would make them realize they've been sheep the whole time, thus they must remain sheep in order to protect their fragile minds.
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What they truly want is what the other guys have. Big fat checks in their 'campaign funds' :wink_2:

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Stewart doesn't have epiphanys. He entertains. If anythinng he pointed out how stupid you are. Politicians don't elect themselves.
Stewart doesn't have epiphanys. He entertains. If anythinng he pointed out how stupid you are. Politicians don't elect themselves.

US 'voters' (the majority of the eligible don't vote) are to blame. The constitution makes the federal government very democratic by allowing the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate to be replaced every two years. As that controls all government expenditures, it is very important power in the hands of the people. Since the people have abandoned their responsibilities, special interests have replaced them, predictably.

The two party divying up of the nation is scandalous, but clearly the fault of those who have allowed it to take place.
If you are shocked that Stewart is faulting the Ds for the Monsanto decision, then you haven't paying attention to Stewart.

Anything that either party does that is stupid has always been grist for his mill.

Those of you still convinced that Obama is a lefty are delusionally partisan.

This Monsanto bill is still another perfect piece of evidence that he is a tool of the corporations no less than the Rs.
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Stewart knows it, we all know it.

Yet, for some reason, we're not willing to change a system that allows it.

Okay, so, tough shit.


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